RYOBI RYI818BT One+ 18V Power Station Review – 1800W Output

We put the RYOBI RYI818BT 18V Power Station through the paces, pushing the output limits. With just one 18V battery, you can get up to 450W of usable power. With two 18V One+ batteries, you get up to 900W, and with just four 18V batteries, you get the full 1800 Watts of output from the RYOBI power station. Capacity (Wh) is dependent upon the size of batteries that you use and you can use up to eight One+ 18V batteries.
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Do you need a power station run on tool Batteries let's find out This is the Ryobi OnePlus 18 volt power Station battery inverter battery charger And several more things but basically It's a Power Station built around the Ryobi OnePlus 18 volt batteries now There's eight battery ports on here but You don't have to run eight batteries to Get full power of 1800 watts of output Now let's dig in and look at the details Of this it might look a lot like the 40 Volt version of this that we've already Reviewed but it's actually quite Different and there's quite a few Features that the 40 volt does not have This is the Ryobi 18 volt 1800 watt Power station battery inverter has a Place for eight 18 volt one plus battery So four on this side and four on the Other side now you don't have to have All eight in there to actually use this It also acts as an eight Port battery Charger as well so you can put all eight Batteries in here plug it in and it will Charge your batteries for you it's not Going to be a fast charger but it will Charge them at least while they sit in There if you have it plugged in we'll go Over all that here in a few moments now Max output on this is 1800 watts Continuous and 3 000 Watts for startup So we'll test that and just see how long It will run at 3000 Watts or at least

You know 1800 plus before it actually Cuts out now the size of this it's not Actually that big it's about 13 inches Tall Not too wide either with the handles you Look looking at about 12 inches wide on The handles and it is pretty lengthy at Right at 19 inches long maybe a little More than 19 inches long Now weight by itself is not going to be That much but of course that's going to Increase dramatically to 14 pounds 15 Ounces so right at 15 pounds for The power station alone Let's throw in some batteries before we Talk about it anymore and I'm just going To grab some typical 4 amp hours And it doesn't matter what size they are I'm gonna put two over here And by the way you can run this on a Single battery so you can see I can Power this on And run this with just one battery up to 450 Watts with just four batteries You'll get the max output of 1800 watts Out now Obviously as far as Watt hours as far as Capacity that's really going to be Determined by the size of your batteries But as far as performance or immediate Output that is not determined by the Size of the battery any size batteries If you have four of them will output up To 1800 watts and with two of them or

With just one you can you can output up To 450 Watts so if you're powering Something small you can do that with Just one battery Now understand it's Converting the 18 volt batteries into 120 volts of output or whatever actually You're sourcing because there's some USBS here on the side as well But it is an inverter meaning it's using Some energy to actually transform or Convert that voltage from 18 stepping it Up to 120 and uh into other voltages Like 5 volts at the USB things like that So you're not going to get 100 of the Battery capacity through this inverter And out through the output without Losing anything you're going to lose a Little bit of that in here now granted It may be six eight ten percent but you Are going to lose something in the Inverter process of the voltage now you Can see right here on the side we have Two USB type A ports at 12 Watts we have Two more USB type A ports but they're The quick charge at 18 watts and then we Have two USB type-c ports that are PD 45 Watts a piece actually that's probably 45 Watts total output between the two But regardless if you have one plugged In you can get up to 45 Watts out Now here on the front panel we have an LCD screen where we can read the status Of each of the batteries it also tells Us how much power we can put out so up

To 1800 watts it gives us a session time As well so I've had this on for about Three minutes now this is the power on Button so hold this to power on hold This to power off And then even once it's on as I was Mentioning that inverter running to Actually turn that on we have to push The AC power button so I can push this On Actually have to press and hold to turn On there we go and now it turns it on And now we're actually starting up that Inverter you may hear a fan running you May not initially but once you start Taxing that you'll probably hear the fan Run we have 320 volt outlets right here At 15 amps with again a Max output of 1800 watts circuit breaker button here So if it trips we can push that and Reset it and then we can also run Another Power Station in parallel with This one so you can really double Your Capacity and double your output at 3 600 Watts if you want to by paralleling two Of the power stations together the three Small buttons here on the right the top One is going to control This Little Light here we can use as a work light in Bright and low as well as there's a red Light and then a red flashing light also So just press the button to cycle Through and then turn it off as well and Then we can even control the the dimming

