UV Your RV or Trailer! Lumasafe UV Air Disinfection Light [ULTRAVIOLET]

Ultraviolet light has been used for decades to mitigate the spread of germs, bacteria, and viruses. Lumasafe UV Air Disinfection Lights brings these benefits to your Recreational Vehicle. Hospitals, Clinics, Airlines, Food Processing Plants, and many other industries have benefited from the use of UV lights; however, the RV market seems to have missed the UV benefits. Until Now! Thanks for Lumasafe.
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Lumasafe UV Air Disinfection Light:

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Does this look familiar to you well if You've got an RV or maybe even a car Trailer with an air conditioner on top Of it it probably looks really familiar Specifically this is a Dometic unit but It doesn't matter the brand name Lumasafe has a UV light that will help You keep things disinfected I feel like A mosquito We're shifting gears a little bit here At shop tour reviews today and going Away from just tools and talking about Things that you probably enjoy on the Weekends or maybe several weeks out of The Year and that is getting in an RV or Maybe pulling a trailer that has an air Conditioner on it and one thing about These air conditioners in our RVs and Then our trailers and different things They only get used part of the time Unlike our homes that probably the AC or The furnace is usually running non-stop Throughout the year these things get run Kind of on the spot every now and then And for the rest of the time they sit And they don't do anything and they like To gather moisture especially here in The Southeast and things like to grow in That moisture in dark areas like the Inside of an AC so Luma safe is bringing A product that's been used in other Industries for decades for killing Neutralizing sterilizing germs bacterias Even viruses in places like hospitals

Food processing plants and even in our Homes in the last couple of decades We've seen UV light starting to be used More and more but in our RVs we haven't Seen it so Luma safe has come out with a Product to take these UV lights a lot Lower intensity because we don't need All that intensity of a 10 000 square Foot clinic in our little air Conditioner and our you know 400 square Foot home on Wheels if you will if it's That big but this little UV light can Definitely help you into keeping things Clean and disinfected and the longer it Runs the better it's going to be now it Runs off of the 120 volt supply of your Air conditioner so if you don't have That 120 volt panel on and it's not Getting fed that 120 volts it's not Going to run so you don't have to worry About it running down your 12 volt Battery that's not where it's going to Be pulling from now let's go ahead and Break open this unit and show you how to Install this simple piece of equipment That you'll probably never even hear run And by the way you don't have to install It you could definitely take it to your RV Service Center and they can install It for you this is how you'll get the Luma safe UV light product and very easy Open it up there's instructions there General instructions there's your Sticker If you want to put it on and you

Have a little Transformer there a little Circuit board and this is where your Power comes in and we'll tap into the Power with that and then this side here Is just simply going to plug right here Into this light here so you'll plug that In and then we need to mount this light Which we're about to do and these are Just little stands that slide on here by The way a very good looking light as Well Just in case you ever want to open it up And look in there and you can also slide These depending on where you need to Mount this and we're just going to use The 3M tape that's included with it you Also have some zip ties if you need to Zip tie some wires out of the way so Everything's included there to install This you may need a couple of wire nuts Or Spade connectors depending on how you Want to install it but very simple Installation and as you can see Everything's included right here in the Box so let's get started now the first Thing we want to do on this Dometic unit Is we want to get the cap off now this Would only be if you're accessing it From the top of the RV and installing it That way you can also install it from Underneath in fact we'll run some Footage here of where we did install This on an RV and did it from the inside Without having to remove this cap but if

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You do decide to do it from the outside You'll have a little more room just need To remove these screws and sometimes They're a little stripped so Little help there So just for those on this unit and this Will lift right off And now we're looking at the inside of The unit with the cap off the compressor Is back here the fan motor is sitting Right here and this is basically Encapsulated foam cap and this is in two Pieces so you should be able to gently Kind of pull up on it it might be a Little bit stuck But just kind of find a couple of areas And ease it up and it's just kind of a Tongue and groove system Where it will lift off without hurting Anything this wire right here will be Plugged in through here let me raise This up If you're accessing this from the inside Of the RV then you've probably got a Control board right here this will be The roof and you'll probably be stood Off at you know about six inches or so But you'll have a control board Somewhere right here where this plugs Into but coming into that control board Will probably be something that looks Like this Romex with three wires a white A black and a ground and that's bringing In your 120 volts or 110 120 volts of

Voltage and your white is going to be Your neutral and your black is going to Be your common or your black shirt power Wire that's coming in the the white is Returning and so it will tell you on the Instructions how to wire that basically The reason I'm saying that is we don't Have to tap into this we do not have to Cut or add any connections or anything On this side of the plug this is going To be plugged in that control board that Control board has an access panel you Can see on this other footage where you Can access the 120 volts so if you are Doing this from the top side just take This wire here which is where you'll Connect it and just drop it down through The hole here that will actually go Inside the unit and you'll have to pull The cap off from the inside to access That control board so you can just drop That down we can do all our installation Right here and then you can go inside And actually hook that up so this is the Coil here this is where all the air is Going to pass through that's coming out Of your RV and then being dumped back Into it so it's circulating the air Through this coil this is where we want To aim that UV light we could go to Either side this will be the easiest Side to get to and we can just take our 3M tape put it on here and aim it right Here at the coil and again we can dump

