70,000 BTU Milwaukee M18 Propane Forced Air Heater Review [0801-20]

Stay warm this winter with the Milwaukee M18 Propane Forced Air Propane Heater. Set your power level from 30,000 to 70,000 BTU. Fueled by propane and the M18 Milwaukee 18V battery powers the fan, controls, and ignition. You can also remove the 18-volt battery and use a standard extension cord. You get about 8-hours runtime from a 20-lb propane cylinder, with the heater on low. The Milwaukee 0801-20 M18 Propane Heater comes with the heater and a 10-foot hose and regulator. You need to supply the propane cylinder and electric power (M18 battery or 120V extension cord). This was included in our Christmas Gift Guide this year. #milwaukeetool #heater #review

Milwaukee 0801-20 M18 Propane Heater:

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Heat up your shop without the [Music] Cord we've got the Milwaukee M18 heater Well it's a little more than just an M18 Heater runs off of propane as well and Gets really toasty now let's jump in and Take a closer look at each of these Features then we'll use it and then We'll come back and talk about uh some Of the things like runtime as well as Cost and warranty and by the way this is Included in our Christmas gift guide This year make sure you check that out a Lot of cool gifts in different price Categories this the Milwaukee it's the Model number 0801 uh but it's the M18 propane forced Air heater yes it requires a battery an M18 18vt Milwaukee battery uh or you can Power it with an extension cord as well We'll show you that here in a moment uh But it also requires propane so you need Electricity so the battery or the Extension cord as well as you need a Propane t tank preferably a 20 lb Cylinder at least uh to power this and You're going to get up to 70,000 BTU out Of this so British thermal unit so if That tells you everything then you're Good to go it's developing a lot of heat And so you're going to do it via a flame That's going to be inside that can right There and then a forced air where you're Going to have a fan from behind that's

Blowing across that flame intensifying That flame and blowing out heat um as Well as feeding that flame and uh and Giving you anywhere from 30,000 at the Low side up to 70,000 BTU now what's included with the kit is The heater can here uh as well as the Handle we'll put that on here in a Moment and you also get a 10-ft hose and Regulator this is going to connect to Your propane tank so pretty typical Looks like your barbecue grill um Regulator is kind of the same thing uh And some cool features about this heater As well as just the fact that it works Works really well so let's put this Together and then we'll get started now If we'll take a look underneath this Handle right Here we'll get a bag of Screws if they're not already falling Out there we Go so looks like we get four screws and This handle's pretty simplistic so it's Going to basically the square end is Going to butt right down to the back of The Heater and then we'll use our favorite Assembly tool this is the little uh Palm Impact driver that rigid used to make They don't make this anymore in fact you Can't even find rigid 12vt tools anymore And if you want Milwaukee to um to make This same tool which I've requested for

Years now leave a little thing in the uh Comments let me Know pressure Activated push It just a real really handy Tool for doing small installations Things like That oh before we get started on running This let's just get a size of this uh so Looks like on the link side of Things oh goodness just past 18 in so About 18 and 1/4 in and height to the Top of that handle about 18 and A2 in Little 18 plus anyway at the peak there Maybe almost 19 in here to the top of This handle so if you're needing to put This somewhere store it somewhere just Give you an idea of the size at the base You're looking at about 10 and 1/4 in Wide so 10 and 1/4 in wide 19 in tall And 18 plus in long and as we mentioned You get a 10t hose for the propane tank So you don't have to have the propane Tank right near here in fact I'd Recommend you having it off away from it Uh but does give you some uh ability to Move this Around taking a look here at the back Side of the unit this is the pocket Where the battery is going to go and if You're curious what size battery will Fit in there well here's the new uh 6.0 Forged it's going to fit in there no Problem and then even your largest of

The M18 platform and that is the HD 12.0 And that fits in there with gaps on Either side and the bottom as well so no Problem running any of the batteries I Wouldn't recommend running this on less Than a 5 amp hour battery just run time Is going to get less and less even Though all this is doing is powering the Fan as well as powering the igniter so Once you ignite this uh basically your Battery is running the fan now if you'll Notice up here in front of the battery Pocket there's a place there where you Can actually plug it in so if you remove The battery take an extension cord plug That in and now you can power that with Your typical Outlet in the shop or the House now right here on the back of the Unit that's basically our Port where We're going to install our propane hose So pull the Caps Off make sure that threads on nice and Easy those threads should be nice and Clean and a 9/16 inch wrench should snug That up and as we mentioned looks like a Typical tank you'd have on your barbecue Grill and pull the cap here off of the Regulator side of the Hose and then we're going to install This which by the way You're not going to righty Tidy you're going to Lefty Loosey it's Using the internal threads of that valve Not the external threads so these

