We’re NOT Surprised, in a Good Way! NEW RIDGID SubCompact Impact Wrench Review [R872071 & R872081]

These new RIDGID 18V Brushless SubCompact Impact Wrenches outperform the claims on the box. Expect to see the new RIDGID R872071 and R872081 impact wrench hit the Home Depot shelves in February 2023. You can get these as a bare tool, or you can get the kit with a 2Ah battery and a charger. Even with the battery, these SubCompact Impact Wrenches are just 3 pounds. RIDGID claims up to 250 ft-lbs of breakaway torque, and we definitely put them to the test. #impactwrench #homedepot #ridgidtools

RIDGID R872081 1/2″ Impact:
RIDGID R872071 3/8″ Impact:

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Can a subcompact 18 volt impact wrench Deliver the power that you need we'll See Brand new subcompact impact wrenches From rigid runs on their 18 volt Platform they're both brushless motors They're pretty much identical other than The 3 8 drive Anvil versus the half inch Drive Anvil now specifically these are The model number r872 071 for the 3 8 Drive and the r872 081 for the half inch drive now what We're going to do we're going to dig in And take a look at each one of the Features on these tools as well as we're Going to test them on our test bench to See if they really deliver on the torque That they claim they do so let's go Ahead get started then we'll come back Here and talk about pricing about Warranty and what we thought of these Two brand new impact wrenches coming to Home Depot from rigid the Ridgid 18 volt Brushless subcompact impact wrench I Guess we these really shouldn't be named As brand new uh they are new they've had A subcompact 18 vote brushless impact Wrench prior to but this is two new Models really one new model that in the 3 8 drive and a half inch drive so we Have the model number 872081 is the half inch and the model Number R872071 is a 3 8 drive a k for the kit

With the 2 Amp Hour battery and a Charger and the case and if you want Bare tool it'll be just a b so 872-071b and 081b for the half inch drive so let's Open these up take a look at them and Then of course we'll test them as well Foreign So in the kits you're going to get the 2 Amp Hour battery just one two amp hour Battery and the impact wrench and a Charger if you're a rigid fan you'll Definitely want to upgrade that charger But if you're a rigid fan you probably Have already upgraded the charger but I Would highly recommend if you're buying Into the rigid platform and you buy one Of these kits which are great price by The way it really is for the if if this Impact wrench has anywhere near the Power that the older subcompact did just A great kit but I would highly recommend Save up your money buy a better charger That's going to be faster for you but Anyway we'll get into that later so That's what comes in each of the kits is The two amp hour of the charger and the Impact wrench again this is the 3 8 Drive so it'll be the 872071 and the half inch is going to be The 872-081 now both of these impact Wrenches are virtually identical other Than the smaller 383 Drive anvil on this

One versus the half inch drive but Otherwise exact same tool same size same Weight should be anyway probably a Little heavier on the half inch but Again probably an ounce or less these Are four mode drivers really just like Their predecessor so we have three Regular modes they're going to be Increasing in power incrementally as you Go up the scale from one to three and Then in auto mode which is going to Allow the tool to slow down once it Removes the Fastener and also when it's Tightening up it's going to stop the Tool as well and we'll get into that and Showing that when we get over to the Test bench obviously powered by the 18 Volt rigid lithium ion batteries and we Get a brushless motor as well and the Trigger is going to be a variable speed Trigger so even though we have the Different speeds we can also then Feather the trigger and provide the Amount of RPM that we want to deliver Based off of how much input we give on The trigger finger maximum torque on These is said to be 250 foot-pounds of Breakaway torque but the older version Of this really kind of outperformed that So we will again kind of test those Limits here shortly in speed one we're Going to get a maximum RPM of 850 so you Can see it's pretty slow and in Speed 2 We're going to get up to 2100 RPM and

