HOT HEAT No Flame!! Induction Innovations Venom HP Review

Removing rusty fasteners can be a breeze with the use of the Induction Innovations Venom HP Induction Heater. Just pull the trigger, and the Venom HP will heat a nut or bolt to cherry-red in just seconds. This is a great option for working on rusty suspension and engine components. We included this in our Christmas Gift Guide this year as well.
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Induction Innovations Venom HP:

Christmas Gift Guide 2023:

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Heat nuts bolts and other Ferris Metals In seconds without a Torch this is the mini ductor Venom HP And it's from induction Innovations and It's also made in the USA now this thing Will heat up nuts and bolts in seconds And make them cherry red while the other End of the bolt can still be held by Your hand now obviously that's going to Change over time as that heat Wicks down That bolt but but the bottom line is This heats up in seconds without the use Of a flame now let's take a closer look At each of these features and then we'll Come back and talk about Pricing this is the brand new Mini Ductor Venom HP from induction Innovations uh we also have our old Mini Doctor Venom right here so basically We're getting the same great tool but With just more power so a few upgrades Here on the HP but this is something we Use in the shop I wouldn't say every day But it's very of often that we use this And it's been a great tool hadn't been Too beat up about a little use on This I think definitely uh more use on The coils as you can tell getting kind Of worn so we got a few coils in here Anyway we won't spend too much time on This but you can see that we reviewed This a few years ago and it's still Running very strong Today looks very much the same in the

Package in the Box just some neon green Highlights versus the blue highlights And then the Venom HP Nomenclature we have an indicator light Right here we also have a small switch Right here and all that does is activate Or deactivate the LED light that's right Here now also in the package are the Different coils and little mini ductor Coil guide so giving you some Information on kind of a almost like a Quick start guide basically how to Insert the coils very understandable and Easy to Understand and here's one pre-made coil So we can see right here a pre-made coil I believe that's like 78 in or 1 in Something like that so kind of pre Pre-made and you can also Bend these at A 90 if you need to to put them in as Well so you can go straight on or bend That and then come back and bend it Later so made out of good copper good Solid core copper so you can bend those Over and over without issue and this is What they call I believe they call this Their Bearing Buddy so you can literally Kind of you know use this wrap it around A bearing a few times and then heat that Up or bearing race or whatever you're Needing to do a hub heat that up and Then be able to remove whatever you're Needing to work on so more of a soft uh Stranded type of feel on that so um if

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You don't have it exposed where you can Put it over the end you can take this And wrap this around and around and Around even though even though you don't Have access to the to the end of it and Still be able to heat something up And then we have a another solid core Where where we can actually form Whatever we're needing to with it as Well and then we have a heat resistant Insulator so it gives you some Instructions here on how to use this so If you're needing to use this to keep Down the heat from elsewhere you can do It now if you don't understand how Induction heating Works uh you may see Induction heated ranges and when you use A an induction heated range uh you need To use special pots and pans that Actually will energize That induction heating uh same way with This it's going to work on Ferris Metals So stainless steel not going to work so Good copper is not going to work brass Is not going to work anything consisting Of any type of has iron in it it's going To work good the more iron in it the Better it's going to work so cast iron It'll work great uh mild steel it'll Work great typical nuts and bolts it's Going to work great and we'll show you That here in a moment but basically the Difference between the Venom HP and the Regular Venom is that this is just going

To heat it up quick ER and heat it up Hotter now just to give you an idea uh This thing is about from tip to the back About 14 in long I won't go from the dog Leg that really doesn't matter but guess Kind of the front snail is about 7 in so About 7 in and 8 in but across diagonal Is right at 14 in and then you get a 5T Cord and this is going to draw about 10 Amps of power under load and what it's Doing is basically converting that ac Voltage that 120 volts of alternating Current into a high frequency current That actually reacts with that Ferris Metal and heating it up there's a lot of Science going on inside this inductor or Inverter in here so I'm going to go Ahead I'm going to take my coil here and You can see but basically this ring Right here that's unlock and that's Locked so I'm going to turn it to the Unlock and put these leads in Here push it all the way in and then Lock it down it's got like a detent You'll feel it click and now it's locked Down so I've got my coil in there and You'll see now when I pull the Trigger basically you'll feel it kind of Energized in your hand you'll feel Little buzzing little vibration going on And you see a green light under here if There's a red light on here that means It's overheated you run it for too long But that does take quite a while for

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That to happen also if I turn this Switch on now all of a sudden we get an LED light There so if you're in a dark place up Under working on suspensions things like That that aids a little Bit so and how this works got a regular Bolt right Here you can see I can put that in there In the Coils and you see there was a little bit Of paint on there that's already baking That Off so I'm still holding this Bolt You see how hot it Was now that temperature the longer you Hold it it does start to Wick its way Down that bolt but you can see I was Holding it that's how quick it's heating It down here on this end so we're not Having to set a torch on it and have an Open flame on that we can actually heat It up very quickly there's another bolt Here a little bit larger So now I'm activating It see it's turning blue right Now that's turning Red So you see that's cherry red now but I'm Still holding that Bolt yeah it I'll take this piece of Copper and something that small should Be heating up really really

Quick yet it's not hot at All it's a little bit warm but I think It's just from the the radiant heat of That coil There and one more Time so you see that's cherry red Already so if you did have a bolt and it Was threaded in somewhere so not a nut And bolt but where you had to heat up The head you can let it you can keep the Heat on there and let it Wick down those Threads so you can see these are wet Right now but you can see you'll see the Heat start working down those threads Boiling off that Water so that heat will start radiating Down not as strong as what's inside that Induction coil but as it's heating that Up and making it cherry red that heat Will start moving down those threads You'll just have to hold it on there Longer be able to break that Free so you can definitely see where That Heat's moving to down those Threads so heating Ferris Metals with The Venom HP very quick and safer Without the flame and it's great also Just because you plug it in doesn't mean It's activated you actually have to pull The trigger so there's another safety Mechanism unless the trigger's pulled It's not activating that heat or that Induction well the Venom HP is just that It's a high performance model of the

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Actual Mini ductor Venom which we Reviewed a couple of years ago so this Is going to heat up quicker as well as Get hotter with the same amount of power Coming in but it is outputting much more And as we mentioned it's using a high Frequency wave so coming in as ac Voltage from your plug on your wall and It's converting that into basically Induction heat where it's heating that Ferris metal with the use of high Frequency power now the price on this is Going to run somewhere between 600 650 Bucks which is only about $50 more than The older unit so it really makes no Sense other than to get the Venom HP and That's why we also had it on our Christmas gift guide so be sure to check This out again love to see that this Thing is made in the USA be sure to Check it out for yourself also keep Track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tik Tok and if you Don't mind would you hit that like And Subscribe button if you haven't done so Already and by all means did you hate Our video well then give us a thumbs Down but would you let us know in the Comments why have a great day and keep Smiling