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External threads are really coarse only Takes a couple of turns for like your Most of your barbecue grills this is Using that internal Portion so a finer Thread you're going to take more turns But you have an o-ring in there that Should seal so you don't have to CR rank That really really Tight now we can turn our valve On and before we get too far let's just Check the weight of this so this Is no battery and you're at 13 lb 12 Oz and with a 60 Battery on there you're Looking at 15 lb 13 O So less than 16 lb Even with the 60 Battery so obviously That's going to change a little bit Based off which battery you use or maybe You're just plugging it into an Extension cord but less than 16 lb all In with the battery now taking a look Here at the rear of the unit so you can See this is the intake side where the Fan is actually going to be drawing in The air uh you see some brass fittings Back here that's basically all your your Propane where all the fuel is going and Then being ported into the inside of This can here the controls are here on The top of this plastic and then Something that I really really love About this this this is the cord wrap or The hose wrap for the actual propane Hose so when you're done using this for

The season or for the night or for the Job whatever wrap this up and it's nice And contained on the unit right there It's not hanging and dangling off Somewhere else for to drag through the Mud and the Grime right here on the opposite side of The unit pretty cool right here some Hard plastic cards this is not paper and It's a quick start guide for the propane Heater so you say you can fli it over Here and it says right there Milwaukee Quick start guide you can open that page To the first page right there and it Gives you the quick startup procedure on How to start this got a steel cable Right there that's retaining that as Well now here in the business end of the Unit uh you can see down here this is Where our propane is going to be Released back on the back side of this Little disc here and we'll see a flame That wraps around here and if you can See right back in there this should be Our ignit Right there uh I'm assuming that Probably arcs across and actually Ignites the fuel and then this is Probably our Thermo coupler here that's Actually reading on whether or not that Thing is is running because what it will Do is shut the fuel off if it's not Burning it so you're not just filling Your shop up with with uh propane and

Waiting for a bomb to happen now this Pocket of air right here in between These two cans that's kind of your Insulator in other words this should be Somewhat cool to the touch it might get Nice and warm uh but this inside in here Is going to be 5 6 700° which you do not want to be Touching but the outside here should say Stay nice and um you know again warmer Than room temperature uh but will not be Too hot to touch like this inside can Will be so here's our controls right Here at the top of the heater uh we have Onoff switch so we have to power it on Before we do anything and then we'll Hear that Clicking And we want to make sure we're hearing That clicking before we try to start it Uh we want to turn our knob here this is Basically your heat control or fuel knob We want to turn it all the way to the Start position the little lightning bolt And then we want to hold this Down and we want to hold that down for a Few Seconds cuz we want to get that Thermocoupler nice and hot and we hear a Little bit of clicking in there now that Clicking goes away this should stay Running yeah now it stays running if it Quits running you want to turn Everything off and start back over

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Again so you can see got some heat Building in there our disc in there is Now turning a nice bronze color so it Used to be silver now it's heating up Well so this is the first time running With this see a big flame in there I Don't want the camera directly in front Of that not for too long but that is too Hot to keep my hand there in front of it So you got a lot of heat coming right Out the front of that unit you see now That disc is starting to start glowing Red so the longer this runs the more Heat that's going to have but you can See I can still keep my hand right here On the side of the Unit so just give you an idea Here 47 49555 yeah so that keeps creeping up There so 600 plus de Inside the cannon there and now let's Try to get a Reading from the outside so yeah you you Can see that the outside of that is just 120° and it's really doesn't feel that Hot I'm sure the side down the middle of That can is probably Much less probably less than 100° but You see in the inside we're really Cooking at 600 Plus we're still running at the Max uh And let's get a reading here on the side Of the Unit so yeah just a not even 100° in

Some Places 104 101 so near The Backs a little more to 110 but you can see so here very easy to Touch this it's a little bit warm Getting up here it's getting nice and Toasty there but you can still see I'm Not getting burnt by putting my hand on There I'm not recommend you doing that You definitely don't want to get in the Front there but that's not going to burn You and down here it's even milder back Here a little warm but not near as bad As the front side but you're not going To brush your leg against that and burn It at all and let's go ahead and turn This all the way Down so now I've turned it down to the Minimum you can see that the flame is a Lot milder as well as the sound really Went away so about halfway up I'll just Dial this Up so about right there you really hear The the fan kind of kick onto another Note it's almost like it goes into a After Burner mode where it's actually Fueling that fire so this is quite a bit Louder and then I go on up and when you Really get that After Burner effect Where we're really hearing that Combustion and hearing the the fueling Of that flame in that blower motor but If we have it all the way down we're

