1, 2, or 3? How Many Torque Wrenches Do You Need? Electronic or Click Style?

We dive into Torque Wrench theology. How many torque wrenches do you need? What type of torque wrench do you need? Many Electronic Torque wrenches include Angle as well for Torque To Yield (TTY) fasteners. Click style torque wrenches are more economical, but it may come at a price. Most mechanical torque wrenches should also be operated in a window of 20-100% of their stated capacity. #torquewrench #tools #review

MATCO Electronic Torque Wrench 3/8″:
MATCO Electronic Torque Wrench 1/2″:
Sunex Tools 50-250 ft-lbs 1/2″ Torque Wrench:

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What type of torque wrench do you need And how many do you need maybe we can Help We're going to dig in on torque wrenches Today and none in particular we're going To talk about electronic torque wrenches Quick Stop torque wrenches about sizes Of torque wrenches and how many torque Wrenches you may need for your job or For your application in case you missed It just a couple of years ago we did a Full in-depth study on quick style Torque wrenches how they operate how They click how you hear them click and We actually take one apart if you missed It we got the video right above so make Sure to click that well we have a few Torque wrenches sitting in front of us Here and we need to determine how many Torque wrenches do we need which torque Wrenches do we need and what type of Torque wrench do we need and really all That depends on several things some of That may just be what you want take Electronic torque wrenches for example It may just be that you want an Electronic torque wrench and that's Great there's there's nothing wrong with Them they're great tools they have a lot Of functions but it may be you don't Need one and you may just get by with a Regular old you know click style torque Wrench or beam style torque wrench now I Don't have a beam style in here or a you

Know a dial style which typically if You're setting up rear ends or something Like that that may be where you're Getting in more of a dial but your Typical torquing bolts things like that Is you're going to see a click style Torque wrench maybe a beam style or Electronic now let me point out that you Know this is kind of your go-to half Inch 250 foot pound torque wrench so This is what you'll see a lot you'll see This in Wheeling tire shops you'll see At you know repair shops at dealerships What have you pretty standard half inch Drive 20 foot pounds to 250 foot-pounds Click style torque wrench so you set the Torque by turning the handle here and Then when you put the torque to it it Goes click click and you know you're There and you move on and same thing Here the Sonic torque wrench is a 3 8 Drive and then moving down here to the Smaller quarter inch drive on click Style torque wrench there as well and Then I have the two Matco the etwb 100 Which is the 10 to 100 foot pound Electronic torque wrench and the etwb 250 which is the 20 foot-pounds to 250 Foot-pounds torque wrench electronic Torque wrench but you also get angle Detection on here also and there are Some other some other features and perks As well so pretty cool to have Electronic core current torque wrenches

But again not necessarily a must but why Would you need multiple torque wrenches Well let's talk about a few of those Things number one before I get any Further I don't have any problem with people Buying used tools you know whether You're buying a used impact driver Whether you're buying A used impact wrench you know buy those Things if they work for you I don't care How beat up they are I don't care how Used they are great they save you some Money and you don't mind doing that then Awesome that's great I don't mind at all People buying used tools used wrenches Used ratchets when it comes to a torque Wrench I would not buy a used torque Wrench you just don't have any Understanding of where it's been unless The only way I do it would be if I Actually had it calibrated so that leads Me to my next Major major tip for you which is not Really major Whenever you buy a torque wrench whether It be brand new or whether it be used I Don't care where you get it from make Sure that it includes the calibration Card with it all of them have them or All of them should have them and Sometimes it's kind of a hard card Sometimes a piece of paper like this That's been printed out but this details

The accuracy of this actual torque Wrench it actually states of you know The parameters that were set and then How well it actually performed during The test without this this is trash I Don't care if it's an 800 torque wrench I don't care if it's a 50 torque wrench Or anywhere in between It's garbage unless you see a Calibration card with it or unless you Actually have it calibrated so again let Me stress that when you buy a torque Wrench make sure it comes with the Calibration card if you're on the if You're on the tool truck if you're in The store say hey can I see the Calibration card look at it verify Everything and say okay good to go Like right here you can see we've got Serial number of the tool we've got the Model number of the tool we've got 10 to 100 foot-pounds and then it tells us the Torque was set at 20 foot-pounds and in Actual we got 19.79 19.83 and 19.83 So Within less than one percent that was Just over one percent Um which their tolerance rate is at a Plus or minus two percent and there was Only actually one that went over one Percent so pretty impressive here on This Tool uh but again very important Thing to have right here and then they Even go into the angle settings here as Well so make sure you get a calibration

