WORTH the MONEY? Snap-on CT9080 18V High Torque Impact Wrench Review

We put the new @SnaponToolsOfficial 18V CT9080 High Torque Impact Wrench through the ringer on our test bench. This heavyweight contender is supposed to deliver 1,440 ft-lbs of breakaway torque and 1,050 ft-lbs for tightening. Is it the best cordless impact wrench we’ve tested? Well, it’s definitely the most expensive. #snapon #tools #review #impactwrench

Snap-on CT9080 Impact Wrench:(Hi-Viz)/CT9080HVK2

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Does Snap-on have a true contender in The cordless high torque impact Fight this is snap-on's biggest and Baddest 1/2-inch cordless impact wrench Runs on their 18volt platform it's the Model number CT 980 it's supposed to Have 1440 ft-lb of breakaway torque and over 1,000 foot- PBS of tightening torque We'll find that out let's dig in take a Closer look at these features and Specifications then we'll take it over And test it and come back and talk about Pricing and warranty we don't normally Unbox things here on shop tool reviews But we thought since it comes in such a Beautiful package we thought we would do So uh this is the Snap-on CT 980 and we make a little joke of this we Understand most of you are probably Going to get this off the tool truck but You know when you're purchasing probably The most expensive impact wrench Cordless impact wrench out there you Would expect to see some sort of care Into packaging you know i' I've said This before talking about Apple esque if You ever bought a Apple product just the Care they take into boxing it uh some Google stuff they do the same thing uh Anchor products anyway you've seen Decent packaging when you're buying a Premium it would just be nice if there Was a little care given a little bit of

Money that you're paying given to the Packaging of the tool even though I get It you're going to tear it apart you're Going to rip it open and you're never Going to see it again just thought I'd Make the comment let's get this stuff Out so now you can take your gorgeous Box and burn it so we get the Charger We get two 18V 5 amp hour batteries and These are the new style batteries with Uh the toggles here on the side and not On the top a lot nicer battery and nicer Button here and indicator here on the Front of the battery versus the old Little bitty blister Button get a manual and the CT 980 Impact Wrench and also they include uh a belt For your jeans Um or whatever you want to use that for So anyway we won't be testing this okay Before we jump into the specs and Features of the Ct9800shss going to give you 90 wat Hours uh that's important because that Tells us the capacity of the battery so We've got a 90 wat hour capacity battery Uh looking at the charger if you turn Underneath most Chargers will talk about The rating of how fast they charge and All the amperage stuff is usually Nonsense just look here for the wattage So 120 watts and basically 3 amps is

What it's charging at so 120 watts we've Got a 90 W hour battery that tells us This is going to charge this battery in About 45 minutes so it's a pretty fast Charger it's going to do a decent job as Long as you only want one battery Charging and typically on a on a tool Like this you can definitely charge this Battery before you need uh before you Deplete the other one again so Absolutely fine and by the way this is Going to charge your 18vt and your 144v Batteries also and a couple other things You get a USB port USB type a port right There on the front so you can charge Your smart devices um and then also I I Do like the pass through plug on Snap-on's Chargers just you know if You're limited on uh your your plugs Then obviously you can still plug Something in the back of that another Charger and uh be able to charge both Things maybe not at the same time but Just not have to worry about unplugging And plugging things in now let's take a Look at the impact wrench and by the way We're going to help you out on your Batteries as well in a few moments and Tell you a little something about uh Digging in to the inside of those uh Anyway so this is the CT 9980 looks a Lot like the CT 950 the CT 910 the 9015 All of those we could we have reviewed And uh you you should be able to see