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Brightness of the LCD screen press it Again a little brighter and then that's Going to go into off and then low and Then High So we have an off mode where it's going To maybe save a little power so we can Cycle through those right by pressing That button and then this button here is Going to hold the pair because we can Actually connect this to the Gen control Lab so here's the Gen control app and You see it connects right there to the Actual unit and it tells me how much Watts we have going out which is none I Can turn off the AC power if I want to Right there from the app and you see as Quick as I touch the button here it Turns it off and on right there so very Quickly I can even shut down the unit so If I go to shutdown I actually have to hold the yes down for A few seconds let that bar come all the Way across and then actually shut down The machine you'll also see I'll get a Notification that comes up that says hey I can't connect which obviously because Our power is off Tells me that shutdown was successful Do I want to unpair or scan again so let Me just turn this on And it should connect automatically Without me having to pair again I'm just going to click this to scan Again

And now it says reconnection in progress And you can see right here in the app That I have a battery in one and two and Five and in six and it tells me the Status of each as well So pretty cool uh little app here where We can actually see the status of Batteries so maybe your indoors or in a Tent or whatever it may be and you're Just checking the status of the Batteries you can do that you can even Add your second generator and even look At you know total run times things like That Now if you'll notice you'll see a USB Type-c port here on the front of the Machine this is for charging and so with It you get this little charging block Right here As well as the USB type c to type c Cable so type c on each end and that's How we can actually charge the device Very simple charging block and USB Type-c cable now interestingly enough This is also where you would actually Connect a solar panel so the solar panel Would have to have a USB type out from The solar panel and then into a type c As you see here which Ray OB has a solar Panel and we'll go over that here in one Moment also Now I kind of alluded to that really Your output as far as capacity so how Long will it run is really determined by

Your batteries and depending on which Batteries you're going to put in there Is really going to determine how much Runtime you'll get and if you'll look on Your batteries like this six amp hour It's very easy to calculate if you take Six amp hours times 18 volts that's 60 And 48 so that's 108 Watt hours and if You look here on the bottom sure enough Six amp hour 108 Watt hours so there's 108 Watt hours in that battery and then If I look at the 9 amp hour again Multiply 9 times 18 that's going to be 90 and 72 that's 162 and if you look on The bottom of this battery 9 amp hour 162 Watt hours So the bigger the battery the more Capacity you're going to have in this Machine And it pretty much is what it is what You're putting in is what you're getting Out with a little bit less So now with all four full Let's take a look here on the back so we Have two it looks like PC fans here on The back of the unit again you'll hear Those kick on once we actually start Taxing the unit and actually powering it Up And now we can see on the front here Again our session time at three and a Half minutes and then all eight Batteries are fully charged so we see That quick status of those batteries and

We've got zero watts output now before We actually plug something in these Handles really double or really triple As other features as well and they act As like a roll cage so you can see even Laying over here it's still just laying On the handles not laying on the battery So that comes in very handy so if this Thing does happen to tip over you're not Worried about it resting on those Batteries also right here you see these Slots here on the front of the handle The back handle's got the same thing so That's going to act as a cord wrap So if you've got an extension cord where You're powering things off of this you Can wrap it around the bottom and Provides a way to actually wrap the cord And keep it nice and tidy without it Hanging off somewhere now if you really Want the most out of your inverter Generator or power station then you may Want to step up to the 12 amp hour Ryobi OnePlus battery I'm not sure if these Are available yet they are brand new so They'll be out anytime now if they Aren't already and on this again 12 Times 18 is going to give you 216 Watt Hours out so with eight of these you're Looking at 1720 Watt hours of capacity and the Other cool thing about this generator is Or this power station is that you can Hot swap the battery so if this one were

