So Fresh and So Clean! RYOBI 18V Soap Dispensing Power Scrubber PCL1701 Review

While the RYOBI power scrubbers have been around quite a while, this new model PCL1701 sets the bar a little higher. @RYOBITOOLSUSA added a hose inlet, soap container, and nozzle near the brush head. With the flip of a switch, you can select between water, water & soap, or none. The jet nozzle dispenses a foamy soap right in the path of the rotating brush. While it doesn’t seem so, the 210 RPM head is rather torquey.

RYOBI PCL1701 Power Scrubber:

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I think ryobi's trying to put all of us In the cleaning mood This is the Ryobi power scrubber Specifically is the soap dispensing Power scrubber runs on their 18 volt One Plus Battery system and yeah it will Even take the bigger batteries and we'll Go over the details in just one moment Let's take a closer look as always and Look at the details of this unit we'll Take it out and actually use it then Come back and talk about what we thought Of it as you can see the soap residual That's already on the power head this is The Ryobi PCL 1701 B for the bare tool if you get it Without the battery you can also buy it With a kit with a charger and a 2 Amp Hour battery but this is the Bare Bones Kit in other words we don't have a 2 Amp Hour battery here but again it's the PCL 1701 and this is a power scrubber runs On their 18 volt battery platform but It's not just a power scrubber they came Out with the power scrubber I think a Couple of years ago they have the little Short one they have kind of a Medium-sized one and a longer one but This one is not only telescoping so you Can extend it as well as it is a soap Dispensing power scrubber as well you Get this little container here it screws On the side of this unit and then you See a hose bib right there stainless

Three quarter inch hose bib so you can Put your standard garden hose in there Clamp it down and it's going to actually Use the water and flow through here and Into this soap container so it comes With some soap solution and you pour it In here the water is going to come mixed With it and actually draw it out and go To the head of the unit now on the flip Side right here You can see we have a dial here where we Can choose none which basically means You won't get any water or we can just Turn it to water which obviously we're Going to get water going to the head or Soap and water which is going to Dispense this soap solution with the Water out to the Head now we have a Power button right here and it's Basically pushed on and push off and Then we'll see a cord sticking out right Here where it's really not a cord it's Actually The cord and the water tube that's Picking up from here and flowing through Because the telescoping portion right Here If I loosen this up and bring it in you See that getting longer and shorter so That's what that cord is sticking out For because when we telescope it in and Out it has to have some place to go Now in its shortest position From the top of the head down to the

Bottom looking at 45 inches and if we go Full extended here Then we're looking at about 58 inches Now to the handle probably looking a lot Less from the head to the handle about 48 inches extended But we can lengthen this as we need to For a better cleaning position get a Secondary handle here or an auxiliary Handle where you can hold on with a Second hand making it easy to maneuver This power scrubber now here on the Business end it also has an indexing Head where we can set I believe six Different locations so that's all the Way one way one two three four five and Six so six different locations so that Would go straight up or on your ceiling Or wherever you're needing to clean Now you'll notice the hose that comes Around here And you see a directing nozzle right There So depending on what size brush we're Running we can aim that nozzle wherever We need to Now it really doesn't go side to side it Just goes up and down if you're running A real small head then you can aim it Pretty far down now it comes with this Medium bristle the yellow bristle brush And this is a six inch brush is what it Says and basically it just turns about 90 degrees

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To line up that star that triangle and Then turn it and it locks in and now That's locked into the unit And ready to go Now one of the questions was asked when We reviewed the power scrubber a long Time ago was would it accept the larger Batteries here's a 9 amp hour battery Fits in here Get a nice waterproof or water resistant Casing there and so now our battery's in Nine amp hour no problem and Again push on and it's going to stay on And you're going to get I believe it's 210 RPM would be no load speed And it's a pretty torque unit you can Put some pressure on it And it's still moving it does have an Override if it does get hot which I'm Assuming doing something like that For an extended period of time they say Basically turn it off wait 30 seconds Turn it back on and it will reset itself So if you do have a situation where You're using this a long time and it Just shuts off and the battery is not Dead then power it off wait 30 seconds And it should power right back on we Haven't seen that yet but we did read About it now just to give you an idea And by the way that 9 amp hour battery That's in here is going to weigh a lot But just to give you some idea of the Weight of this it's a pretty light tool

Considering what it is so 10 pounds one Ounce with that 9 amp hour battery But you can see The nine and a half hour alone is almost Three pounds well two and a half pounds Two pounds nine and a half ounces so to Be a 10 pound tool But four feet long is not too bad Now my question is as you're working With this And the hoses attached to it with water Going to it how heavy is it going to be With you know reaching up I think that Will be the kicker on how heavy it's Going to be with all that water running In the hose attached to it so it may get Quite heavy 10 pounds is not bad again Holding it overhead could get definitely Heavy but Considering the size of the unit really Not that much weight now you'll see here We have some different brush head Attachments And what I thought was crazy was this is A six inch and then they sell some seven Inch I don't know why you'd have a six And a seven but then a nine inch and a Larger 11 inch as well I could see these Being very handy on the larger sizes Covering larger areas would definitely Come in handy and you'll also see that We have it in the blue soft the black is Going to be the coarse the very uh the Very firm and then the medium is going

