What is the COLDEST ICE? We Review the VEVOR Stainless Steel Nugget Ice Machine from Amazon

With our shop in the middle of Central Florida, even in the middle of November, the afternoons are still in the mid-to-high 80s Fahrenheit. VEVOR reached out to us and asked if we would share the details of their 38-lbs per day Nugget Ice Machine. #sponsored
Of course, we didn’t turn that down. As always, we explained that we would only share the truth. This VEVOR Ice Machine works very well and the type of ICE is awesome! The smaller nuggets provide more surface areas than larger cubes, so these nuggets keep drinks colder.
#amazon #icemachine #review

VEVOR Stainless Steel 38-lb Nugget Ice Machine:

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Listen ice machines can be shop Equipment Too no we're not looking at a drill or An impact wrench or even a ratchet this Is an ice machine and if you've ever Done without ice well it's not a fun Thing vavor actually reached out to us And said hey if we ship you an ice Machine will you tell everybody about it And we said we will if it works like It's supposed to and we like it and we Do like it in fact it's one of my Favorite ice machines and I'll explain In detail why and that's just not hot Air and that's obviously my opinion your Opinion May differ greatly or slightly But I'll explain why I think that yes uh We realize that this is not your typical Tool that's found in the shop however Having an ice machine in the shop is a Big plus and we really did need one or We were actually looking for one um when Vore reached out to us and asked if they Could send us one um and in particular Particular we really wanted something That was like a nugget ice machine like We have here because I'm kind of a big Snob when it comes to ice um in fact let Me give you a little ice science really Quick the coldest ice is the ice with The most surface area well I know you're Saying well frozen water is frozen water Yes and no uh if you take a let's say a Big Ice

Cube It's got x amount of surface area But if you took that same Ice Cube and You put it in little little Pieces these little pieces that add up To the same let's say weight of this big Ice cube you can see where I'm getting At here has much more surface area Around those in this in this case little Little cylinders so little cylindrical Shapes there's much more surface area to These little pieces than this one big Piece so this big piece will last longer But these smaller pieces pieces will Actually make things colder quicker Because again there's more surface area To all these little pieces and there's a Smaller now the inverse side of that is These are going to melt quicker so yes Arguably that if you're not drinking it Quickly it's going to create water and Water down whatever you're drinking but If you want cold drinks like I like iced Tea ice cold I do not like mediocre cold Iced tea so that's I love uh these Little nugget ice uh caps if you will Versus a big old Ice Cube so that's what We're getting here and also this tends To chew better it tends to be it seems Like a softer ice um a lot of times you Get air trapped in there as well helps That a little be a little softer um but This nugget ice that's where we're Getting a colder ice than with a big ice Cube now we also opted for rather than

Like a cabinet machine that would go you Know on the on the floor in a cabinet You know something that's maybe 3T tall And and two ft wide we opted for more of A countertop type of unit that we can Move around if we need to uh move out of The way if we need to and this is really A perfect size by the way this thing Weighs about 38 lbs specifically this is The model number imn 1-ul so again imn 1-ul height on this is 16 1/2 in tall it Is about 9 1/2 in wide and depth on this About 17 in in depth you probably want a Little more clearance than that and it's Made or it's it's actually wrapped in Stainless steel I believe it's stainless Steel there's a layer of foam and then There's food grade ABS plastic on the Inside uh to prevent any you know uh Growth of bacteria and mold Milo things Like that simple onoff button cleaning Button up here we'll get to that in a Moment uh also this little glass look Here this is actually some lean where You can see through it or not sure if It's lexan but some type of Polycarbonate that's translucent and you Can actually see through to the bin That's in here again we'll get into the Details in a moment but this is the bin This will make in total about 38 lb uh Per 24 hour period um so basically it'll Make its weight in ice over a 24-hour

Period now this bin here I believe it's Like a 4.8 lb bin so if you're wanting That 38 pounds and you're not consuming It then you'll have to actually put it Somewhere so it's it's not going to keep 38 pounds of ice it will just make that Much in a 24-hour period also it it's Got some sensors in it so it will read When it's full when it's full it will Shut off and then it will basically Automatically come back on in 8 hours After that or if you just come in and You can open the lid close it and and it Will come back on as well or push the Power button any of those things will Kind of re-energize it to start making Ice again but again if it's full it Won't do that now you will will notice Over that 24hour over that 8 hour period When it's off uh some of this ice will Melt so it's not the best cooler in the World you know it's not a Yeti where It's going to keep that ice perfect but You can come in kind of break it up and And it's good to go and good to use we Do that many times where it will Actually sit overnight and then the next Morning just kind of crunch it up a Little bit and it's good to go now the Cool thing about this is you can Actually put the water in yourself Manually you know pour it in with a Pitcher um and by the way the capacity Is like 2.65 L and that's almost 3/4 of

