SIMPLE SOLUTION! How To Deep Clean A Windshield and Repel Water [DIY]

Dirty windshields and auto glass can be a real pain. We show you how to deep clean a windshield and repel water. This same process will work on your car or truck’s door glass and any other windows. We use simple off-the-shelf products that handle cleaning, removing contaminants, including hard water spots. Once the glass is clean, we show you how to apply a product like Rain-X to repel water like crazy.
#windshield #howto #diy

0000 Steel Wool:
Razor Blades:
Sprayway Glass Cleaner:
Rain-X Water Repelant:
BarKeepers Friend:
Microfiber Towels:
Glass Microfiber Towel:
Masking Tape:

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You don't need a polisher or special Chemicals to deep clean a windshield [Music] You don't need a machine polish or any Type of special chemicals to deep clean Glass specifically your windshield now I Grew up in a glass shop or a trim shop Where we did Auto Upholstery and Auto Glass lots of industrial glass as well On heavy equipment big rigs and that Sort of thing now one thing we did a lot Was actually clean windows we weren't Always just replacing them we were also Cleaning them and I like to actually Treat them as well where they would shed Water because I drove the service truck That we went to and fro to work on the Heavy equipment and I didn't like a Dirty windshield and I liked it to repel Water well I kind of crafted my own Little recipe I know it's not patented At all but my point is I've been seeing These videos on how to deep clean Windshields how to deep clean Auto Glass And they use you know special Concoctions or their own type of Polish Or their own type of solution that They're trying to to sell you or they're Using a polisher you don't have to use Any of that and if you're careful you Can definitely use these Solutions as Well as razor blades steel wool that Sort of thing without scratching the Windshield or without scratching the

Door glasses now we've got a 2007 SUV That's got an original windshield and It's even got a crack in it it's got bug Guts all over it it's got water spots All over we're going to show you how not Only are we going to get it good and Clean we're even going to remove those Water spots again without any special Chemicals glass is always a real pain to Film especially trying to get the spots On it but we'll do our best here to try To show you what we're dealing with this Is a 2007 vehicle I believe it is the Factory windshield there's water spot Spotting from like you know hard water Spots on here there's plenty of Nicks There's even an old star cracker right Here so this windshield is by no means New you can see the separation there of The lamination starting to separate so This is by no means a new windshield now At the same time it doesn't have a lot Of bugs on it or anything like that I Was really wanting to wait till our love Bug season got in full force to shoot This but anyway so it is what it is but Like I said we do have some Contamination on the windshield that we Should be able to show Getting that off and just from angle of Approach I believe we're going to do This passenger side Of the windshield just because the Reflection is probably going to do a

Little better of showing the crud Removal Even got a crack there shouldn't bother Us at all let's get started well Everybody loves a good 50 50. so We'll get what everybody loves Right down that dirty windshield And by the way if there's other moldings And things you want to cover up because You'll be using some general cleanup Stuff you may want to do that I'm not Going to worry about this because it is A 2007 about I don't know 15 plus years Old So let's take a look at the items we're Going to be using we'll need some paper Towels I would recommend some microfiber Towels but these look these are like Cheap cheap Walmart Costco Sam's and I Mean not the expensive detailing towels Just to cheap microfiber so use whatever Microfiber you you want but I'd Recommend some of those we'll use the Paper towels at the end or you can use Paper towels throughout a fresh clean Razor blade again I'm not going to Repeat it many more times A brand new razor blade make sure it is In the cardboard no rust on it no Nicks On it or anything it must be super clean And super new Because it will hurt things otherwise We're going to need glass cleaner I like Sprayway glass cleaner even though I

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Think they've actually changed the Recipe because it doesn't foam near as Much anymore but anyway that's kind of My go-to is the Sprayway or the Sprayway Glass cleaner but any glass cleaner Should work You're going to need some water it Doesn't have to be bottled water it Could be tap water we're going to use Some Rain-X glass repellent at the end You could probably use anything you want To some type of wax polish anything like That but preferably some type of glass Repellent or some type of glass water Repellent and then here is the star of The hour or the star of the 15 minutes A Bar Keepers Friend this is going to do The magic on getting rid of water spots Even just kind of deep cleaning the Windshield it's not going to scratch Anything you don't have to worry about That and then something that's optional Well really the razor blade is optional You don't have to go this route you can Scrub away with with towels if you want To But still wool Steel wool with the Bar Keeper's Friend And make sure that it's for all you have Four zeros here that's the finest steel Wool there is so make sure that if You're ever using anything on your car You're only using four ought steel wool At least on glass anyway so again let me

