AIR UPGRADE – Rapid Air Products Maxline 7500 Compressed Air Line Kit Review

STOP with overthinking and trying to cobble together hardware store parts for your compressed air lines. Rapid Air Products Maxline 7500 includes 100-feet of 3/4″ 200psi semi-flexible air lines with all the hardware as well. Furthermore, you get it all for just over $200. If you want laser-straight linesets, then you can also step up to their rigid aluminum lines or even stainless steel. #rapidair #tools #review

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Have you thought about upgrading your Shop air or running air throughout your Garage you may want to check out rapid Air [Music] Products this is the max line 7500 kit From Rapid Air Products comes with 3/4 In Airline it's kind of a malleable uh Somewhat rigid Airline very strong uh And it comes with all these different Blocks or manifolds as well as fittings Now it doesn't come with your couplers Or your actual nipples but as far as Everything else it's included in the kit So it takes a lot of the thought out of Building an airline system as long as You know you need less than 100 ft this System will probably do it and it's Going to provide you with like three Different drops including like the dump Valves the quarter turn dump valves most All of it is either stainless or nickel Or brass so built really really well and Also the airlines are not just htpe There's also a layer of aluminum in There as well let's get started this is The maxline 7500 kit from Rapid air now Rapid air makes everything from this kit To smaller kits to larger kits to rigid Pipe you name it anything to do with Compressed Air Line systems uh they Probably make it all the way into Stainless steel for food grade stuff and Power plants all that type of stuff they

Handle this is one of their more Economical or value oriented kits And really and truly it's almost a joke To try to piece this together with other Parts if you want a really nice looking Airline system and you want it done Right and it's ready for air when you Get done yes you can do PVC and pec and Those sorts of things which this is Really uh simulates pecs anyway but Anyway we'll get into that here in one Moment uh you get everything in this kit So we get all the fittings in here even All the drops things like that and again We'll go over all the details in one Moment and you get 100 ft or 100 ft of 3/4 in line set again you can get Smaller line sets if you want to but This 3/4 in is probably going to take Care of about anybody's shop uh in light Duty Vehicles so we get this 100t roll Of 3/4 in pecs uh we also get these Tools in here but real quick one of the Things that comes with this is this Right here yes it looks like a PVC Cutter and yes it will Cut this rapid air Piping pretty Easily once you get it started it cuts Rather Nice so really easy to cut that now I Did that to show you here so basically With this tubing we get a layer of hdp On the outside hdp on the inside and

Then a liner of aluminum sandwiched in Between those two so really strong Piping so it's somewhat malleable so we Can actually Bend this and I'll show you Here in one moment it's also going to Hold to its shape and it's not going to Burst this has a 200 PSI rating so any Of your line sets should be absolutely Fine now HTP is just high density Polyethylene you'll see that in a lot of Uh tubings even pexus things like that So really good line set not quite as Rigid as straight aluminum or extruded Aluminum or uh like copper pipe ping Galvanized piping that sort of thing uh But it does have some structure to it And it's not just going to flop around So we get 100 ft of that and Then we get enough Hardware to create Three different drops if we're going to Create three different drops in fact We'll put a little system together here In one moment uh we get a couple of Three-ways so two different threeways so We can pass the air through have a drop Come down and you can bend this at a 90 If you want to you can also get uh hard 90s also if you want more of a 90° look Um rather than a you know radius corner You can definitely buy those extra uh But we also get these fittings here That's going to go in these aluminum Bodies and we have a place on the back As well so everywhere we want to put a

Drop you could even have Airlines coming Through uh through the wall where these Mount and it go in that way but we also Get the plugs for these as well so you Get a lot of the hardware even these Quin ball valves and by the way you can See the nickel stainless steel aluminum Everything's built with looks like all Stainless and Brass quarter inch or Quarter turn ball valves there so great Quality stuff in this kit and like I Said we have enough for three of these Drops like this now whatever's exiting There you're going to have to provide For that so whether you're going to put A quick coupler there some type of Coupler some type of valve uh some type Of nipple that's up to you but as far as Everything else right here we have Enough Hardware to take care of That we can get some extra O-rings and those will go inside of Here so real easy system to put together And really good quality Stuff not only that we also get a bunch Of hangers to hang the pipe as Well now connecting the pipe to these Fittings is really easy what we're going To do first thing we're going to do is Take this little tool that it comes with And this will actually do smaller piping And larger piping as well so we take our Pipe push it on here and so you're just Going to give it a few

