SIMPLE, EASY & $40! PREXISO 2 in 1 Laser Spirit Level Review

PREXISO sent us their 2-in-1 Laser Spirit Level and asked us to provide our honest feedback, which we don’t know how to do otherwise. #sponsored There are three standout features of this PREXISO 2-in-1 Laser Spirit Level. The first is simplicity, the second is ease of use, and the third is the low price. You can pick up this PREXISO Laser Level on Amazon for less than $40. #laserlevel #tools #review

PREXISO 2-in-1 Laser Level:

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This is the proxyzo two-in-one laser Spirit level now there's three big Reasons why I really like this level and We're going to hit you with them right Out of the gate so stick around All right first things first right out Of the gate proxy so reached out to us And said if we send you our level free Of charge will you tell your viewers the Honest truth of what you think about it And we said that's all we can do that's All we know how to do send it on now as Promised the three things we love about This number one very simple to use Number two very easy to read especially When it's lit and number three less than 40 bucks yeah you can purchase this on Amazon for like 39.97 so yes proxy so Set this to us free of charge and we're Going to give you our honest review our Honest opinion because that's all we Know how to do so let's jump right in And take a closer look at this and we'll Use it and then we'll come back and talk About pricing well never mind we already Talked about pricing but we'll come back And wrap it up I know we just introduced This but this is the proxy so two in one Laser spirit level and the level it's Self lengthwise is just over a foot so 12 and a half inches long not that it Matters but we'll go ahead and measure The width here so just short that's Right at 5 8 of an inch thick and then

Height on that is about two and three Eighths of an inch tall So again over a foot long and about two And a half inches tall and 5 8 inches Wide you'll see that the Precision of This is within a half a millimeter over A meter or 0.029 degrees so that's the The level of accuracy on the spirit Level itself now you can see the vials Are very easy to see very bright but the Thing is is that we can make that even Brighter we have a single power button That powers this whole thing I know I Just jumped from talking about the Bubble to now I'm talking about the Features but I thought I'd talk about The single button that controls the Entire thing and that is all the Functionality is controlled by that Single button again remember I said Simplicity was one of the key things we Really like about this laser level and So if I hit this button once what we get Is a single dot or single point laser as You see there a red laser all right so We can see that which that's good for I Believe up to a hundred feet or 30 Meters so basically shooting a point Laser a single point laser is going to Be get up to 100 feet now if I hit this Again we'll see a horizontal line or a Level line now this is not what you Think it may be so it's not for shooting Like we're shooting it right here it's

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Really shooting for kind of along the Wall which I'll show that here in a Moment and it matters which side of the Level you you use as well and it's Marked here on the level and everything Else it's pretty simple to understand But just wanted you to know it's not Made for use in this situation where You're trying to shoot a level line Straight perpendicular from this but it Does shoot that that lateral line there That's by hitting it a second time now If I hold the button down if I hit it Again it just Powers off so hit it once Pinpoint laser hit a second time you get The laser level which will or the the Lateral line which we'll go over in just A moment hit a third time it Powers off However if I hold the button down for Two seconds it Powers up the light right Here in the vial so now now I talked About the bright vials well it was Bright green beforehand but now it's Really bright even if we cut the lights On this which we'll do in a moment as Well we can easily see this level now It's key for a couple of reasons number One yes it brightens this up we can now See this but there's another feature in This that really comes in handy Especially if you're running conduit Erecting a building maybe you're running Airlines running cast iron Plumbing Things like that and that is if I stand

This up If you can see this so we can see the End of our vial there but if you look Above and below we see a mirrored image Where we can actually see the level Bubble in this vial right here so where We can see it on this side if we were Trying to put a metal fence post up or a Wooden fence post whatever number one we Have magnetics on this side so if it is Ferrous metal it'll just magnetize right To the post or right to the conduit But when we see it from this side we Don't have to turn 90 degrees and Actually look from the side we can Actually see it but since it's lit up And we have mirrors in there we can Actually see that vial and see where we Are on level so that's a really cool Feature as well built into there which Again controlled by that single button So hold it for two seconds to power on Power off and by the way if I hold that And power it on and then I just hit my Button now I'm still lit up I'm still Shooting a point laser and if I hit it Again now I'm shooting my line laser and I'm still lit up right here Hold it again it shuts off the light Then I can hit that again and shuts that Off so Simplicity Simplicity very easy to use But we get some strong features in this Now let's go uh use this on some

