This NEVER Happens! DeWalt DCF513 20V ATOMIC Ratchet Review [70 ft-lbs TORQUE]

Typically the torque claims on cordless ratchets fall pretty short during testing. Not so much with this DeWalt DCF513 20V ATOMIC Ratchet. Their marketing claims of 70 ft-lbs of torque were directly on target. Also, the PowerStack batter fits perfectly on this cordless ratchet, keeping the body lines sleek and compact. You can get the DCF513 for $199 for the bare tool and $269 with a kit with battery and charger. #dewalttough #review #homedepot

DeWalt DCF513 20V Ratchet:
DeWalt DCF513 20V Ratchet Kit:

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Is there any chance that this thing Really has 70 foot pounds of torque We'll find out [Music] Really cool care package from DeWalt the Other day that included this drill right Here as well as this DCF 513 3 8 inch Brushless 20 volt atomic Cordless ratchet that's right it did not Come with this battery however this is a Perfect fit for this battery now here's The big kicker they're claiming 70 foot Pounds of torque now every other Cordless ratchet I'm pretty sure every Other cordless ratchet that we have Reviewed have not hit their numbers of What they claim and I don't think any of Them were claiming 70 many claiming 55 60 but anyway so can this one hit 70 Foot-pounds let's find out got a nice Box from DeWalt the other day uh this is Their tough system 2.0 box very nice by The way And inside Let's move this out of the way is a Three amp hour 20 volt battery looks Like 21 700 cells big wide footprint Easy to spot that Inside here was a DCd 794 their new Atomic Drill Smaller yet still driving power and The subject of today The DeWalt Atomic DCF 513 there's the

512 and the 513 the 512 is the half inch The 513 is the 3 8 drive which is what We have here and runs on their 20 volt System We'll get a little close ER look here at The 20 volt ratchet now we reviewed the 12 volt ratchet but this looks a lot the Same we'll compare it here in a few Moments but this is the 20 volt so Running on the 20 volt battery now Here's the thing the the uh that 3 amp Hour that came in that kit That that you know fits about as well as Well yeah like a clown shoe on a on an Infant um so it really doesn't look good Really bulky and sticks out there but I'll tell you what fits really good on This tool is the original Power stack Battery that came out what a year or two Ago and this thing just fits it like a Glove so that is a perfect size battery For this tool and typically with a Cordless ratchet you're not needing huge Run times so that power stack battery Again is a perfect fit for this so by The way uh talking about the ratchet we Get 250 RPM And directional lever up here just like A typical ratchet Pretty loud by the way As you can probably hear in the camera We get a trigger style button here that You could grab with probably two fingers And then you get a trigger lock right

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Here as well so you can lock that out so If you throw this in your toolbox or in Your truck or in a bucket or wherever You're keeping it it's not just going to Depress the button and run your battery Down we also get an LED light right here That shines right up here on the Wherever your Fastener is going to be And we get a variable speed trigger as Well so you can see we can go pretty Slow with this if we want to Based on the input Get up to that 250 RPM Of course 3 8 drive Anvil for this one And it would be a half inch if it was The 512. now let's get some measurements On this With The battery on there You're looking at right at just about Dead on 15 inches to the end of that Battery Now maybe 14 and three quarters of an Inch so a little short of 15 inches Width wise I don't know is that two and A half inches a little less than two and A half inches wide And then looking at the head Across the width here Looks like an inch and a half and depth Looks about like 1.25 inches 1.2 inches On the depth without the Anvil of course And then cross here on the body uh one And three quarters of an inch across the

Body here We'll get a weight on this as well So with the power stack battery It's right at three pounds two pounds 15 And a half ounces We'll go ahead and weigh that without The battery Two pounds four and a half ounces so Still less than a three pound tool even With the battery so not going to be a Very heavy tool at all and I doubt this Is the type of tool that you're ever Going to get you know tired of carrying It's not like a big impact wrench or Anything else Very handy uh you know fits in the hand Quite nice nothing that's this sticking Out this bothersome or anything else I'm Pretty even all the way down the body of The tool I do wish we would see an Extended and or an extended reach Ratchet from DeWalt hopefully that will Come out sometime soon but no promises On that we have not heard anything as of Yet but let's go ahead and take this Thing over and see how well it does Because they're claiming 70 foot-pounds Of torque okay first order of business We're going to use our electronic torque Wrench here I'm going to turn this on We're going to start setting the torque Here at 10 foot pounds because the claim Is this thing will handle 70 foot-pounds Now I will be very surprised if it can