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Turns and you see the shavings there and If you look on the inside of this pipe You'll see a nice bevel on the inside And then you'll take your fitting remove The Nut slide it on the Pipe take the ring slide it on the Pipe and then we're just going to push This on here so let it seat all the way At the bottom slide that On and then get that finger tight and Then you're going to take your wrench Crescent wrench channel locks whatever And you're going to give that 3/4 of a Turn so you can mark that with a marker If you want to come back later give it 3/4 of a turn or until it stops turning And you should be good and Sealed you want to reuse it unscrew it Pull it back off and now you're ready to Go again and we even have some extra O-rings in here if for some reason They're damaged when you pull those off Okay we're going to build us a little Line set here in a moment but let's go Ahead and get these manifolds ready We'll go ahead and completely set one up And then we'll uh we'll get get those Going so if you want a leak proof air System then you need to put a little Time into it but it doesn't take a lot And it doesn't take a lot of material But I definitely recommend some Teflon Tape or PTFE tape as well as some pipe

Thread sealer as well so you're going to Use both of these to give you a nice Leak proof system we're going to start Out we just need a couple of Turns couple of turns of Teflon tape Should do the trick that's my back plug That's going to go back here then we'll Do the ball Valve couple of turns on That Airline fitting coming In and since I'm not going to be using This port back here in the back I'm not Using a three wall system I'm going to Go ahead and start that one and then I'll take a little bit of my pipe Sealant and it doesn't take much of this But it always kind of makes a little bit Of a Mess you could probably use teflon Seying as well Go nice and snug with That and you want to make sure you're Not getting any inside your airline or At least try not To 78 Wrench use that nut on the bottom Side and then pipe sealant will act as a Little bit of a lubricant for threading That in so you don't have to go crazy on Torquing that you want to get it nice And Snug and then our ball Valve and that's going to thread on the Bottom 1316

Wrench and you want to line that back Up right there And that's going to basically be your Your drain line and then I'm going to Put a coupler on here so I've already Got an Adapter I've already got a Reducer and a Coupler and just like that we've got one Of the manifolds done and ready for Mounting now keep in mind depending on How you're building your line set and Where you're building it you may have to To wait to thread that in afterwards or Something like that but for the most Part you should be able to build uh your Drops your manifolds before you run the Line set and you can get these all ready And then run your line Set okay so let's cut some of this Tubing I know I need a 33in run and I Need a 16in run and that's going to Basically be at a 90 so 33 down 16 Across so I know that will be plenty Because really this will be radius but I'm not even going to worry about that We can calculate all that if you want to We can also do it the easy way cut 49 in As long as you know you have plenty of Line or tubing and then let's go from There so we'll cut 49 in then we'll Measure and we'll measure where our Radius starts we'll use something to Bend that radius and we're going to show

You a little trick with this so we're Going to roll out our tubing which if There's one complaint I've heard about This tubing it's that it's a pain to get Straight well if you want really really Laser straight tubing then buy the the Rigid tubing that rapid air sells as Well but there is a Trick to actually getting this straight Let's roll this Out but let's just make me a little Mark On the table here at 49 In so I know this is at least 49 in go Ahead and cut that and you'll see it's Not nice and kind of not Straight now you could just take this And you use a flat surface and work this If you want to and that will work pretty Well you can work this out and spend a Little time to do it but I got a better Trick so just take you a 2×4 and a 1-in Spade bit or a 1-in wood bit and drill a 1-in hole all the way through here 1 in Happens to be perfect for the outside Diameter of this 3/4 in tubing Obviously if you got a different size Find the right wood bit and you can get This pretty straight just working this Through so you're getting that pretty Straight on the first Pass lay it down in your Table tweak it a little bit but this is Just a really simple Way to be able to get that straight

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Pretty Quick and to get it how you want It so now that I've got that pretty Straight I know on one of those Runs I want it and I'm going to leave Plenty and Uh I know I Need at least 13 In to the start of the radius And then from the other End I need at least 33 in to the start Of the radius actually it's 32 but I'm Leaving enough to cut off so now I'm Going to take something round you you Don't want it too small cuz you don't Want to kink your pipe and then if you Want to you can kind of Mark the center Here to give you a Reference 9 in in between So kind of There and that's where you can And you can use a bucket like this or Anything else uh you could also Use if you have a conduit Bender you Could definitely use That to bend these as well so we're just Going to continue using our bucket Here so I don't quite have my 90 Yet I can either put it on the bucket or I can just kind Of bird zet and you see I still don't Have any flat spots or Kinks so I think we're close enough Until we get that on the wall and put it

On our Hangers and lay it down make sure you're Nice and flat and if you're Not go ahead and tweak it until you are Now I already have my route mapped out Here and drawn here So I'm going to go ahead and Mount the line set Mount I'm going to go ahead and mount The airline Mounts now these mounts are pretty cool Because if you wanted to run parallel Line sets you can actually connect these Like that so if you are going to do that Take note of which side you have where So that you can connect Those And now we'll just make sure that these Are going to Work yeah that should be Fine our 90 looks decent our sweeping 90 Looks pretty good looks like we're Pretty straight on our runs at least Good enough for me again if you want Nicer stuff then you can work a little Longer or get the rigid stuff now really The first one I want to set up is a Center Section and I'm going to measure for my Lineup there I know I need uh 39 In now that's from the top of my Manifold uh to the actual center of the Line up there so 39 in is what we need

