EASY SHOP ORGANIZATION – OmniWall Metal Pegboard – Cleanup the New Year!

We partnered with OmniWall #sponsored to clean up and organize an area of our shop that was an eyesore. This OmniWall metal pegboard and organization accessories are Made in the USA. The build quality on their panels and rails is second to none, and the fitment and finish follow suit.

OmniWall Metal Pegboard:

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Transform your space from this To this we partnered with Omni wall on This project so let's take a look on how We got here This is the Omni wall system it's a Metal pegboard system but this is much Different from the competition and I Think there's three things that really Set them apart number one is build Quality just the materials they make it With it's made right here in the USA and In fact they're an actual Fab shop so They know a little thing or two about Metal about steel and even about powder Coating they're even powder coating this In-house as well and that leads into the Fitment of this as the second criteria That really sets them apart because Every corner is nice and square every Bend is nice and true so these panels Don't walk on you like other panels do When you install them and if you've Installed these before you know what I'm Talking about and the third thing is how They mount their accessories and how They secure them and we'll get into that Here in just one moment now we had this Area here that was it was just one of Those catch-all areas kind of Embarrassing to see the pictures of what It looked like and we've cleaned that up We painted the back wall so let's Jump Right In and kind of take you along as We build out to this part right here and

Then we'll start assembling all the Accessories onto the Omni wall system So this is the current state of our Project here for installing the Omni Wall system as you can see we kind of Are half getting started we basically Cleaned the wall moved out the junk that Was there pretty embarrassing uh kind of This is one of those kind of catch-all Corners shouldn't have been that way but It just was the case for the past few Months so anyway we cleared all that out We thought we'd black out this wall Before we put everything up there Because it's going to hide anything that You could see through the holes or Anything like that so that's the half Painted wall we'll get some more paint And get that all painted up nice and Flat black on the back but we've got an All metal shop and we kind of want to Keep it that way so we've got little Beans metal girders and and everything Else so again we thought we'd stick with All metal rather than putting a you know A wood stud wall in there to mount this To we're going to use some angle iron Some square and rectangle tubing we have And and get a system up there and then Mount the Omni wall so we're not going To follow this exactly to to the T as Far as this build we're going to jump Right into the Omni wall but we'll kind Of fast forward as to what we're doing

Here and as you can see I've got a just A regular old DeWalt miter saw here that I've got I think the easiest way to cut Metal like this so angle iron small Tubing things like that is a steel demon So Diablo steel demon blade in a regular Miter saw regular battery powered miter Saw it'll cut especially this eighth Inch stuff really easy cut it really Effective and just a lot easier to cut Right here kind of on-site rather than To take it over to the layout and Welding Table cut it there bring it over Here fit it up because we're going to be Doing a lot of kind of fitment and Welding kind of in place if you will and Some clamping so anyway let's get Started you can see here's an old cut From probably an abrasive blade and you See how much uh kind of shrapnel is left Over right there And you see here on this nice clean cut With the miter saw Just a very clean cut now it needs to be Deburred rounded over and nice and Cleaned up a little bit but as far as The cut you can't beat that cut and Especially for the quickness and the Portability just throwing that miter saw Up anywhere So we got everything painted up all nice And uh black back there that should hide Anything we see through the Omni wall Pegboard once we get it hung up and we

Built us a steel frame if you will That's going to bolt up to the the cross Beams that were up there so a little Different Set up then typical would be on stud or Drywall or even plywood something like That but this is as we mentioned in all Metal building we want to keep it that Way so real simple angle iron top and Bottom a couple of rectangle one by two Beams coming down then we figured out Some bracing on the sides but don't want To get into that let's jump into the Omni wall start mounting this on the Frame now typically you would go ahead And start mounting that to your studs or To your plywood or something like that And you would start mounting it up on The wall we're going to do it a little Different we're going to take this Frame Over to the workbench and start doing it There to explain it in a little more Detail as well as sew some close-up and Then we'll get back to how we're going To hang this all right you can see we Have our steel frame laying here on our Worktop and we're going to just kind of Lay out how we're going to do this and Explain how the railing system works Basically you have a lower cleat and you Have an upper cleat so the upper cleat Here has this little step in it and That's because it'll lip of the panel is Going to go over the top of it and the

