Are They All The Same Motor Oil? Let’s Settle This! Four Types of SuperTech Motor Oil Compared

Let’s find out if SuperTech’s motor oil (5,000 mile, 10,000 mile, 10,000 High Mileage, and 20,000 mile) are the same oil. All four oils tested were sent to an independent oil lab for oil analysis. I tested oils for evaporative loss, lubricity or film strength, cold oil flow both new oil and after exposure to heat. Additionally, in a final test, the 20,000 mile oil is exposed to 10% gasoline to see the impact it has on lubricity or oil performance. I always buy all of the products tested to ensure unbiased test results. So, thank you for supporting the channel.

Motor oil videos on this channel bring out the funniest jokes about “Project Farm’s coffee”. So, I decided to surprise everyone by creating a new coffee brand, Ozzie’s Coffee. As you can probably tell by how fast I talk, I like coffee. Thanks again for supporting the channel.
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➡ Products Tested In This Video (in no particular order):
All the SuperTech Oils are available at Walmart
Thermal Camera Used:

Link to Oil Analysis Results:

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Sony DSC-RX10 III Cyber-shot Digital Still Camera:
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This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Project Farm LLC

When it's time to change the motor oil In your vehicle you've probably noticed That some motor oils claim to last 5 000 Miles others ten thousand and then Twenty thousand is there really a big Difference well let's find out we'll see Which oil flows best when the oil is Extremely cold then we'll see which oil Offers the best protection against Engine wear we'll compare the oils to See which is best at resisting thermal Breakdown and evaporation then we'll Look at the oil test report for each of The oils to see how they compare fuel Contamination in the motor oil is very Common in modern vehicles so we'll see How the best Motor Oil performs when it Becomes contaminated with fuel let's go Ahead and send off the oil to an oil Testing Lab the oil lab will provide us A lot of great information regarding the Oil's anti-wear additive package Detergent and dispersant content as well As the oil's total Base number or the Ability of the oil to resist becoming Acidic over time by the way I always Shake oil containers before sending off Oil samples for testing since part of The oil additive package may actually Fall out of suspension and settle at the Bottom of the container synthetic oil is Supposed to flow better compared to Conventional oil or synthetic blend when It's cold so that moving Parts begin

Getting lubricated sooner a good place Of new oil in a freezer that's at the Minus 40 degree Fahrenheit and we'll Leave the oil in the freezer for 24 Hours the blue plastic oil containers Look exactly the same and probably came From the same Factory are they really Any different let's first compare the Oil that's supposed to last for 5 000 Miles against the oil is supposed to Last for 10 000 miles at a price of 18 For a five quart container is this super Tech 5000 mile oil all the oils will be Testing are SAE 5W30 the oil rated for 10 000 Miles cost four dollars more for A five quart container the supertech 5000 mile oil is a synthetic blend Instead of being a synthetic blend the 10 000 mile is a full synthetic both the Wheels are API SP and ilsac gf6a if you Drive GM vehicles the 5 000 mile oil Does not have the dexo certification but The 10 000 mile oil does compared to the 5 000 mile oil super tech gives a 10 000 Mile oil two stars instead of one in Every category motor oil definitely Needs to be able to handle High engine Temperature so let's see how the oils Stack up against each other in the first Test let's first compare the 5 000 mile Oil against the ten thousand I'll first Measure out 200 grams of oil into each Of the oil containers then I'll crank up The heat to around 440 degrees

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Fahrenheit night for two hours I'll Rotate the oil containers every 10 Minutes just in case one burner is Hotter than the other it's very close But there does seem to be more Vapor Coming out of the synthetic blend oil Container the test for this is the noac Volatility test it's an ASTM test which Exposes oil to a lot more heat than this Test to simulate engine operating Conditions around the upper piston ring Area of an engine high quality oils Resist evaporation and thermal breakdown At the end of this test we'll find out How much evaporation has occurred with Each oil then we'll use the cooked oil For additional testing to see which oil Is the best once the oil is cooled off We'll wait each of the containers to see How much evaporative loss occurred with Each oil the 5000 mile oil container Started out weighing 394.59 grams and it Now weighs 377.58 a loss of 17.01 grams the 10 000 Mile oil containers started out weighing 429.82 grams and it now weighs 415.07 a loss of 14.75 grams so the 10 000 mile oil did a lot better by Experiencing about 14 percent less Thermal evaporation than the 5000 mile Oil Let's test a lubricity or the film Strength of the supertech 5000 mile oil Against a 10 000 mile we'll Begin by Adding 40 milliliters of oil that's been

