Best Jump Starter 2023? Are Jumper Cables Better? Let’s find out!

Brands: NOCO, GooLoo, HOMPOW, VTOMAN, Povasee, BRPOM, AlphaBot, JF.EGWO, Buture, Veama, AUTOGEN, KeenPower, and Jumper Cables. Jump Starters compared for total cranking amps, ability to start a V-6, Big Block V-8, and diesel engine. Jump starters also compared for battery capacity as a battery bank for charging cell phones, etc. All the jump starters are compared with jumper cables and a super capacitor jump starter. The jump starters with tire inflators are compared for performance inflating a completely flat car tire.

I bought all of the jump starters to ensure an unbiased review. So, thank you for supporting the channel.

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➡ Products Tested In This Video (in no particular order):
KeenPower Super Capacitor Jump Starter:
Light Duty Jumper Cables:
Heavy Duty Jumper Cables:
Cousin Eddie’s Custom Underwear:
Battery tester:
Carbon Pile Tester:

Videography Equipment:
Sony DSC-RX10 III Cyber-shot Digital Still Camera:
Canon 70D Camera:
Azden Microphone:
Go Pro Bundle:

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I've read tens of thousands of your Comments and hundreds of stories about How a jump starter has saved someone From being stranded so the question is Should you just buy a $50 jump starter One that cost about $300 jumper cables Or why not a super capacitor we'll see Which jump starter can start a big block Engine and then a diesel engine then We'll see which jump starter has the Best tire inflator finally we'll bench Test the jump starters to see which one Makes the most cranking amps at a price Of $59 before any coupons or discounts Is this vimma brand it claims to have a Very impressive 4500 amp Peak Capac Capacity it also claims to have a 22,000 Mah power pack capacity it's supposed to Work from -4° F to 140 we're going to Test that to USB outs and a USBC it also Includes a battery life indicator LED Light the Vima jump starter is made in China let's kick off our first test and We'll see how the jump starters perform On this old Ford Ranger with a V6 engine My good old cousin Edy created some car Batteries out of wood that we'll be Using in the first test not surprisingly The batter is right at 0 volts I've Disconnected the ignition so the truck Will not start and AA spun the engine Over more than fast enough to jump start The vehicle at a price of $100 is this Alphabot it claims to deliver 4,000

Cranking amps and it has a tire inflator Alphabot also claims that their battery Pack is 26,800 mAh hours the alphabot Has a USB 12volt input and a USBC Port Unfortunately it does not come with the Carrying case made in China I bench Tested the jump starters before this Test unfortunately the alphabot is Pretty fragile and did not survive the Bench test at a price of $100 the same Price as the alphabot is this burpin Brand the burpin even includes a very Nice carrying case it's a jump starter Air compressor power bank and it has an LED light two USBS a USBC and a 12vt it Claims that it's a 4,000 amp jump Starter with a 24,000 mAh battery Capacity they also claim that their tire Pump can pump up a tire in only 3 Minutes we're going to test that made in China I'm activating the starter by Placing the jumper across the solenoid Post and the burpin makes more than Enough cranking amps to get the engine To spin over quickly also the price of $100 the same price as the alphabot in The buram is this Gulu gp4000 it's just A jump starter and does not have a tire Inflator it does have dual USB charging Ports and the type-c charging port made In China and the Gulu 4000 is not Messing around and the engine is Spinning over even faster than with the Buram at a price of $100 is this Booter

Brand includes a very nice carrying case It's a jump starter air compressor power Bank and includes a flashlight it claims To deliver 3500 cranking amps made in China includes a USBC two USBS and a 12volt adapter and the jump starter is Ready for action and theer did a pretty Good job spinning over the engine but Not nearly as fast as the Gulu 4000 at a Price of $17 without the coupon or $87 With the coupon is this povy brand it Has a tire inflator and a jump starter Povy claims that their tire inflator Will inflate a tire from 0 to 36 PSI in Just 7 minutes they also claim 3500 amp Jump starter 12vt 2 USBS and USBC ports The tire inflator hose tucks away neatly And the pacy is not going to work with a Completely dead battery so I'll use this Battery which is badly drained Unfortunately the pacy is acting normal Until connected to a low battery and Then it just gives up at a price of $119 Before the coupon or $100 after the Coupon is this homow brand the haow is a Jump starter in a power bank but it does Not include a tire inflator it claims to Offer a very impressive 6,000 amps we're Going to test that USB two USB C's and a 12volt port haow claims that it can Start all gasoline engines and up to 12 L diesel made in China and H power is Rated for 6,000 amps and it did a great Job of spinning over the engine at a