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Card with your tool or with your torque Wrench when you get it Now also I'll point something else out If you're ever torquing You know left-handed threaded bolts so Reverse threaded bolts or nuts you'll Notice here and this is the case with Most torque wrenches the tolerance Difference is different on a clockwise Torque of plus or minus three percent Versus Counterclockwise torch so clockwise Torque is it plus or minus two percent Counterclockwise torque is at plus or Minus three percent so just to Understand that so it's not quite as Accurate on counterclockwise as it is Clockwise Now here's something else if all you're Doing is Tires and Wheels so you're Doing tires and wheels and so you're Probably going to operate in the life of Probably 80 to let's say 140 you're Doing you know your typical Passenger Cars and light trucks you're probably Going to live in the world of 80 to 140 foot-pounds maybe 150 maybe 200 or something and maybe down to 65 or 70 but for the most part that's the World you're going to live in right There is that 80 to 140 foot-pounds so This Cheapo you know 20 foot pounds or 250 foot-pound torque wrench or the big Macco here again 20 foot pounds of 250

Foot-pounds either one of these will be Absolutely fine for you you won't need Anything else and it's going to operate In that window with no problem Whatsoever now here's where the problem Comes in when you know you start in as Maybe your retiring Lube Tech and you're Doing wheels and tires all day long and You're torquing those lug nuts And then all of a sudden you're doing a Great job and they want to move you in As a mechanic and next thing you know You're pulling the intake off an LS Engine and you need to torque a bolt to 89 inch pounds So an intake bolt I believe is 89 inch Pounds And by the way get from inch pounds to Foot pounds really easy we just divide By 12. so you're looking at I don't know What's that seven and a half foot pounds So now all of a sudden you're well below The range of that click style torque Wrench not only that We're at seven foot pounds So when you take a 3 8 drive torque Wrench and again a typical range like The Matco here as well as the Sonic is You know probably 10 to 100 foot-pounds Is pretty typical so 10 to 100 Foot-pounds Well with this electronic torque wrench You're down at the bottom scale no You're actually below that bottom scale

So that's not going to work at all so Now all of a sudden when you're doing That intake bolt you can't be in this Window so now you've got to step down to A quarter inch drive so now you're Looking at having your monster you know Torque wrench your 250 foot-pound torque Wrench whether it be the quick stop or The electronic and you're needing Something that goes down to now seven And a half foot pounds so again Depending on what you're doing you may Need a couple or even several probably Three different torque wrenches And you're getting along pretty good and Next thing you know you're needing Something let's say at uh 18 foot pounds Okay so you look at that and say all Right well 18 foot pounds I've got my 3 8 inch torque wrench and this will go Down all the way down to 10 foot pounds And up to 100 foot-pounds so I'm well Within that range what you have to hold Up a minute because when you look at a Click style torque wrench where I click Stop torque wrench most of the time if Not all the time they recommend that you Operate in a 20 to 100 percent window What's that mean that means that you Really shouldn't be torquing any Critical Fasteners that's less than 20 Percent of the total value of that Torque wrench so if this is rated at 100 Foot-pounds and you take 100 foot pounds

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Times that 20 percent that's 20 Foot-pounds so in other words You shouldn't be torquing anything lower Than 20 foot pounds With that 10 to 100 torque wrench you Look at that that's again pretty Standard across the board and so now all Of a sudden when you're getting down in This range that 10 to 18 foot pounds This all of a sudden is not a good uh a Good option for you at click style Torquing it's not just Sonic this is any Click style whether it be a sun X and a 3 8 drive or whatever it may be now Again the difference is on these click Style torque wrenches they use a spring That compresses on a little knob or There's various ways it does it but when It clicks and that spring is compressing And based off of that is measuring that Torque well once you back off of that Spring a certain amount down at that Lower range it really doesn't have the Tolerance that it does in that 20 to 100 So that's why they don't recommend you Torque anything with a click style Torque wrench at below that 20 threshold With an electronic torque wrench it's Much different it has a sensor in there That measures it does not rely on a Spring so it does have that tolerance Throughout that you know 10 foot pounds To 100 foot pounds so you're not quite As worried about that even though I

Would then still stay on that upper end Of that torque wrench whatever it may be Whether it be the 250 the 100 or even Down to a smaller quarter inch Drive So let's just take an LS for example and I say LS but this is pretty similar Across the board for like your new hemis As well as even your Coyote motors on The Ford side but let's say the ls uh on The on the mains I think the inners and outers our first Torque that 15 foot-pounds 15 and then it goes to 80 degrees and Then 51 degrees on the outers and but Then like the intake As I mentioned That's 89 inch pounds again that seven And a half foot pounds and then the Harmonic balancer That's torqued at 240 foot-pounds So just right there if you're getting Into engine building which again maybe That's not your cup of tea but still my Point is there's all three of your Torque wrench ranges right there so it May be the case that you need to start Looking forward to getting into making Sure that you understand that you're Going to need three different torque Wrenches to do your job effectively let Me also mention something else about an Electronic torque wrenches one thing They are kind of bad about and we've had

