750 Ft-lbs?? FLEX FX1451 24V Mid Torque Impact Wrench Review

The new FLEX FX1451 24V Mid Torque Impact Wrench boasts 750 ft-lbs of breakaway or nut-busting torque. We will definitely see about that claim. This is the first mid-torque impact wrench for the FLEX brand. You get 3 speeds and an Auto mode with a max of 3,100 IPM (Impacts Per Minute). This new FX1451 mid-torque impact is due to start shipping around the first of July 2023. Prices are $199 for the bare tool and $299 for the FX1451, a single 5.0Ah battery, 160W fast charger, and a nylon bag. FLEX covers the tool, battery, and charger with their 5-year warranty.
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FLEX FX1451 Mid-Torque (tool only):
FLEX FX1451 Mid-Torque (kit):

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Can the new flex mid torque play with The big boys we'll find out [Music] This is the flex FX 1451 and it's their Brand new 24 volt brushless mid-torque Impact wrench now in all honesty when They release their high torque impact Wrench just a year or two ago I was Wanting a mid torque right then I Thought you know what Flex you really Need a mid-torque impact to really Attract the love of the mechanics Because I think this is the tool now That the majority of them are going to Carry around especially if it can get The majority of their work done it's Much better to carry a smaller and Lighter tool rather than wearing Yourself out carrying around a high Torque all the time and let's see if This one actually lives up to the 750 Foot-pounds a breakaway torque they talk About this is the brand new flex FX 1451 And it's their 24 volt brushless Mid-torque impact wrench now this is Flex's First Mid torque impact wrench And we're happy to see this we knew that When they released least their high Torque impact wrench and kind of going After the mechanic world and the Auto Industry they really needed to have a Mid torque in the bag that's really Going to cross over into that plane Between their impact driver and their

High torque impact wrench so really Happy to see this we get three different Speeds and an auto mode now the auto Mode is going to keep you or prevent you From over tightening things as well as Slowing the tool or stopping the tool Once it realizes that something's broken Loose and we'll show that in effect here In a moment now with the different Speeds here so we get speed one Get an LED light here on the base as Well and then we have auto mode so if I Go to the speed side then we get one two Or three now speed one you're going to Get zero to 450 RPM Speed 2 is going to Give you zero to 1600 RPM and Speed 3 is Going to be the max at 2700 RPM and as Far as the impacts per minute you're Going to get up to 3 100 impacts per Minute now obviously we get a variable Speed trigger so regardless of which Speed we have it in we can vary that Throttle or vary that trigger to provide The amount of RPM we need at the time And then roll into it and get that Max Effect whether we're in speed one two or Three and that's going to designate Depending on which speed as to the Max RPM we get now you'll see here when I go Into auto mode we probably won't see the Full effect here Pull the trigger still feels like Max RPM if I go into reverse you see It starts to spin and then stops the

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Tool so I'm assuming that it's thinking Oh I'm broken free stop the tool and That's what we're going to get when we Actually put it under load very nice and Even aggressive rubber over molding here So it feels like you really got the tool In your hand but it's not too aggressive That it feels uncomfortable at all but Definitely up here and down here kind of A a diamond grip if you will and you can Really feel the grip in your hand now Size of this tool with the 5 amp hour Battery Looking at right at 11 inches tall about Nine and seven eighths of an inch tall Length on the tool Right at 6.1 inches as well a little Longer than that's all our two will go Out too So you're looking at a little more so About six and a quarter inches from tip To tail weight on this tool with the 5 Amp hour battery Six pounds six ounces Without the battery Four pounds three and a half ounces now With the kit we get the FX 1451 the 5 Amp hour battery as well as the 160 watt Fast charger and the flex bag Now I've mentioned this before but if There's one thing that Flex those they Know about batteries brushless motors And Chargers so they know the effect it Has on overheating batteries in both