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Them floating around here somewhere Where you can uh actually watch those Reviews if you want to this is the top Of the Heap if you will it's the high Torque impact wrench even though they Don't call it a high torque uh this is Their highest powered halfin drive Brushless cordless impact wrench um it's Quite large it's quite long um but we're Not going to count a lot off on that Because let's face it we want a high Torque impact wrench to be strong and Powerful and if it's big and cumbersome Then that's fine we use it when we need It and other times we grab our compact Or our mid torque or whatever else we're Using anyway so the Ct9800shss so not a small tool pretty Long uh not that thick in the frame seen Others that are thicker definitely the The new uh DeWalt will swallow this in Uh in the width um it's about 3 and 1/4 In maybe a little less maybe about 3 and E Ines Wide so basically a long tool from tip To tail otherwise it's not too bad let's Go ahead and get a weight on this so Pound ounces we're zeroed out with the 5 Amp hour battery 8 lb 4 and2 O now that's basically the only battery You can get it kitted with but we'll go Ahead and throw it on there as a bare Tool so 6 lb 92 o Be and 8 lb 4/2 8 lb 5 oz with the

Battery now this is a half inch impact Wrench so we get a/ in Anvil and it's a Hog ring style Anvil as well so like a Friction fit on the actual socket Typical Snap-on ergonomics the handle Very um I shouldn't say squarish but It's got a very somewhat archaic feel to It because it's just a I don't know it's Not much elliptical it's basically a Rounded off rectangle as far as you Holding it again high torque impact Wrench we're not looking for a leather Glove here we're not looking for Ultimate Comfort but I would say that I Think snapon needs to do a little work In the ergonomics Department across the Board on their impact wrenches again not Counting off on that just making a Mention of that you can look at it and Actually see that so not a big deal There uh back here on the back the same Blister button for uh actually setting The speeds and we get three speeds here One thing cool about Snap-on that I Really like is is you see the green Lights here so basically I have three Power modes 1 two and three three is Going to be the most powerful uh and When I pull the trigger there you can See it lights up green that tells me That's in Reverse or removing uh nuts And fasteners so you can think of green As you're getting the green light it's Not going to be uh you know anything

That's going to be hazardous or be a Problem if I switch this to tighten That's give me the red lights in other Words hey you could be tightening this Don't overtighten that headbolt so Giving you that kind of sign of caution If you will so I do like that that Quickly I can just I don't have to push A button I can just switch the lever From forward to reverse and it's Changing from green to Red and again we get the power mode Buttons from one to and Three now we get a variable speed Trigger so regardless of what speed We're in we can Still basically ease into how much power We're providing to that Fastener by how Much input we're getting on the throttle Now let's talk about RPM and IPM or Revolutions per minute and impacts per Minute uh in speed one you're going to Get uh 0 to 395 RPM Speed 2 is going to Give you 780 and speed three is going to Give you 1570 RPM uh now impacts per minute You're looking at 560 on low uh 1150 and 2 and 2300 in Speed 3 or highspeed now let's Talk about torque uh Max torque on this In high is supposed to be 1,50 ft-lb Tightening and 1440 ft-lb in loosening or Breakaway and We will definitely test that out here in

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Just one moment let me give you a little Tip on uh your batteries for Snap-on so First the tool and the battery is Warrantied for 2 years or the battery or 1,000 cycle so it's it's you have a Warranty of two years or up to 1,000 Charge cycles well how do you know how Many charges you know especially if You're throwing this on the charger once A day a couple times a day how do you Know how many charges you've got on it Well that's a great question and it's Very easy to find that out if you will Actually hold the button down which by The way this works on the old style as Well as the new style batteries so I'm Going to hold the button down for 10 Seconds you'll see these lights go away But keep your finger on there another Few seconds here and then you'll see These lights start blinking maybe just One one two three four five six 7 seven So brand new battery so that light is Our ones column this light is our T Column that light is our hundred's Column and this light is our thousand's Column so we have seven charges or seven Cycles on this battery so if you're not Sure how old your batteries are or you Maybe have a couple of different sets And you want to know well which one's Warranty which one's not and you can Actually hold the button down get an Idea of the number of Cycles on your