Exposed to heat into the test cups I'll Coat the test wheel in the test pin and Motor oil to avoid damage from a dry Start after the test we'll compare the Size of the wear scars of the bearings To determine which oil provides the best Film strength while this test doesn't Simulate engine operating conditions Perfectly it'll definitely provide us With some great information between each Test I'll use brake parts cleaner to Clean the test equipment and then use Sandpaper to resurface the test wheel Let's test a full synthetic 10 000 mile Oil next there definitely seems to be Less friction with the 10 000 mile oil The watt meter is showing less energy Usage and the number is dropping quickly And the test is finished so let's go Ahead and compare the size of the wear Scarf for each oil I used the microscope With my calipers to get an accurate Measurement and the test spin for the 10 000 mile oil that's a four percent Smaller wear scar than the 5000 mile oil So the 10 000 Mile full synthetic motor Oil does indeed provide better wear Protection before we compare the high Mileage 10 000 oil to the twenty Thousand mile oil let's first see how The oils flow at minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit and the oils are arranged From the lowest rated miles to the Highest with 5000 on the left and 20 000

On the right and it's very close but to Ten thousand mile high mileage oil Barely edges out to Ten Thousand Mile Full synthetic and the full synthetic is Not giving up in the 10 000 mile oil Takes the lead from the high mileage oil And the five thousand and the Twenty Thousand Mile oils are very close to the Same speed and both are trailing to Ten Thousand Mile oils and all the oils are Gaining speed as they head down the Track but the 10 000 mile oil is really Gaining momentum and it's a 10 000 mile Oil for the wind followed by the high Mileage oil and the most expensive oil The twenty thousand mile oil barely Finishes ahead of the synthetic blend What a race let's compare the super tech High mileage 10 000 oil against the Twenty thousand for a five quart jug the High mileage Ten Thousand Mile oil costs Around twenty two dollars compared to Around 26 for the twenty thousand mile Oil they both have the same API in ilsac Rating as the two previous oils and both Of these oils also have the same dexo Certification and super tech gave the 20 000 mile oil more stars for wear Protection and combating sludge let's Compare the evaporative loss of the high Mileage it gives a 20 000 mile oil and Both oils seem to be putting off about The same amount of vapor and it's very Close and the oil was rotated every 10

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Minutes for two hours into two hours is Finally up with 200 grams of oil in the Container the high mileage oil started Out at 404.69 grams and it now weighs 390.14 a loss of 14.55 grams and the oil Container with the 20 000 mile oil Started out at 411 grams and it now Weighs 396.36 a loss of 14.64 so both 10 000 Mile oils and the 20 000 mile oil all Performed very close to the same so the Base oil is either the same or very Similar for all three full synthetics Before we kick off the lubricity test Let's first go ahead and place the Cooked oils in the freezer let's go Ahead and compare the film strength to The high mileage oil against a 20 000 Mile oil and the watt meter seems very Close to the same as it did with the 10 000 Mile full synthetic if there's a lot Of wear taking place I can sometimes Hear the difference but this time the Amount of sound seems to be about the Same and the last oil to test for wear Resistance is a 20 000 mile oil and the 20 000 mile oil seems to be performing About the same as the regular full Synthetic and the high mileage 10 000 Mile oils time is up so let's take a Closer look at each of the test pins Under a microscope and the size of the Wear scars are almost the same but the 20 000 mile oil has less than a one

