X-LOCK TECH – BOSCH 18V Brushless 4-1/2″ Angle Grinder [GWX18V-8N]

X-Lock allows you to change grinding wheels without any tools and without needing to handle a hot disc or wheel. This BOSCH GWX18V-8N 18V Brushless Grinder is equivalent to an 8-Amp 4-1/2” corded grinder. The X-Lock technology is something that BOSCH developed, but they have shared this with other grinder manufacturers as well. You can get this grinder for $139 for the bare tool and it includes a 3-year warranty.
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BOSCH GWX18V-8N 18V Brushless Grinder:

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X-lock technology are you a fan we’ll Find out [Music] This is the Bosch 18 volt brushless four And a half inch angle grinder and it has Their x-lock technology what’s x-lock Technology well basically it means you Don’t have to fiddle with spanner nuts And things like that but we’ll dive into That here in just one moment anyway Pretty impressive tool it’s supposed to Be an 8 Amp equivalent so typically when You buy corded Grinders you buy an 8 Amp A 10 amp a 13 amp a 15 amp so that’s Usually top of the line because Obviously you can only draw up to 15 Amps on a corded tool but this as you Can see is a cordless or battery Operated tool with the x-lock technology Did I say that well anyway let’s get Started dive in take a closer look then We’ll come back and we’ll talk about Pricing and about warranty and about Accessory pricing this is the boss Gwx18v Dash in and it’s their four and a Half inch brushless angle grinder I Think the big kicker to this game is the X-lock technology which you can see Located on the front here is a lift up Tab if you will that’s spring-loaded so When you lift it up and when it’s Engaged you actually have to kind of Pull a little a little bit hard and then What you’ll see is the blade actually

Drop out so that’s what they call their X-lock technology now if you’ve seen This on other Grinders like other Manufacturers They do share this technology well they Basically allow these other companies to Use it but the x-lock is part of Bosch’s Technology and you can see here it’s Ready to receive a disc so this is what An x-lot disc looks like that’s what the Hub looks like and you just line it up Push it down and it locks into place It’s as easy as that so to take it off Pull it up And it will drop that disc out and again Now it’s prepared to receive another Disc Now I know what you’re going to say Right away you’re going to say well the Cost of these things are going to be out Of sight and that’s really not the case We’ve seen these accessories come way Down in price and we’ll share some of That pricing with you here shortly but It’s very easy to use this no no Spinning off a spanner nut no getting a Spanner wrench anything like that just Lift up on the x-lock tab you can see Now that there is a wheel on there kind Of wants to stop right there and that’s Where it gets hard and you just kind of Pull it on up and it drops out now once It’s off that’s very easy to pull on so You’re actually doing something you know

When you’re pulling it past that certain Point and again line it up push down and It’s ready to go now you do have to be Careful sometimes I’ve noticed if you Like barely release this And it released the wheel actually it Reset I have seen it to where it doesn’t Reset uh the x-lock all the way but as Long as the the center is sprung up then It’s ready to receive this disc here Line it up and push it down Now let’s talk about the grinder a Little bit other than just the x-lock This is a brushless motor uh it’s an 8 Amp equivalent which is uh I would say Middle of the road grinder Bosch knows How to make tools it’s not like they Can’t make a 13 or 15 amp grinder they Do that as well but this is kind of that Middle of the road cordless grinder Meant to replace that eight amp corded Model and this is a slide switch so You’ll see when I push this on it’s Going to lock into place Foreign So when I slide that switch up and lock It in And then I can quickly just touch the Back side of it to Turn it off [Applause] I’m not noticing a blade break on there Kind of slowly coming to a stop [Applause]

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So it’s just slowly coming to a stop on Its own so no no braking going on in There on this grinder pretty typical the Handle the auxiliary handle here can be Switched from either the right hand side Or the left hand side there is not a Center option so you can’t put it right There on the top but right in the left Is no problem and then for changing the Guard or changing the location or the uh The placement of the Guard very easy you Have a button right here and so once you Push that down we can turn this however Way we whatever way we want to And we can get a better look at that if We take this off And you can see that tab right there and You can see all the different indexing Locations as well So it will actually lock in those places Or you can turn it around wherever you Need to or turn it all the way around 180 degrees and then be able to pull That off same thing put it back on turn It around it’s going to lock that in Place You’ll see here on the back of the tool We have some stainless steel mesh that’s Going to keep all that particulate when We’re grinding or cutting out of the Brushless motor which is what we need so Basically the fan technology in here is Drawing that air in through here here’s The intake here so it’s drawing it in

Through here pulling it down the body to Cool all the electronics and the motor And then exiting up here on the front of The tool So you can see these ports right here That’s where that air is exiting the Tools You can easily feel that air coming out Of here so it’s pulling a lot of air Across that cooling everything while It’s also filtering that air Now I’m running the 18 volt 8 Amp Hour Core battery it’s part of their Pro Factor Series so this is a beast of a Battery not size wise but as far as Output wise we’re getting 144 Watt hours Out with this battery so good capacity With still a small footprint and fits Well on this grinder And any grinder you use this cordless You’re going to need some decent some Decent battery capacity it’s just a very Battery intensive tool when you go to Use an angle grinder and you’re grinding On metal or cutting metal it’s going to Be very power intense and drain Batteries quickly we get pretty typical Ergonomics on here as well nice smooth Handle rubber over molding so very easy To hold this and the switch is in a good Location However it is kind of set up for a Right-hander for sure so even though the Handle will go on either side the switch