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Again you can still feather that trigger And then get that full 2100 and then in Speed 3 we're going to get the max of 2800 RPM and Max impacts per minute are Going to be 3 800 and again it's going To be the same for both tools both Anvils are going to be hog ring style or Friction ring anvils however you want to Say that so sockets are going to go Right on no detent to push or anything Else but that friction ring is going to Retain that socket and keep it in place Until you're ready to pull it off so It'll provide again a little bit of that Friction to hold it in place now Measurement on these tools as far as the Height on them with the 2 Amp Hour Battery right at nine inches and front To back is going to be under 5 inches in Fact let's grab our calipers here and We'll go to inches And front to back on the 3 8 is going to Be right at four and a half inches for 4.52 that half inch is going to be a Little longer at 4.66 Inches long so still a very small and Compact tool Let's move in our scale And we'll weigh the 3 8 drive first at Two pounds 15 and a half ounces so just Shy of three pounds For the 3 8 drive and I would say we're Probably going to push right at three Pounds with the half inch Drive yeah so

Looks like about a half ounce heavier on The half inch Drive model so a sub three Pound tool with the battery on it that Is a very light tool and a very handy Tool to use especially for an impact Wrench that's going to deliver up to 250 Foot-pounds Plus or we will we shall see Now I am curious so I've got The older style rigid subcompact impact Wrench and let me go ahead and throw The two half hour battery on there Wow three pounds so still weighs the Exact same and you can see the look on These Pretty similar there is some slight Changes here but I will tell you one Feature that we have not talked about Yet Is the new Tri LED light here on the Front of the tool so here's the real big Change not much else has changed again Unless we see some performance Difference but otherwise it's that we Went from a very dim LED down here at The base of the tool to now that Tri LED Design that surrounds that faster that Displays a lot better light when you're Working in those dim areas maybe you're Under a lift under a car you know under A jacked up car what have you trying to Use the tool that's going to provide you A lot better light around that fastening Area than when it's shining up from the Bottom now let's go ahead and take these

Over and see how well they do on our Test rig all right we now have the rigid Uh R872-071 and r872 081 here on the test Bench we're going to see how much torque They can apply really not what they can Apply we're going to torque these Fasteners uh to probably start at 100 Foot-pounds and jumping hundred pound Increments so do 100 200 300 400 and if We Eclipse that then we'll start over And and carry that on up until it cannot Remove a Fastener now I'm probably not Going to push the 3 8 too far because Again if you're looking for all out Power then you need to be grabbing the Half inch model because the 3 8 handle Is basically going to fail before a half Inch these are identical so again we're Going to push the half inch we may test The 3 8 on a couple of things but again We're just doing redundancy through all Of that if we're doing both tools so Anyway so we'll move this one aside here We'll start off and we'll torque these Fasteners uh we'll start at 100 Foot-pounds with our our high torque Torquing tool and we'll get this torqued Down and then we'll come back and we'll Try to break them free using the rigid Impact wrenches so the lowest we can go With is 150 so we're going to start at 150 foot-pounds Now we are going to test this with a six

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Amp hour battery and we're going to take It to the max with the 6 amp hour and Then we'll come back with a 2 Amp Hour And see how far we can get so here we Are we have a full fully charged six amp Hour rigid 18 volt battery I am in Reverse I'm on mode three that's The most power And here we go at 150 foot pounds Okay not an issue at 400 foot-pounds Let's carry on and we'll do 500 and 600 Foot-pounds then we'll have to jump up To bigger fasteners Okay we've got our high torque uh set at 500 foot-pounds And we're going to start here on the Second one here Okay I went ahead and we torqued this One to 500 and these two to six hundred That's really past the limit of what These bolts will be able to handle but I Went ahead and did two at 600 just to Make sure we don't have an anomaly and We're in Reverse we still have a full Battery and so we're going to start here At 500 foot pounds and let's go ahead And add some indexing marks on this Socket Foreign Maybe we can see that a little better When it moves to make sure we can tell If it moves before the 10 second mark So here we are at 500 foot pounds Okay that was definitely before 10

Seconds 600 Okay I definitely gave it 10 seconds it Did not budge we'll go ahead and try This one as well So I will say that we got 500 foot Pounds we could not get 600 I guess we'll go back and try 550 how's That Foreign Fifty foot-pounds Again full battery on The six amp hour we are in Reverse so Keep an eye on our indexing Mark there And here we go Okay I think we're maxed out at 500 Foot-pounds could not do 550. Foreign We're going to take our 3 8 drive tool Got in Reverse uh let's go to mode three There we go and full battery on the six Amp hour battery so the only difference Is this is the 3 8 drive we've got this Now torqued to 400 450 and 500 Foot-pounds let's see if we can get the Same amount of torque from the 3 8 drive So 400 . Okay it would not break that free now However I do have an adapter in here Because I don't have a 3 8 drive For this size now let me try something Different I do have a 3 8 drive with a welded Adapter on here so now at 400