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Price of $130 but I bought it for $10 With a coupon is this autogen brand it's A jump starter and air compressor and it Also includes a 27,000 milliamp hour Battery the autogen has four different Input and output ports up to 4,000 Peak Amps the carrying case for the autogen Has two different pouches one pouch for The jump starter and the others for all The goodies made in China any auto Jen Spun over the engine but it wasn't quite As enthusiastic as a Gulu or the hoow The toan brand was priced for $130 but With a coupon I bought it for $120 it Claims to have a capacity of$ 4, 250 Amps the air compressor up to 160 PSI Includes a USB USBC and a 12volt port Made in China an atonement is rated for 4,250 cranking amps and is doing a Terrific job of spinning over the engine At a high RPM at a price of $279 before The discount or $236 worth the coupon is This JF iGo brand it claims to offer a Very impressive 6,000 cranking amps and An air compressor includes a battery Charge indicator includes two USB ports But does not include a USBC the jfig go Is made in China And a JF ego makes more than enough Cranking amps to spin over the Ford Ranger engine the Keen power super Capacitor was priced $300 but I was able To find a $150 coupon the super Capacitor claims a very impressive 6,000

Cranking amps it claims it can be used Up to a million times I'm definitely not Going to be able to test that the nice Thing about the super capacitor is you Never have to pre-charge it at home made In China and a car battery that I'm Using to charge the super capacitor is Fully charged and the KE power super Capacitor is fully charged after a Minute and 40 seconds And the super capacitor did a lot better Job than anticipated plenty of juice to Start the engine at a price of $370 is This NOCO gbx 155 this is the winner of Last year's Showdown event so let's see How it's still holding up it hasn't been Used in a full year and it's still fully Charged and en noo made very easy work Of the V6 engine and it's spinning over The starter and the engine very quickly So I bother with a jump starter if you Could buy these jumper cables for only $17 the copper wire thickness on the Jumper cables is 10 gauge the jumper Cables are also 12 ft in length let's Try to jump start the engine off this Fully charged 950 cranking amp battery The batter is at 12.8 volts and it's Making 941 amps and the light duty Jumper cables are just not going to get The job done at a price of $40 is this Set of heavy duty one gauge cables it's Supposed to deliver up to 800 cranking Amps so the question is are these heavy

Duty cables any better than the light Duties and the heavy duty jumper cables Are spinning over the engine a little Bit faster but not nearly fast enough Before we bench test the jump starters Let's test them out on a 7.4 l gasoline Engine and cousin Eddie's phago and all The jump starters are fully Charged and the Vima was able to spin Over the engine but it was definitely a Struggle unfortunately the alphabot is Still not functioning Properly and a Burpa made very easy work Of the big block 454 and the Gulu 4000 spun over the Engine even faster than the Burum I don't have the fuel hose Connected to the fuel tank so there must Be some residual fuel inside the fuel Line skipping the pacy since it's not Working Properly and homow made very easy work Of spinning over the 454 and starting The Engine and the autogen makes more than Enough juice to start to 454 an Ain also makes plenty of cranking Amps to get the 454 going and some of The jump starters that I'm testing this Year are a big improve Improvement of The ones tested in the past and the JF Eagle was also more than powerful enough To jump start the phab Bago I went ahead And charged the super

Capacitor and the super capacitor made Very easy work of starting the phabo in All three attempts and the Dodge Ram With the diesel uses two full-size Batteries and I've installed one wood Block on one side and a badly drained Battery on the driver's side and a Vima Jump starter claims to make 4,500 Peak Amps but the cumin is just way too much For the the jump starter and a buram is Rated for 4,000 cranking amps or 500 Less than the Vima and a burp makes more than enough Cranking amps to start the Engine and the Gulu 4000 definitely Seems more powerful than the burp and Made very easy work of the diesel engine And a battery inside the Ram truck is Still at 10.1 Volts and a buture just doesn't seem to Have quite as many cranking amps as the Gulu but it has enough to start the ram An ovy is fully charged and appears to Be ready for action unfortunately the Pacy is not up to the Challenge and thean poow claims to make 6,000 cranking amps and it seems to be At least as powerful as any of the other Jump starters and the jump starter made This look Easy and the auto Jen has enough to Start the truck but definitely not as Powerful as the hoow or the Gulu and atan also made very easy work