Now I know I want 39 in but I want 39 in From the top of my manifold here top of This aluminum block uh to the center of This T joint or three-way so I'm going To put that there put this here Say Okay 39 so now let me to get a more exact Measurement here so that'll let me know How far my pipe goes up into there which Goes about Midway into these threads Here or maybe even yeah about Midway Into the threads maybe a little Past and so now I'm going to get an Accurate measurement of how long this Pipe needs to be looks like to me we Need need to be about 37 and 3/4 In we're going to roll out some more of Our line set here and by the way if you Just kind of hold it here and roll it Out that's probably the easiest way to Do it again I'll leave myself a little Extra okay now that I've got this piece Pretty Straight I'm happy with it anyway uh now We need to cut it down to 37 and 3/4 now If you use that 2×4 method and you're Actually working it through that hole Sometimes this end will kind of get um Collapsed if you will or kind of Shrunken where you're working it through So you want to leave enough so that you Can actually cut both ends off so I'm Just going to cut about a/ inch off Here now I know it's nice and

Square and nice and round and same thing Here you can almost really see it right Here it's kind of got worked down I'm Sure you could expand that but putting This tool in there you'll have a lot of Trouble pushing it in There so I want 37 and 3/4 now I'll take my Te put the nut and compression sleeve on There push it On we'll just leave that finger tight For right now and now before we go let Me just check that measurement and it Looks like we're a little bit too Long looks like we're 392 No problem we can take care of that half Inch slide that On and now we're good so since we know This is good uh we're going to go ahead And tighten these down now you could Definitely do this on the wall or Wherever you're mounting it may make it A little easier but thought I'd give you A better shot right here now you could Take a marker and mark this but I think You kind of understand what 3/4 of a Turn is um so I'm going to go ahead I'm Just going to hold this inside nut Here and take my channel Locks a quarter Turn half Turn 3/4 Turn and we're done that should be nice

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And Sealed all right so we're going to do Our other radius we did one with the Bucket uh this time I've marked out I Need at least 12 Ines of straight uh Before my radius and then the radius and Then about 28 in of straight on the Other end and this time this is a Conduit Bender here this is a 3/4 in Conduit Bender it's a little Thicker than this Bender but will be Okay since it's a softer Pipe make sure you're on flat ground Here and then you're just going to roll This Up until you hit There pick it up roll it out and that Gives you a nice smooth Bend so if you Know an electrician or you have a Conduit vendor that'll work absolutely Fine for doing radius on your pipe all Right so I've got my mounts up I've got This Center section done just going to Pop that in there but before screwing The manifold to this wood here going go Ahead and place This where it needs to go but I'm going To drop it down just a touch then we'll Take this One pop that into place and then what we Can Do use this as our reference on where we Need to cut this and so I'm going to say About right

There And now we know the center one is done Done so we can go ahead and mount this One now this one here I want the Manifold about right there and so pipe Needs to be about right [Music] There Now here's the real question when we Hook up the air are we going to have any Leaks and typically you would have a Regulator here but in this case we kind Of bypass the regulator and we're just Going to hook up our air hose from our Shop no leaks well we don't have the air On yet slide this Forward I hear no leaks at All a There a There air there [Music] So no leaks at All and that was our first go Around when you saw us hook the air up To it that was the first time and zero Leaks we had no leaks in it not anywhere At the couplers not anywhere where we Actually uh screwed in the fittings um So I highly recommend run a few wraps of Teflon tape around it we use blue Monster but you can use any Teflon tape And then we back that up we use some of It with some uh regular pipe thread Sealant and others with the Teflon

Sealant both of them seem to work Absolutely well and that's going to Ensure that you don't have any leaks and That compressor is not going to continue To run when you leave for the night now The price on this we've seen it anywhere From $215 to $235 All in for the kit that's not a bad Price at all in fact you can find it on The rapid Air Products website you can Also find it on Amazon as well so check It out we'll have a link in the Description we really like the product The biggest complaint we've seen from Others is the fact of trying to get this Straight we gave you a couple of ideas On how to do that as well as bending Radiuses you can use a conduit vender or You can use a bucket or a a big weight For weightlifting whatever you want to Do to put the the radius you want to on There and you can get these things Straight and and again and again if you Want something straighter than that then Buy their rigid piping system they have Those available as well even up to Stainless steel and they're even getting Into crimp fittings as well also keep Track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tik Tok and if you Don't mind would you hit that like And Subscribe button if you haven't done so Already and by all means if you hated Our video well give us a thumbs down but

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