Discharge and charging and so they have Electronics they have systems in place In their battery management system in Both the charger and the battery and the Motor that ensures that it's keeping Safety in mind when it's fast charging The battery as well as when it's Discharging the battery under a load one Thing I really love about the flex Batteries is the fuel gauge on there you Can see that so easily from either side When you press the button on the front Of the battery you can easily see how Much charge you have left in that Battery now power on this is supposed to Be 600 foot pounds of fastening torque And 750 foot-pounds of bolt removal or Loosening torque so let's go find out And see Okay so we've got the fx-1451 Over here on our test bench and we're Going to take our high torque torque Tool and we're going to the torque these Fasteners starting at 150 foot pounds And we're going to go 150 200 300 and 400 foot pounds and we'll carry On up here to 500 600 and 700 Foot-pounds [Applause] [Applause] Okay we've got our Fasteners torqued Again we're going to start at 150 foot Pounds because that's kind of the floor Of our of our torque machine so we're Gonna go 150 and then 200 300 400 500

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600 and 700 foot-pounds and we're going To try to break them free with the new Flex 24 volt FX 1451 we do have it in Speed three so we do not have it in an Auto mode and we do have a fully charged 5 amp hour battery We have it in reverse you can see we Have silver hash marks all the way Around this socket so that will help you See this move because what we're going To do is give it a 10 second patch to Remove that faster or to break it free Now if on the 10th second it's actually Moving that Fastener we will go ahead And let it finish if by the 10th second It is not moving that yet then it will Not get that amount of torque applied to It so let's get started Thank you Okay definitely that last one we went Past that 10 second range but it was Definitely already moving So we're going to go back here and we're Going to start we're going to go ahead And start at 750 foot-pounds then go to 800 and 850. Okay we're going to torque these to 750. Okay so we have retort our Fasteners to We started here at 750 foot-pounds 800 foot-pounds and 850 foot-pounds we Still have a fully charged 5.0 battery And we're in speed three In reverse And again we'll give it 10 seconds

Foreign [Applause] So again we're going over our Maxwell Nose but it is starting to move them Before we hit that 10 second Mark and Then it goes ahead and Spins them free Right after Okay now we're back at it we're still in Speed three we're in reverse And now we're starting at 900 foot Pounds 950 and 1 000. Thank you Okay I believe it was starting to move At that 10 second Mark so that's why we Went ahead and kept pushing I think this 950 is probably not going to happen so We'll give it to the 900 and let's see What happens at 9 50. All right Wow okay I'll take that back took care Of 950 let's see about a thousand Okay no go on the thousand we did get The 900 and the 950 still very Impressive on the little mid torque so Let's quickly show how the auto mode Works so I'm going to go from Speed 3 Into Auto and I'm going to go into Titan And you see as soon as it senses that Nut is tight it's shutting the tool down My finger's stolen the trigger Still in the trigger now if I go into Reverse so I'm loosening a bolt lug nut Head bolt whatever it may be Again same thing as soon as it senses

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It's loose it shuts it down which by the Way that did that very quickly one more Time Again finger is still fully depressed on The trigger and the tool shut down Well there's no doubt that this Mid-sized guy is a heavy hitter breaking Loose 950 foot-pounds very impressive Especially on their first make of a Midterm impact wrench the fx-1451 is Definitely a strong hitter now the thing Is it's not a small tool height wise It's right in line with the Milwaukee With the Makita with the DeWalt and some Of the others as far as tip to tail now It's pretty heavy in the head but still Weighing in within a pound of the other Heavy Hitters as well now depending on What you want as a battery the 5.0 did Absolutely fine delivering that 950 Foot-pounds of breakaway torque so I Don't think that you have to go any Bigger than that could you step down to A two and a half amp hour and save a Little weight and still have the UMP Yeah probably will it handle most of the Lug nuts that you're going to face in The normal day-to-day operations with Light duty trucks as well as passenger Cars absolutely absolutely I should get That work done without a problem except Those pesky lug nuts where somebody's Put the ugga Duggar wrench on there and Just held it on high for a while some of

Those they have corrosion on them you're Just not going to do without a high Torque impact wrench and that's really Across the board really impressed with The new flex mid torque impact wrench Pricing on this is 199 dollars is a bare Tool or you can get the kit as you see It here with the 5 amp hour battery uh The fast charger which is 160 watts and The FX 1451 with the canvas monogram bag And you can get that for 299 dollars Flex includes a five year warranty on The tool a five year warranty on the Battery and a five year warranty on the Charger so all their tools chargers and Batteries warrantied for five years hey Check it out we'll have a link in the Description also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock hey if you don't mind when you hit That like And subscribe button if you Haven't done so already and by all means If you hated our video well give us a Thumbs down but would you let us know in The comments why have a great day keep Smiling