We used our RYOBI 18V Framing Nailer to build some wheel cribs to hold up our project cars. With just a few 2x4s it’s easy to put these together, saving a few hundred bucks and also getting a solid set of cribbing. The RYOBI PBL345 Framing Nailer worked perfectly driving 3″ hot galvanized nails throughout.
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RYOBI PBL345 Framing Nailer:
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We explain will cribs and we show you How to make them [Music] Chances are if you're watching this you Probably already have an idea of what We're making here and you probably have An idea of why you need it but just to Explain real quick the reason you need Cribbing a lot of times is because just Having your car up on a lift Engine drooping is not a good thing for Like installing uh exhaust and Especially where they go up and over the Rear end you need to have the suspension Pre-loaded in order to know exactly Where those bins need to be and there's Other reasons that you would need the Suspension preloaded on the vehicle in Order to do the work you're needing to Do you may be restoring a car you may be Building a chassis at some point you Need it off the jack stands and actually Sitting on the wheels or tires in order To see where that suspension is going to Sit maybe even checking out Will's tires Or leaving it on there but this is a way Where it can sit on here stay on there And not just be on jack stands and not Be on a car lift and do it safely so Let's get started all right to get Started what we want to do when we're Making this cribbing is we want to find Out well what size do we want to make it And most of the stuff around our shop is
Either hot roddish type stuff or it's a Big 22 inch wheels like this or a big Wide rubber on you know 18 inch 20 inch Wheels so anyway we want to get an idea Of both how long we need to make this Cribbing as well as high how wide so one Of the easiest things to do is just to Kind of figure out the contact patch Area really not contact patch but I Think you get the idea and so I can butt These two by fours against it because That's kind of how I wanted the cribbing To support this is I both want the tire On the floor if you will of the top of The Caribbean as well as I want it kind Of contacting the curbs to keep it from Rolling but again I don't want this Supporting the majority of the weight I Want this supporting it so that's about Where I want this and then I can measure Outside the outside That's looking like 21 and a half yeah I Think I could get away with 20. um Because this tire is going to compress a Little bit and with the weight of the Vehicle so I think I can get away with 20 because I think that'll help me on This other Tire because again I don't Want this cribbing to be just for one Specific vehicle So let's grab our Mickey Thompson here And let's try it Looks like that it's going to be a Little bit narrower so that's at 19 but
Again I'm going to go with 20 because I Think what I can do is just kind of add In a piece of you know one inch chalk Right here to keep it from rolling back And forth when I do have it wider so I'm Going to go with 20 and this far as Width That's about 11 inch tires so 11 inches Wide this other one is right at 11 Inches wide as well so let's go with a 12 inch width and 20 inches long So again we're going to go with 12 Inches and 20 inches and we want to take Six two by fours And we want to cut them [Music] And there we have it we have our 20 Inchers cut we have our 12 inches cut Which by the way we cut them a little Less than 12 inches so that we could get Full use out of a 2×4 I believe in the Beginning we cut uh four of the 20 Inches so that'd be 80 inches and then One of the one Footers out of each two By four and then that just left a small Drop and then the rest of them after we Got all our 20 inchers cut then we could Cut all the uh all the 12 inchers out of A single stick of 2×4 so you're looking At to make two cribs probably the the Most part of six two by four by eights You may be able to work it out to where You can get a two by four by twelve or Two by four by ten or something else to
Work out better for you regardless we Just went with regular two by four by Eights and cut them out of this but Again you're looking at about six two by Fours got a little left over that you Can work with and I'm doing some extra Supports as well we'll show you that Here in a moment yeah I don't think this Is rocket science to build these cribs And I think uh you get where we're Headed with this I know most people are using screws for This but we really see no reason we Can't use a nail gun So we're going to use our Ryobi 18 volt nail gun and running a three Inch galvanized ring shank nails Shooting into two in each corner should Be more than enough to keep because There's really no sheer going on should Be just kind of compression weight and So the nails are basically just holding It in place should be you know not a lot Of sheer Strain on this cribbing it should be Everything pressing down everything in Compression And the most critical thing here and Really you can start these out however You want to but we're going to do it Like this where we have our our short Legs on the bottom and then starting Here at the top and we're probably going To add also just a third one here on the
Bottom as well just help you know span That load across the whole base rather Than it just kind of pushing down right Here even though we're hoping a lot of That weight is transferred here on the Outsides We'll add this third one here In the middle we'll have add another Third one on the top or right below the Top to again relieve some of that stress Now really the critical thing here is Just keeping this square and you know if You want to go overboard and really you Know do measurements and everything else You can do that I'm just going to use a Little speed square right here and just Ensure that we're Pretty dead on And then Shoot our nails Make sure we're on the outside there Make sure we're nice and square Foreign You may also want to take note The way your nails are in And then kind of Make those opposite So you're not driving the drive drive Nails in the nails Foreign So with just two complete rows you're Looking at about a six inch rise and We're going to go for a nine inch Foreign Here
In the middle Foreign Solid nine inch rise And we're going to add a third runner in Here To again help support the load of the Tire You can measure that if you want to I'm just going to center it up again It's just extra support What that helps as well It's when When you have those skinnier tires On smaller cars or older cars It's going to support that no problem And our last one's for chalking Foreign Most of the videos we've seen on these They've definitely used screws which you Can go that route typically a little More expensive we used our 18 volt Framing nailer from Ryobi and it worked Absolutely great and it was a lot Cheaper than buying screws and quite Frankly a lot quicker as well once we Kind of squared up the base we could Just kind of use our Square to you know Square up each piece shoot two Nails in Each corner and roll on very sturdy Piece here and as I mentioned on this Smaller Tire all I had to do was cut This little piece of one inch by one Inch insert here and that works perfect To keep that nice and chocked as well as
Still utilizing the base here to suspend That load or to transfer all that load Hey let us know what you think about This also give us any other ideas you May have keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and If you don't mind would you hit that Like And subscribe button if you haven't Done so already and by all means if you Hated their video well give us a thumbs Down but would you let us know in the Comments why have a great day keep out