Foot-pounds with a welded adapter And no problem so that tells you right There when you have an adapter in there You're definitely losing power and Especially when it's kind of flopping Around even though it's a very tight fit So now we're going 450 foot-pounds And could not do it so with the 3 8 Drive you're going to be scaled down a Little bit on Power and it's really all About just power delivery now this Absolutely could be my adapter even Though it's welded in here I'm not going To get into that argument what I am Going to say is if you're looking for Something where you're stretching the Legs of a subcompact impact wrench like This then get the half inch Drive model Don't get the 3 8 drive model because You're risking damaging the Anvil anyway And probably even mushrooming your Sockets so now let's throw the two amp Hour battery back on here and again We're in speed mode three power mode Three And now this is still torquing to 450 And this is torqued to 500 so let's see If with the 2 Amp Hour battery and the Half inch drive we can break these free Nope at the 10 second Mark still not Breaking that free so let's take this Back to 400 and see if we can even get 400 out of the 2 Amp Hour battery Foreign

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We have two Fasteners torqued to 400 Foot pounds this first one and this one Here I think this would be easier to see So that's why we went ahead and did that One so in reverse and mode three and Let's see if we can get 400 foot-pounds With the 2 Amp Hour battery So as you know if it's moving after 10 Seconds or if it's moving before 10 Seconds we go ahead and let it finish so It that that say 7 8 second mark it was Definitely starting to budge even though It took a lot longer than 10 seconds to Break that free so I will say with the 2 Amp Hour battery we're still getting 400 Foot pounds of breakaway torque which is Still well in excess of what they claim But going to a six amp hour battery or a 4 amp hour battery is definitely going To up the scale on that and the reason Is is because you're going to have Voltage drop off on this so as soon as You start dropping a cell even before The uh the gauge here even shows you You're starting to drop voltage on that And when you're hammering it really hard And that motor is really drawing out the Current of that battery you're going to Have that voltage drop on the smaller Amp hour batteries and that's what You're recognizing there so you're not Getting the full power potential of this Tool with a 2 Amp Hour battery but again It's still well out forming the claims

Now I don't think our views have changed Since the old Sub-Compact which Delivered a ton of power in itself as Well so still the same on these These Are over delivering tools would we Recommend these to be used in the tire And lube industry for taking off wheels And tires all day long absolutely not That's not what a sub compact impact Wrench is made for that's not what Ridgid intended these to do even though They deliver the power to take off just About any of your passenger cars past Your trucks light duty trucks that are Torqued to 150 foot-pounds or less then Yes these should do that however you're Always going to come into those times Pretty regularly I should say of where Lug nuts have been over tightened or You're dealing with corrosion and a Light duty tool like this a Sub-Compact Impact wrench even though it over Delivers will not be able to break those Lug nuts free so we recommend this for The those other jobs that you're doing And maybe even for that homeowner that Doesn't mind having to break out a Breaker bar every now and then this is Going to do most of your work for you And it's a great light tool to do it we Saw sub three pounds or right at three Pounds with the half inch drive and the 3 8 drive was a little less and then Taking it over to the torque bench again

Delivering on 500 foot pounds with the Six amp hour battery very very Impressive and even at 400 foot-pounds For the 2 Amp Hour battery definitely Impressive there as well now we didn't Push to the extremes the 3 8 drive and We didn't push to the extreme of doing Everything we can again this is a Subcompact tool we want to make sure It's kept in its place but still over Delivering on this rigid subcompact love The tri LED so now we're surrounding the Fastener with the light so check it out Pricing on these 189 dollars for the kit 149 dollars for the bear tool definitely Recommend stepping up and buying a kid Getting getting a battery getting a Charger and the tool for just 40 bucks More and you're getting that lifetime Service agreement as long as you Register the tool within 90 days of Purchase so don't forget to do that once You purchase this tool go home and Register it so you get that lifetime Service agreement hey keep track of us On Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and if you don't mind when you Hit that like And subscribe button if You haven't done so already and by all Means if you hated our video then give Us a thumbs down but would you let us Know in the comments why have a great Day keep smiling Thank you