ARE ANY WORTH HAVING? RYOBI 18V Wet Dry Vacuums – 1 gal, 3 gal, & 6 gal. [PCL733, PCL734, PCL735]

Wet/Dry shop vacuums are a staple for just about any shop. We test 3 new RYOBI 18V Cordless Wet Dry Vacuums to see how well they perform. The RYOBI PCL733 is a 1-gallon wet/dry vacuum, the PCL734 is a 3-gallon wet/dry vacuum, and the PCL735 offers 6-gallons of wet/dry capacity and offers the most power.
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RYOBI PCL733 1-gallon Wet/Dry Vac:
RYOBI PCL734 3-gallon Wet/Dry Vac:
RYOBI PCL735 6-gallon Wet/Dry Vac.

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Foreign [Music] We have three new Ryobi cordless vacuums Here all of them are running on the OnePlus 18 volt platform we have a one Gallon version we have the three gallon And we have the six gallon now all of These are wet dry vacs they differ in Size as far as hoses and some Accessories and things like that there's Some commonality between them but let's Go ahead and dive in and look at the Features on each I'll go ahead and share The model numbers so the first model Number on the one gallon is the PCL 733 B would be the bare tool or k if you're Going to get a kit and then on the three Gallon is the PCL 734 and then the six Gallon is going to be the PCL 735 so Pretty easy 733 734 and the 735 now Let's take a look first at the little Guy which is the 733 or the one gallon Version of the wet dry vac you see one Thing thing that is common across all These is there is some hose management Thought about don't have to worry about Cord management there is no power cord But as far as the hose I like the fact That we have Clips there keeps Everything out of the way it's all nice And compact there's a place for Everything and you don't have to have it Dangling or Loop it through things Anything like that now let's clip this

Back up and let's get a general size of This so with the hose take it into Account the hose on each side you're Looking at about 15 inches wide and then As far as the depth on this probably Look at it close to about 11 inches from The front of this hose to the back of The unit and then height is going to be Right at a foot so about 11 and three Quarters of an inch and that's even with The battery and I'm running a four amp Hour battery on here on a vacuum you Don't want to skip too much running a 2 Amp hour or one and a half amp hours Just not going to give you run time and You're probably going to see a lot of Degradation in power as well so I would Recommend at least a 4 amp hour when Running any sort of vacuum very simple On off switch right here on the top and That's basically all you get you don't Get a high low or anything else just an On or off we get a crevice tool that's Right here again a place for it right There on the side and if you do have an Additional accessory you have another Knob right there on the top where you Could place something there as well but As far as this one the only accessory That comes with it is the crevice tool Now you get a one and a quarter inch Hose so in other words you're to hook up To your accessories things like that's Going to be one and a quarter inches and

You get kind of a cone shaped or a Funnel shaped reverse cone shape what Are you going to call that so you get a Taper right here on the front of this Nozzle so not a true one and a quarter Inch there probably one inch there Escaping at the end but a one and a Quarter inch hose and the length on this Is going to be five foot now that's Going to be obviously stretched out is Going to give you the five feet because You see right here in this format Probably looking at a couple of feet but It does stretch out where you can get a Full five feet of extension You do get some movement here so if you Need to aim it towards the back towards The front upwards whatever is going to Make the the best of the situation you Can rotate that you can also remove this Hose little eighth turn pull that off You can also turn it around here and we Have a blower side right here so if we Needed to hook up this end is not going To go in here but your other end will Actually stick in there and you can Actually use it now [Music] As a blower whether you're actually Using it to blow or sometimes you'll get Obstructions in your hose and you can Use that blower portion to actually Reverse that push all that junk back out And start vacuuming again

Two clips on either side or a single Clip on either side will lift up the Whole head and then a quick eighth turn Of the filter we'll get the filter off And by the way this is a wet dry filter That you can also wash as well so you Can get this wet if you're actually Sucking up wet stuff you can leave this Filter on But be sure to take that off And dry it out once you are complete You're going to get about 45 CFM on this And decibel range is going to be right At 75 as far as sound and if you'll look At the back of this this does connect to The Ryobi link system so if you have the Link wall system this can actually clip Right there on the wall and be out of The way for you don't have to put a Little shelf or anything like that it Will hang right there on the link system And let's get a weight with the four amp Hour battery eight pounds dead on so Eight pounds for the vacuum and the Battery without obviously any contents From sucking anything up and we'll test Some more things here in one moment Now we'll take a look at the PCL 734 Which is the three gallon version of the Wet dry vac again Running on the 18 volt battery got Another 4 amp hour in here and you'll Notice right away hose Management on This so there's no hoses dangling Anywhere in fact a little better than

