PACKOUT and Die! Milwaukee PACKOUT Tap and Die Set with HEX-LOK Review [49-22-5603 -5604]

Mechanics, fabricators, contractors; many trades rely on a quality tap and die set. These new 38-piece Milwaukee PACKOUT Tap and Die Sets are available in Metric and SAE. The HEX-LOK system allows you to use the same tool for using the taps and dies. You also don’t need any other tools, like a small screwdriver, for tightening set screws. Detents on the handle allow the dies to snap into place, and the same detents retain the tap holder in place as well. Look for these to hit the shelve in September 2023.
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Milwaukee PACKOUT 38-pc Metric Tap and Die Set:
Milwaukee PACKOUT 38-pc SAE Tap and Die Set:

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Milwaukee puts a whole new twist into Their new hex lock tap and die set Well of course Milwaukee is going to Release their new hex lock tap and die Sets integrated into the pack out system Actually not a bad idea and if you don't Want the pack out well you get the pack Out and then you just got the trays that You can use as well we've got different Model numbers for the SAE and the metric But basically they're both 38 piece kits Let's dive in take a closer look and We'll actually use it and come back and Tell you what we think of it talk about Pricing and warranty some brand new Tools releasing today from Milwaukee are The new tap and die sets in the pack out System with the hexlot design we'll go Over all that here in just one moment Obviously you see the slim pack outs Here they will stack on top of one Another and you can probably already Tell what we have going on Just like with wrenches and sockets we Have a red case here a black case here Yes this is going to be your SAE the red Just like their wrenches and then the Black is going to be your metric let's Go ahead and get the plastic off of this One And there's some really cool features Going on in here it's not just a simple Tap and die set well it is a simple tap And die set but there's some cool

Features that that Milwaukee has added That I haven't seen other manufacturers Do to start I I like the fact that it's In a pack out I also like the fact that The dies are actually standing up and Not laying down it makes it a little Easier to grab each of the sizes are Marked here on in the actual plastic I Believe that's is that I always get it Mixed up whether that's embossed or Deboss basically it's raised lettering For each of the sizes here in the pack Out tray so you can see the sizing there And then you can see the laser etching Here on the die as well now as with all Laser etching over time especially the Ones you use a lot that's probably going To wear off but it should stay if you Oil it up and don't let rust get to it Should stay for several several years Now we'll go over all the sizes here in A moment each kit is a 38 piece kit so You get the same amount of TAPS the same Amount of dies corresponding to one Another you also get a thread pitch Gauge here so I love to see that in a Kit like this so you can actually tell You know if you've got a if you've got a Boulder if you've got a Something with threads you can actually Use your thread pitches and they're Marked there clearly And you can tell how many threads per Inch like on the SAE and then as well as

On the metric side as well now if you Don't want this in the pack out you can Remove the insert not hard remove the Tray out of here Now you can put that in your toolbox or Whatever you want or just carry it to Wherever you're working and do it that Way as well now let's hit the model Numbers really quick for the set so this Set is the 49-22-5604 and the metric is the 49-22-5603 and as I mentioned 38 piece Kit now let's go over their hex lock Design that's one of their key features That they talk about and it is a pretty Cool feature we basically have one Handle that can handle everything that's Going on in here so your Taps your dies Everything will work with the same T Handle you're not having to use Different riches different tool holders For different taps or different dies or Even different size dies so you have the T-handle here and it has detent bearings Right here built into it so these Taps Which by the way I believe they're one Chaps and we'll go over that here in one Moment you see it's clearly marked the Start side so we want the start side on This side and it will just push in there And it pops into place Push it out And you're good to go so there's no Detent

