They forgot the vibration! Milwaukee 2836-20 M18 FUEL Oscillating Multi-Tool Review [2836-21]

An oscillating multi-tool is a great choice of tool when you need to plunge cut into plywood or 2x material, or if you need to make intricate cuts to remove baseboard or trim. This Milwaukee 2836 M18 FUEL Oscillating Multi-tool has impressive performance, and it’s near equal in the ergonomics and comfort realm as well. With the floating spindle, the vibrations from the 20,000 OPM don’t reverberate nearly as bad as other OMTs we’ve used. #milwaukeetool #nothingbutheavyduty #review

Milwaukee 2836-20 Multi-Tool (bare tool):
Milwaukee 2836-21 Multi-Tool Kit:
9-blade Milwaukee OMT Blade Kit:

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Twenty thousand oscillations of Fury Well OPM or oscillations We've got Milwaukee's multi-tool in the House specifically it's their brushless Model the M18 fuel they have an M18 fuel Model and an M12 fuel model but this is The M18 fuel model which is the first Brushless model of an oscillating Multi-tool that they've come out with They did have an M18 oscillating Multi-tool but it was a brushed model And quite a few differences here that We'll go over in just one moment by the Way have you ever done a search for Multi-tool and it comes up with one of These or one of these well we're not Talking about either one of these right Now just the oscillating multi-tool this Is the Milwaukee model number 2836 and It's the M18 fuel oscillating multi-tool Uh runs on their M18 platform or their 18 volt platform and if you get the kit Then you'll get this bag you'll get the M12 M18 charger and you will get the 5 Amp hour M18 battery as well all Included in the kit again if you're just Getting the tool then I don't believe You even get the bag you'll just get the 2836 and maybe a couple of uh maybe a Couple of blades but anyway we get a Wood blade with this as well as a Sanding pad and looks like a couple of Sanding discs or a couple pieces of Sandpaper as well yeah it looks like a

Wood blade a standard wood blades not a Japanese tooth nor is it a carbide so Standard wood blade with it and then Looks like some 240 grit sandpaper some 120 a couple pieces of 120 Some 60 and some 80. so 60 80 120 and 240 sandpaper that goes on the Hook and loop triangular shaped pad So let's go over the features Of this guy here As I mentioned it's the model number 2836-20 obviously if you're getting the Bear tool and it's an 18 volt tool let's Move this charger out of the way we'll Use the battery here in one moment lift The sky around and you'll see right here We have a speed dial so this does not Work with a trigger or a paddle trigger It actually has an on off switch and Then from there you can basically adjust The speed based on what selector you Have here on the speed dial and there's Really 11 speeds you've got or 12 speeds I guess because there is a speed in Between each one so you see eight and Then nine is in the middle and then 10 And then the middle and then we have the A for automatic and what the auto mode Does is pretty cool we'll actually show It it'll set it at a low speed and as You start engaging wood or whatever You're trying to cut it'll start Speeding up and ramping up based on the Power that it thinks you need and it

Works rather well sometimes it'll kind Of automatically speed up sometimes but For the most part it starts slow and as You go in it'll start ramping up and and You'll see that in in action here in a Few moments Now right off the bat I wanted to point Something out that number one this is uh Kind of version two of Milwaukee's 18 Volt oscillating tool it's really Version one of their M18 fuel or their Brushless Motored uh omt or multi-tool between the Version one and this one is a Chasm a Night and day whatever you'd want to Call that just drastic changes on this New tool that makes it so much better in So many ways from power from usability Um as well as even vibration the Vibration on this thing's probably the Least amount of any of the tools I've Used other than maybe maybe fine maybe Fine has a has less vibration maybe I'd Have to use them side by side and the Fine is quite a bit more money The headlight on this thing is amazing As well so this is this is one tool that A lot of times you're using this in a Darker space and it comes in very handy To have that headlight right there on The front shining bright down where You're using this tool and for the most Part installing blades is tool free You're going to lift up this lever right

Here and push it all the way up and then You have kind of a thumb screw right Here and what this is for is to kind of Secure everything So it doesn't vibrate so I've got a tool Here and as long as it's not a closed Loop so we have the open loop there then I can put it in here and one of the cool Things is I can adjust that where I need It and it will stay there's actually Magnets down there that hold that so I Don't have to hold it with two hands and Then I just tighten this thumb tight I Don't have to use a wrench or anything To tighten that or a screwdriver and Then when I clamp this down that's Actually going to lock that into place And now that's where I can't loosen that Until I flip that lever again so kind of A tool free blade change unless you have A closed loop like this here and in that Case then you do have to lift this up And you know you have to unscrew this by Hand but you're really not needing to Break out any tools and you'll take this Thumb screw all the way out and then That's when you'll put this on for your Sanding and then run this screw back in But for your open back your typical Blades Mo for the most part now for your Blades it's just literally back it off a Few turns so you can get out from under It and then put the new blade back in And position it where you need it