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The smaller one gallon version so so it Tucks away right up here Behind the handle so the handle kind of Closes in on it as well keeping that out Of the way so I like to see that and Then if you need to use this obviously You can just pull it out and use that as You need it we get the same one and a Quarter inch as far as diameter but we Do get another foot of use so we get a Six foot hose on this one but again one And a quarter inches and it looks like We get that one inch output right there As well So nice hose clip to keep things out of The way we also get not only on and off But we get a lower and a high as well Foreign So give us a little boost as we need it With up to 50 cfms of power and we get a Floor sweep tool as you see right here On the front of the unit and then up Here under the hose tucked up under the Hose is a crevice tool now I did notice I wish it had you know some sort of clip Where we kind of hold that in there I Know the hose is holding it in and the Handle but still we'd love to see some Sort of clip holding that end still I Like the fact we've got a place for the Crevice tool a place for the floor sweep Tool keeping everything in and out of The way Just like on the smaller version a clip

On either side is going to hold it Together I lift this up get the same Style filter a little eighth of a turn And that comes off it's a washable wet Dry filter so again we can leave that Pleated filter on there whenever we're Using it in wet or dry situations just Highly recommend that you dry that out Once you get it wet and leave your Vacuum apart while it's drying out three Gallon capacity and we'll be testing That soon and just like on the one Gallon although a little bit different The link system is here on the bottom With a Locking System you see we have a Button right there where it actually Unlocks the blade so this blade system Is actually going to lock on the top of One of the link storage containers or You can lock it into the grid system on The wall as well Now just an idea of measurement on this Uh so width wise right at 18 inches and Height you're looking at right 11 inches Tall even with the battery and then Width here is going to be about 10 and a Half inches So in some aspects smaller than the one Gallon but of course just a little bit Wider a little bit more power and a lot More capacity And by the way you also get an Additional place up here to store Another accessory if you need to

So about 11 and three quarters of a Pound so 11 pounds 11 ounces with the Battery Finally We have the big dog the PCL 735 and Finally we have the big dog the PCL 735 This is the six gallon wet dry vac again Running on the 18 volt one plus platform On this one I do have a six amp hour Battery in here uh just because the Larger the vacuum the more you want to Use it the bigger the run time of Battery or bigger amp hour battery I Would recommend so six or nine amp hour Would be great for a vacuum like this Especially if you're utilizing it to its Capacity you'll notice right away a lot Different setup here we have the large All-terrain Wheels if you have if you Will here in the middle so it kind of Spins freely and is nice and balanced on Those two wheels and then we have swivel Casters on either side makes this Traversing very easy and those larger Wheels does seem to help it you know Roll around very easy and the casters Just kind of guide it to keep it Balanced when it's offset a little bit Just like the others we have a place for Everything we have two extensions one on Either side here that are clipped into The top and then we have a hose that Actually goes around on the top of the Machine as well and this is a larger one

And a 7 8 inch hose and I believe length On that is seven feet so we get a seven Foot one and seven eighths inch hose and Then the additional accessories like the Floor sweep and like the crevice tool Sit right in here in these elastic bands Here on the end of the tool or the end Of the vacuum and we have a space for Two more things whether we want to put These extensions there we could do that Or we could put additional Hose accessory attachments there on the End as well up on the top we get a high Low so we don't just have a power owner Off we have low and we have Then we have high actually boosting up That CFM up to a possible of 80 CFM at About 66 decibels as we mentioned up to Six gallon capacity on this and we will Test that to see what type of fluid Capacity we actually get out of this now We can see here we're running a much Larger canister filter pleated filter on This one and again it should be washable And usable wet on this one also you're Just going to get the inside here about A quarter turn and that's going to then Slide off And then we can pull this cap off if we Need to as well clean out our filter as We need it put it back on and put the Cap back on and we're good to go so Again find the groove and then about a Quarter turn and that locks into place

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So no threading it on just find the Groove quarter turn we're locked in and Ready to go All right here we are to the really Scientific portion of our test where we Have a floor mat from a vehicle and just I know what it looks like did we just Sweep the shop floor and and dump it on This floor mat well yes that's exactly What we did so real life scenario right You're tracking stuff in your vehicle All the time so is the one gallon a good Idea for typical Automotive cleanup as Far as carpets go well let's find out I think the best tool is probably what We have [Music] Foreign I'll be honest with you I thought we Weren't going to do that well with it Obviously these few things were too big That obviously spanned across and Probably get lodged in there if it did Suck it up but anyway not surprised that That at all but I am is surprised how Well that did clean that up that quickly Let me borrow the tool from over here Yeah [Music] So is there still some left in there yes You know we could beat that out and Vacuum it up some more get it cleaner But still very impressed that the one Gallon was able to do what it could do

That quickly Not bad And now let's try out the three gallon Pretty much the same performance numbers A little bit different a little bit of a Boost here I think by I think by like five CFM and we'll go Ahead and use the floor tool here and You know what nope we're going to use Just this to vacuum up the most and then We'll use the floor sweep And we'll do it on high Thank you So again like the one gallon there's Some residual left there that we could Continue to either vibrate out or Shake It Out continue to vacuum but as far as Performance it did very very well I was Not expecting these two lower end or Smaller units to be able to provide that Much power To be able to provide that much suction Thank you Okay we'll get our hose off and then Here on the front is where our suction Is Okay We have a high low Up here on the front so we'll go ahead And we have a clip that will lock it in So it's locked in so we can pull this Around without it coming free and we're Going to use our floor tool here in just A moment so I'll turn it on high

