HEAVY DUTY SANDER! Palmgren 6″ Belt and 12″ Disc Sander Review

PALMGREN sent us their new 6″ Belt and 12″ Disc Sander for review. #sponsored This standalone sander grinder has a 16″ x 22″ base and stands about 58″ tall. The 6″ x 48″ belt sander can be used vertically, or within a few seconds, can be changed to a horizontal position.

PALMGREN 6″ Belt Sander 12″ Disc Sander:

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Do you need to shape or profile metal And wood then you'll want to take a look At this combo belt sander and Disc Sander from [Music] Palmd this is definitely not like your Worktop combo belt sander and this Sander this is a Standalone unit that Has much more power than we've used in The past let's go ahead and get started On the features here then we'll come Back and we'll talk about pricing and What we think of it now full disclosure Here we did reach out to pen and ask if We could review this unit so they sent It to us free of charge so we have Nothing in this obviously uh they have Provided it at no cost so therefore they Are sponsoring this video however that By no means will affect our decisions And what we think of it nor what we Share with you this is the pen Combination disc and belt sander has a 6 In x 48 in belt sander and a 12in Disc Sander on the opposite end now the Footprint of this machine is about 16 in X 22 in a little more than than 22 and Stands about 58 in tall when the belt is In that configuration the belt can also Lay down which we'll show you here in Just one moment now the base has a very Handy built-in cabinet here and with an Industrial latch on it that makes it Very easy to open and to lock as well uh

So nice flush mount there just push the Button and that opens the door and that Opening is about 10 In by 15 1/2 in so nice Open Access There where you can actually store Things uh probably additional Accessories as well as consumables like Belts and discs now this whole thing is Made out of what I think is probably 14 Gauge because everything I check is Somewhere uh between say 088 and uh 1/10 Of an inch which is somewhere between 12 And 14 gauge so it's not quite as thick As like a 12 gauge would be but thicker Than 14 gauge so I would call this 14 Gauge steel is what most of it is made Of now when you get the unit it will Come with four adjustable feet like this Uh in fact this is one of them uh now we Opted not to use these These are Adjustable as you can see so you can Thread them in and inset the uh the jam Nut uh but we wanted something that was A little more mobile so we opted for Some industrial uh 4-in casters that Could easily handle the weight and makes This very easy to move around but when We need to easily lock the casters and Really keep that in place enough for Grinding and sanding makes it very Mobile to move around the shop where we Need it now as we mentioned on one end We get a 6 in by 48 in belt so you see a Full 6in wide belt of course I'm not

Going to measure the full length but Trust me when I say it's a 6X 48 and it Can stay in this configuration or in Just a few Seconds you can lay this down and now Have it where you're grinding or sanding Flat and profiling in this manner or in A more horizontal manner rather than a Vertical Manner and again to go Back and now you're back to Vertical so Very easy to do that and you can tighten That down if you want to so it locks Into place with just a simple Allen Screw right here that provides as a Clamp now the table right here is easily Adjustable no tools needed just loosen This and loosen one on the opposite side And then you can adjust this wherever You need to so lay it all the way down For a 45 or Again lay this down and now you've got That 45 angle profile right there with Your table here now you notice the slot In the table right here Well lock that down raise this Up and also provided with this is this Miter angle right here so you can adjust It to whatever angle you want and it's Going to slide right here in the slide On this and so now you can adjust your 45 here rather than on the table Itself and again be able to profile Whatever material you're wanting to or Set it at a 90 and go perpendicular

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Changing the belt on this is rather Simple in fact all we have to do is Basically lift this arm and that's going To provide the slack in this belt where We can slide it off however this arm Right here is in our way so we take one Of the supplied Allen wrenches and it's The larger one but we don't have to Remove these screws here there's two Screws under here or two Allen Screws and we just need to loosen those And then this lever right here and just Spin that Off make sure you catch the washer as Well that comes off with it and then This arm is just going to slide right Off of there and as long as you're not Banging this around it's fine to just Kind of rest there off the other arm so Put this aside and then we're going to Loosen this thumb screw Here open that Up now again we've got our arm all the Way up should have slack on this belt And now all we have to do is remove this Top Piece just two philp screws and again we Don't have to remove These loosen them pull that Off and now we can just slide our belt Off I'd recommend to vacuum everything out Blow it out make sure everything's nice And clean and then you can put your new

Belt back on make sure you're going in The direction of the Arrows slide it on nice and Even and then if you want to you can go Ahead and lock it down with that Arm and put the guards back On then we can raise this up and by the Way if this latch is in or this lever is In the way you can just pull this out And adjust it to a different Spot and now it's ready to tune so make Sure when you replace your belt that Number one you get it kind of in the Center make sure it's all the way on Kind of the drive wheel but make sure It's also pretty centered and then when You turn it on make sure it's not riding One way or the other and if it is you'll Lift this latch and adjust this big nled Thumb screw right here this big aluminum Nural piece right here and that's going To adjust the tension on which way this Belt is actually riding so get it nice And true where it's not running one way Or the other and then it's not going to Wear out any of your guards or even uh On your table here and lock that back Down when you're good on one end we get A 4in dust extraction point so that's Where we're going to hook up our dust Extraction or vacuum to pull a vacuum There and it will pull a lot of the Residual that's actually coming off These belts and discs and remove that