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A gallon 7 gallons and we'll go over That here in a moment as well and pretty Cool pouring feature uh we'll get into That in a moment let's take a look at The backs side so you see we have some Venting because obviously we have a Compressor in here um so we need some Air to be circulating in there fan in There and everything else keeping Everything cool take a look at the back So again here's our fan looks much like A PC fan and we have a power cord these Are the drain lines one of these drain Lines actually actually goes to the Reservoir where it's holding the water To make the ice and the other one I Believe is probably coming off the uh The ice plates or where it's actually Freezing the ice so when you're ready to Drain this you just pull these off lay This down in the sink or lay it outside Or wherever and it will drain out and You'll drain the the reservoir as well As any that's that's in the trays as Well put this back on hangs right there Out of the way and nice and tucked in to The back of the unit the other cool Thing is as I mentioned just minute ago Is we can manually fill this but also There's a place right here so you can Actually just push in one of your you Know nylon tubes uh with a water supply Much like you would the ice machine on Your refrigerator or the water in on

Your refrigerator and push that in and It will automatically make your ice Without you having to manually fill it So if you want to run a water line you Can easily do so and there's really no Attachments needed other than just Shoving that in it's going to lock into Place now while we're going over these Features let me just go ahead and plug This thing in and we'll get the ice Making and see how quick it will do it In fact it will actually make a batch in As little as 15 minutes uh but of course That batch is not going to fill up this Bucket but let's get some water in here We'll turn this thing on you can see I've got a blinking light here kind of Notifies me that it that it's actually Plugged in I've got power to it uh but We're not making ice just yet if we take A look with the lid open here we have Two big magnets here and that's where it Actually holds everything closed so That's cool there's no really latches Just the magnets that are handling that And if you see this Ridge around uh the Front lid here that's basically to Funnel the water or the channel the Water uh back here into the reservoir so Again if you're manually filling this Which is what we'll do here in a moment Uh you don't have to have a funnel or You don't have to you know reach in There and pour you can actually leave

The bend in place if you want to pour Right here and it channels the water in I'll be honest I most of the time just Kind of hold the lid like this so I can Pour a little quicker but it's pretty Cool that they have that design built Into here to keep that water from just Running everywhere and it's going to Channel it Inside we'll pull the bin out here and By the way the bin has actual holes in The bottom of it so as that ice melts it Gets back down into the reservoir and Can then be recycled into the into the Ice trays now this is the reservoir and This little guy right here if you can See that is a little float switch so it Actually floats up and down uh with the Level of the water obviously telling the Unit how much water is in there and Making sure there's enough to make ice And then back there in the back that's The actual Inlet it's a little filtered Inlet where that's going to draw the Water in or pull the water in and up to The trays to freeze the ice and up here At the top obviously that's where the Ice is going to drop out and down into The bin now I mentioned a moment ago That this holds 2.65 lers uh to the top And by the way this little Edge right Here is kind of the max fill line and so You'll see see when the water gets up to The lip then you stop pouring uh I've

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Got most of a gallon here I'm just going To pour in and so it should take again About 75 and I'll leave this flat to Kind of show you what I'm talking about So if you pour pretty slow or at a Decent rate it just channels that water In there and puts it down in the Reservoir where it needs to Be and if you want to just pour straight In there obviously you can do that as Well Or as I was saying many times I just Kind of hold it like that pour it up and Now we see the water is now level with That and I've got I don't know it looks Like probably about a quar of a gallon Left a little less cuz I didn't have a Full gallon to start with so now we've Got water in our Reservoir and by the way that could have Been automatically filled if you had a Waterline hook up so we've got our unit Plugged in let's close the front Cover and and let's turn our unit on so Now we get the solid snowflake emblem And it should start making our ice and By the way it is uh 1:14 p.m. right this Second we just turned it on so let's see How long it takes before it starts Dropping ice so let's talk a little more While this is actually uh making the Ice Uh we have a cleaning button here if we Push the cleaning button actually we Need to hold it for like 3 seconds it

Will go into a cleaning cycle where you Could actually add some soap if you want To and it will actually circulate that Water across those trays and from the Reservoir and cycling that in and out uh And it lasts about 8 to 10 minutes then You can drain it put your fresh water Back in maybe you want to cycle it again With some fresh water in it and then You're good to go so every now and then It can either notify you it needs Cleaning or you can just run that Cleaning uh process and uh and ensure That everything's nice and clean in There also each time you turn this on Whether it's going off automatically um Or it's actually manually uh starting When you when you turn it on uh so again After it sits for eight hours and and Cycles on by itself it will start a UVC Light process um which if if you've ever Studied UV light it does a great job in Keeping things nice and clean um but Also when you turn it on manually or When it's cycling on it's going to start That UV light process and automatically Do that without you even knowing about It and when you purchase this it's has a 12 Monon warranty on it so they'll cover It for up to a year and by the way this Thing only runs on 170 Watts what's that Mean well on a 120 volt circuit you're Looking right about 1.5 amps we know Volts time amps equals Watts so 170

