ONE Piece Design! Milwaukee Torx and Hex Key Hand Tools [LIFETIME WARRANTY]

These new Milwaukee Hex Key and Torx Bits have a one-piece design with the tips receiving a heat-treated process for hardening. These new hand tools include a Limited Lifetime Warranty.
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Milwaukee 48-22-9531 10pc 3/8 in. Torx Bit Socket Set:
Milwaukee 48-22-9532 13pc 1/4″ and 3/8″ TORX Bit Socket Set:
Milwaukee 48-22-9543 11pc 3/8″ Drive Hex Bit Socket Set:
Milwaukee 48-22-9540 10pc 1/4 in. SAE Hex Bit Socket Set:
Milwaukee 48-22-2187 22pc Ball End SAE/Metric L- Key Set:

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Milwaukee is continuing to roll out some Of their hand tools that we actually saw Last year at the pipeline event uh but Glad to see these we saw uh all of these At that event and we love to see that They're expanding their mechanics hand Tool line uh as well as just their General hand tool line uh let's take a First uh look here or let's take a look First at these uh Ballin Allen wrenches or hex wrenches or Key wrenches what ever you want to call [Music] Them now you get 22 keys in this kit so You get a 13 piece here and a nine piece Here and uh this kit with both of these In it are going to run you about $50 I Think like $49.97 and they have a Lifetime warranty on these you can see Here these rotate out so you don't fold Them out so they don't have wings they Just kind of slide out this way and then You can push the key out and pull it out And we have a ball end on one end and Obviously the short key on the other end With a standard hex Design even a laser ET Milwaukee logo And the size of so 530 seconds there I Do like the case so it's not just like a Friction fit you actually clip it in and Then again it kind of folds into place So that's the SAE the metric we're going To have uh 13 piece and everything from One and a half up to 10 with a skip on

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Nine and we're going to get a one and a Half as well as a two and a half in half Increment so one and a half two 2 and A2 Three four five 6 no S8 no nine and a 10 and again the kit with both of these Are going to run you 50 bucks with a Lifetime warranty And by the way the model number on these Is the 48-22 2187 now this is the 10piece hex key set Or 10piece Allen key Set uh quarter inch Sockets so if I pull these off you see Quarter-inch Drive sockets the whole 10 Piece set is going to run you about $60 Uh for this set and that includes the Holder here to hold each One of the keys and easy to pull these Off and you get that square design much Like their sockets which gives you a Couple of options here number one They're not going to just roll away so When you lay them down they're going to Stay in place Also you can use a wrench so obviously You can use your ratchet or you can grab Your wrench put it right there on the Socket in those kind of low profile Situations and be able to provide that Extra torque uh with your Wrench but obviously with your Quarter-inch Drive Socket can use that As well now the design on this I Remember talking to them uh at the event

Is this is uh a hardened and heated Process on the tip only so basically This is a one piece design so there's Not two pieces here most of the time When you see these hex and torque key Sets uh you'll see a two-piece design You'll see the base of the socket and Then you'll see uh where the hex is just Kind of sitting in there or pinned in There or pressed in but in this case It's actually one unit it's actually one Piece and then the only the tip is heat Treated so this is going to be harder But a little more brittle and uh the Base is going to be a little bit softer But have more durability with some uh You know stretch and flex if you will And not a lot of torque is going to be Driven on it with a quarter inch drive But still you get the Idea these are also marked very well so We can see it obviously they're laser Ed So they may not say stay there forever Um and I don't feel that it's really Engraved but again the sizing is right On There and 60 bucks again for the bit Holder the rails as well as the Bits and model number on that is the 4 8-22 d95 40 and lifetime warranty on this as Well and then the part number or model Number on this is the 48- 22- 9543 or

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9543 and this is your 11 piece metric Hex kit now the end pieces here are Going to be your 3/8 drive as as well as Down here the smaller ones as well so Even though they're larger these are Still 38 drive all the way up so it's Not a/2 in drive there and we have Everything from four all the way up to 14 mm on these Allen keys or hex Keys Now this kit with the rail and uh all of The bits is going to cost you $80 and You're going to get that same lifetime Warranty and we get that same non Rollway design one piece design with the Heat treatment there just on the tip uh For Durability and longevity as well as Performance and you can see here on this Rocker stud or this rocker bolt very Good engagement very little slop if Any on that 6 Mm it's a really nice design there And again you're going to get that same Lifetime Warranty now the green rails so when you See the green rails here we know right Away that's going going to be Torx and model number on this is the 48-22 9531 and that's the 10piece kit with the Rails it's going to run you $70 and just like on the hex or the Allen Keys these are going to have that Heat treatment here on the tip one piece

Design and these are going to be all 38 Drive bits or Sockets and That's and that's from your T20 38 drive all the way through from The T20 all the way up to the T60 glad to see that that hits going up Past 50 all the way up to your 55 and Your 60 as Well easy to read markings on here and Lifetime warranty also and then finally We have the 48-22 9532 again the green rail so we know That's Torx and this is a 13 piece kit Which gives you 38 drive and quarter Inch drive From T8 so you get the T8 the T10 the T15 T20 T25 27 30 40 45 47 50 55 and the T60 all in one Kit and this one's going to run you $90 you get the rail and all 13 bill For that $90 and you get a lifetime Warranty as Well very clean look again with that Same one piece design and the hardened Tips and by the way I remember talking To them if you do lose one break one What have you they do have model number Stamped right there on each individual One and very simple replacement where You don't have to ship that in I believe You just email them or call them and They'll get you another bit right out so Again on these

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Kits we go 60 70 80 and $90 and then $50 on the hex keys and Lifetime warranty on all these hand Tools