Still getting decent heat very good heat In fact I don't want to keep my hand There too long and I'm a good 18 in away From it wow that's toasty uh but it you Can't hardly hear it I mean it's just Barely humming you hear a little bit of Fan noise but you don't hear that Combustion noise so if you can run it at That lower rate number one you're going To save fuel number two it's just not Going to be as big of a a sound nuisance But listen if you need to stay warm warm Who really cares about that sound I mean It's not earpiercing whatsoever so we're Still running here we're running on low Let's turn this around and let's go Ahead and turn this unit off I just hit The off button that's going to kill the Fuel as well as the blower now I'm going To shut the fuel off at my propane tank Which by the way let me give you a Little advice when you open a propane Tank all the way up by the way I learned This In Scuba uh when you get to the top And it stops turn it back a half a Turn what that's going to do is if Somebody grabs it you know how you grab It sometimes you can't move it either Way and you don't know if it's all the Way open or all the way closed if you Crack it back at half a turn now when Somebody goes to open it it stops and They go oh okay it's already open but on The flip side when you close it make

Sure that you leave it all the way Closed we want that nice and sealed so That there is no problem but when you Open it all the way up turn it back just A half a turn and then that lets people Know exactly where that's At so we've got our tank closed now we Can actually remove this and and again We're going to Go righty Loosey because it's a Left-handed thread on that Internal and there we go you may smell a Little bit of a propane smell just from That uh releasing right there but you Should be good and by the way if you Want to turn your propane tank off and Leave this running and let it burn off The propane that's in this hose you can Definitely do that as well uh if you Feel like that that will save you a Little bit of propane but here's one of The really cool features I like about This so my hose is still hooked up on This side I'm not worried about that and Then I'm just going to wrap that around Here I know you probably wonder why I'm Geeking out about this but I just like It when companies take into Account that we want something to store Our hoses as well we don't want to have To you know find another place for them Or have them dangling around on the Floor getting in the way so now that's All wrapped nice and neat in there we

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Can take our battery out and charge it Or we can leave it in there And now we've got a purely compact unit Now let's talk a little bit about Runtime uh but before we do that let's Talk about square footage they're Recommending I think up to 1,700 Square Ft I'm telling you we have a 2,000 plus Square foot all metal shop that gets Quite cold yes we're in the middle of Florida we understand we're not getting The temperatures that you do up north or Even some out west but we still do get Those cold snaps where it drops below Freezing and I'm telling you this thing Actually raised the temperature quite Well in our shop that's again 2,000 plus Square ft now obviously you're going to Get the diminishing returns right the Bigger the shop is the bigger the area Is but even if you're wanting to just You know put some heat in an area this Going to do a great job of it even at Low because 30,000 BTUs is a lot of heat Um and then you cranking it up to 70 You're really getting a lot of that Forced air and you're feeling a lot of That air so you can actually burn your Legs if you're standing too close to This ask us why we know anyway let's Talk about runtime Now battery wise I Really don't think you're going to worry Too much about batteries maybe you want To have a couple of batteries and

Running that fan so you may need a Couple of batteries throughout the day Actually I doubt it if you're running at Least a 5 amp hour I think it's going to Run that uh fan for much longer than That um however if uh looking at fuel at Propane fuel you're probably going to Burn through this propane quicker than You're going to worry about batteries And the cost is going to be more on the Propane side anyway this is a 20 lb Cylinder a 20 lb drum now Milwaukee is Saying you should get about 8 hours of Runtime on a 20 lb drum and I'm sure That probably Means now Milwaukee is saying that you Should get about 8 hours of runtime on a 20 lb cylinder but I'm sure that means On low so if you're running it higher Than that just understand it's going to Consume propane or consume fuel another Thing to note that you probably don't Realize is if you're Exchange changing These drums or cylinders out at your Home Depot your Lowe's your big box Stores you're probably not getting what You think you're getting and other words Is a 20 lb cylinder and in this 20 lb Cylinder they allow room for expansion So you can put 20 lbs of propane in here And there's still room for expansion for Heating and cooling and the expanding of That fuel however if you take a closer Look down here at the bottom of this

Tank it says 15 lbs net weight so in Other words you're getting 15 lbs of Propane when you're exchanging these Tanks out at The Big Box store so you're Getting short a little bit so you're not Going to get as long as runtime as if You took this to your local fuel Supplier and they actually refilled it With actually you know 18 or 20 pounds Of actual propane so just understand That that you're not always getting what You think you may be getting at these Big box stores on these exchanges now Pricing wise $229 for the kit I say kit basically for The bare bone skit uh which gives you The regulator and hose and the actual Heater and you're getting that for $229 I don't see them offering as a kit Yet you're definitely not going to get It with a propane tank um but the price Is 229 bucks and you're going to get a One-year warranty on that as well we'll Have a link in the description this is Actually on our Christmas gift guide and For good reason it's a great little unit And we'll heat up a shop quick uh if You're using this indoors make sure you Have plenty of fresh Plenty of airs space in there uh so that You're not getting uh carbon monoxide so Again just make sure that You' got Plenty of air space uh if you're using This with a roof over outside you should

Be absolutely fine also keep track of us On Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tik Tok and if you don't mind would you Hit that like And subscribe button if You haven't done so already and by all Means if you hated our video well give Us a thumbs down but would you let us Know in the comments why have a great Day and keep Smiling