Is really meant for that right hander Because there’s not a left-handed switch But you’re left-handed you can start it And then move your hand wherever you Need to now looking at size of this tool From the front to the back you’re Looking at about a 14 inches with the Battery and then across the head of the Grinder at about three inches not Counting the guard More importantly is probably going to be Weight So getting an idea of what it weighs and So with the battery Six pounds two and a half ounces here We’ll stand this up Yeah six pounds two and a half ounces With the eight amp hour battery we’ll Weigh it without So four pounds dead on four pounds and That’s with a blade on it with no Batteries four pounds so four pounds Plus whatever battery you like to run so Pretty light tool for the amount of work That it can get done now the cool thing About the x-lock technology is not that Just you can change your grinding wheel But let’s say uh instead of a grinding Wheel Let’s say we’ve got a cutting wheel on Here So let’s say we got a cutting wheel oh We’re making our cuts and then we’re Done cutting and we want to change that

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Wheel out that wheel could get pretty Hot you know on the edges it’ll get 130 140 150 degrees easily probably even Closer to 200 on some of these carbide Discs so to change that out I don’t need To grab the blade at all I can just lift Up Grab my sanding disc my flat disc Put it on here And now I’m ready to go sanding and then If I want to change that out Maybe I want to go to a wire brush and Go to a wire cup or I can go to more Intense With a twisted wire wheel of course that Guard is not going to handle that so We’ll go back to the cup here And now I can go to my cup so very easy To change different Wheels based off of What type of work you’re going to be Doing and one thing to notice as I Mentioned is you’ll see that is not a Bosch accessory that’s a Makita Accessory that’s a Makita accessory so Makita is using the x-lock technology But any of the wheels will work on the Bosch x-lot grinder because it is their Technology okay we’ve got the x-lot Grinder I’ve got a cutting wheel on here So we’re going to make a cut or two here In this quarter inch thick steel plate Foreign [Music] [Music]

So definitely not an easy cut three Quarter inch plate but it’s going to Handle that no problem at all obviously You’re going to wear a wheel pretty well But as far as the grinder able to handle It and look at all the trash that this Thing is filtering by the way all that Dust the majority of that is probably That abrasive wheel just wearing away so It’s not just metal that you need to Filter but also the particulate that’s Coming off your cutting tools as well And you can see what that brush that What that mesh guard is doing and by the Way you can pull these out blow them out And clean them up as well which you Should do from time to time Now we’ll change that out we’ll take the Bosch X lot grinding wheel Change it out Even change our guard a little bit there We go So you’ll see in an eight amp Grinder Like this an 8 Amp equivalent it’s Definitely going to get work done at the Same time if I really wanted to Bear Down on this I can stop this tool So you can see if I really lean on it I Can stop it which is pretty typical of Any 8 Amp grinder your 13 amp 15 amp Grinders those are really tough to stop They have tons of power but don’t think When you get a cordless tool regardless Of what size then it’s just going to be

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The most powerful grinder in the world That’s not what this is supposed to be It’s an 8 Amp equivalent so will it get Work done absolutely [Music] You know if I need to put a bevel on Quarter inch steel can I do it yes if I Routinely work with quarter inch plate All the time would I be using a grinder Like this probably not for kind of Checklist items absolutely great idea And then again if I wanted to change This out And change this cut brush [Music] That’s what I can do plenty of cleanup Clean the rust off polish up the metal And that’s going to work great for that I know the very first question that’s Going to be asked in the comments is Going to be yeah but how much are the Accessories or it’s going to be a Statement like no thanks I’m not going To pay that much for accessories because They just think oh since there’s a Different Hub on here it’s not just a Standard hole that they’re going to be Really expensive and I think that was The case when they first got released And some of the accessories may be a bit More but when you look at things like Grinding wheels and cutting discs like I Saw a 10 pack of x-lock cutting discs so Abrasive blades four and a half inch

Abrasive blades there was a 10 pack for 16 bucks so you’re looking at a buck 60 A wheel now you’ll pay more than that When you go to The Big Box store and buy The cheapy cutting disc now maybe it’s Your welding supply place you may get it For about that much but again that’s Pretty much Apples to Apples as far as Pennies go anyway for a cutting disc and We’ve seen the same game with some of The flat discs as well as the typical Grinding wheels also now some of the Rare stuff that’s that’s ex-lot may be Still a bit more expensive but we think The more this comes out the more we’ll See that come down and kind of catch up With the low cost of your typical Arbor Accessories as well and the fact that Bosch is sharing that technology with Other manufacturers should again drive Down the cost of those accessories Because they’ll be more plentiful and Easier to make as well so price on the Grinder if we look at the grinder 139 Dollars for the bare tool not a bad Price whatsoever and you get a three Year warranty with it performance wise Great performing grinder there is no Blade break on it or any wheel brake on It so it’s not going to you know stop on Its own or slow down on its own it’s Just going to let gravity kind of slow That down but again pretty typical in a Grinder anyway so you got a be cognizant

And be careful of that very easy to move The guard around power is there right on Par with an eight amp grinder can you Stop it I showed you you can definitely Stop it just like I can stop about any Grinder but it just depends on how much You’re laying down on it but could I put A bevel on that quarter inch absolutely It’s not a problem to do that very easy Grinder to work with has the performance To get things done we’ll have a link in The description and also keep track of Us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and Even Tick Tock and if you don’t mind When you hit that like And subscribe Button if you haven’t done so already And by all means as always if you hated Our video then give us a thumbs down but Would you let us know in the comments Why have a great day and keep smiling