Multiple multiple over the years You'll see that we've got our batteries Here in the case and not in the torque Wrench and this again is not per any Manufacturer and I would say you know Just a common issue with alkaline Batteries and that is if you're not Using this every day just take the Batteries out and put them in the case By the way I think it's pretty cool that These mat codes they have a reverse Thread for the back you just don't Accidentally unscrew it so you can see It it tells you which way but anyway so When you take them out there's slots Right here in the case take your Batteries out and then you have no Problem with the uh the actual torque Wrench where it's you know draining Those batteries or the batteries going Bad if the batteries do go bad they're In the case and not ruining your Electronics in the tool so if you're Using it every day maybe a different Story but where most people are using These you know from time to time as They're doing different projects it may Make sense just to take them out and put Them in the case So here we have an LS 6.0 iron block Much the same as any other LS motor and A lot of your LTS are about the same as Well and we'll just uh run these bolts Down

And just kind of use this as an example Here first pass on these on the inners And outers is 15 foot pounds And by the way when you're in angle mode And these electronic torque wrench You're supposed to keep them very still And pretty level as well so I'm gonna Got some presets there we go so 15 foot Pounds And I'm going to go ahead and There we go 16.2 Go a little slower on this one So they're 15.1 on that one and then I Can go to my angle Which is 80 degrees on the inner and 51 Degrees on the outer but let me first go Ahead I'm going to torque these outers at 15. There we go So now we're going to take the outer to 80 degrees And the cool thing about electronic Torque wrench rather than having a Little additional you know dial that I Have to have here I can go I'm at 46 Degrees now go get another bite on this Especially if I'm under a hood you know Torquing down a head bolt and then it's Not until I engage it again then it Starts counting up so I'm going to that 80 degrees There we go So it gives me a vibration and it tells

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Me my total torquing is 66.5 foot-pounds After the 80. so here we go we're going To go 80 again There we go and again 64.2 foot-pounds Now same thing on my larger torque Wrench but If I go here so we've already set We've already set Our 15 foot-pounds so now we need to go An angle And we need to go to 51 degrees There we go so now we've got that set of 51 degrees Go to the outers Oh I went past at 54 and tells me I did 56 foot pounds I was watching the camera and not the Torque wrench I'm at 50 51. And 52.4 total foot pounds so pretty Cool about the electronic torque Wrenches is that they handle all that For you Now the problem is if I have if all I Have is my half inch drive you know 20 To 250 foot-pound torque wrench I can't Even start at 15 foot pounds my scale Does not even go that low on my half Inch drive now my 3 8 drive I can now Still at the very bottom of this one Because there's my 20 and I can go down To 15. But here's the problem Number one is at the bottom of my scale

And you can barely hear this click Because the higher you go up on the Scale the more that spring compresses And the more the louder that that click Sounds and the more you can fill it in The tool as well So you can barely hear and fill that Click which that's not a huge deal But that's not my big issue here yep There we go I've already clicked it There we go Is if we're using a torque wrench that's Too big for the job if we even go you Know a few degrees past look this is all About especially on these new When all these motors over the past 20 Plus years everything's gone too I Shouldn't say everything most things Have gone to a torque to yield Fastener And it's all about bolt stretch even When torquing bolts it's all about bolt Stretch in other words making this like A rubber band to kind of compress Everything together holding the rotating Assembly of this motor In a compression type of state to make Sure it doesn't come apart because as Soon as this gets loose well bad things Are going to happen so it's very Critical that we hold that in the proper Stretch procedure that's why we see Things like you know just setting the Foot pounds to kind of get the the bolt To seat and then you actually provide

That 80 degrees or 51 degrees to Actually provide that stretch of that Fastener and if our initial or secondary Approach to that is over torquing that Well then we get into a catastrophic Stage the same with under torquing as Well so it's very important to have the Right tools for the job this video had No intention of talking about Specifically electronic torque wrenches Or click stop torque wrenches or sonic Tools or Matco Tools or sunx or anything Like that but just to kind of inform you Of the different style torque wrenches And why you may need two or maybe even Three different torque wrenches and Maybe even getting into other things now I will say electronic torque wrenches Makes it very nice when you are starting To work with TT wire torque to yield Fasteners because then you don't have to Put things like this and you know set Them up and make sure they're locked Into place and and uh you know using Your torque wrench to or or pry bar or Whatever it is you're using to actually Set the angle on that faster now it's Embedded in the torque wrench so that Makes it a lot easier at the same time These things are pretty expensive so you May need to adapt something like this to Your existing click style torque writs And that's absolutely fine but also Understand when you're working with

Click style torque wrenches that there Is that lower window that you really Shouldn't be operating that torque Wrench in because the tolerance is much Greater or basically it's not as precise At that lower end as on the upper end Listen we hope that this helped you if Not then let us know in the comments if It did let us know in the comments and Let us know in the comments if you have Some other wild ideas we ought to do and By all means if you haven't already Please follow us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and if you Don't mind hit that like And subscribe Button if you haven't done so already Have a great day keep smiling