Holes here on the side of the socket There's no set screws on the side of the Die there's no set screws in the T-handle just the detents built into There on three different sides and again Just make sure you've got it on the Right side and pop that in there and now It's It's not going anywhere so I really like That design no little screwdriver you're Having to get to tighten up a set screw These dies are one inch dies so you can See here on the SAE And even on the metric of the common one Inch size dies so again the same handle Will work even Crossing into the SAE and The metric you don't have to worry about That either then let's go over the Actual tool holder here for the Taps This is getting even cooler and some Cool technology going on in here now you Can use this you can use the tool holder The or the tap holder with the included T-handle and it slips in here And it's got a couple of uh snap rings In the inside there that's actually Holding that Rod into place so it Doesn't just slide out at the same time It's pretty easy to move it just doesn't Fall out free willy-nilly so that rod Goes right there in the tool holder you Can use it that way or you can actually Use this you see the little recessions There because it will line up with the

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Actual Ball Bearing detents in the T-handle so now you're using the same Tap holder with the die holder as a tool For actually making your threads And it doesn't stop there Move this out of the way So here we have the largest size tab Which I believe is a half inch by 20 and Here we have the smaller size tap which Is the 4-40. now typically you would Probably have maybe two or maybe even Three different tap holders to actually Handle those two types of taps or the Different sizes of taps So you can see here some knurling right Here on the edge so very easy now again No tools necessary to be able to put in Your Taps and you see that opens up Nicely and you open up a little more And I think you see where I'm going with This as far as on this larger tap And so that holds it into place you can Lock that down put it in your t-handle And you're ready to start tapping Threads in a hole now what about that Smaller tap well that's cool so let's Open that up and then we'll clamp that All the way down Uh oh Doesn't fit in there well Let's see something here let's open this Up And now we'll see that now we're holding The smaller tap so let's see what's

Going on here pretty cool design here Again no tools necessary I'm going to open this all the way up And a couple of things number one this Really makes this serviceable so there's That And then you'll see the Jaws come out of Here which be careful if you're doing This just kind of hold them together as They come out they're held together by a Spring and very simple spring it's not Going to go anywhere at least if you Kind of hold it in place two hooks on or Hook on either end that connects these Two jaws together and you can see now What's going on with these Jaws is that The larger Taps are going to fit right There and the smaller TAPS in the same Jaws fifth down here in this smaller Groove so really cool design that again You've eliminated some tools out of the Kit that are not necessary anymore when You have a system like this so you have One tool doing the same job and as I Said now you know as things wear out you Can replace these Jaws or you can just Get you know a new hex lock tool holder Or if you need to replace the t-handle But even that t-handle is serviceable as Well as you can see here with these Plates So really cool design here that I really Like to see that's Takes out of the equation the need to go

Oh well which tool do I need to hold Which tap now something else that I just Noticed that I really like to see again Just kind of making it very simple Because most of the time if you're Buying a tap and die set you're probably I would assume most of the time buying An SAE animetric set you may be working On things that are only metric and by Just a metric but typically I see people They have their SAE and metrics anyway So you see our thread pitch scale here Or thread pitch index And here's the thread pitch index for The metric so this is gold this is Silver again keeping that nice and Separate just by easily looking at them You can tell oh that's my metric set That's a gold one so I like little Things like that when Milwaukee's Thinking ahead and saying okay let's Make red one and black another as well As even identifying the even thread Pitch gauges now I'm not going to go Over all the sizes that maybe it will Flash it up on the screen but basically The SAE is going to go from a 4-40 National course all the way up to a half Inch by 13 National course and a half Inch by 20 National fine and on the Metric side you're going to go from a I Believe it's an M3 yeah an M3 Dash .50 To a an M12 1.5 and an M12 1.75 with that said I do wish that