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Dying or dead I could pull that off While it's going push this one in and It's going to read that one and actually See that it's in the port There if I plug it all the way in there We go so now it actually sees that one Season it's in the port it's down to Sell but that's fine but you can hot Swap these batteries without having to Shut down the machine or turn it off But the bad thing on the 12 amp hour as You see that it actually sticks out Beyond that roll cage I was talking About so if you did have the 12 amp Hours in it is going to rest on that Battery and not on the handles or the Roll cage Now the power station does not come with The batteries but it does come with a a Hood so if it's a little moisture out Raining something like that you can Actually put this on A little velcro strip in the back Keeps it open for the fan Turn it around front here and we have a Clear screen that you can see through or If I need to unzip this quickly And get in there make some changes I can Do so So great idea for a little Morning Dew Or just kind of keeping leaves and Debris off of it as well as you have a Little box pocket here on the side where You can put in your charger and your

Cable And keep that nice and tucked away as Well Now an accessory that you can get is the Ryobi 60 watt solar panel now this is a Folding solar panel and it's magnetic Here so when it closes together you Don't have to have any snaps or cords or Anything like that any velcro it's Actually going to magnetize together so Pretty cool Little easily transportable solar panel Also right here in the integrated pocket There's some different tips As well as a typical tip here that you Can connect and daisy chain solar panels Together we also have a USB type-c out And a USB type A out at 24 watts and at 45 Watts Max and this is also where you Will actually charge The power station from the solar panel So that's one thing you'll need you'll Need a long or USB type c to go from This panel to the front of the unit But just a very handy little solar panel From Ryobi as well and again it's pretty Cool that it folds out And set it up And right here on the unit itself as Well are also little kickstands That velcro down so one on this side one On this side so very easy to set those Up and very quickly do so now we've got A pretty good way of testing these power

Stations and it's pretty bright way as Well so we've got some 500 watt halogen Bulbs uh wired up here to individual Switches each switch actually calls on a Thousand or two 500 watt bulbs but what We can do is take a bulb out or two and Act as just 500 watts and then call Those on and see how the power station Actually handles it go ahead and plug Our units in Number one Number two And number three All right let me get my welding helmet On Let's turn on the AC ports There we go so now we're running on the AC side let's call on one switch So that's two bulbs And it says it's pulling 994 Watts So 993 991 So right at a thousand Watts let's call On the second one Now we hear the fans kick on in the back And it's pulling 1856 Watts so we're already over the Claimed 1800 watts it's running it's Sustained right now Just want to let this run for a minute Or so to make sure that it will run it You see all the batteries are already Starting to pull down So it's running continuous at 1840 1850

So definitely pulling out some wattage Fans are kicking on in the back both of Them running pretty high I'm going to call on a third and this is Probably going to trip it pretty quickly But let's see we're at 2201 let's flip It Yeah so right away it actually tripped The unit says it's gone into overload uh The lights are flashing so I'm going to Turn off the AC So I'm going to turn off the AC So basically all I had to do was hold That down and it reset it up Let me turn my switches back off Here we go Now we're reset Now it's ready to go again and I can Instantly call on one of those and it's Not going to have a problem running that So it's already pulling a thousand Watts Out again And now 1800 but what's interesting is When it says that it will take that 3000 Watt startup as soon as I flip that Switch and it goes it doesn't even get Close to 3000 But it instantly trips the unit So I'm a Believer in That it will run 1800 watts I'm not a Believer in that it'll do a 3000 watt Startup because As I mentioned even at say 2 800 watts Out it's not even running it longer than

A second or two it's interesting once it Quits pulling it looks like it's Balanced out a little bit and uh reading That most of these batteries are still Full So while it's drawing on the batteries We're definitely seeing the the capacity Drop as far as how the Inverter is actually reading those Turn that off So now let's see if these batteries come Back as far as on the status yeah those Two have That one did And again I'm sure this is just an Interpretation of the voltage that it's Actually reading on the pack so you Can't really go by you know this as an Exact measure but it is interesting when The batteries aren't under load it's Reading a different voltage on them okay So what I did Was on the third set I actually unhooked One of the 500 watt bulbs so it should Only call on one additional 500 watts Which should be about 2500 watts and Let's see if it trips it as quick So turn on my AC And then let's call them the first set So no problem there second set Just like before no problem there so Probably 18 yeah 1850 and now we're Going to add another roughly say 450 500 Watts so we should be at about 23.50 or