Repeat that for all that's four zeros That's what ought means steel wool That's really really fine you're not Going to scratch your windshield as long As you follow the instructions we're Talking about let's start first by Cleaning the windshield so we'll go Ahead and get to cleaning on this and This doesn't have to be perfect but you Might as well start with this just a Base clean So if you come in tight here you can see That the windshield cleaned up pretty Good but we've got bug marks on here Where they're still on there where bug Guts are on there looks like spider Remains and then obviously our water Spotting as well is still on here you Can see here even after the glass Cleaning still plenty of water spots on This vehicle and again as I was talking About plenty of bug spots as well So right here right here so to get these Remaining spots off what I like to do And again you could scrub them off if You want to take a very clean razor Blade but do not touch the windshield Until that's wet now you could use Detergent water I'm using a little glass Cleaner and then lay this blade down at Least at a 45 And you can just Get those spots off with one wipe You can take your microfiber or a paper

Towel wipe your blade off But make sure that blade is laid back And that edge is nice and wet That makes getting off in our case love Bugs or any other squish bugs Very easy And just so you know I used to multiple Times a day when I drove a service truck Would actually soak the whole thing down With glass cleaner and with the single Edge razor blade scrape that whole Windshield and never put a mark on it Gonna hit it with a little glass cleaner A blade And get that right off So right there I just hit the crack in This windshield with this razor blade I shouldn't touch this windshield again With that razor blade it should go in The trash or use that for a trashy razor Blade but I should not use that for Scraping again because it most likely Been an edge over on that razor blade And now I could actually scratch that Windshield And now I'm going to put a little water On here probably should have done that To start with but we'll check the other Side because it was not messed with yet So all we've done is clean this you can See I'm not getting any Water shedding or water beading at all It's just basically laying on there Because it's a dirty windshield or or

Has no properties to actually shed that Water same thing over here except dirty Now once we know the glass is clean and We're ready to get started on really Scrubbing this really clean gonna peel This off our Bar Keepers Friend by the Way you can keep that for later to put It back on there if you want to to keep It from uh globbing up on you that's a Scientific term globbing anyway there's A couple of ways you can use this you Can just kind of wet out the the area if You want to with some water and soap and Sprinkle this on there and go in there And polish Or again with your microfiber towel you Can start polishing with it so you can Go that route with it and then once it Hazes over and you'll see it Haze over Then you can just buff it off with Another towel So you can go that route or if you want To you can take a little dish of some Sort It's the bottom of a water bottle Puts you a little Good amount of Bar Keepers Friend in There And then you can just pour a little Water in there And make like a little slurry if you Want to so it's almost like a paste So if you're not wanting to get dust Everywhere

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This is one way you can do it And so now you've made a little slurry That you can dip your rag into or you're Still willing to to start cleaning Now you can see here in this corner that Even after cleaning and the razor blade We still have water spotting I'll even Show you here The razor blade is not Going to get that off Looks like it might get a little off but You'd have to scrub and scrub and scrub To do that what you'll see here with my Slurry Now it's only been about a minute and a Half and you can see this is already Dried to a haze and you should be able To just take your finger and almost wipe It clean I'm gonna give it another few Seconds here Let It Drop good Okay take your microfiber Water spots are gone No special chemicals needed no polishers Needed And you can see here where I ended Before And where the water spots still are and I just wanted to show you If you wanted to with your microfiber It might take a little more effort but Dabbing in my slurry here And it will work as well you probably Have to put a little more elbow grease