Milwaukee would have added one thing and That is kind of a you know a Drill and Tap index sheet or a you know a drill Gauge for each one of the Taps I kind of Threw it on a spreadsheet here because Not even on the packaging did it show Which drill bits correspond to which Taps you can find those on the internet But if you had them exactly for this kit And and you can see uh put in the drill Bit number or the size when you ever Look at a drill index especially the Smaller ones you'll have a a coinciding Either a number or a letter and then it Gets on up to the larger size and you Actually see fractional sizes but here's The drill bit number here's the decimal Equivalent and then same thing on the Metric side I've got the metric Equivalent as well as the drill bit Number and then the decimal equivalent As well let me know if you want that Maybe I'll provide something you know in A file or something like that and maybe A PDF of this but I do wish that Milwaukee would include that so that you Know how big you drill the hole before You tap it because obviously on a half Inch threaded hole you don't drill it Out to a half inch there would be Nothing to thread I did look at doing Something like where we'd put it like in The insert of the pack out but I think The sizing would be too small to

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Actually fit in there but anyway we'll Keep working on that let us know if you Want something like this and we'll Definitely get it to you okay let's tap A couple of holes here we've actually Got them pre-drilled and the first one Looks like a 1024 So let's find our 1024 there we go And again That's going to go which by the way let Me touch on something else If you're questioning On whether or not or where you actually You whether you use the outside Jaws or The inside Jaws on the Taps that's Really easy if the Taps are on this side So the larger ones use the outside Square here if they're on the other side The smaller side that's where you're Going to use the internal a couple of Them will cross over and work vice versa But that's just easy to understand that If it's on this side on the smaller side Then open these Jaws up and you want to Put them down deeper into the Jaws And turn it the right way there we go so Just kind of open it slowly until it Falls in there And then clamp it down and now you're Ready to go Again take this Pop it down in there into my handle And now it's not going anywhere And if you haven't noticed this handle

It's very beefy nice and heavy Um and kind of what you'd want in a Handle I don't want it real light I want It to help me do some work without me Having to put a lot of pressure on it And also I like the chrome finish Because that will be easy cleanup so We've got a few holes drilled here we've Actually already done the 1024 so let's Start with the 5 16-18 and we've got our holes Pre-drilled so we'll go to uh 5 16-18 Right there And you can see we can also see it right Here on the tap itself and again since I'm on the left hand side then I can Actually use the larger side of the of The Jaws You always want to use a little cutting Fluid If nothing else at least Use some WD-40 but I highly recommend Some good quality cutting fluid And I was caught taught kind of old School And Turning a couple of threads backing it Up And what that will do Is you will get the threads cutting And then it will break off those filings Into the tap and I'll show you here in One moment

So especially thicker Steel Like I'm I believe this is 3 8. You don't want to just drive this in You want to gently work it in And yes you're going to have to apply a Little pressure but not tons of pressure And you can feel it and sometimes even Hear it when it kind of clicks off and You feel those those pieces actually Break off into the tap There it went And then you know when you've gotten Through because it's going to be very Easy Always like to walk it past the Apex There for a little bit and the thing I Really like about this too again I don't Have to undo a set screw just pop that Off and now I should be able to back That out by hand You might have a little debris in your Tap that gets wants to get hung up But other than that it should come out Nice and smooth And so now you see all the fragments in That tap that's in the flutes of that Tap and that's what you're breaking off When you screw it in a turn or two and Then back it out and screw it in a turn Or two back it out and I say a turn or Two really you know two quarters of a Turn if you will maybe a half of a full Turn but just cut it a little bit back It off and it will break off those

Little fragments into the flutes and Here's the rest of the fragments that Actually fell straight down from the Hole so you can see all the little Broken pieces of metal from tapping that Hole that again is pretty critical that You keep that nice and clean and in the Flutes of that or either falling out While you're tapping those threads Something else I highly recommend take Some air pressure and and blow all this Out before you put it back in your tool Case I see people try to wipe this off But these are very very sharp and it's Just going to either tear up your towel Or tear the paper towel and get it all In there but take it over maybe over a Trash can or something take your air Hose and blow all the shrapnel out of There And there you have it now it's nice and Clean and now back that off and put that Back in my case now let's do one more That's a 10-125 so we'll go over to the Metric and there's our 10 by 1.25 and Again it's on the left side or the Bigger side of the Of the case and by the way I'm using my SE SAE Jaws which should not matter Same ones will work on either And Lube this up You always want to be try to be nice and Vertical when you start your hole And getting started you can get a few