Lower cleat is or the bottom cleat is Just a pure 90 nice and flat and on the Bottom cleat the panel is actually going To sit on top of this so this will be Actually below the panel I'll show you That in just a moment but on the upper Cleat this will sit inside the panel Because again it's going to over overlap Over the top so in a sense the panel is Resting its weight on the top and Resting its weight on the bottom so the Pins aren't holding it in the cleats are Actually holding the panel up and then The pins are just keeping the panel on To the cleat so that it's bearing the Weight now what you're going to get with These panels are you're going to get These Push style pins where you have kind of This insert that goes inside of this and That's going to do most of your Installation and then you'll have these Funky looking push clips That are double-sided now what these are For is when you have vertical panels Stacked on top of one another if you're Not stacking on top of one another you Don't need these you don't need these For the sides to go connect the two Sides you don't need them for that you Only need them for the vertical to Connect a top to a bottom and that's to Keep it kind of nice and meshed together So it doesn't move and keeps everything

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Centered when you do have a situation Where you're stacked on top of one Another then you won't have a bottom Cleat in the middle you'll only have a Top cleat that goes in the middle and Your push Clips or your double-sided Clips here they are going to go in these Larger holes here and you can see this Also On the panel and something that helps You not get mixed up is on the bottom Cleats you don't see these dual holes You just see one hole and you can see How it lines up on the panel here the Smaller holes are for the push pin clips And the larger holes are your typical Kind of Christmas tree double-sided clip So this will fit through this panel and Push into there and also fit through the Top cleat Into the larger hole you see it won't Fit through the smaller hole but it will Through through the larger hole So again You only need these if you're stacking Vertically not side to side Now you can see here on these panels That they have a lip that not only comes Over the top but also so waterfalls over The top and also comes back this way as Well and that's where it's going to grab Onto that cleat And rest the weight on there so the Buttons or the push Clips are not

Bearing the weight it's actual cleat Itself that will be screwed onto this These would typically be screwed into Studs or using drywall anchors or Something of the sort but we're going to Be screwing this into this angle iron so We're going to use some drill tip screws We may end up pre-drilling these but I Will start out here just using the drill Tip screws now typically on a stud wall You'd just space you know one screw over Here one screw over here and move on but We're going to go ahead and install Three screws on each one we're going to Use the upper holes here give it more Bracing more strength and I'm going to Offset it from The Edge just I don't Know a quarter inch or so and we're Going to put our screws in the middle so That gives us in those slots the ability To tune these back and forth if we need To Foreign So now we've got this upper cleat put on Now we can see how this works Goes in and it seats On that cleat And then you line up your holes Make sure your holes are lined up Number two Phillips seems to fit right In there and Center that up really well Foreign And then Rather than leaving the pin in there

Pull the pin out of it push this in goes In and rather easily And then take your PIN You probably can't push it in you'll Probably have to hammer it in I'd Recommend using a small dead blow hammer Or a plastic faced hammer and just kind Of Hammer that in once it seats now that's Locked into place now you're really not Going to lock those into place until you Get your bottom cleats on there as well I just wanted to show that to you and Then you can take just a pair of small Needle nose if you want to or some push Clip pliers like our push clip tools Like I've got here And remove that push clip Same thing for this one Pull that out and if you're nice and Careful especially as they're new you Can reuse these by the way these are the Same like Automotive clips that you can Find just about anywhere as well you can Get these from Omni wall they send a ton Of them but you can also get these Various places so very standard type of Push clip We'll get the rest of these cleats on And move forward The cool thing is these are the exact Same width as the panels so we should be Able to just butt these up against one Another and keep moving and again if

We're screwing in the center of our Oblonged holes here then we should be Able to tune it and move it left and Right if we do need to open up some Space I'm just going to continue to set This on the bottom of this angle and Move on All right Foreign And we'll get the last one on here Now you can see I've removed two of the Rails the upper cleats that already put On and that's because we have one of the New cabinets that's actually a 32 inch Wide cabinet and it comes with a single Top rail I guess for additional strength To kind of keep everything together I'm Hoping we can utilize looks like we can Utilize all the holes we already have so It's as easy as removing those two rails So if you have a system already an omni Wall system you want to put one of their Cabinets in you can probably use your Existing rails but if you wanted some Additional strength you can put the Single piece rail in with no problem Using your existing holes Now also you'll notice that it's silver And not black and that's because our Cabinet Our silver So you can get these in various colors Just like their panels All right so what I'm going to do now

You can see we flipped the frame around Again so our top rails are up here I'm Going to go ahead and put a panel on Here just to confirm my measurements to Mount the bottom rail And make sure it's seated all the way I'm not going to put my push Clips in But just going to Confirm That is seated all the way in the rails And it should be exactly 48 inches So now we've got the panel sitting on Top of the the top Rail and then we see This is dead on 48 inches that's one of The nice things about Omni wall is They're actually a Fab shop so they Understand having uh correct dimensions And having everything line up correctly Is very key and it looks like We're going to be seated right at the Bottom of our angle here looks like Maybe a hair a 30 second of an inch Maybe a sixteenth of an inch but that Gives me an idea of where my bottom rail Needs to sit because let's remember that Now the rail The panel is actually going to sit on Top of the rail so it's going to be like This so it looks like if we Mount our Rail right there flush with the bottom That's going to be a great fit or maybe Just a touch inside the bottom it's Going to be a nice flush look there And again if you're mounting this on the

