Best Tools at SEMA Show 2023 – Day 3 [FLEX, Mirka, Walcom, Shaviv]

Our final full day at SEMA 2023 is now in the books. More tools, equipment, cars, and trucks than we’ve ever seen at SEMA before. We did our best to bring all the best tools at SEMA 2023 from Las Vegas. We’ve made some new tool and equipment friends, so we’ll be sure to continue bringing more tools to you from our newfound relationships. Set your calendars for the SEMA Show 2024 in November. #semashow #tools #review

Stick around cuz day three of SEMA Starts [Music] Now [Music] [Applause] [Music] About [Music] Really [Music] Little water on paper so we're here in The Mir booth at the SEMA show and we're Showing their process for removing Nibs so first we've got the 1 in with The knee nibbing uh disc right Yes so let's pretend there's a dirt nib Right in the middle what we recommend is Centering your dirt nib to the center of Of the of the Pad sit on it for about 3 seconds take It Off wipe It so you got a little high little spot Right there that didn't s in we'll go Back with it with a little bit more Water always got to keep it Lubricated There we go now we're going to come Back with our 3-in random Polisher and our number 10 polar Shine all we need is very little of This our yellow Mara cutting Pad

Like a little bit more speed there we Go I'm going to work it try to work it As flat as Possible we're on a flat Surface don't put too much pressure cuz Then you're going to heat up the Panel so we took most of the sand Scratches away if you see a little bit Maybe try to work it a little bit more a Little bit more of cutting the cutting Pad Next Step especially on the black we Always want to go with our polishing pad Softer we're going to use the same Material just to give it that Shine see how quiet the machine is yeah It's not loud not a lot of vibration on Your [Music] Hand there you go [Music] We're here at the industrial fan booth At the SEMA show and these things move a Ton of air now these are extruded Aluminum blades uh they weigh less than 100 lb in the ceiling fan configuration And they can make them as big as 24 Ft the great thing about these These Are Made in the USA from the motors to the Blade Everything in a shop in California so check them out move a ton Of [Music]

Air all right hi I'm Kurt lamman with Poly Vance we've got a uh plastic Welders that's kind of the name of our Game we do uh plastic welders for the Professional shops and nitrogen plastic Welding now I'm going to be showing a New hot air welder that we have for a a More budget-minded shop this little hot Air welder here has got a air pump on Board when you pick up the torch it Immediately starts to heat up and it'll Get up to the set point and about 10 Seconds and once it gets up to the set Point we'll be able to start welding I'll show you a demonstration on a Repair on a plastic bumper now most of Your plastic bumpers 99% are Polypropylene so I'm going to use a Polypropylene welding rod so I'm I'm Going to be over this angle you might Want to get over my shoulder here uh so What we want to do is we want to uh melt Both Plastics at the same time I've got A polypropylene welding rod and the Plastic here the bumper is B of Polypropylene i v grooved it out so it's All prepared you melt both Plastics at The same time you stick it down you Apply a little downward pressure and Roll it toward the torch and then you Keep that heat focused right there where The rod comes down onto the bumper you Want to make sure you're melting the Bumper and the bottom of the welding rod

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At the same time so those both toes Melted Plastics will fuse together with The downward pressure I place on the rod As you can see it's very fast process Once I get it going I could do a 6in Tear in about a minute no problem um It's very um you're actually doing a Fusion weld there's there's no cure time Like a two-part adhesive so it's very Fast and it's very economical too once You uh have the machine you'll uh with This welding rod you'll have about maybe A dollar's worth of repair material in The uh in the repair so very economical Very very fast and very strong too want I get to the end here I just want to Focus the heat there you don't want to Pull it straight off you just want to Kind of push to the side and then the Welder also has a an airless tool so I Can use this to smooth the weld out on The Cosmetic side to smooth it Out let that cool completely and then Come in and sand it with 80 grit and You'll get that kind of finish every Time that is actually the welding Rod Just needs a b a skim coat of filler to Finish that [Music] Out we're here at the Walcom booth at The SEMA show and checking out their Paint guns so carbon fiber very light Very uh balanced and there's a couple of Great features on this gun number one

It's very light uh number two check this Out push this on here push the button And that's actually going to tell you Air pressure regulator right here on the Gun you can turn this turn it turn it Down turn it up so right there you got Your air regulator you pull that off Also coming out very Soon push the button and actually tell Us humidity so moisture content in the Air again right there at the paint gun Now the other cool thing is check this Out a ring light that we can put right Here on the gun so put that on push the Button in the back and now we got a full Ring of light surrounding the area where You're Shooting another cool thing about them Right there on the gun you can see uh The white line that tells you that's a Clear gun and if you take their Base gun It's got the red line that's going to be Their Base gun so really cool product From Walcom check them [Music] Out we're here at the mayew booth at the SEMA show they've got some new things in Foam so check these out obviously uh Some torqux and e torqus as well as Their little pics but in the foam tray Which is great because a lot of times These little things like to just kind of Find their own way around so having that In the foam tray makes a lot of sense

