UNDER $200!! Kaiweets KT360A 3x 360 Green Laser Review

The KAIWEETS KT360A Green Laser includes a self-leveling 3-plane laser to make your job much easier. The laser head self-levels within 4 degrees of level, and you can also use the manual mode to set the laser line wherever you want. Two rechargeable batteries are included in the kit. This is available on Amazon for less than $200. #amazon #tools #laserlevel

KAIWEETS KT360A Green Laser:

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Are you in the market for a three by 360 Green laser you may want to check out This one from Kai wheat This is the kiweeds KT 360 a and it is a Three plane or a three by 360 laser a Green laser at that it runs off of Battery power and you also get more than One battery with the kit we'll also use It while we're taking a look at it then We'll come back and talk about pricing And warranty let's see what's inside Beautiful nylon canvas whatever this is Case it's the kiweets laser level Specifically it's the model KT 360 a it Comes with everything you see here the Case I like the fact that they actually Have some molded foam in here that fits Everything very nice so we have a tripod Mount here where you can mount the laser Here with the quarter inch by 20 I Believe stud and Thumb screw there and then on the bottom We have a 5 8 as well as a quarter inch Npt as well and looks like a magnet There yep magnet there and on the end so Several different mounting points magnet Here magnet there the two Different places for your tripod Mounting and even some side holes Through here as well as well as being Able to slide this on a piece of metal And a rod however you want to mount this They've already kind of thought of many Of the possibilities you also get an

Extra battery so this is not the battery This is the second area they're both Identical but anyway we get a second Battery as well and they're charged by a USB type c Port love to see that love Everybody that's going to a USB type c Getting away from the old funky Different sizes anyway get a USB a to Type c cable for your charging and you Even get a if you still need the power Block they included that also and then We get a laser target that will help you Identify or view that laser a little Better especially from a distance you Get a reflective piece back here on the Back as well as the green Target and Even a little resting place there And then the last thing in here is the Actual laser level Slide that out of the way and again love The fact that we've got a cut out foam Insert for everything in here it fits Very nicely and in place nothing's going To fly around and bounce around or Anything like that and you can see right Away that we get a three plane laser Here so we have the plane here playing Here and plane here so we're going to Get that cross action vertically Horizontally and vertically so two Vertical and one horizontal laser and Then of course you put it on the side it Would be the opposite anyway I think you Get the fact we have a big lock or on

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Off button or on off switch really down Here at the bottom this not only turns The unit off it also locks the laser Because it's self-leveling so it doesn't Doesn't rock around that's what the lock Does not only turns it off but also Locks that so you can see if I turn this On you can see it's self leveling so Kind of rocking around there and that's What that lock does Is locks that in place keeping that Laser head safe and also turning the Unit on you also recognize this as a Green laser so we get a lot better sight Especially in the daytime with a green Laser we can see it a lot better than With a red laser these are our different Planes of lasers so just with a single Button we can turn on just the top Just the front The front and the side The front and the top And then all three Hit it again we're back to just the top Also this is the pulse beam so in other Words when I turn that on it looks like It actually gets dimmer And it actually does however so that's With it off that's with the pulse off And I turn it on again you see it kind Of get dimmer and that's really not dim And I'm not sure what it's doing in the Camera it may show it in the camera what It's doing in pulse mode is it's

Actually pulsing at a high frequency and That's better uh for your extended reach Laser targets to actually see those so The electronic targets will actually see That pulsing mechanism better and it's Going to show up especially at those Long distances now without the pulse on Just with naked eye they're recommending Like a 30 meter or 90 foot you know 90 To 100 foot laser distance and then of Course with a an electronic Target That's going to extend a bit as well but For the price of this laser which is 200 Below 200 I think it's 198 on Amazon You're getting a green three-headed Laser as well as all the perks here all The additional battery The tripod mount the magnetic Mount and The Target and the actual case for less Than 200 bucks so pretty stout deal Especially when it comes to a green Laser And as I was mentioning an extra battery Here the battery actually comes off so If we want to take this off And go charge it we can do that and put Our extra battery on Very easy to do so so I love the fact That that it is a detachable battery That you can charge with any common USB Type-c cable now we've seen initially That when you turn this on or unlock the Head that the laser comes on and that It's self leveling well if you're in a

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Situation because by the way that goes Up to like I think four degrees so if You're in a situation where for some Reason you need that at more than a four Degree uh Angle or you need something specific Where you need to draw a line that's not Level you can still use this in manual Mode so I can turn this off so now the Level is off the head is secure but I Still want to turn it on and use it Manually I just have to hold down the Mode button for a few seconds see it Lights up and then and now the laser Comes on Hit the mode button again and it's going To turn on the different lasers that I'm Looking for But again we can use this in manual mode And now you can see when I rock it it's Not the laser is not bouncing around Because the head's still secure but I Can use this in manual mode and be able To set that line wherever I need it Hold it down again a few seconds And it turns the unit back off These batteries will power this unit With one laser on more than 70 hours and With two lasers on 40 hours and with Three lasers on 25 hours so you're still Getting more than a day's use with a Single battery even if you're powering All three lasers on at the same time Constantly you're still getting more

Than a day's use out of a single battery And then if you want to you can use the Included Target to mount on a wall There's even a magnet here you could Actually use it to magnetize to the wall Or to a beam or wherever you needed it Or like I said the actual self-standing Mode there and then again when I turn This on Let's lock that out You can see that it's going to reflect That Much brighter than without it so you see Especially here in the Middle where you Have the reflecting coating here on the Back of the target We can see a lot brighter line and it's It's a bit thicker as well a little bit But you can definitely easily see that Line on the target It's really hard to beat the price on This as we mentioned you can get this For less than 200 I think it's 198 Dollars on Amazon and you get everything You see here and by the way for a nylon Case this is a very nice case because we Do have the foam with the cutouts Keeping everything secure and in its Place and everything has its place right Out of the box so we love to see that For the price I don't know that you can Find something that equals this with the Features that it has with the detachable Batteries and getting two detachable

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Batteries that will run this thing for More than a solid day with all three Lasers on At that price level of 200 and they back It with a three year warranty now we'll Have a link in the description so be Sure to check that out also keep track Of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and Even Tick Tock and if you don't mind Would you hit that like And subscribe Button if you haven't done so already And by all means if you hated our video Well then give us a thumbs down but Would you let us know in the comments Why have a great day keep smiling