Top 10 Tools 2022? Let’s find out! Gift Ideas!

What tools made the top 10 list for 2022? After testing hundreds of items, the Daytona Floor Jack, Gearwrench ratchet, Milwaukee grinder, DeWalt string trimmer, Ryobi stapler, Craftsman Tap & Die Set, S-K Ratcheting Combination Wrench, Cle-line burrs, Snap On Torque Wrench, and Benchmade Griptilian. Product links and a link to the videos in which each tool was tested are provided below. Great gift ideas! I bought all products tested to ensure unbiased reviews. So, thank you very much for supporting the channel.

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➡ Products Tested In This Video (in no particular order):
GearWrench Ratchet:
DeWalt String Trimmer:
Ryobi Stapler:
Craftsman Tap & Die Set:
S-K Ratcheting Combination Wrench:
Benchmade Knife:
Snap On Torque Wrench: Available Online at the Snap On Store
Daytona Floor Jack: Available at Harbor Freight
Milwaukee Grinder: Available at Home Depot

Videography Equipment:
Sony DSC-RX10 III Cyber-shot Digital Still Camera:
Canon 70D Camera:
Azden Microphone:
Go Pro Bundle:

Floor Jack:
String Trimmer:
Tap & Die:
Ratcheting Combination Wrenches:
Pocket Knives:
Torque Wrenches:
Angle Grinders:

This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Project Farm LLC

2022 flew by really quickly and we Tested a lot of great products so let's See which ones made the top 10 list and The first product to make the top 10 List is the Daytona DJ 3000 which is Sold at Harbor Freight I compared eight Different Jacks with the least expensive One costing under 100 and the most Expensive the Snap-on costing a thousand Some of the Jacks had less than great Build quality but the welds and the Overall build quality on the Daytona Were terrific I built the tester to Measure the maximum lifting capacity of Each Jack the display on the left kept Track of the maximum downward Force Applied to the Jack handle and the Display on the right kept track of the Jack's lifting capacity with the Daytona I had to apply 108.5 pounds of downward Force on the jack handle to reach 3 tons Or six thousand pounds of lifting force With the Jack the Daytona made it to 6855 pounds or 855 pounds higher than a Six thousand pound rating after five Minutes the Daytona gave up 355 pounds But it's still holding more than a six Thousand pound rating the Daytona also Offers a second best lift height at 23 And a quarter inches or less than an Inch difference compared to the Snap-on As a Jack is lifting the vehicle it Needs to reposition Itself by Rolling Looking forward to stay under the

Vehicle if the wheels don't move freely There's a risk that the Jack could slide Out from under the vehicle to test this I placed a jack under the differential And I lifted both wheels off the ground I then measured the amount of force it Took to roll the jack with approximately 1500 pounds of weight on the jack once Again the Daytona did very well in this Test at only 88.5 pounds which is good Enough for a second place finish behind The Snap-on without a load most of the Jacks have a quick lift design and reach Full height at under 10 pumps with a Load and with a limited range of motion For the handle the Daytona tied the Thousand dollar Snap-on for first place At 28 pumps to reach full height the Daytona also did very well on the low Clearance test and supported the weight Of a hay baler for 24 hours without a Problem when consuming the price and Performance the Daytona is a terrific Value and definitely deserves to make The top 10 list and the 90 tooth Gearwrench rats had easily earned its Place in the top 10 list by Outperforming many of the more expensive Ratchets in just about every category in The first test the working Arc swing Test the gear wrench only needed 18 Right to left passes within a 30 degree Space to complete a rotation it tied to Icon Pro for second place and just

Barely finished behind the zero degree Ratchet a ratchet with a lot of Back Drag really makes removing and Installing faster than tight spaces a Challenge at times if there's enough Space you can use your finger to apply Some pressure on the side of the socket To allow the ratchet to advance but That's not always an option once again The gear wrench performed very well on The back drag test at only 209 grams Having both a low Back Drag and a great Working Arc swing is a great combination And the gearwrench once again finished In second place a small ratchet head can Really help when working in tight spaces And the gearwench was the most compact Ratchet in the lineup for both front to Back dimensions and width if you're Trying to change directions with the Directional lever with just one hand Having a directional lever that moves Freely really helps once again the Gearwrench finished in first place in This category since the gear rinse is The most compact I thought that the Larger ratchets would offer a lot more Strength however the gear rinse still Performed extremely well finally braking At 286.2 foot-pounds and finished in Third place overall the gearwitz is very Compact has a great working Arc swing And a very low Back Drag making it an Amazing ratchet at only thirty four

