STEALTH 20 Gallon Quiet Air Compressor Review [SAQ-12018]

Your compressor doesn’t have to be the most obnoxious tool in the shop. This STEALTH SAQ-12018 20-gallon Quiet Air Compressor creates about 80 dB(A) at the compressor, and about 65 dB(A) just 10 feet away. #review #aircompressor #stealth

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Do you want it quieter in the shop you May want to check out the stealth air Compressors This is the stealth 20 gallon quiet air Compressor now with quiet in the name Obviously that's the big feature that Stands out with this but can it perform As well and we're here to find that out So let's start by going through the Features and then we'll do some testing As well as try it out and then we'll Come back and talk about pricing and About warranty this is the stealth 20 Gallon air compressor specifically the Model number is the Saq-12018 and it has a max PSI of 150 It's a 1.8 horsepower model so it runs On 120 easily and it's a 5 CFM at 90 PSI And again with a 20 gallon tank we get Dual Quick Connect ports so we can run Two Airlines at the same time again max PSI of 150 the tank pressure is Obviously there on the left and your Tool pressure is here on the right and You adjust the tool pressure with the Large knob there in the center the Pre-programmed cutout is 150 psi so the Tank will always filter 150 psi and then Shut off and then of course your tool Pressure is going to be based on the Large knob and the gauge on the right so That's what's going to be coming out of These ports here you get large Rubberized Wheels here on the back of

The compressor and then on the front we Have large rubber isolator pads two on The front and two large Wheels on the Back sits very sturdy also isolates a Lot of that vibration We're looking now at the rear of the Compressor and these are the two intakes And the intake filters and so you can Actually separate these and pull the Filters out to clean them and they Recommend doing that once a week or at Least every several times that you use The compressor you can see once you pull Off the Air filter which you can just spin that Off by hand or if you have it tight Enough on there then you could probably Just pull the lid off but then you can Take and separate this just with a Eighth of a turn or so you can take them Apart blow them out or if you need to Replace them you can do that as well put It back together Again the tongue's just go in there line Up and turn And then you screw this back in But again if you have this tight enough With like a wrench then you could Probably take off these Lids without Having to pull out the whole element you Also get a large rubber grip here on the Crossbar that gives you plenty of Leverage to lean this thing over only Large wheels and roll it around very

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Easily and a large metal hook that is Actually welded onto the tank Makes easy storage for your hose or even A large extension cord if you need to And we get a large quarter turn relief Valve on the bottom of the tank for Obviously releasing any moisture that Collects in the tank which is Recommended to clear that out each time You use it right behind the dashboard of The compressor is the little red tipped Handle here and that's your own off Switch so once you're plugged in you can Actually flip this over and that will Actually turn on the compressor and flip It back to this position here and that's Actually going to turn it off I'm going To go ahead and turn this on And the glory of this compressor is Really how quiet it is so you can have a Normal conversation right next to this Compressor and not have trouble hearing Each other talk walk away 10 20 feet and You're going to have no trouble at all It's just a very quiet unit even though It's putting out a good amount of output Or good amount of pressure Now when you first start up this Compressor it's recommended that you Open up the relief valve at the bottom Of the tank you crank this all the way To the right so max PSI and let it run Continuously for 30 minutes sort of a Break-in procedure then after that shut

It off close the valve crank this all The way to the left And then let the compressor run until it Cuts off which you'll see This side will stay probably at zero and This side will go up to about 150 and Then cut out Now while that's still filling up you Will see here the decibel reading right Next to the compressor Is between 83 and 86. Actually you see it's less than 82 when I'm not talking It's about 81 and a half when I'm not Running my mouth and then you walk a few Feet away I'm walking the other side of The shop which is about About 30 feet So my voice is much louder at 85.86 than what we're hearing enough Compressor probably 25 feet maybe 30 Feet away So you can see here it's about to reach Cut out There now we've reached cut out so you See our tank is at 150 psi our tool Pressure is at zero now I don't have to Have a line hooked up to get tool Pressure I can just crank this and you Can see in in a second here I'll get Some pressure on here there we go so now That's at 30 PSI and so forth so I can Crank up and say well I want 90 PSI Going to my impact wrench and there we

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Have it so now once I hook up a hose We'll actually have 90 PSI coming out And it doesn't matter which Port I put This in I'm going to get my 150 psi Max output And now again we've got this set at 90 PSI so that's what output we have going To the hose now so whatever I hook up to This Was just a blow gun Or an impact wrench And then obviously if you are wanting to Use something that takes quite a bit of Continuous CFM obviously you can still Use it something like this sander Foreign It's just once you get to a point that Compressor is going to run and not shut Off so you're going to have to sit wait For that pressure to build back up which Now we're above 90 again I could Probably start running it again but it's Going to continue to run so you may have To use it a few minutes let it sit let It catch up use it a few minutes or it's Just going to run and run and you're Actually going to get a drop in pressure And it not be able to sustain what You're needing even though it will do 5 PSI at uh or five CFM at 90 PSI it's Probably not going to sustain the sander By the way you can tell I'm not using Dust extraction Foreign

Now they do include this little card Here which is actually uh pretty cool Just to take a look at depending on what You're going to be using this for and You'll see here the column on the left Basically telling you you can Continuously use that type of tool the One on the right is something where you Want to use it intermittently in other Words if you're a a painting Professional and you're running an HVLP Gun continuously or a paint gun probably Not the compressor for you you need Something with more scfm so continuous Sustained CFM or something like a cut Off tool that you're using all the time Or a sander like we just showed you know Doing small jobs things like this this Compressor is going to be a great idea For that but if you're using those types Of tools continuously then again Stepping up to a larger shop compressor Is probably for you but for these other Tools nailers things like that this is a Great tool for that because it's just It's using a little bit of pressure Every now and then grease guns um Doesn't matter if it's Brad nail or roof Nail or you name it any types of nailers And staplers the great idea for that and Still very very quiet and as we Mentioned it is recommended after you Use it to Open up the relief valve and let that

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Completely Evacuate the system that's Going to rid any moisture out of there And then close it back up for storage If you're in the business doing auto Body work or woodworking something like That on a big basis probably not the Compressor for you but if you need to Fill tires run nailers even use a sander From time to time in pneumatic sander as Well as a Pneumatic impact wrench and Things of that sort then this is a great Choice for you especially if you want it Quieter in the shop because as we showed You it's a very quiet unit you can Easily carry on a conversation right Beside it and especially 10 20 feet away It's even that much easier it's a very Quiet unit you can find this you can also find it on on Amazon for 399 dollars and And carry a lifetime warranty on these Compressors as well so be sure to check It out from the links in the description Also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and Hey if you don't mind would you hit that Like And subscribe button if you haven't Done so already and by all means if you Hated our video well give us a thumbs Down but would you let us know in the Comments why have a great day keep Smiling