Do that because most of these cordless Ratchets don't meet their claims but if You've seen any of my videos reviewing Cordless ratchets I don't believe They're impact tools anyway and they're Not impact tools and therefore I could Kind of care less about torque and I'll Get into more that more in just one Moment but usually they don't hit the Numbers they claim especially 70 foot Pounds so let's find out anyway I'm Going to go down to start at 10 foot Pounds There we go There 10.7 20.4 30.3 40.7 51.5 went over a little bit on that one 61.3 And 70.1 nailed that one Okay uh full battery down here if you Can see that So we do have a full power stack battery We are in Forward let's go to reverse So there you can see so you should be Able to see the hash marks on here And I'm just going to hold it still and See if it will break that free at 10 Foot pounds Yeah no problem okay let's go 20 foot pounds wow no problem at all

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30. 40. Okay there we go so 40 foot pounds Now I'm holding it against the bottom Here and not letting it budge at all Now if I free this thing up and let it Kind of jerk a little bit it'll probably Break this free so I'm going to hold it Up and just kind of hold it Loosey-goosey There we go And I try not to give any input to it But it broke that free at 40 but as you Can see just sitting still up it broke That one free so maybe we just had an Anomaly there so that's at 50. 60. wow I'm impressed 70. Wow okay Never had that before in a ratchet to Break that much free Okay then well let's start back over You know what I'm going to take our Fourth one out of commission here Seemed like an anomaly there so we'll Get that replaced later on I'm going to Go back to 70 here and just start over At 70 on this first one 71.4 And then I'm just going to go to 75 77.9 And then go to 80. Yeah that one's at 80. okay So we've got 70 75 and 80

. here we go Yep so looks like Foreign Can't quite do but if I get a running Start Then I can get it but I don't believe in That but people always tell me they want Me to do that yeah so Of course 75 so it looks like 70 is Definitely the limit for some reason we Hit that over here and let's just Do that again on the 70 side Yeah 70.8 And let's see where a battery is yeah We're still full battery So we must be right at our limit on the 70 foot-pounds Yeah so if I give it a little bit of Slack it will break it free but Foreign There we go so again I would say our cap Is 70. I think they dialed this in right At 70 foot-pounds as they say but still I'm pretty sure the first one that we Have reviewed that came anywhere close To that Um definitely 70 foot pounds so kudos to DeWalt on that now let me do one more Test what I really want to see in a in a Ratchet What I really want to see in a ratchet Is will it handle the abuse Of the input manual input from the user So I'm going to go at at 100 foot-pounds

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So I'm going to go 100 foot-pounds and Torque these And then I'm going to manually Remove these Because I know that's what users are Going to do you know when they come into A stuck bowl and it won't just back it Off on its own they're not going to go And grab something else they're going to Say you know what I'm going to go ahead And Break that caliper bolt loose and then Hit the button and pull that off so I Want to make sure there's no flex in This tool it's going to hold up for me Actually providing that input and it is There's no flex at all that I'm feeling Or seeing when I'm breaking free this Hundred foot pound fastener And then once I break it free That's what I want to ratchet for I want It to be a nut running device Run that nut off grab the next one That's what I want for my ratchet Absolute King of the Hill right here uh Broke Free the 70 foot pounds and we Kind of got it to do it again and then Kind of got it to do 75 foot pounds with A little you know tweaking and running And stuff like that and you get it but Still this thing is delivering on the Torque it's still 250 RPM so still runs The nuts off uh rather quickly so this As far as a ratchet goes is just a a

Little beast would love to see an Extended reach on this and I'm telling You this little power stack the little I Think it's 2.7 amp hour power stack Battery is the perfect fit for this Perfect footprint because you know Listen let's face it the bigger the Battery on here the more kind of Oddball it looks and actually feels but This one actually does a decent job of Being able to kind of tuck in there and Not get too in the way but I really Can't not DeWalt for that listen none of These tool companies develop their tool Platform around a ratchet the ratchets Were kind of a a long way down the road And their battery platform was already Established so again cat knocked them For that both their 12 volts and 20 Volts does this was not impressed that Well with their 12 volt version of this But this has really livened up and very Impressed with it hey check it out for Yourself I believe is 199 for the bear Tool but I believe you can get a kit With uh I think a three or four amp hour Battery with it and maybe even two Batteries for like 269 so we'll include A couple of links there where you can See those but check it out for yourself The DCF 513 also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and if you don't mind on would you Hit that like And subscribe button if

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