And that is not the case so that is not The suction side where the switch is so Now we have created a huge mess And understand That depending on where you position the Power head Is going to determine Which side your suction is on So here's our suction and the blower is Actually on the power head the suction Is coming right out of the container Now we'll try to clean up our mess Foreign Ing up our mess great job obviously with The larger hose capacity with the more Power from the actual more powerful Vacuum it does a very quick job of Cleaning up I I do wish that that was a Little better floor sweep that that kind Of GrooVe pattern I don't think does Real well I would love to see like a uh A bristle brush or something like that To make it look cleaner as far as on Automotive carpet that's Not a big deal but suction wise does a Great job okay now let's do a wet test Or a water test so we got a five gallon Bucket pretty much full of water one Gallon wet dry vac obviously it's not Going to pull up that entire five Gallons and what's going to happen is it Going to shut off or is it going to just Start spewing water everywhere well Let's find out and if you're wondering

How we're going to measure we can do That by weight right I believe a gallon Of water is 8.34 pounds and so we can Put our vacuum on here And we're still at right at eight pounds And then we'll zero out so now we're Net Zero Okay it's pretty much stopped it's not Sucking anymore So I'm just going to turn it off Let it rest And I don't believe we got anywhere near A gallon Because a gallon would be eight pounds Oh wait a second that looks like we got More than a gallon Now let's put our hose back on here 12 pounds Five and a half ounces I'm not sure how We got a gallon and a half of water in There But let's actually see Shall we so we should Zero back out once we pour this back in Less the water weight in that filter That we're going to lose Note to self there's a lot of water and Water weight in that filter so now we Should zero out So it looks like we're weighing about Six ounces heavier still the fact is That if water weighs 8.34 pounds then we Had about a gallon and a half of water In here because we had right at 12

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Pounds so eight and four is twelve so a Gallon and a half so we Went above and beyond a gallon of water Impressive did not think that I thought We'd get three quarters of a gallon Let's move on to the three gallon So 11 pounds 11 ounces so 11 and three Quarters of a pound there's our starting Weight and let's zero out So now we're zero [Music] Pretty much stop sucking so we'll stop It right there looks like 21 pounds Three ounces not quite three gallons so This is where I thought we'd be you know Two and a half gallons two and three Quarter gallons something like that Three gallons at eight pounds would be 24 pounds eight and eight sixteen Another eight is twenty four so we're Not quite there we're about three pounds Off Um so not quite half a gallon so we're More than two and a half gallons so not Bad not bad at all again A lot of times I think you're you're short on capacity On some of these wet dries a lot more Than that but that's where I expected The one gallon to be not to be over a Gallon So now we're zeroed out only six gallon And just let's uh think about this for a Moment so six gallons should bring us to About 48 pounds we have a 75 pound

Capacity should not be a problem there So again 8.34 so it eight times six is Going to be 48 and then another 0.3 Times six so another 1.8 pounds so right At 50 pounds would be six gallons let's See if we get there We'll go as fast as we can so we're Going high Foreign Spitting out the blower I would say We're full in fact we hit the bottom of The barrel as as soon as it did that and It looks like we're a little short of Probably a gallon short so 41 point I don't know 10 40 40 point something Like that 41 pounds was what it was a Second ago here gonna measure with the Hose so yeah we're at 41 pounds or so so We're still over five gallons of Capacity on this six gallon probably Could have pulled in a little bit more Still a good amount on a six gallon Vacuum to be able to pull over five Gallons well performance wise we were Impressed by all three we really were we Did not think we would get the Performance we got out of any of these Uh either in the the dry vacuuming or Even in the wet capacity so kudos to re Obi for that obviously not Stellar Performances across the board on Everything but but just better Performance than what we anticipated uh Prices wise and and let me remark on

That meaning could you clean up a Vehicle with the one gallon yes you Could would it do a better job with the Six gallon yes we just got more power Here and a little bit more power here Probably just because we have a high low Switch on this one I bet the head unit Is probably a lot the same especially Since we're running the same filter on These two regardless you are getting a Little step up in performance in the Three gallon but very good job of Cleanup on all three pricing you're Looking at 79 for the bare tool for the One gallon unit and then for the three Gallon unit you're looking at a hundred And seventy nine dollars for the kit With a four amp hour battery and a Charger I did not see bear price on this Yet for the bare tool and then for the Six gallon the PCL 735 149 for the bare tool and 199 dollars For the kit with the four amp hour Battery and the charger three year Warranty on all all three of these so You get a three year warranty regardless Of which one you get here you can find Them at Home Depot I believe the one Gallon is already out uh leave the six Gallons already out as well I don't Believe the three gallon has hit the Shelves yet I will have links in the Descriptions on all these be sure to Follow us on Instagram Facebook Twitter

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