Percent Advantage Oil is cheap and Engines are expensive but the oil that Has the best wear resistance is a 20 000 Mile oil however it only performed about One percent better than the less Expensive high mileage oil and not that Much better than the regular full Synthetic for evapotative loss the 10 000 mile high mileage oil barely edges Out the twenty thousand mile oil at 14.55 grams compared to 14.64 and all Three full synthetics perform quite a Bit better than a synthetic blend which Experienced 17.01 grams of evaporation Let's see how the heat exposure impacted The cold oil flow of the oils and the Order of the oils is once again the same With the 5000 mile oil in the left lane And the 20 000 mile all the way to the Right and this time the 10 000 Mile full Synthetic is the first one out of the Gate and the first one on the track but The high mileage oil is in a very close Second once again the synthetic blend in The 20 000 mile oils are performing very Close to the same rate of speed and the 10 000 mile oil is once again gaining Momentum on the competition and it's the 10 000 Mile full synthetic crossing the Finish Line first but the high mileage Oil is in a close second and a 20 000 Mile oil just finished in third barely Edging out the synthetic blend if you Want to see the original oil analysis

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Results I'll leave a link in the video Description sometimes brand new motor Oils have Trace levels of aluminum iron Or other wear Metals however all four Super tech oils look very good without Any wear Metals in the new oil samples Barium Boron calcium and magnesium are Detergents and dispersants if you add The totals for each type of detergent And dispersant the 10 000 mile oil Actually has a little bit more than a Twenty thousand mile oil but it's very Close so it begs the question why does a Super tech Twenty Thousand Mile oil Receive two extra Stars over the Ten Thousand Mile oil for preventing sludge And harmful deposits when it actually Has less detergent dispersing content The high mileage oil and the 20 000 are Almost the same and all three full Synthetics offer about 400 parts per Million more detergent dispersing Content compared to the 5 1000 Mile oil Anti-wear additives are incredibly Important for engine life and Performance and the 20 000 mile oil has A total of 1 639 parts per million the High mileage oil isn't too far behind at 1 546. the 10 000 mile is at 1 515 and The 5 000 mile oil is at 1280. so this Time super tech star rating system Aligns with the actual oil lab test Results even though both 10 000 mile Oils have a higher viscosity at a high

Temperature they also float better when Extremely cold the tunnel Base number is The oil's ability to neutralize acids And high mileage oil has the best TBN at 6.8 in the 10 000 Mile full synthetic 6.7 the 20 000 mile oils TBN seems a Little bit low for an oil that promises To offer better wear protection against Sleds than the 10 000 mile oils Turbocharged engines or engines with Gasoline direct injection oftentimes Experience fuel contaminated oil Especially during extended oil change Intervals of over 10 000 miles so let's Contaminate the twenty thousand mile oil With five percent gasoline let's see how The fuel contaminated Oil performs on The lubricity tester and a gasoline Really thinned out the motor oil and is Definitely having a negative impact on The oil's performance and Watt meters Definitely starting out higher compared To the uncontaminated motor oil so There's definitely more wear taking Place the test pin on the left is for The 20 000 mile oil without fuel Contamination and the one on the right Is for the fuel contaminated 20 000 mile Oil and the test pen for the fuel Contaminated motor oil has a six percent Larger wear scar so the most expensive Contaminated oil actually has a larger Wear scar compared to the 5000 mile Synthetic blend so which motor oil is

Best and a high mileage 10 000 mile oil Came out on top with an average finish Of 1.9 however the ten thousand and Twenty Thousand Mile full synthetics Finish in a very close second and third Place respectively so as a 5 quart Container of the twenty thousand mile Oil worth the extra four dollars over The full synthetic 10 000 mile oils in My opinion the twenty thousand mile oil Is pretty close to the same as a 10 000 Mile oils and I just wouldn't spend the Extra money on it so when I use the Super tech Twenty Thousand Mile oil for Twenty thousand miles in my vehicle Absolutely not in my opinion that's Taking on a lot of risk and there's a Good chance it'll cause a a lot of wear To the engine having said that I do like The 10 and 20 000 mile oils that Supertech makes however I just wouldn't Trust them for more than about five or Six thousand miles I'd really like to Hear your thoughts on extended oil Change intervals all the videos in this Channel including this one our viewers Suggested so if you have a video idea Hope you'll take time to leave a comment Thanks so much for watching please take Care and look forward to next time