Into it because it won't cut quite as Good as the four ought but you see it's Definitely cleaning off the water spots Water spots there and then right about The crack they start clearing up That's where we used our microfiber and Then here's where we started using our Steel wool The steel wool is definitely going to do A better job And once we're done with that and if you Didn't hit it with your razor blade all Over you could definitely take your Microfiber and do the Bar Keepers Friend All over it But it's probably not necessary And you can feel that it's clean now But it's not nice and Slick has no Coating on it so it's probably not going To bead water Fact You see it's not beading or shedding Water All right now here's my recipe on a Flying Rain-X And you can use it if you want to but You don't have to Two paper towels and they need to either Be Scott towels or like the Scott blue Towels they don't have to be that's what Works for me because they seem to work More like a towel but I still like the Paper towels in doing this I'm going to fold it into a quarter

Basically so fold it in half and then Half again again this is two sheets and I am going to Get this pretty soaked with the glass Repellent be careful I think there's Some chemicals in here obviously Probably Teflon alcohol So if you don't want it on your car Finish then don't do it on the hood like I'm doing here also on cuts it doesn't Feel that great either but anyway I want This thing to almost be like a an Application towel obviously now I'm Gonna I'm going to border it out So straight Okay And then Small circles I'm not done so don't think I am Okay I'm gonna let that Haze but I'm not Finished not finished okay I'm telling You this is the difference in it really Beating and just slightly beating now I'm going to apply it again I can border it out if I want to Straight but then I'm going to come in And do my tight circles And make sure it's putting on product Now I may be over using it but I'm just Telling you what works Now after doing it twice with a good Liberal coating I'm going to let it Haze Up really well

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Okay another big key here we let it Hazed up really well this stuff does not Like to come off so I don't like to just Buff it off dry I'm going to take four more Scott towels Two here two here leave this one dry Quarter this one up again And liberally soak it I want it Literally Dripping with water Okay I'm going to come back Box it all out wipe it down And I'm going to really scrub This haze off With this towel here And then come back with this towel While it's still wet before it dries And now I can really buff that out Again if you want to use microfibers you Absolutely can Now this 16 year old window Is going to shed water like crazy For a while So here we can see the left side the Driver's side is sheeting well not Really sheeting it's just one continuous Sheet of water and the right side is Beating up rather well we'll see here in A moment once we take off of how well That will repel the water okay just one Thick sheet of water over here And water beating over here We're at 40 miles per hour Zero is here

Let me reiterate when you're using steel Wool make sure it is for ought steel Wool also make sure that it's wet with Something whether it's a slurry solution Like we made here with the Bar Keeper's Friend or with some type of glass Cleaner or at least soap and water not Just wet with water but some type of Surfactant that's going to break that Water tension and make sure that it's You've got a nice lubricant of some sort Between it and the steel wool but the Steel wool is not going to hurt it if You make sure that you're using it Properly also with a razor blade make Sure you've got a brand new razor blade And make sure you've got a good lean to It you're not standing it straight up And you've got a good lean to it and It's a brand new blade as soon as you Feel it grab on something throw it away Do not use it on a window again and You'll feel it you'll feel if it grabs Onto something now if it's just scraping Off the bugs then that's absolutely fine But if actually hangs up on a Nick or Something like that throw away the blade And don't risk scratching the windshield You don't need clay clay bars to clean Things you don't need polish or anything Else Bar Keeper's Friend is a great Solution and this is going to Aid in Definitely removing those water spots as Well as really deep cleaning the

Windshield then once we're done with it We clean it with some solution and again Use Windex if you want to I don't care Your favorite glass cleaner should work Just fine just make sure you're getting It all off and it's dried off nice and Properly and then make sure you follow The way we did it with the Rain-X you May do it your own way but I'm telling You in years of doing it at least Putting it on twice before you get it Back off is going to work great and to Keep from smearing it around using a Nice wet paper towel again to really get That off I mean with like drops of water Still all over it to actually get that Off and then buff it off with a dry Towel or a microfiber and after that It's going to bead water for several Weeks you'll have to reapply again but You probably won't have to do the deep Clean again just make sure it's nice and Clean reapply your Rain-X and you'll be Good to go or reapply whatever other Type of film or water repellent you want To put on your windshield hey let us Know what you think about this also keep Track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and if you Don't mind would you hit that like And Subscribe button if you haven't done so Already and by all means if you hated Our video well then give us a thumbs Down but would you let us know in the

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