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So 2400 Yeah instantly even with adding 500 Watts so not even getting close to the 3000 it trips it and goes into overload So running 1800 1850 Not a problem but running over that by Any means and it's really having a Problem Now one thing about the Ryobi folding Solar panel very easy to set up it Literally took seconds to open it up Expand the legs out lean it against the Legs hook up the USB type-c cable and Then plug it into the front of the unit And you can also fine tune the panel so That you can change the lean to make Sure that you're getting that best Facing of the sun to get as much output As possible and you can see here on the Panel with the type C plug plugged in That now it tells us our input Watts Which the sun just went behind the cloud So it's 9 Watts 10 12. now it's going up So as the sun comes out gonna go up to Now 33. you're probably rarely going to Get a full 60 watts but you can get up There in that 50 range as long as you're Aiming it correctly now when it's in Charging mode you cannot actually use The power station so it's not it doesn't Actually work both ways you have to Either be charging or discharging one Thing we've noticed in testing Generators and Power stations is that a

Lot of times the Instant Power output That they claim to have for like startup Like the 3000 Watts we really can't seem To hit that Mark with any type of Certainty in other words we try to push It past the limits and it instantly goes Out and trip now it claims that it can Handle a startup so like a refrigerator Starting up or something like that that Would have kind of a surge initially and Then would fall off but anytime we Pushed it over say you know 2 000 Watts Or so it instantly tripped that now I'm Really not holding a lot against that Because we pushed it a little beyond the 1800 running Watts at 1850 and it just Sustained that for as long as we wanted To run it so it did that very well just Didn't do well of really peeking at that 3000 Watts so I'm not sure how long it Should be sustaining that but we Couldn't see that it would do it longer Than a second or so but regardless as You saw we were definitely pushing it Past the 1800 sustainable or runny Watts That it absolutely did very well now as Far as capacity as we mentioned it's Really going to be determined by the Size of batteries that you put in it and You're going to lose a little bit of That from the converter processor or the Inverter process where it's converting The voltage the solar panel worked Really great I mean it was pretty much

Seamless you know just plug it in now we Did notice that if the sun went behind The clouds and there was no wattage or No voltage coming out and it reads Watts Here on the front that it would go into Like a beat where it would beep every Few seconds letting you know that There's no input and as the sun came out From behind the clouds and it hit say You know eight or ten watts and it Started reading that then that beep went Away so you didn't have to do anything But it does need to have some sunshine On those panels when you have it plugged In and it's just like the other power Stations in the tool battery industry That you can't run this two ways in Other words you can't charge it and Discharge it at the same time you're Doing either or as soon as you plug that USB type-c cable here on the front and It's reading any kind of type of input It shuts down the discharge or output Through the AC or the DC outlet now Let's talk pricing on this you're Looking at 650 dollars for the bear tool Or for the bear power station which Comes with just the power station no Batteries the charger and the little Rain hood and then the solar panel is Going to run you 250 dollars for the 60 Watt solar panels pricing on these is Rather Stout if you're needing to Purchase all the batteries with this but

If it's something where you already have All the batteries and you're wanting to Get into a power station for 650 bucks Not a bad price to pay for that 1800 Watt output now again there are other Things on the market that do have that Two-way technology that is probably About the same price once you bought Batteries or maybe even a little cheaper And integrates with more different types Of solar panels that may save you a Little money but again you're not Running the batteries that maybe you Already have your tools so that's Definitely the perk in this situation Three year warranty on the power station Three year warranty on the solar panel We'll have links in the description to Both of these so check it out for Yourself also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and if you don't mind when you hit That like And subscribe button if you Haven't done so already and by all means Did you hate our video well give us a Thumbs down but would you let us know in The comments why have a great day keep Smiling