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Applications now we mentioned about Conduit running Plumbing lines things Like that but what about a garage door Track now it needs to be nice and Plumb Needs to be pure vertical on both angles Right so it needs to be straight up here Straight up here and we need to get a Good measurement on that well it's Magnetized so we can see there of Whether or not we're on level but Obviously with it dark we don't see a Lot so let me power that up and so now We can easily see our bubble here and Obviously our bubble there is not going To be on so now with this powered on we Can easily see our bubble we're a little Off and vertical but that's all right And then if I turn it around this way Again usually I would have to get either To this side right here but in this case Now I can look straight on here and due To the mirrors in there I can see our Bubble and that we're on level or on Were almost Plumb so we're off just a Touch if we needed to adjust that we Could adjust it out and I can read that Bubble right there from straight on so Pretty cool little window there in that Level that shows us that You can turn it to the side again see That same bubble that we're off just a Touch now for this one we'll go ahead And kill our illumination and I'll hit The button once and basically we're just

Shooting a point right so we could Actually you know shoot this from back Here point it over here point it over Here and maybe make a mark and and Connect those with a chalk line whatever We need to do but the cool thing here is What we can use is that secondary line So right now my laser point is pointing Over there at the other garage door Track You can see it over there pointing to The track Now what if for some reason we needed a Line along that so assuming that's a Wall or something like that now I can Hit this button again now you can see What that horizontal line was doing so Now what it's doing it's shooting a line Along that wall along this door whatever You're needing and that's going to work Up to 30 feet and now that's only Working on this side of the level if we Use this side it's not going to give us That same effect you see that the lines Coming from only one side of the laser It's only coming to this side so that's Why it's recommended and all your Writings on this side as well so it's Kind of hard to mess up especially once You use it and it's a really cool Function that something really hadn't Thought of but that makes a lot of sense So we can prop this up somewhere and Actually shoot that line along that wall

Along that garage door Mark hang Whatever we want to maybe you want to Hang set this on a shelf and shoot it Down so you can hang pictures that would Work great as well now this is another Useful application that makes a lot of Sense because a lot of times you're Going to shops and as an electrician you May need to run new power whether it's Actually running this one or running a Parallel one beside it now if you're Running one beside it it's not too Difficult just kind of match up what you Have there but let's say you're running This you've got stuff in the way people Don't want to clean out their shop just For you to run one line so what we can Do is we can come in here and say okay Well there's I want to make sure that We're we're on which I hung these so they're probably not Dead level and they're not they're not Dead plump so you see we're off a little But anyway that's easy to see from that Angle right but if I wanted to see from This angle I would have to walk around the side Well I can't get there there's a toolbox Here and there's uh you know a big Workbench here and and this is hanging Here so I really can't get to the side But again now I can look straight on and I can see how close we are on our bubble So again just really liking that window

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That's cut in there with the mirrors to Be able to see that bubble now I will Say after using this a little bit I Would like to see one thing added and That's a quarter by 20 Um uh insert somewhere in here where I Could Mount this to a tripod to where I Could set it up to the height I want to I get it we could actually set something Up and lay it on it but would love to See a quarter twenty added somewhere There so again it would work with any Tripod and by the way it uses two simple AAA batteries they're under the cover to Power this so very simple proxy so laser Spirit level now there's not a lot left To talk about about the proxy so two in One laser spirit level but I think the Simplicity and the price point real Really make this stand out and we love The illumination factor in this as well So check it out for yourselves you can Find it on Amazon so that's another one Of the great features is it's easy to Purchase so you can find this most Places probably get it within a day or Two and again less than 40 bucks it's Hard to beat that and the fact that you Basically have a handful of functions Not too many functions and it's not Complicated to use we really like it so Be sure to check this out obviously they Have a whole list of other products as Well and we'll be sharing a place a link

To this product in the description of Our video but be sure to follow us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and if you don't mind would you hit That like And subscribe button if you Haven't done so already and by all means If you hated our video well give us a Thumbs down but let us know in the Comments why have a great day and keep Smiling