Best Automatic Transmission Fluid? Let’s Settle This! ACDelco vs Red Line, Mobil & SuperTech

Does ATF brand matter or is it all the same? Is OEM transmission fluid better or worse than aftermarket brands? Automatic transmission fluids compared for resistance to foaming, acidity, wear resistant properties, ability to resistance oxidation and thermal breakdown, viscosity or flow before and after exposure to heat. I also paid an independent testing lab to provide additional information on the automatic transmission fluids.

I bought all of the automatic transmission fluids to ensure an unbiased review. Your support helps keep the channel going! So, thank you for supporting the channel!

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➡ Products Tested In This Video (in no particular order):
Red Line:
SuperTech: Available at Walmart
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If you drive a certain brand of vehicles Should you use that Brand's transmission Fluid or will an aftermarket Transmission fluid work just as well Well let's find out we'll see which Automatic transmission flows the best When is extremely cold then we'll see Which transmission fluid offers the best Protection against wear we'll find out Which fluid resists foaming the best We'll see which one is best at resisting Thermal breakdown and evaporation I paid An independent Testing Lab to provide us With a detailed report of all four Transmission fluids before we kick off The testing let's go ahead and send off The automatic transmission fluids to an Oil Testing Lab to avoid a mix-up I Always label each of the plastic bottles By the way I always Shake containers Before sending off samples for testing Since part of the additive package may Actually fall out of suspension and Settle at the bottom of the container And the testing lab will provide us a Lot of great information on the Transmission fluids anti we're out of The package detergent dispersion content As well as the total acid number which Is a measure of the corrosiveness of the Transmission fluid due to the presence Of acids at a price of around eight Dollars per quart is this AC Delco brand All the transmission flows we'll be

Testing are Dexron 6. it claims to be a Full synthetic distributed by General Motors LLC Detroit Michigan Dexron 6 Transmission fluid is recommended for Use in GM Transmissions model year 2006 And newer however AC Delco claims that This transmission fluid is Backward Compatible with previous Dexron Automatic transmissions in other words It's supposed to be safe to use in older Vehicles at a price of around nine Dollars or about a dollar more than the AC Delco is this super tech brand super Tech claims that their transmission Fluid is compatible for both Dexron and Mercron applications just like the AC Delco it's a full synthetic transmission Fluid the super tech is manufactured in USA let's kick off our first test Comparing AC Delco against the super Tech each of the pots weighs a different Amount so I'll go ahead and measure out Precisely 200 grams of transmission Fluid into each of the containers then I'll crank up the heat to around 410 Degrees Fahrenheit for two hours I'll Rotate the test containers every 10 Minutes just in case one burner is Hotter than the other so let's see which Brand is the best and the amount of Vapor coming from the AC Delco and the Super tech container seems to be very Close to the same Dexron 6 automatic Transmission fluid is supposed to offer

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Better oxidation and thermal stability The test for this is called the noac Volatility test which is an AS STM test At the end of this test we'll find out How much evaporation has occurred with Each brand then we'll be using the cook Transmission fluid for additional Testing to see which fluid is the best And the two hour test is over and the Transmission fluid has had a couple of Hours to cool down and the AC Delco Container started out weighing 429.88 Grams and it now weighs 420.25 a loss of 9.63 grams the super tech started off at 394.64 and it now weighs 386.3 a loss of 8.34 grams so the super tech barely Edges out the AC Delco by just over a Gram let's test the lubricity or the Phillips drink of the AC Delco against The super tech next I'll first add 40 Milliliters of transmission fluid that's Been exposed to heat into the test cups I'll coat the test wheel and the test Pin and transmission fluid to avoid Damage from a dry start one thing that I'm sure about is that the automatic Transmission fluid does not offer nearly As much wear protection as motor oil and The energy use meter is showing that There's quite a bit of friction at the Start of the test inside of a Transmission anti-wear ingredients of Transmission fluids are designed to Reduce wear between metal parts that are

