TAKE A LOOK 👀 ! Snap-on CT9080 18V Impact Wrench on the Inside

Since the Snap-on CT9080 performed so well during our review, we thought we’d open it up to see what’s on the inside. This Snap-on cordless impact wrench hits really hard and it impressed us with the power on tap. Looking on the inside, the rotating mass is huge and the spring is more than 1/4″ in diameter. #tools #impactwrench #snapon

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Snap-on CT9080 Review:

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Well we've got the Snap-on CT 980 this Is their high torque impact wrench that Uh reached that 2,000 foot-pound Mark When we tested and reviewed it quite Impressive and quite different than Their past um 18vt impact wrenches so we Thought why not let's uh take this thing Apart and see what we think is inside in Here we'll weigh and measure and and Look at the different things so uh let's Go ahead and get this thing disassembled And then we'll take a closer look as We're [Music] Going I've got my one of my favorite Toolkits right here this is the sunx 9734 I don't even think they make this Kit anymore I wish they did uh but I Believe they do have like a master kit And I'll put a link to that as well but The reason I like these is they've got Some really long bits in here so when You're going into pocket holes like this These come in very handy because your Standard you know one and 2 in long bits Just may not fit sometimes so again Again they have these midlink as well as These extra long as well and they even Have these locking adapters also so just A really nice kit that's I don't know It's 50 60 bucks um for in this case a 34 piece kit but I think they have like A a 60 piece kit or something and again I'll link to that and this is my

Favorite assembly disassembly tool right Here this is the rigid uh 12vt pal Impact driver they do not make this Anymore they don't make any rigid 12 Volts anymore I wish I I keep bugging Milwaukee that they need to come out With something like this just a very Handy tool because it activates on Pressure so pressure on the tip and it Activates tool reverse it again pressure On the tip uh so anyway enough on that Let's get to the Snap-on get this thing Apart see what we think well first let's Remove the battery on This there we go and all of these screws As we can Tell are T25 faster so all T25 torqus uh They seem to be even here on the front Of the tool as well so that should make Things quite Easy and we'll go ahead and remove these In the handle First one in the pocket Here They seem to be all the same length so Far That Wow even these in the snout exact same Length as all those in the body that Makes things quite Easy by the way if you haven't checked Out the review on this you really ought To quite impressive impact Wrench almost said impact

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Driver definitely not an impact Driver So aluminum snout uh roller bearing Right here so here in the snout on a lot Of impact wrenches you'll see bushings Right here but on this Snap-on we have a True roller bearing that will definitely Last longer than a bushing I love to see That especially when you're buying a Premium tool like a Snap-On wow the Counter weight on this Is quite Large that looks like just A like a rubber bushing maybe absorbing A little Impact it's usually a bearing that sits Down in there so be be careful if it Falls out maybe not okay maybe this one Doesn't have it sometimes there's a Bearing that sits down in here that Rides on the snout right here and on a Lot of impact wrenches so sometimes that Bearing will fall out and it's quite Important to have and make sure there's No shim or bushing or washer right there In between either and it doesn't seem to Be uh these are your your dogs um and What happens here here's how an impact Wrench works is underneath this is a Big Spring that's actually pushing this up And what happens is this rotates around Hits actually this part's rotating comes Around slams into this and when it Impacts and hits basically all the

Impact if it doesn't actually drive the Fastener or move the Fastener then this Actually pushes down and jumps over These dogs and it goes to the next one And hits again and that's that clack Clack clack clack clack or Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam when you hear your impact Hitting that's what's happening is this Spring is compressing pushing in and Jumping over uh these dogs Here so every Revolution you're hitting Twice on This Forgot One And looks like it probably want come off This Way Yeah there's one side of the clam shell And here's the other and this is a Mammoth of a counterweight and spring Shouldn't really say counterweight I Would say a drive weight impacting Weight and this your brushless motor Back here by the Way wires going to it your power wires Going to It so that's your drive your drive gear So basically your pinion gear that's Actually driving the planetaries that Are inside this large heat sink Here I'm assuming all the electronics Are encapsulated in There interesting

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Setup this whole unit comes out let's Get this light out Too and all your electronics are Encapsulated in there looks like pretty Weatherproof as Well not a bad setup so again there's Your brushless motor back Here Make sure all that lines up and gets Back in those Slots of course you probably don't want To be taking this part Anyway but I can talk to Myself so let's get this out of the way By the way this is our shifter right Here that shifts your Directions Very Interesting now I wanted to take this Apart to take a look at the planetaries And I also wanted to weigh the weight Here but I'm thinking that they're using This Spring to actually with uh some ball Bearings there to actually keep this put Together I think you have to compress This relieve those ball bearings remove This and then separate this and I'm not Willing to put this through a press yet Because we're actually going to be doing Some more reviewing with this um and There's our planetaries down in there if You can see those so you see those three Gears turning and then there's a ring

Gear that goes around the outside of This and again this looks like It somehow this is pressed on there But anyway there's a big ring gear Around here that those three gears ride On and so that pinion gear turns at a High rate of speed but when it turns Those planetaries those planetaries turn And then this turns at a much slower Rate than that pinion so that reduces Those gears but also gives it tremendous Torque so you're gearing down the RPM From say 10,000 to 2,000 and then you're basically Multiplying your torque uh to the output To the actual 1/ inch Anvil and Delivering that monstrous torque that This thing Has and I'm telling you that counter Spring right there let's get a Measurement on It so yeah that's a quarter inch that Coil in itself that wire is a quter inch Even a little bit larger than a quarter Inch in Diameter And this whole weight which Is not exactly correct in measure Measuring you know usually we would Weigh just this weight but just to give You an Idea just to give you an idea uh three Lounds so that is monstrous usually We're reading in ounces a pound and a

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Half something like that but and again We're of course weighing the spring and The planetaries and everything But that is still a very heavy Drive Weight pretty impressive I know we took Apart their mid torque uh couple of Years ago and just a much different Design than they've come up with now so I like the fact that they've literally Gone back to the drawing board and Delivering on their high torque impact Wrenches and even their mid torqus now When before they were a little bit Limited in the power segment as far as Their cordless was concerned okay let's Get this back together and see if it Won't run Again looks like these pins line Up That make sure these wires get tucked Away little bit of Goo There this is where you want to make Sure that your light and all your Electronics and all these things line Up and it sits down without much Pressure and it looks like everything's Going to Center based off Of that roller bearing There [Music] [Music] Assembled in the USA and reassembled in The [Music]

USA and Moment of Truth [Applause] Lights [Applause] Work headlight work Works we're good to Go it shall work again sorry we couldn't Dig into that a little further we just Didn't want to take the potential of uh Ruining this or snap on not being happy With what we've done uh anyway be sure To check the video out on this um on the Review and by the way we'll be comparing This to some others here very Soon