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Turns in But then again back it out You hear it snap and you'll feel it snap To get real easy again There we go and so Yeah I would say probably a half of a Full turn And then back it off And if you want to be safe go quarter Turn and back it up And take care of your Taps that way and Your dies and you won't be breaking them Especially in the smaller ones they like To break rather easily I don't care what Type of tap it is the this metal the the Steel the harder you get in steel Especially even in the tool steel the Harder you get the more brittle you get So the harder you get the less flexible It is so just understand that doesn't Mean doesn't matter what tap and die set It is even the the best of the best They're still very brittle they're not Made to flex so if you get them in Crooked or you try to over torque them They will break they won't Bend they Won't warp they'll break Make sure you're nice and clean there we Go now I know it's nice and clean you Know take that handle off And should be able to spin it out by Hand until maybe I get some of that Metal down there in the flutes it might Hang up a little bit

Yeah again got some metal but the the Larger you get the more it's going to Fall out of there has room too but you Still we still have some shrapnel in There the rest of it is falling down Below okay while we're here we might as Well thread a rod and I believe this is Half inch yeah so 494 so we'll just go Over here and we'll remove our tap Holder And we'll grab the half inch by 20. so We'll do a national fine I believe that's National fine and we Got the start side Again recommend Some cutting fluid Make a mess And again you want to Be sure that you're starting this nice And flat And same idea applies get a couple of Turns in back it up a couple more turns Back it up Don't be afraid of the lube that's going To keep things nice and smooth for you Get your threads without any chatter in Them And so now we've taken this regular old Steel rod And Made nice pretty National fine half inch threads Same thing here make sure you go blow Those uh fragments out of that die

Before you stick it back in your case or You don't have to but I recommend it now Both of these units the 5603 and the 5604 SAE and Metric sets are each 200 Bucks 199.97 now what I'm not exactly sure on Is whether or not these are covered Under a lifetime warranty I'm pretty Sure the tooling side is covered under Their lifetime warranty like the handle And the die holder but I don't believe The Taps are covered on their lifetime Warranty I really didn't get uh details On that I'll try to do that and leave it In the description because we know Taps Are going to break in fact To be completely honest uh I broke the 1024 when we were testing and playing Around and and uh I got it in crooked And tried to torque a little too much And broke it that is not a factor of Milwaukee I would be able to tell if These were you know chintzy Taps they Weren't hard or something like that it Wasn't that but I did want to be Absolutely honest with you and let you Know I broke a tap but as I mentioned When you're dealing with smaller Taps if You're not being very careful you will Break those they're very brittle TAPS in General very hard steel and they're very Brittle steel so be careful with that no Matter what you're doing and even in the Uh when I was actually threading this

Rod if you look the threads are actually Crooked on this you have to be Absolutely sure that you're nice and Flat on top again that doesn't matter Whether that's a Milwaukee tap an Erwin Tap a Snap On Tap I don't care you have To make sure that you have a nice flat Surface or perpendicular surface that You're starting with and make sure that Your TAP is starting well I was kind of Reaching around the camera and more Worried about what was on screen screen Rather than what was going on here but Like I said if you look at that and the Threads are kind of going pretty crooked And once you get thread started it's not Like they're going to straighten out That's just not going to happen hey Great kits here love the pack out Integration as well especially if you Like the pack out system and Hey listen You can take it out if you don't want it These should be releasing in the next Few weeks I think I saw ship date maybe The beginning of September also we'll Have a link in the description for these Keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and if you Don't mind hit that like And subscribe Button if you haven't done so already And by all means if you hated our video Well give us a thumbs down but would you Let us know in the comments why have a Great day and keep smiling