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Let that magnet grab it and then you're Ready to go clamp it down And now you're good to go and as I Mentioned this is a brushless tool so no Brushed motor we get a lot faster Um cutting speed as well as it's a lot Smoother And I don't know if I mentioned it but In speed 12 or speed 11 so in high it's Going to go up to 20 000 OPM it's not RPM because it's not circulating it's Actually OPM so oscillations per minute So it's up to 20 000 and the auto mode Will take you there as well once you Engage the material and it realizes you Need 100 power it'll ramp it up to that Full 10 000 RPM or 20 000 OPM 20 000 Oscillations per minute I've got a battery over here now and if I turn this on You'll see the movement in the blade There And basically we get a 4.2 degree swing Arc or oscillation angle area so Basically 4.2 degrees is how much Movement you get there as far as inches And how far I'm not sure because that's Going to depend on how far you get out From that axis obviously closer in here Is going to be a finer movement than Further out a wave from that center Point so that 4.2 degrees is going to Give you that that angle that's going to Swing regardless of how far out it is

Now in terms of vibration many of these Oscillating multi-tools you pick them up And you really know that you're using One because they it's not that they beat You to death because there's not that Much movement but they just will really Vibrate your hands because of the jobs That they're doing many times but again They've been able to tone down actually What's Happening Here in the tool versus What's Happening Here on the end now Obviously on the end you see there's a Lot of movement there You can absolutely hear it but right Here there's not much at all so You still feel a vibration but not near As bad as with other tools and I'll show You why so I'm going to go ahead and Take this blade back off Foreign See that movement I have here Now they're old tool and other tools You'll see all this is hard mounted so All of that impacting and cutting that's Going on on the twenty thousand fifteen Thousand whatever our RPM or Oscillations per minute you have it at Is just reverberating through that tool Where in this case it's kind of got a Suspension in there where it's Cushioning that blow so that Flex is Built into that tool now others have Claimed that that makes it not easy to Cut a straight line but I haven't found

That to be true I think you do have to Be aware of it but I would much rather Have that to where it's calming down That vibration because in other tools if You use it for too long it will really Start to bother you after a while And then you'll see that headlight here Just again a great addition to a tool Like this Foreign Off the bat talking about other brands And really not to mention any specific But you can really just see them many of Them have bodies the size of a grinder I Have larger hands as it is and this is Not a small tool by any means but it's Still very easy to handle with one hand There's some multi-tools out there where You feel like you have to grasp it with Both hands like you're holding a Polisher or a grinder because the the Barrel here is just so big that that's The way you have to hold it and that is Just not comfortable in a tool like this Especially when you're trying to finesse And make pretty delicate Cuts sometimes Or at least straight cuts it's tougher To do when you've got a huge tool and so That's one thing nice about this we'll We'll measure that here in one moment But as far as the length goes and we'll Measure it with the battery because You've got to use it with a battery You're looking at with that angle on the

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Battery about 14 and a half inches from The front of the tool to the back again We're not going to measure the blade That's going to depend on what size Blade you're running and then the height On that head is just under four inches With that blade on there and again you Could probably run a straight blade and Get by with a little lower profile but That's probably pretty ordinary or Pretty similar to most of your common Blades out there so about a four inch Clearance when it comes from Bottom to top now as I was mentioning When you kind of look down the body here You see we're at 2.36 inches so not a Tiny tool by any means and even 1.75 Here on the back where the handle kind Of is but really a tool like this that Handles wherever you want to hold it for That particular job because that will Change from time to time and you know Depending on whether you have it upside Down right side up sideways that's going To change all the time with a tool like This as I'm sure you're aware if you've Used one of these at all so a little bit Slimmer back here in the back but even So up here just a little over two inches But if you look at top to bottom I Believe they've slimmed it Down Right There Yet 2.4 inches Two more motor really things before we Do

Let's get a weight on this And we'll do it with the five amp hour Battery if it's gonna I have to set it Upside down here we go So four pounds three and a half ounces So not exactly heavy but at the same Time it's not a little bitty tool at all And that's with the 5 amp hour you could Put a Slimmer pack on there and Obviously save a little weight but it Just gives you an idea you're at about a You know four pound four and a quarter Pound tool And then the last thing before we use This these blades are not cheap and Multi-tool blades I don't care what Brand you're buying to buy any quality Blade is not cheap so I would highly Recommend when you can if you're going To be using a tool like this then there Are multi-tool kits or multi-blade kits That come that are actually usable so Make sure the blades that you're buying Are usable and that titanium tip blades Are typically going to cut multi Multi-material stuff like nails and Things like that and wood and this kit Here for example is a nine piece kit so It comes with the case Comes with the case it comes with wood Blades it comes with multi-use blades it Comes with a hardwood blade which is Like a Japanese tile tooth where there's Kind of teeth that on two different