Divid 120 uh would be less than 1.5 1.5 Would give you 180 Watts so again you're Looking at running this machine on less Than 1.5 amps now just like we're seeing An illumination right here over here uh We'll also have illuminations of uh Marking whether it's a full basket uh uh Also notifying you of whether it's in Its cleaning mode or not um so there are Some other indicators on here that will Show up um letting you know of what Process it's actually in and that Includes a water refill indicator so if You don't have this automatically set up Or into a uh a water supply and you're Manually filling it like we just did Um when it gets too low to actually make Ice you'll see a little uh indicator Here that actually flashes letting you Know to refill the water and one of the Other kind of cool things is as you open This lid and it lays out just kind of uh Parallel to the surface what it enables You to do is to pull this tray out and Now it's got a place to sit so you're Never putting this tray on a Contaminated surface so you don't have To set on the countertop it's always Raed something on the enclosed side so Again this is more than just a water Channel you pull your tray out you scoop Your ice out you put it back in and it's Never touched anything else okay it's 1227 it's been 13 minutes I think we

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Heard yeah a couple of nuggets have Already dropped so it's starting to make Ice already uh again less than uh less Than 15 minutes so right at the 13 Minute Mark it's already starting to Drop some ice and also that's going to Compound getting better because when we Put things in the water wasn't all the Way to to Temp yet you know wasn't cold Like it should be now once it's Circulating that water through here it's Going to have colder water and it's Going to continually become more Efficient at making that ice once that Cold water gets Colder we'll take a look here at the Shape of the ice as I was mentioning a Very cylindrical shape of the ice a Little fogginess which means there's uh Some air in there so this is a again a Very soft ice to chew if you like Chewing ice now this been just over an Hour in fact I think that would be an Hour and 10 minutes and let's see what We've made so far yeah not bad so it Looks like probably a couple of servings Of ice there you get this lovely plastic Ice scoop that they throw in for free no Extra charge for This so yeah looks like the first hour Get a couple of servings now keep in Mind as I mentioned that's going to Continually be better because some of That is probably melted off of um from

It just being you know initially warm uh Now that everything's cold this will Become more and more efficient again Being the ice snob that I am I just love Uh the feel and the shape and the crunch Of this ice and how cold it is and this Is my go-to here so some cherry Flavoring like you'd put in water about Three squirts of that And then this is a spin drift blood Orange I think yeah blood orange Tangerine this is about as hard as it Gets for Me you notice very little of uh fizzing So you're not getting rid of that Carbonation you're actually going to Taste it and it not go away if you ever Pour over large ice or when things are Warm it'll Fizz a lot um so keeping all That carbonation in that Beverage oh that's perfect so it's been 4 hours since we first started and you Can see it's telling it's giving me the Fill sign so uh that the reservoir is Getting low and I actually had already Come out here and open the door I wish I Wouldn't have I wish we would have Started filming before uh but just Wanted to give you an update so it's Been about 4 hours now the machine had Shut off because it actually filled up So the sensor noticed that it's up here Uh filled with the top so within 4 hours You're filling that bin and you can see

It kind of slopes to the front side if I Scoop this down it would uh it would Keep making and by the way it gets a Little stuck together at the top but you Can see it just poking a little bit and It's uh back loose again and stays nice And cold also the Fill is not all the way empty but it's Down below that float Switch and so it's ready to be filled Again Now this light went off and now it's Starting to make ice Again well listen if you're looking for An ice machine with a large bin that's Going to store the ice as well this is Not the ice machine for you however Vavor makes actual you know commercial Units as well with large ice bins that Will store you know tens and hundreds of Pounds worth of ice after it gets done Making it but I just wanted to be clear With this although we love it it's more Of kind of consumption use as as you're Uh as you're making it you're actually Consuming it as well it will hold about 5 lbs if you want to store more than That again it's going to make 38 lbs Over the day or over the 24 hours you Will need to store that elsewhere price On this is right around the $300 Mark And you can purchase it right on Amazon So many places you may get this next day Or within two days so very easy to get

Your hands on one of these and again You're going to get a 12 Monon warranty On it as well hey you can check it out We'll have a link in the description Feel free to buy it from there or not From there we really don't care whatever You want to do uh share with us what you Think about ice machines and whether you Keep them in the shop or not also keep Track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tik Tok and if you Don't mind would you hit that like And Subscribe button if you haven't done so Already and by all means if you hated Our video well give us a thumbs down but Would you let us know in the comments Why have a great day and keep Smiling