Under extreme pressure while this test Does not simulate transmission operating Conditions perfectly it'll definitely Provide some great information and the Test is finished so let's take a closer Look at the test pin I always label the Test pins right after taking them off of The tester to avoid a mix-up to achieve An accurate measurement I use calipers Under a microscope compared to motor oil There's a lot more damage to the AC Delco test pin at almost eight Millimeters between each test I use Brake parts cleaner to clean the test Equipment and then I use sandpaper to Resurface the test wheel and the super Tech performed better than the AC Delco On the evaporation loss test but is it Better at preventing wear and there Seems to be quite a bit of friction Taking place according to the sound of The tester and the energy use meter and The test is over so let's see how the Super tech compares to the AC Delco and The super tech has about five percent More damage than the AC Delco at 8.44 Millimeters the AC Delco test pen is on The left and the super tech is on the Right and there's a lot larger wear scar With a super tech compared to the AC Delco so it's ACDelco for the win at a Price of 13 or four dollars more than The super tech is this mobile brand for General Motors Vehicles all of the other

Oil brands are full synthetic but the Mobile is a synthetic blend improved Oxidation in thermal stability optimize Friction performance to meet the latest Standards improved anti-wear protection The mobile is made in USA at a price of 23 dollars per quart or almost three Times as much as the AC Delco is this Redline brand D6 ATF high performance Fluid for transaxles and automatic and Manual transmissions recommended for GM Dexron 6 applications as well as several Others the redline is made in USA let's Kick off the evaporation last test for The mobile in the red line and we're Just over 19 minutes and there's already A huge difference and there's a lot of Vapor coming from the mobile synthetic Blend transmission fluid the mobile Transmission fluid is also becoming dark Very quickly and the Mobile automatic Transmission fluid is really struggling On this test with a lot of evaporation Taking place and the two hour test is Finished and I've allowed both Containers to cool for about two hours And the mobile transmission container Started off at 410.87 grams and it now Weighs 390.26 a loss of 20.61 grams wow That's more than twice as much Evaporation compared to the AC Delco and Super tech and the red line started off At 404.79 grams and it now weighs 390 7.85 a loss of just under 7 grams very

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Impressive so the red line came out on Top with the least amount of evaporation At just under 7 grams super tech Finished in second at 8.34 grams and AC Delco 9.63 so the mobile transmission Fluid experienced a tremendous amount of Evaporation loss but will it offer good Wear protection and the mobile seems to Be performing about the same as the AC Delco on the energy use meter at the Start of the test and this is the first Time this has ever happened while Testing lubricants and the AC Delco and Mobile finish in a tie with precisely The same size wear Scar and the AC Delco Test pin is on the left and the mobile Is on the right with the same amount of Damage so when it comes to wear Resistance the AC Delco and mobile Finished ahead of the super tech looking At just the energy use meter the redline Transmission fluid seems to be Performing about the same or maybe a Little bit better than the AC Delco in Mobile of all the brands the redline Still seems to have dark red color while The other transmission fluids are a lot Darker and the test is finished and it's The Moment of Truth for the red line and To wear scar with the red line is the Best yet but not by far with less than a One percent smaller wear scar however a Win is a win and the red line is the Best for wear resistance so Redline

Finished in first AC Delco and mobile Tied for second and super tech fourth Let's first compare the flow speed of New transmission fluid at around 70 Degrees Fahrenheit and then we'll see How the cooked transmission fluid Performs from left to right is AC Delco Super Tech Mobile in Redline and all Four transmission fluids are out of the Gate at nearly the same time and this is Going to be a really fast race and super Tech holds on to a small advantage over The competition but this is very close And it's super tech for a win by less Than an inch and a very close second Place for mobile and as the AC Delco in Redline tying for third place so all Four transmission fluids flow very close To the same speed between 1.17 and 1.22 Seconds from start to finish let's see How the cooked transmission fluid Compares from left to right is AC Delco Supertech Mobile in Redline and once Again all four transmission fluids hit The straightaway at about the same time And the red line is doing a lot better Job of keeping up this time but the Super tech does have a small lead and at Super tech for the win Redline second Mobile third and AC Delco fourth the Purpose of this test was really to Measure performance change and the red Line only slowed down by 1 1.6 percent Mobile experienced a 5.4 performance