Batteries and then you know before you Go to your tool truck driver or try to Send it in Snap-on all right let's get started with The CT 980 what we're first going to do Is torque each one of these Fasteners Starting at 150 foot- PBS and then we'll Go to 200 then 300 400 on own up doing 100 pound increments now the only reason We start with 150 is our electronic Torque tool that we use the high torque Uh this high torque only the floor is at 150 so that's why we start there and Then go up at at even 100 lb increments After That okay here's how we work this uh we Will use the impact wrench on each one Of these Fasteners these first few are Going to go really quick with the power This uh puts out it should be no problem At all but after it starts hitting into The harder ones when we get up in the Hundreds of foot- pounds maybe even the Thousands this will start obviously Impacting hammering on each one of these Fasters we will give it 10 seconds to Break the Fastener free now if it starts Moving it in that 10-second window we Will let it continue to impact till it Fully breaks it free and we'll give it That uh we'll give it that score if you Will if it does not start moving it Within that 10 second moment uh then it Does not get that point and that's where

We stop so let's get started at 150 Foot- PBS and by the way each of our sockets Should have indexing marks on it where You can see that socket Moving we're in Reverse let's make sure We're in the right speed yeah we're in Speed three Here we Go very hard-hitting impact you feel Every strike of it so a lot of weight Turning um not a really fast motor so Again you're feeling each one of those Strikes of the Anvil D Okay so it made it through the first Round up to 1100 ft-lbs we'll take our Torque tool and we'll start torquing Right here on these largest Fasteners Again starting at 1200 1300 1400 and 1500 foot- PB Okay we have torqued them once again now We have 1 1600 1700 1800 and 1900 Ft-lbs we did swap out the battery make Sure we have a fresh battery and reverse Mode three Okay here we are once Again three bars on the battery let's Get that swapped Out we get a full battery Here so full Battery power mode

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Three And here we Go Hey I think that's as far as we go so it Wouldn't break free the 2,000 ft-lb did Do the 1900 but we stop Here Just as a secondary test test on the 2100 as well again wouldn't budge that One well it's great to finally see that Snap-on is stepping up in the cordless Impact wrench World they kind of fell Behind there for a while in the Performance that we were seeing out of Their impact wrenches but now with the Ct9800shss out there but it's still at Least in that high torque world and Really and truly delivering more than we Should be seeing through a/ in Anvil so We're happy with the performance of Snap-on it broke free the 1900 would not Break free the 2000 but again we're well Beyond what we should be seeing out of A/ inch Anvil especially if you're Needing that kind of power on a regular Basis you need to be stepping up to a 34 In or even a 1in Anvil now when it comes To the pricing on this we paid 12200 $0000 to get this to our door so $ 1,100 And something dollars uh plus taxes and By the time we paid shipping it was Right at 1,200 or just over $1,200 to Buy the ct9800shss

Cycles on your own so that you'll know Where you're at as far as the warranty Is concerned on your batteries now as Far as where this is made we've heard People talk about that this is made in The USA however going through all their Manuals looking on their website without Breaking open the tool we're not Positive if it is or not we're not Saying it's not and in fact if it was That would speak volumes and I would Love to find out so if any of you have Definitive evidence and confirmation That this is made in the USA would love To know because again if it were made in The USA I would figure they would be Touting that all over the place and I Just can't find it so we're not sure Exactly where it's made where it's Produced uh however performance is great Price is still highest in the business Pretty much um so you know if you're Looking for that premium brand and You've got plenty of money you don't Care what you're spending then fine Absolutely reach out and grab one of These it performs very very well if You're entering the business this is not The tool you should be buying I think There are other tools for well less than Half of this that you can definitely get By with in fact in some cases have more Power so we'll have a link in the Description to the Snap-on store of

Course you can buy this from your Snap-on dealer your Snap-on driver um And highly encourage you to do that Support your truck driver that's Actually coming by and servicing you on A regular basis uh we happen to buy it From the store just so we don't have any Middleman in between uh but keep track Of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and Even Tik Tok and if you don't mind would You hit that like And subscribe button If you haven't done so already and by All means if you hated our video well Then give us a thumbs down but would you Let us know in the comments why have a Great day keep Smiling