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Of starting the diesel and seems to be About as powerful as the H Pal and the JF iGo also did a great job Of starting the diesel in and seems to Be just as powerful as the Toan and a super capacitor seems even More powerful than the jump starter so Far very Impressive and the Noco which won the 2022 Showdown made very easy work of the Diesel and seems to be just as powerful As a super capacitor and the jump Starters have been in the freezer for 15 Hours and they're all very cold at Around 4° F and the very cold V just doesn't have What it takes to jump start the Engine and the cold temperature really Set set back to burp but it did spin Over the Engine and the Gulu 4000 has done by far The best yet plenty of cold cranking Amps to start the Engine and the Booter does not like the Cold and it barely has enough power to Turn over the Engine and the hum pal seems to spin the Engine over a little bit slower than the Gulu and the autogen does not like the Cold temperature and it really struggled On this Test and aonan performed better than the Yo Jen but not nearly as well as the Gulu in the

Haow and it took a couple of tries to Wake up the JF ego but it did about as Well as the Gulu in the [Music] Haow and inoko seems to have done by far The best so far with plenty of cranking Amps And it's not even close and the super Capacitor outperformed all the jump Starters on the cold temperature test Very impressive while it is very Subjective the Noco and the super Capacitor seem to make the most cranking Amps but let's go and bench test them to Know for sure let's go and bench test The jump starters using a carbon pile Tester it's very difficult to read the Two dials on the tester so let's use two Digital omers before we test the jump Starters let's see how a car battery Performs on the bench test and the car Battery is fully charged and a car Battery made it to 643 amps at 6.3 volts So let's see if the jump starters can do Even better and nma is rated for 4500 Peak amps and jump starter manufacturers Have a very tricky way of coming up with This number to help sell jump starters The approach we'll use is much more Realistic and the VMA only made 359 amps At 7.4 volts that's more than enough to Start a car that's nowhere near close to 4500 amps and the alpha bot is supposed To make 4,000 amps and the alpab bot

Performed a lot better than the Vima at 541 amps at 6.6 volt that's 3,570 WS for The alphabot and a buram is rated for 4,000 Peak amps and it performed even Better than the alphabot at 661 amps at 6.5 volts almost 4,300 watts is pretty Good I've tested the Gulu in the past And I've decided to go and test it again Since it performed very well once again The Gulu performed the best yet at 537 Amps at 9.2 volts that's almost 5,000 Watts which is really good for a $100 Jump starter and a butcher is rated for 3,500 amps and it couldn't quite keep up With the burp and the Gulu 588 amps at 6.5 volts works out to only 3,822 watts And the pacy is also rated for 3,500 Amps and the pacy met at to 5133 amps at 8 volts which works out to 4,14 watts to Move into third place the compow jump Starter won't activate unless it senses Some voltage so I'm using a 9vt battery To activate the jump starter and the H Pal is rated for 6,000 amps and the H Pal performed the best yet at 736 amps At 7.2 volts that's almost 5,300 W and The autog Jan is rated for 4,000 amps And the autog genen made it to 536 amps At 7.3 volts which is good enough to Move into fifth place and atonement is Rated for 4,250 amps and it performed Very well in this test 570 amps at 8.4 Volts works out the 4,788 watts to move Into second place behind the Gulu 4000

And a JF ego is rated for a very Impressive 6,000 amps and it is very Expensive at $279 and a JF ego made it to 591 amps at 8.2 volts or almost 4,900 W and a ke Power super capacitor takes almost 2 Minutes to charge if the power source Has a full charge it takes even longer If the battery is partially drained the King power is also rated for 6,000 amps And the King power just outperformed all The jump starters at 799 amps at 8.2 Volts that's over 6,500 Watts very Impressive and the Noco won the 2022 Jump starter Showdown and it's rated for 4,250 amps and the Noco just took the Lead from the King Power super capacitor At 879 amps at 8 volts and that's just Over 7,000 Watts very impressive and the Heavy duty Duty jumper cables only made It to 281 amps at 4.5 volts that's only 1,264 WTS Which is far less than any of The jump starters and the light duty Jumper cables really struggled at only 158 amps at 2.9 volts that's only 458 Watts amps time volts equals watts and The Noco came out on top at just over 7,000 watts and the KE power super Capacitor finished in second at over 6,500 and the H poow finished in third At almost 5,300 most of the jump Starters have tire inflators so let's See which tire inflator can pump up a 22 25 75 15in Tire to 30 PSI the quickest I