Loss super tech 7.1 and AC Delco 7.7 Percent let's refill both testers and Place the transmission fluids in a Freezer that set the minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit or minus 40 degrees Celsius For about 10 hours then we'll compare Cold temperature performance while the Transmission fluids are getting prepared For the next race let's compare the cook Transmission fluids for foaming all Transmission fluid should have Anti-foaming ingredients that prevent Bubbles from forming in the fluid Huffers test tomorrow that is not Treated with anti-foaming ingredients After just a few seconds there's already A lot of air that's mixed into the oil Inside of an automatic transmission this Could definitely cause transmission Damage from oral starvation or clutch Slippage Let's test each of the fluids Beginning with the AC Delco and the Tester gave the AC Delco a very good Shake in the AC Delco we fuse the foam So the AC Delco passed the test and a Supertech transmission fluid also Performed very well lasting the entire Five minutes without air bubbles forming In the fluid just like the AC Delco and Supertech the mobile transmission fluid Held up just fine without foaming and The red line is performed by far the Best so far and it also pass this test So all four transmission fluids offer

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Very good protection against foaming It's been 10 hours since places of Transmission fluids inside of the Freezer so let's go ahead and test the New transmission fluid first AC Delco Lane 1 super tech Lane 2 mobile Lane 3 And Redline Lane 4. high quality Synthetic fluids perform extremely well In cold temperatures and the red line is By far the fastest to hit the Straightaway and a synthetic blend Bubble is second and the full synthetic AC Delco and super tech are very close And the redline transmission fluid is Running at Redline and it's absolutely Destroying the competition with a huge Gap for a synthetic blend mobile is Performing very well ahead of the AC Delcoin Super Tech and is redlined for The Wind by just over three inches and a Mobile just finished ahead of the AC Delco and the super tech by just over Two inches which is a pretty large gap And to protect barely edges out AC Delco For a third place finish let's compare The cook transmission fluids to see how The heat exposure impacted their Performance against the new fluid and Once again the red line is out of the Gate first and heading down to straight Away mobile is in second Super Tech Third and AC Delco fourth and the red Line seems to be just about as fast as It was before the hit exposure and it

Has a huge lead and he really had a huge Impact on the mobile transmission fluid And it's no longer holding on to a large Lead over the AC Delco and super tech And last time the Red Line beat the Competition by three inches and this Time it won by five inches in Mobile Finish in second by very small Gap over The super tech and super tech finished In third by about an inch Gap over the AC Delco when it's very cold and the Transmission fluid needs to get going The red line is the fastest at 24.53 Seconds mobile finished in second at 30.16 AC Delco and super tech around 34.5 seconds for transmission fluids After exposure to heat Redline finished The race and 27.37 seconds and mobile 39.88 super tech finished in 40.14 Seconds and AC Delco 42.78 seconds so Comparing the new versus the cook Transmission fluid 4 performance the Redline only lost 10.4 percent super Tech slowed by 14.2 percent ACDelco 19 And mobile 24.4 and the testing lab Reports are back and results are very Interesting iron antenna are considered Impurities or wear metals and Fortunately there are only Trace levels All the transmission fluids look great Barium Boron calcium and magnesium are Detergent dispersants and the red line Has by far the most robust additive Package at over 300 parts per million

ACDelco Super Tech and mobile are all Pretty close to the same levels Anti-wear additives are incredibly Important for wear resistance and once Again the red line has by far the most Robust additive package with two and a Half times more anti-wear additives than The competition I also had the total Acid number checked and all the fluids Are starting off with a total acid Number of under two so it's transmission Fluid brand is the best and the redline Completely dominated the competition With the first place finish in every Category super tech finished in second With an average finish of 2.8 and the Biggest concern that I have with the Super tech is that it doesn't seem to Offer quite as much wear protection as The other brands anytime a product Performs as well as Redline there's Usually a couple comments out of Thousands suggesting somehow that I've Been bought off or have accepted a Sponsorship definitely not the case I Buy all the products tested on the Project Farm Channel and I declined Thousands of dollars of sponsorship Opportunities every week definitely not For sale there's a better way to make a Living we'll make retaining Integrity All the videos in this channel including This one our viewers suggested so if you Have a video idea I hope you'll take

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