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Wall be as easy as taking a level and Making sure you're level and Plumb and Then maybe even taking a laser and Shooting it on the wall be very easy to Do that but on this case I'm going to Line up these holes making sure I'm good Could even make me a Mark if I need to Foreign Up and we've got our rails on our our Upper rails our lower rails and we're Ready to start putting the panels on now Again as I mentioned we kind of have a Different setup here and what I was Trying to do is gain some of this Space that we were losing if I just Flush mounted this to the front of this Beam here so I wanted to recess it back Here and kind of tuck it up under here Well to do so I still have to have a way To get up there and put in my Clips so What I've done is I've got like two inch Long bolts that are actually holding This Frame and I've got it kind of at The end of the thread so it's actually Down an inch or so so that I can get my Pins in there and get them in and once We get the panels in we'll tighten those Bolts it'll pull that whole frame and Panels all the way up to the top here so If you see a little bit of movement here It's because the bolts aren't exactly All tight until we get those on there And here on the sides we've kind of got It in a clamping mechanism that we

Fabricated up so again not your typical Setup here so if you see some movement It's because of that so we'll get these Panels hung we'll get it all tightened Up and then we'll go on to putting on The accessories And something else I want to mention uh You see the silver panels here or the Silver Rails I mentioned about a cabinet And uh to actually put the cabinet in we Would not be able to recess that up here So we're going to move the cabinet Elsewhere but we're short a panel so We're still going to use these rails We're still going to use silver panels We're not going to install the cabinet Yet we'll have a separate video on the Cabinet because it's a really cool Design and really makes this system even Better but again we're just going to Utilize the panels at this time we'll Come back at a later time and show the Cabinet we're actually going to use it Probably on the end of one of our pallet Racks we think that's a great place Where a lot of times space is wasted and You don't have any wall space to Actually utilize there but we've got a Great idea on how to utilize that and Put that cabinet there so anyway we're Just going to utilize the rails and the Backs of the cabinets the silver panels To utilize for wall panels and again We'll go from there

Foreign If you'll pull the pin almost all the Way out you can keep the pin in it and Put it in there And I can pull these in with my fingers Too I don't need a hammer to tap them in Okay you'll notice something I have a Gap right here that's going to pull out In a second when we bolt this thing up It's sagging here in the middle I think When we pull that up we'll get nice and True and Plumb if not I can slide those Rails over and square those up but again I think you'll see that come out in just One moment because now we have all of Them hung we have the pins in all the Top rails and now we're going to tighten The bolts and pull that snug up to this Beam okay I'm going to tighten this Middle one should pull everything up Then we'll tighten the outside Foreign So now you can see my gaps tightened up Here once we got it screwed all the way Up and I can still tweak it just a Little bit and we're still kind of Flopping I don't have my braces in yet We'll put those back in just one moment I just wanted to get this nice and Secure all the way up at the top now We'll put our braces in and then we'll Finalize getting these panels on the Bottom okay and here's our little Fabrication here we have some c-channel

That goes and and is actually wrapped by Some uh some nice aesthetic White Aluminum and we don't want to mess that Up we don't want to run a bolt through There or anything and I really didn't Want to do any penetrations on the Structure of the building so I made These uh this kind of cross brace that's Going to clamp onto the c channel here Foreign Here again I really didn't want to drill Into the main beam of course if I was Drilling a quarter inch hole it's Probably not going to really affect it But I made this little clamp here that Will clamp Onto the beam and then line up to run a Bolt in Foreign Just going to come back and finish Putting all our Clips in here Again I found best if you pull it almost All the way out it'll slide up in there And then you can tap it in a good firm Push will push those in as well Now everything is up and tight Everything's solid no movement got nice Tight seams in between each one of the Panels no gaps as well as everything is Nice and Plumb and square on the sides And on the top I've also got it tucked In in that girder and we're not losing Any of that space the only problem is we Can't use our cabinet but again we're