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And then we have the bolt Breakers these Things are great if you haven't used one You need to try them out you can buy Them in a two-piece or the three-piece And then check out this offset Lowprofile screwdriver you can actually Replace those bits there's a little Retainer clip right there remove the Clip replace uh those tips so if you Wear one out you can replace it you can Also get those in standard slotted as Well so really cool lowprofile Screwdriver all this new from Mayu we're here at the chaviv booth at The SEMA show and if you don't know shev Uh then you probably haven't used some Deburing tools because they are the the In the industry that's great so shiv's 100% manufactured in Israel we're the Granddaddies of making the offset Pattern blades the b& series in the Industry so essentially if you never Heard of the burning tool offset pattern Blade can do your straight and hole Edges after you're done cutting metal so If you're leaving a jagged edge the Blade can go in and clean it off really Quick same with any ID pattern you just Walk the blade along the pattern and Clean off your Edge simple and very Effici just let the blade do all the Work when you get into more Um industrial siiz projects where you Have to drill multiple holes all the

Time we make faster easier to burn tools Like a ratcheting counter sync for going Inside very fast the ratcheting Mechanism takes a lot of the torque off Your hand nice part is a lot of the sets Have interchangeable heads so I can take Off my counter sync and then I can put My OD on here so if I have to do pipes Tubes or even brake lines I can get the Outside champer so same idea same Ratcheting mechanism all about cleaning Off your edges more than anything else So we're here at the spring tools booth At the SEMA show and looking at some of Their new kits uh this is the 3/16 in uh Stamping set and then they have A4 in Stamping set as well so you want to do Some marking and steel this is the way To do it very easy to do and then their Impact driver set that's providing up to 5,000 lb of Force starts Rec coining the screw head The passenger head and gives it that 5,000 lb of shock to break the threads Free comes with all the different tips And Adapters check out spring [Music] Tools we're here at the lane booth at The SEMA show and this is their 12-piece Combination internal external internal Snap ring plier set so basically it's a 12pce set but you get internal and External on every single one so you

Really got a 24 piece kit here and no Thumb screw that you have to unscrew and Uh you know reinsert it you just turn This about a half a turn slide it over Lock it down and now you're good to go So internal to external in just seconds So check out a 12 piece kit from Lang Made in the USA We're here at the SEMA show at the NES Thread repair booth now here's the cool Thing is you don't have to have separate Products to repair differen Siz thread So this same product here is going to Work on all three of these threads from All the way down here you just basically Unscrew this open that Up put it down below the damaged threads Area tighten it down and then back it Off it will actually repair the threads On the way up and this is basically Going to do your internal threads as Well fully adjustable and then check This out on those places where obviously You can't get that other tool around This is the stud repair kit so really Cool product again now you're not Actually having to pull out your tap and Die just one tool we'll do it all check It out from NES thread Repair [Music] We're here at the MU cou booth and check Out some of the stuff they have uh this

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Is a hub cleaner here so the back side Of those Wheels when they get nice and Rusty and dirty just one swoop on your Drill and you're cleaning those up and In addition to those let's take care of The studs as well and take care of the Studs and all the corrosion that's Around those studs on the Hub and then For those larger trucks we got those Covered as well so all this from Miller Cubes as well as they even have an Eraser wheel taking care of those pin Striping car decals things like that get It off without marring the pl without Marring the paint so put that in your Die grinder your drill and remove those Things very quickly adhesives anything Like [Music] That Something gets caught in you just put it Through that metal brush makes up all The pine dust too see That [Music] We're here at the omniwall booth at Cima Show and here's a brand new product that They have so it's a shelf so very easy To put together comes flat pack uh easy To put together shelf but on the ends it Has their awesome metal peg board where You can hang about anything you want to Making things very easy to Store and plenty more shelf

Space [Music] We're here at the induction Innovations Booth at the SEMA show and they've got Their new Venom HP now we reviewed the Other Venom but it was only 1,000 Watts Now we're talking 1800 watts and check This out how fast we can even heat up a Large Bolt So within seconds we're already Steaming the water off that bowt and Watch it crawl up the threads again this Is taking just seconds to do So be right there so now we're starting To walk the heat right up those threads With induction Technology so a lot more power from Still 110 volt induction Heater