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Dollars it definitely deserves to to be In the top 10 list the Milwaukee model 298120 battery powered angle grinder is Expensive at around 220 dollars but Seems to be very well worth the price I Place the angle grinders on a tester That rolls nice and smoothly and the Angle grinders were leveled before the Testing began I used five pounds on a Rope and pulley system to test the Grinders cutting through half inch rebar And Milwaukee made three cuts through The rebar and had the fastest average Cut speed of only 6.8 seconds or a full Second faster than a second place Finisher I also compared the angle Grinders for blade stop speed over half The angle grinders needed over three Seconds to stop the grinding discs but The Milwaukee performed very well at Only 1.56 seconds in the second test the Grinders competed in the maximum torque Test they started off with five pounds Of weight and a new grinding disc and The Milwaukee easily handled 5 10 15 and Even 20 pounds of force with 20 pounds Of force it ground its way through the Rebar and only 14.5 seconds only four of The 10 Grinders were able to handle 20 Pounds of force and the Milwaukee was More than twice as fast as a second Place finisher considering the power of The Milwaukee it also performed very Well for Tool vibration and a 60v DeWalt

Battery powered string trimmer has Proved to be very impressive against the Competition and the first test the String trimmers are tested for maximum Startup torque and the DeWalt totally Dominated the competition with a very Impressive 73 inch pounds some Battery-powered tools react slowly to The trigger compared to gas powered Tools and the DeWalt offers a very good Tool reaction speed at only 0.1 seconds Just like a gas trim or the DeWalt also Reaches full RPM very quickly in under One second string trimmer line capacity Could save you from having to stop and Restring the string trimmer before Finishing the job and the DeWalt tied The echo for third place with a 20-foot String capacity if the trimmer line hits A sharp object and it becomes too short Oftentimes it has to be dispensed by Hand and the DeWalt has a very well Designed string trimmer head and easily Dispense the trimmer line with a Starting length of three quarters of an Inch and only 1.2 seconds to really Challenge the string trimmers they had To cut 10 to 12 inch tall grass in an 8 By 24 foot area once again the Dual came Out on top with a very impressive 68 Seconds or 12 seconds faster than the Second place finisher several of the String trimmers perform very well in The Showdown and the DeWalt came out on top

And several categories and they're in an A rating in most performance categories The 18 volt battery powered Ryobi Stapler is relatively affordable at Around eighty dollars and performs Extremely well and the Robi delivers Almost immediate trigger response also If you're tackling a project that Requires quick tool speed the Robi drove In 80 Staples in only 29 seconds Applying more downward force on top of The stapler can help the stapler Drive In the staple deeper and you don't have To put a lot of downward Force using the Ruby and the 84 Roby finish in a very Close second place behind the 210 dollar Makita driving a staple through Cornerbeat is extremely difficult unless The stapler packs a hard and quick punch Only three staplers are able to tackle The corner bead and the Roby is the Least expensive of the three at eighty Four dollars driving a staple into fully Cured Oak is extremely challenging but The ruby made very easy work of the Oak And completely drilled the staple into The wood and composite Lumber is even Harder than oak and made most of the Staplers look helpless and once again The Robi made very easy work of the Composite wood and drove the staple into The lumber not bad for an 84 stapler if You're like me finding a decent tap and Die set has been a challenge fortunately

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The Craftsman performed extremely well Against the competition in the first Test the Taps cut threads in half inch Aluminum after drilling all the holes And using a drill press to start the tap Straight I then used a torque adapter to Measure the amount of torque required to Tap the threads and the Draper tap and Die set has a different thread pitch in The Craftsman so not including the Draper the Craftsman tapped the threads With the least amount of force at only 45 inch pounds tapping aluminum is a Pretty easy task but quarter inch 4140 Is a lot harder and a Craftsman is very Sharp and durable and cut threads at 40 Inch pounds once again the 24 thread Pitch Draper came in on top but the Craftsman came in on top for the taps With an 18 thread pitch an even better Indicator of tap performance is the bolt Fit and the Craftsman came in on top With only 1.23 millimeters of side to Side movement to test the dies I used 5 16 low carbon steel rods I used a drill Along with the torque adapter to keep Track of the torque required to rotate The steel rod with a generous helping of Tapping fluid to Craftsman survive the Entire test only reaching a maximum Torque of 110 foot-pounds the amount of Side to side movement on the freshly cut Threads is pretty decent at only 2.11 Millimeters only 500 nine Brands to

Include the Craftsman survive the test Once again the Craftsman performed very Well finishing in second place behind Irwin for side to side movement high Quality ratcheting combination wrench Makes easy work of difficult nuts and Bolts in the SK Tools wrench easily made The top 10 list and the first test the Working Arc swing test all the wrenches Had to work within a 40 degree space Most of the wrenches needed 24 left to Right passes for one full rotation but The SK came out on top at only 15.3 it Ratchet with a lot of Back Drag can Really make removing a faster in a tight Space a pretty big Challenge and the SK Performed very well in this test at only 288 grams of backdrag for a third place Finish in this category the ratchets Then competed for performance on a rusty Fastener about half the wrench is routed Off the bolt while the other half Outlasted the ball and the SK performed Very well in this test never losing grip And outlasting the bolt the open end Wrench performance of the SK was very Impressive in this category finally Breaking the bolt at 683.7 inch pounds Occasionally tools get pushed to their Limits and the SK has the highest Ratchet failure load of all the brands At a very impressive 531 pounds not only Only is the SK strongly durable it also Has the most compact open end with an