To be that yellow bristle but that blue Is a very soft feel to it so if you are Washing you know glass laminate plastic That sort of thing that's going to be Your go-to and that's probably what We'll use here in just a few moments I'm Not sure what these are going to run Haven't seen prices on them yet I think The small six inch are sell for Somewhere between 10 and 15 dollars a Piece I expect probably these larger Ones to probably be in the 20 range I Really have no idea but I would just Expect that if the smaller in that you Know 10 15. window and I think it's the Soft ones that are more expensive which Makes a little sense but anyway let's go Out and use this a little see what we Think So first thing I'm going to hook up the Hose bib Easy enough Then let's put in some soap I do like that the wide base allows this To stand up just on its own and even the Hose is attached to it right now no Problem standing up Go ahead and put the soap concentrate in Okay so I do have my water turned on to The hose I've got this turned to none so I don't have any water leakage that was Another question I was going to have is Is it going to seal well so I have my Hose already on wide open no valve in

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Between and the valve here is definitely Keeping that from running past now let's See here we'll turn the water on And so now we see we're getting spray Out of the head And the spring right there above Again we can turn this down to wherever We need to And then if I turn it onto water and Soap Now we see it it's actually kind of Frothing in here and you can see it Spraying on After I got some soap applied to it I Turned the water and soap off sets it up Pretty good I think we made quite a Difference now let me turn just the Water back on Feel some residual in The bristle head So we could definitely see some texture Here in this garage door and you can see That just spraying the soap on you know Did not clean it that it took some Agitation I can rub it with my hand and Get a decent job but still not getting In the pores like with the soft bristle Brush My concern about it being heavy with the Hose on there is really not that bad can You feel a little bit of weight yes you Can and again if we were holding this High it might get to us pretty quickly But it's really not bad when you're

Holding it kind of right at waist level Or just about neck level And get a plastic soap Then I'm going to adjust water Actually I'll go off I'm really just letting the tool do the Work All right Well just like the power scrubbers did We reviewed a couple of years ago we Were pretty impressed with this Telescoping soap dispensing power Scrubber pretty much the same setup as Far as the head on this then the old one So the power's there it only turns 210 RPM so it's not like it's polishing it Off it's actually moving kind of slow And steady got decent power as you can See I kind of laid on it pretty good and Still couldn't stop it so it turns Pretty good we never saw it go into the Overheat mode either again it was just Kind of a warning label that was on the Machine when we got it so we thought we Would let you know but we never got it To go in that overheat mode at all it Just slow and steady was really working That garage door we were cleaning now Maybe if you're scrubbing on concrete With the uh the black coarse brush that Definitely May create some more friction And therefore need more power to do the Work the soap dispensing works very well In fact you really don't need to put it

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On the whole time you just kind of put It on for a little bit it gets in the Bristles and you can scrub around for a Little bit then turn the water on and Rinse it down one thing that I kind of Wish maybe there was an option which you Could probably do with a hose splitter Or whatever would be the ability to Really flush it with water because you Know the water that's coming out of here It's kind of a fine Mist which is great Because that's really what you want when You're dispensing the soap but as far as Really rinsing it off you'll have to Actually disconnect this off and rinse It down with with a good amount of water You're not going to do that from this Jet here so I wish there was ability Maybe a quick disconnect which again you Know third-party stuff you can get all Day long at Home Depot or wherever You're you're shopping for that online And be able to quickly disconnect and Flush it down with water but I just Wanted to mention that this little jet Up here is not going to flush that and Rinse all that soap off with just that Little bit of mist there but the Misti Worked great for the soap it did a great Job of dispensing the soap definitely Did plenty of soap and the scrubber did A great job of scrubbing and the soft Bristles did not hurt the finish on our Garage door at all now I don't think I

Would have gone to like a medium bristle Some people probably would I'm just kind Of a I don't know I really don't like Using any type of brushes on a painted Finish so that's why I went with the Soft you can definitely step up to an 11 Inch a lot bigger brush to cover more Area and even step down to the seven Inch and even the six inch I'm not sure Why we've got a seven and a six I am Curious I have not done this yet supposedly That was a six that came with the unit And I guess it's just a bit smaller than The seven inch and one thing I'm Noticing here is the one that came with It is kind of a a flat face and these Newer ones kind of have a concave look To them so looks like they're kind of Covering more area and being able to Roll the sides on this versus the old Ones where you just kind of flatten it Out so looks like these newer maybe the Vortex bristles or Vortex brushes have That rounded Edge on them to be able to I don't know round over and and be able To clean and easier Corners things like That so that's pretty cool that you know Where bristles are are not that flat Face design hey we'll have a link in the Description I believe the tool is out uh These brushes these extra brushes are Not out yet I will make sure to fill in That description when we do have links

To these 169 dollars for the bear tool 199 if you want to buy it with a 2 Amp Hour battery and a charger so check it Out also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and If you don't mind would you hit that Like And subscribe button if you haven't Done so already and by all means if you Hated our video well then give us a Thumbs down but would you let us know in The comments why have a great day and Keep smiling