From being airborn now the cool thing is Not just pulling off the belt here this Actually pulls here and then there's a Channel that runs all the way inside This cabinet over to the disc and then Even below this disc right here where This is like a a pocket here which Pulling vacuum on that as well and Pulling any of the dust and and grinding Dust off of this disc and pulling it all The way through through to the other Side what we have powering this is a Dual shafted industrial motor so we have One shaft coming off and powering uh the Belt and then the shaft on the other Side coming off and powering the disc so Let's take the cover off and see what we Have so two Allen screws here on the Front side and make sure you're Unplugged before you do This and then here on the back side Since we have pretty much the motor Controller and wiring right here we Can't take the whole base off so we just Have two Phillip screws right here and There's not a nut on the back side it's Threaded I'm Hoping and now we can Remove this [Music] Cover let's move this Down now we can remove the Cover okay so let's take a look here at The motor uh basically we have a 1/2

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Horsepower motor as we mentioned dual Shafted one coming here one going out The other side uh four pole UH 60 HZ 115 230 so it can be wired 115 or 230 Obviously this is 115 uh 12 1/2 amps or 6.3 amps so pulling 12 12 amps at 115 Volts obviously that is probably running Amps I'm assuming it's pulling more than That because they give a pretty ample Warning on uh making sure you're you're Wired correctly or actually have a high Enough um breaker and then 1720 RPM Obviously a singlephase motor since We're wired to 115 120 and obviously date weight uh things Like that so 1 and 1/2 horse dual shaft Motor so let's get the guard back on This thing and use It by the way don't tighten these front Ones yet because it kind of moves side To side till you get your rear Phillips Head screws In Now here on the opposite end is our 12in Disc and we have a small shroud right Here quick thumb Screw on there and then one here on the Bottom and you can quickly remove that Guard and that's how you can basically Put your new disc on now you'll probably Also have to remove this bottom part Down here and it's just going to be four Allen screws to remove those that acts As both kind of a dust shroud

As well as a a guard uh to the disc so Take that off then you can access all This and if you want to take off the Four Allen head screws and remove this Table or actually take off the two thumb Screws or or one of each and uh and Remove it that way but we actually Installed this without having to take The table off so it's possible to do Just remove the guard and this lower Shroud as well and as we mentioned we Get a full 12in disc Now just like on the belt side we also Have a miter table here where we can Actually adjust this just loosen either Side and adjust it down to a 45 or Anywhere in between and by the way you Can also tune this to exactly where you Want the stops to be uh with Cam bolts On this one End and again if these levers get in the Way you can pull them out and adjust Them to where they're out of the way for You and just like like on the belt side That same miter Gauge you can put it here as well so if You need to profile something or you can Flip it Around and run it from this side also Now we get a large power switch here Flip it up turns it on flip it down Turns it off pretty simple uh also if we Pull out this yellow piece here that

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Locks it in the off position now if Somebody comes by and flips this up it Will not turn the machine on until we Replace that and lock it in place and Now we can flip that up and turn it on Let's plug this in and use it we've got It plugged in got our safety glasses on Let's flip this [Music] On [Music] [Music] Water [Music] [Music] A [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh And obviously this work for wood as [Music] Well and now on the belt side with it Standing [Music] Vertical I know this is probably Overkill for this but when you're Cutting threaded rod and you make that Cut with either a cutof wheel or your Sawar or whatever many times getting That nut to go on is a real pain Especially when you haven't cut it Really clean well with a belt sander Like

[Music] This just dress up the end of that Threaded Rock And that nut goes on really really Easy and now let's lay this belt Down and now if I need to profile a Larger piece of wood something like that And get that whole face now I can do so Right against that Table or even uh like this uh mini Sledge right here maybe if we want to Reface it or uh clean it up and get Those flat profiles I can utilize that Table to actually kind of hold it in Place as it's sanding by the way a Striking Hammer never gets a flat face Yes a claw hammer may have a flat face But anything like a ballpen hammer or uh Some type of just general uh hammer Sledgehammer does not have a flat face There's always a contour on it so we may Put a flat face on it but then we want To come back and actually round that up Just a little tip for You [Music] Oh Sh [Music] Is [Music] First off this being a standalone unit And the fact that we put it on swivel Casters uh make makes this very Mobile

In the shop as well as being a nice System that you can adjust where you Need it but also being very powerful and Heavy on the performance side with that 1 and A2 horsepower motor so it's unlike Any other worktop uh combo sander that We have used in the past so the Palm Grin is is built very tough built very Sturdy as well as it performs very very Well whether we were grinding on heavy Metal or on wood or just light metal it Actually worked through really quickly Uh in profiling or shaping whatever we Needed now under the pricing you're Looking at about $2500 so this is Definitely an investment into your Business it's not just a an accessory You're going to buy at at $1200 so we Get it uh you're stepping up big time But again you're looking at an Industrial piece of Machinery uh rather Than a handheld tool or a worktop tool So those that need use of something like This will understand uh the investment Needed to get something that performs This well and others are just quite Simply going to say no way are we going To spend $2,500 on it we get it Absolutely we get it that's a big Investment at the same time we don't Know of any other one out there that Performs this well that has that much Power we can really lean into it and Really hardly even slow the motor down

And it definitely doesn't bog by any Means so check it out we'll have a link In the description also keep track of us On Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tik Tok and if you don't mind would you Hit that like And subscribe button if You haven't done so already and by all Means if you hated our video well give Us a thumbs down but would you let us Know in the comments why have a great Day and keep Smiling