Sides it's a really fast cutting blade Even a hard metal blade as I used here Already and this kit is like I want to Say it's like 60 bucks for this nine Piece kit but again as you know when if You price these blades alone a lot of Times you're paying well over 10 bucks For a single blade if you're buying good Blades if you're buying bad blades They're not going to last very long it's Just going to burn right through them so Again I would highly recommend that if You're looking for good blades then buy A multi-blade kit it's going to save you A little bit of money and then you got a Case to keep them in anyway Something very typical of a Milwaukee Oscillating multi-tool or any multi-tool Is using it to plunge cut because There's really no other tool that does a Good job of plunge cutting and being Able to do it with with some finesse With some kind of degree of of detail You could take a variety of saws and Plunge cut but typically the cut is Wider than the actual area you need to Cut out but with the multi-tool we Should be able to address that I'm going To take my square and we'll make We'll make some Marks here Not the prettiest marks I was using Left-handed there so sorry about that But we'll get to where we're going here We go

So first I'm going to leave it in Automatic I'm not going to try to dial In the speed I want I'm going to leave It in automatic So first thing straight right through This two by two by six whatever it is 2×8 pressure treated 2 by So I can go straight through with not a Problem and then even starting from the Edge So you can hear that as I went into the Wood that it ramped it up as I got into It and the harder I pushed the more it Would ramp up the power Definitely didn't cut a straight cut There let's see if we can straighten That out So very easy to cut on the lines where You need to be All right Thank you Plenty of power for two by stuff Foreign And then many times when you're using an Multi-tool You're having to cut through Construction nails And even trim nails So this is Milwaukee's multi-material Blade and we can tell it's got the Titanium tip on it should be A little better use for nails and such And I'm going to slow that down To like four

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And there we go so we just cut through Two larger nails and three finished Nails no teeth missing on that blade Just yet when you're cutting through Nails and definitely screws you're going To go through blades so it should last You a good bit a decent quality blade However just plan on if you are cutting A lot of construction fasteners you're Going to go through blades regardless of The blades you buy And then something pretty typical again Of one of these tools is you know Something like a piece of baseboard I Understand this is not your typical Baseboard be a lot softer material than This this is actually a piece of uh some Type of hardwood I think it's either Ash Or Oak maybe a piece of Oak but Regardless this is a piece of hardwood So you may encounter this in a in a Chair rail or nice baseboards in a Custom home that would have some Hardwood stuff but regardless the point Is is you may be coming in to cut Something out and you need a nice clean Cut to but something else against or Maybe even do some remediation work or Something like that so this is pretty Typical in a tool like this and again You may have a multi-blade tool or multi Material blade in there because you Don't know if you're going to encounter Finished nails or not

Foreign So you can come in make your cut and Move on and have a decent quality cut Which I can't say that my cut was that quality But anyway regardless you can make a Nice clean cut with the blade and move On and do the work that you need to do Now I'm going to move to what they call Their Pro curve which is made for Hardwood and it's got like a Japanese Style blade on it where you can see There's flush teeth on the top side Flush teeth on the bottom side as well Um And what that does is it really clears Out the dust and particles so it will Cut so used to used to have to take a Multi-tool and really move it around to Keep that blade cutting with this one as Long as you put pressure on it it's Cutting Oh And obviously cutting Against the Grain Is going to do a lot easier Just like cutting with the chainsaw if You're cutting with the grain a little Tougher cut then you're cutting Against The Grain or across the grain Those last couple of cuts I had it in This low speed so let's go back up to Automatic with this Pro curve blade Thank you And then even sanding

Very easy to sand with very little Vibration When it comes to power we don't think We've used another multi-tool that's Quite as powerful or even close to as Powerful and when it comes to vibration Or the feel in the hand the ergonomics The same as their two may be the fine Model but it but again the fine is going To be probably twice as much money which Brings us to the point of the price now Price bear tool is going to run you 229 Dollars and that's going to give you Basically the tool and that's it now if You get the kit as we have it here with The 5 amp hour battery the charger and The 2836 you're looking at 329 so you're Adding about 100 bucks to get the 5 amp Hour battery the beautiful carry bag by The way you can't discount that and the M12 M18 charger as well and you get a Blade and some sanding discs as well so You can't count that out either and as I Mentioned earlier when it comes to these Blades when you're buying quality blades These things just are not cheap many Times again as we said before uh ten Dollars and up uh for a blade depending On what you're getting so if you can buy A kit a lot of times you're better off As long as the blades that you're Getting are ones that you're going to Use make sure you're not buying just Fluff in the kit and this nine piece kit

I believe is 59 now but we saw it last Week at like 47 so you can keep an eye Out and get these for a really good deal We'll have a link in the description of These as well and also most of these Blades in this kit are made in the USA Blades as well straight from Milwaukee So check it out also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and hey if you don't mind would you Hit that like And subscribe button if You haven't done so already and by all Means if you hated our video well give Us a thumbs down but would you put it in The comments on why have a great day Keep smiling