Outer diameter of 0.97 inches the Box End is also very compact at 0.98 so the SK has the best overall performance with An average finish of 3.67 quality metal Burst set is worth its weight in gold And the cleanlined Burrs earned a spot In the top 10. to compare the Burrs I First put together a tester that uses a Rope and pulley system I use 5 pounds of Pulling Force for each of the Burrs and The Cleveland Burr ripped through the Grade 8 bolt like a hot knife through Butter making the fastest cut out of Nine Brands and only 9.8 seconds the Burr held up really well with only a Very small amount of wear and tear I Used a drill press for the second test I Attached a wheel with the Rope to the Lever arms and the drill press to ensure The same amount of downward pressure was Applied for each Burr I then attached 3.5 pounds of weight to the wheel the Sf-5 bar is angled and has a little bit Different design than the sa5 which was Used in the first test and once again The clear line performed very well Creating a notch in the 5 16 inch mild Steel and only 10.8 seconds the clean Line held up very well in finished in Third place overall in this test I then Tested the burst cutting through an Allen key which is made of some very Hard tool steel and the clean line once Again made very easy work on the very

Hard tool steel making the cut in 27.1 Seconds and the teeth on the clean line Held up very well sc5 birds are great For milling and contouring and it really Helps if the tip of the Burr is properly Designed for removing material to test Tooth geometry sharpness and chip Removal I used some ar-400 which is some Really hard steel with 10 pounds of Weight on the rope in the drill press Wheel The Leverage advantage of the Drill press applied about 70 pounds of Downward force on the Burrs and several Of the Burrs barely left a mark in the Very hard steel but the clean line once Again performed very well at 8.25 Millimeters which was enough to win this Event after testing three styles of Burrs cutting from three different Positions the clue line came out on top With the best overall finish if you want The best and you don't mind spending a Lot of money the Snap-on torque wrench Is a great tool to test the torque Wrenches I bought this Proto torque Wrench tester it's the same unit that Many calibration shops use since it Provides accuracy to one tenth of a foot Pound the tester has set up the first Peak mode so the tester will measure and Remember the exact amount of torque when You hear and feel The Click when it Comes to torque wrenches both accuracy And consistency is very important and

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The first test at 50 foot pounds the Snap-on was the most consistent of all The brands with a standard deviation of Only 0.34 foot-pounds I also took six Measurements for each brand at 100 150 200 and 250 foot-pounds after a total of 30 measurements for each brand only the Icon SK Tools and the Snap-on completed All 30 measurements within the plus or Minus four percent torque tolerance Range for precision works such as Torquing down a cylinder head having the Exact same amount of clamp load or Downward pressure is extremely important The Snap-on came in on top with a Standard deviation of 0.51 foot-pounds I Also tested the torque wrenches in the Counterclockwise Direction after testing The torque wrenches at 250 150 and then 50 foot pounds for a total of 18 Measurements each the Snap-on DeWalt and Proto were the only three brands that Didn't have any measurements that fell Outside the plus or minus six percent Torque tolerance range of those three Brands the Snap-on came the closest to Averaging 150 foot-pounds at 151.1 7. The tested durability of the torque Wrenches I cycle the torque wrenches a Thousand more times and tested them Again for accuracy once again the Snap-on stayed within the four percent Range of accuracy on all the tests the Swing Arc of a ratchet can make a huge

Difference to provide realistic swing Art calculations I measured the swing Arc with a socket attached to a Fastener And the Snap-on came out on top at 15.6 Degrees while the Snap-on is very Expensive it came out on top and proved To be a very high quality USA made tool And the final product to make the top 10 List is the Benchmade folding knife That's around 170 dollars and right out Of the box the bench bait is extremely Sharp with a sharpness score of 155 the Sharpest of all the knives tested I then Tested the amount of pressure it takes To unlock the knife blade and the bench Bait is very easy on the fingers at only 356 grams of pressure and once again Came out on top the Benchmade also Proved to have a very smooth opening Blade requiring zero grams of pressure And finishing a two-way tie for first Place with the Kaiser knife blades are Made of different types of Steel and Some knife plays just don't hold an edge Very well to test blade Edge durability I placed the knives inside of a holder I Then Place 5 pounds of weight on top of The knives and made 100 back and forth Passes across a bamboo cutting board and The Benchmade only gave up 10 points 165. after 100 passes Across The Cutting Board the Benchmade finished in second Place I then sharpened all the knives Using a 17 degree angle after sharpening

All the blades I tested them one more Time just to make sure that they were Sharpened to nearly the same sharpness Level I then ran the knife blades across The bamboo cutting board 100 more times To see which knife blade maintained the Best edge and a Benchmade uses a very High quality knife blade steel losing Only 10 sharpness points and the Benchmade tied for second place with a Very impressive sharpness of 120. and The final test I dropped the knives on The knife point and the Benchmade Survived the impact and still looks as Good as new while the Benchmade is Expensive at around 170 dollars it's a Very well made knife that's designed to Stay sharp and is very durable a big Thank you to everyone that supported the Channel in 2022 through any means Possible it really helps all the videos In this channel our viewers suggested so If you have a video idea I hope you take Time to leave a comment thanks so much For watching please take care and look Forward to next time