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Have a calibrated tire gauge in line so We can measure the accuracy of the Gauges on the inflators any the alpab Bot is at 94.3 DB which is pretty loud Any the alpab bot is making pretty good Progress considering the compact size of The pump any alpab bot is finished in Very close to 6 minutes both gauges Agree that the tire pressure is around 31 PSI the battery level is at two bars And the burp is almost as noisy as the Alphabot at 93.6 DB and the burp is a Little bit faster than the alphabot at Just over over 5 1/2 minutes and the Gauge on the tire inflator is a little Bit inaccurate at 1 to 1 1/2 PSI and the Butcher is noticeably quieter than the Alphabot in the buram with a peak noise Level around 87.1 DB and the butcher is Finished inflating the tire at around 5 Minutes and 40 seconds or about the same Speed is the burum and the tire pressure Gauge on the pump is off by about 1 psi Just like the boter the pacy is a lot Less noisy than the VMA and the alphabot At 86.3 DB and the pacy is a little Slower than the other inflators at Around 6 minutes and 15 seconds and and The gauge in the pacy is very close to Where it should be and the autogen is The least noisy in the lineup so far at 81.4 DB however is the slowest pump yet At very close to 8 minutes to reach 30 PSI and the tire pressure gauges off by

About 6 PSI and atonement is just about As loud as the Vima and the alphabot at 93.8 DB and atonement is the quickest Pump to reach 30 PSI so far at just over 5 minutes and the tire gauge on the Atonement is within one PSI of the Official gauge and a JF ego is pretty Noisy at 92.6 DB and a JF Figo is just As fast as most of the other inflators Reaching the target PSI in just over 5 1/2 minutes both gauges are showing just Under 30 PSI if it's all about tire Inflator speed the toan is the fastest Tire pump at 5.1 minutes the buram JF Egoo and butcher weren't too far behind At just over 5 1/2 minutes all the jump Starters are fully charged so let's test The battery capacity to see how close They come to meeting their advertised Rating I'll be using a gadget that'll Discharge the batteries at a set rate Once the batteries are fully discharged It'll let us know the amp hours and the Wat of the batteries and if Amma claims To make over 81 W hours but only made 26.9 unfortunately that's only onethird Of the advertised capacity and the Alphabot is supposed to make 99 wat Hours and it came up very short at only 47.7 and the burum is supposed to have a Capacity of almost 89 hours and it only Makes half the advertised capacity at 44.4 w hours and a Gulu is supposed to Store just over 88 W hours and it's done

By far the best so far at just over 68 And a butcher is supposed to deliver 99 W hours and it really struggled at only 41 .6 and poicy claims to store 88 hours And unfortunately it only made 46.9 just Like the Gulu the haow battery is very Heavy from the weight of the batteries More batteries means more capacity and The haow has done the best so far at 78.6 WS at $130 I was expecting some Great results but the autogen only made 20% of its advertised capacity at 19.9 Ws and the toan is very heavy a good Sign that there's lots of batteries Within the jump starter and the toan Moves into second place behind the home Po at 70.9 ws and the JF Figo made it to 49.3 WS if you're looking for a jump Starter that can also serve as a battery Bank the haow Noco tomman and Gulu are The only four brands that offer decent Storage capacity while none of the Brands met their advertised capacity in My testing the Noco Gulu hoow and the Toen are the only four Brands to achieve Over 70% of their advertised capacity so Which jump starter is the best if you Need a jump starter in a battery Bank The Noco is by far the best but it is Very expensive if it's all about value I Really like the Gulu and I also like the Haow if you're willing to spend just a Little over $100 if you're looking for a Jump starter that also has a tire

Inflator the toan is by far the best Option I expect it'll be sold out Quickly after I post this video while It's not as good as the atonement the Burpin would also be my second choice if The price is around $100 or less so Would I recommend a keing power super Capacitor absolutely as long as the Price is around $150 without having a Tire inflator or battery bang capacity The super capacitor seems way overpriced At $300 every year when I post the video On the jump starters I really enjoy Reading the comments in the comment Section about how jump starters have Really saved people from becoming Stranded all the videos in the channel Including this one are viewer suggested So if you have a video idea help you Take time to leave a comment thanks so Much for watching please take care and I Look forward to next time