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Our control wires down here we can also Mount this control board here as well Now if you wanted to you could probably Mount it to the cap I would recommend That against that because when you have To remove this then you'd be tethered by A wire now I'm going to first just take Our 3M tabs and mounting on our mounting Blocks here as well as the little Circuit board here Rub that down pretty good ensure it's Sticking And put these on my light again on the Board So now we're ready to install so I've Peeled my protective tape off our Protective layer and now I'm going to Install this one I'm just going to put It on the bottom Here there's kind of little shelf there That I can put it on and just kind of Press this in there Make sure it's on by the way you may Want to wipe this down with a microfiber And maybe even wipe it with some alcohol If it's dusty or nasty to make sure You've got a good surface for this to Bond to then I want to take my light and Make sure that my Stands are in a good place and I want to Get as centered to the coil as I can so That I have as much surface area as Possible that covers And there we go so now you can see

Here's the control box or the circuit Board whatever you want to call that Here's the light and it's kind of Floating on these two stands here which Is great but what I'm going to do just To make sure that we don't have any Issues I don't want that sliding out I'm Just going to take a zip tie Put it on this side And take another zip tie It's easy enough to cut these off if for Some reason we've got to pull it out but This will keep this from sliding one way Or the other and sliding off the Brackets There we go so now that light is nice And secure it's held on with the tape It's not sliding around going anywhere And it's aimed directly at that coil Which by the way if you notice this uh Octagonal or hexagonal what whatever how Many sides that is you can actually turn It on these mounts as well so if you we Needed to aim it this way or that way we Could definitely do so with the type of Mounts and stands that we have here so That is really cool but this is actually Nice where our coil is nice and parallel To the axle front surface so we can aim It directly at a 90 degree angle Directly at it Now I'm just going to take my two plugs And plug them in You'll hear it snap so now we know we're

Secure And now I just took another couple of Zip ties and tied all this up so we Don't have any loose stragglers and tied This one up against the light there so It's not blocking the light and it's Staying out of the way Keeping everything nice and tidy and now This pigtail is going to get fed down to The control board where you can wire it Up but as far as this side we are good To go now Now you'll see here in the instructions It says blue goes to neutral and brown To hot in other words Brown is going to Go to what is typically the black wire In Romex and the blue is going to go to The neutral which is typically the white Wire in Romex so I'm going to go ahead And cut these leads off And I'm going to strip these So now they're stripped Go ahead and twist them well Since we don't have our unit wired up We're going to simulate that we have Romex run through here So bear with us here So here's our black wire and here's our White wire so we know that Brown is Going to go to black and blue is going To go to White Take a wire nut Another wire nut And make sure these things thread on

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Good And then I would recommend wrapping Those with electrical tape as well And we'll turn on our power And our UV light is working so we've got Good direction there on the coil Covering the entire coil and that UV Light is going to help inhibit growth of Different things that's going to Definitely keep things cleaner on this Coil and it will continue to work at it As well the longer it runs the cleaner It will help get this especially even in Dirty situations it will continue to Kind of eat at that and to make this Better and better if it's clean already It will definitely help to keep it clean As well and here we have it flipped up On its back or on the end with the cap On so you can see now we've got the Styrofoam cap back on it and the UV Light running and we've got great Exposure of that UV light to the coil as Well as to the rest of the whole return You know many times our RVs that we Spend tens of thousands of dollars on And some in the hundreds of thousands of Dollars many times we Overlook the Simple things uh like air quality and Air treatment and even HVAC treatment That we do in our homes and businesses But for some reason the thing we stuff Away for the majority of the year and Let it just sit with all that nasty air

Inside of it we don't think about it now This is a technology that is not new It's been tried and tested in many Different applications and UV light is Very effective in treating surface area As well as the air for different things You can look that up and find all that Information without looking too hard Even things like CDC FDA all talk about UV light and the treatment in hospitals Food processing you name it so lumosafe Has a great little product and by the Way this is only a .30 amp draw so 0.3 Amps is the draw on this and it's only Drawing at when that 120 volt system is On if that's not on just your 12 volt System is on in your RV it's not drawing From that so when that breaker panel is Live and when there's 120 volts flowing Through there that's when this light is Going to come on so yes it's going to Run when the AC is not running but that Means it's going to be treating that Surface area when that power is on when You're plugged into Shore power or when You're running a generator or something Like that as long as you've got 120 Volts coming to this then it's going to Power up that light and have that 0.3 Amp draw but it's not going to draw down The battery on your vehicle check it out We'll have a link in the description Also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and

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