Which Do You Love and Hate? The Best Screwdrivers and Features

Screwdrivers are like pickup truck brands, those that some love, others hate. What is your favorite screwdriver brand and which features are important to you? We need your help to determine what is important and which is not. #tools #screwdriver #review

Do your drawers look like ours Messy are you a screwdriver nerd then we Definitely need your help okay plain and Simple we need your help or at least we Want your help and we want to know what You think we have some assorted Screwdrivers here and first I want to Know does your screwdriver drawers look Like ours when it's just kind of Inundated with different brands or do You stick to a specific brand or do you Switch Brands when it comes to different Types of screwdrivers so let's take a Closer look at what we have or identify Kind of the different shapes and uh and Different aspects of different Screwdrivers and and then I want to know Some key things from you that you could Leave in the comments if you would Please so first we have some old school Craftsman here uh this is their old kind Of rubber grip I think they called it Their Pro back in the day this is a made In the USA Craftsman obviously this is An old made in the USA Craftsman as well This is the more kind of tried intrude Old craftsman you know they would stink Really bad when they sat in your your Toolbox well this is those uh they kind Of turn almost a yellowish color rather Than being clear but they've been around The block for decades and decades and Decades so made in the USA Craftsman Made in the USA Craftsman with a rubber

Grip and again I think they called this Their pro version back in the day Then we have some Sonic screwdrivers Here Sonic is uh mostly made in uh Germany and Taiwan um really high Quality tools they do a great job on Their tools their screwdriver is more of A tril lob design uh very quality stuff Got a rubber integrated grip along with Some hard plastic as well but they just Feel really nice in the hand and then Magnetic tips on the Phillips heads and Some of the standard head as well Even got this in the 24 in number two Phillips also that comes in really Really handy sometimes crossing over to Gear wrench here again another trilobe Design so kind of three-sided a little Bit like the Sonic and they're Integrating some uh some rubber over Molding in here and even right here Where you can comfortably grip this and It doesn't feel like you're going to Slip uh and then they even have the Integrated bolster right here where you Can actually put a wrench or a crescent Wrench or some Channel loocks or pliers On to Aid in you know turning Fasteners Um so those are types of things we want To know do you like on these um these Gear Wren are pretty comfortable Screwdriver I must say especially for The price and we skipped over the Mac Screwdrivers this this is another one we

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Want to know you know are these some of The things you like this is more of just A hard plastic even though it looks like Rubber overmolding here it's not this is All just a you know dual color design But it's all hard plastic um and then we Get the Chromeo shafts here and again we Get the bolster here where we can Aid in Uh putting on a wrench or a crescent Wrench or pliers and aiding in turning That Fastener so those are the Max and those Carry throughout the handles get a Little smaller as you get smaller on the Screwdriver um but a really nice looking Screwdriver but again very hard plastic And some people like that hard plastic With with no rubber over molding and Here with the Milwaukee we you got a Couple different sets of Milwaukee first They have a like a trilobe design as Well it has that same feel with some Rubber over molding in there and some Hard plastic and uh here's a a hex shaft Not a round shaft and we get the Markings here on the end of the Screwdriver and here's a different type Of uh screwdriver that Milwaukee has in Fact these are made in USA screwdrivers Rubber over molding in here a really you Know nice rubber grip but more of just Kind of a two two sided and more of just A cylindrical shape or a round shape not So much any kind of lobes on there uh

But you do feel that rubber over molding And you can grip that quite well have Some knurling here in the shaft magnetic Tip on there as well and this will be From that same family uh but with a Round shaft here not a hex shaft but That same type of grip and then getting Into the cheaper drivers this is a PM Popular mechanic so who knows what that Came in um tro design very hard plastic And probably doesn't mean much anyway Husky screwdrivers from Home Depot do You like those um this one is sort of Kind of like a trilo but more just kind Of a cylindrical or a round shape with Some rubber over molding um but again Comfortable but Square shaft and then I Believe Harden tips on these and then This husky is more of like kind a a Pentalobe maybe I don't know so five Sides so not not six not three Um so you know very rubber esque feel to It so you can grip that quite well and Chromo shaft on that with Magnetic tip And an old Stanley an old Stanley trob Design as well but more of a just a Complete hard plastic and this that kind Of looks like an old Stanley as well but No markings on that but anyway so my Question to you is what type of handles Do you like do you like a trilobe design Do you like a rubber over mold do you Like it hard plastic uh what are the Things you like in a handle as well as

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Do you want a magnetic tip when it comes Time to you know grab that screw do you Want that tip to be magnetized or do you Do you not so here in Milwaukee it may Be hardened but really not much of a Magnet There husky has a little bit there and Then believe this is an ear one so Little better there so do you like that Magnet tip magnetic tip on your Phillips Screwdrivers for grasping those screws And making them easy also do you like The bolster there or the uh the hex There so that you can grab that with a Wrench so give me your idea on what you Think you like in a screwdriver and Maybe you like one specific line of Screwdrivers we would love to hear that As well and then even get when you get To a stubby do you still like the same Type of screwdrivers or do say no I Switch to this brand or I like to see This in my stubbies give me all that Data that you can if you don't mind we Would really love to kind of compile Some of this information to find out Really what people like in screwdrivers Because there's so many different Options when you look out there even in The Primo Brands uh versus you know the DIY brands or the lower level Pro intro Brands uh there's just a vast difference And a huge disparity among the brand so We really want to know what do you like

And then do you like these multi-use Screwdrivers and multi-bit screwdrivers You know you're 12 in ones 13 and ones 48 in ones whatever uh and do you cross To a different brand when it comes to Those and do you like a ratcheting Screwdriver uh this is this is an Interesting one this is the roll gear uh Has a um basically a one-way bearing so There's no ratcheting there and really Cool and smooth screwdriver but what do You like in a ratcheting screwdriver do You even use one do you think they're Junk so give me any of that data even Getting into your Precision screwdrivers Do you then switch to kind of a Precision kit like you see here with Different bits or do you stick with your Same brand of screwdrivers and just go Into your uh smaller Precision type Screwdriver sizes uh or do you go to More of a like a motorized kit as well Where you can you know work on fine Electronics or whatever but you you want To have some um you Know battery powered motorization in Those as well so we would love to hear Your feedback on any of this and even Let us know if there's things you hate You absolutely do not like to see this On a screwdriver or you hate the feel of This certain screwdriver let us know all That data you can we really appreciate Your help we really appreciate any

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Feedback you can give us on screwdrivers Because it's such a broad topic and it's Such a Love or hate relationship usually And the same brand that somebody Absolutely loves the next professional Absolutely hates it so we want to know Those things we're going to try to do Something special for you we don't want To say what that is yet but but if you Could at least give us a comment on what Your thoughts are on these we'd really Appreciate it have a great day be sure To follow us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tik Tok and if you Don't mind would you hit that like And Subscribe button if you haven't done so Already and by all means if you hated Our video well give us a thumbs down but Would you let us know in the comments Why keep smiling St