Going to move that somewhere else and Utilize that cabinet it's going to be Really cool let's set this thing up with Some accessories and talk about some of The quality of how well these Accessories are built and how well they Function So first off is just kind of a general Shelf and so we'll mount it here on the Bottom and first thing you'll put the Top in first slide it up and then let it Slide down and that locks that into Place it's really not locked into place We'll do that here in a few moments when We get everything positioned like we Want it but I did want to point out that Right here on the front of this shelf we Have more hanging area so we can put Hooks on here and hang stuff off the Front of this as well and obviously put Things in here as well and on each end Of the Shelf is a hole so if we want to Put a charger Put our cord through there and be able To plug this in And now we have our charger available we Could also Mount this if we needed to Extra batteries whatever else that we Want to store in there and then we have Our large pad holder for our polishers So you can mount this right over here on The edge Maybe give this a little more room Lock that into place and again we can

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Fully lock it here in a few moments put All our pads in Now we can just pull the pad out the Bottom as we need it So this is going to be for your larger Five to six and a half inch pads and Then we have these smaller uh say three And a half inch and smaller pads and Here's the cool thing about this is they Thought about this so instead of Mounting this somewhere else I can Actually utilize this system and put it Right there alongside this and use the Same mounting holes so now I'm not Taking up any space there's no Gap in Between here both of those fit in the Same holes and lock into place and They're side by side and this makes Total sense you may even have you know Multiple big ones stacked next to each Other so have your all all your Compounding pads your fine finish pads And so forth single step and then have All your smaller ones in there as well And now I'm going to do the same thing With the polisher holders obviously I Can mount one up here But I can also Mount that in the same Hole Locking those in the same area and then When we get them where we want them we Can actually tie these together with a Push clip I can lock them down here with A push clip and I can mount my polishers

Up there I'm pretty sure that's where I want my Polishers to be so I'm going to go ahead And lock these in And these can obviously hold any of your Products spray bottles Polishes Coatings They're going to hold big bottles Obviously small bottles you can place The small bottles down here so several Different opportunities to mount this Where you want it Depending on what you're using it for And obviously with it being it metal Pegboard Anything magnetized is going to stick on There just fine as well Okay so these are standard hooks right So you've got crescent wrenches on there Whatever you got wrenches on it and you Got to take these off now a lot of times On regular pegboard everybody hated this And even a lot of your steel pegboard is You know you hit this it flops all Around it may even fall out So they've got the answer for this and That's the push clips And the great thing about these is You change your mind later and you want To move these around it's not the end of The world you get your push clip remover And you you pull the clip out and you Move it but now that thing is locked in

It's not going anywhere you're not going To bump that off that Hook's locked in And ready to go but again if we need to We can pull the clip out and remove that And move it wherever we need it Okay We are really excited about how the Omni Wall system turned out now we'll Probably still move some things around Add to it and things like that to get it Customized exactly where we want it and That's the great thing about the Omni Wall system you can buy just the blank Canvas where you're just buying the Panels and do your own thing you can buy Kits so they have like a detailing kit They have a kind of a DIY kit where Maybe just you know two panels you can Buy shorter panels you can buy the Panels that go wide rather than tall you Can buy the cabinets and by the way We're really excited about the cabinet And that's going to be a review all in Itself because it's really changing the Way metal pegboard is done by utilizing The cabinet as part of the integration Of the metal pegboard and vice versa so I think you're really going to like that So maybe in a couple of weeks we'll do Another review just on the cabinet and Probably mounting that cabinet right Here to my left which will be kind of The at the end of a pallet wall now We're ecstatic about how we've

Transformed this area we've wanted an Area that's kind of detailing in paint Because that's things we do from time to Time but not all the time so now we've Kind of got a wall where we can keep Some polishers out some pads out some Some even our polishes and chemicals and Things like that that we can quickly get To as well as even some paint guns that We shoot from time to time and keeping Some sandpaper handy you're always Looking to to grab a little bit of Sandpaper anyway just a really cool System and again going to be really Excited when we get the cabinet in use Now we're also going to move in a Workbench here that'll also have like a Cabinet below it to store paints primers And that sort of thing so kind of still Working out the details on what we're Going to do there but love the look of This and I'll tell you Our intention Were to have the cabinet have the silver Background when you open the cabinet and Then have all black here but I'm really Loving the offset of the black Assessor Trees against the silver looks really Good I wasn't expecting that I was Thinking I wanted the all black out look But I think both of them look really Cool love the build quality of the Omni Wall system I'm telling you we've seen Other metal pegboards we have them in Our shop nothing wrong with them but

Again when you start putting these Together you realize how true of a fit They have and how exact all of their Corners edges Bend overs things like That really are so kudos to them for That love the fact they're made here in The USA as well so be sure to check them Out we'll have links in the description To some of these things but again you Can go to their website and build about Anything you want to so be sure to keep Track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and if you Don't mind would you hit that like And Subscribe button if you haven't done so Already and by all means if you hated Our video then give us a thumbs down but Would you let us know in the comments Why have a great day and keep smiling