FLEX 24V Brushless 18ga Brad Nailer Review [FX4331]

This new FLEX 24V Brushless 18ga Brad Nailer is set to hit the shelves in January 2024. The FLEX FX4331 will drive 18-gauge brad nails from 5/8″ to 2-1/8″ in length. We had not problem driving into pin and hardwood as well. Three LED lights keep light surrounding the drive head and the brushless motor power from the 24-volt battery drives the brads as deep as you want them. #flexpowertools #tools #review

FLEX FX4331 18ga Brad Nailer:

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We got our hands on the brand new flex FX 4331 and it's their 18 gauge brad Nailer now this is not expected to Release until January of 2024 so it'll Be a month or so before you actually see These on the shelves let's get started With our view well Flex is adding to Their finishing tools with the dawn of The 18 gauge brad nailer this runs on Their 24volt battery uh it's the FX 4331 It will shoot brad nails obviously an 18 Gauge format uh from 5/8 of an inch all The way up to 2 and E in and of course We'll be testing that here in one moment Some pretty cool features on this brad Nailer number one we get three LED Lights here so we have one that's right Here on this side side we have one That's right here at the top of the tool And then we have another one that's here On this side so basically trying to Eliminate any Shadows around the point Of entry as to the Brad nail I don't Have any nails in here right now so you Don't have to worry about me having the Battery on and messing with this there Is a power button here at the bottom of The nailer and in addition to providing The power so I can actually turn this Off even with the tip depressed still Nothing firing because the unit is Actually Off now if I hold the button down for a Couple of seconds it will turn on and

Then I can also select right here Between bump fire and sequential fire so Basically in sequential fire mode so Pull the trigger it's going to fire the Brad nail and then let off and pull the Trigger again it will fire the nail Again and you can fire up to three Nails Within a second and of course we'll try That as well uh and then in bump fire Mode you can hold the trigger down and Then you can bump fire the Nails as well The nail cartridge is supposed to hold 110 brad nails and to open this you just Basically squeeze the button here Slide The unit open and now you can add in the Nails or take out your nails whatever You're needing to do I did notice Something here that I noticed when it's Extended all the way out there's quite a Bit of movement here on this now it's Probably not going to be a problem at All but I just did want to note that now Once it's in a little ways there's not Near as much movement but when you pull This all the way out quite a bit of flex Out there I don't really I'm not really Crazy about uh but then again once it's Closed and locked into place you Shouldn't have to worry about that at All now in the case of a misfire if it Happens well when it happens there's Always going to be misfires and even Jams when it comes to Brad nailers many Times it's because you're loading things

You shouldn't be loading or you're Mis Loading them anyway regardless in that Case we don't need any tools if we have A jam number one make sure you take your Battery out again I have no Nails in Here then you want to make sure you Empty all your brad nails cuz otherwise That spring is going to be pushing Against it and it's going to eject all Those trust me I Know anyway so release that and then Once you flip this Open now we have complete access to all Those Nails right there to clear out the Jam close this back down flip it down And now we're ready to go again put our Nails in and you're Off to the Races let Me show you what I'm talking About I'm going to take some 5/8 in 18 Gauge nails again don't have my battery In and I'll close this and one cool Thing you can see right here in these Little Windows here I can see I've got a Full stick all the way up to 100 nails So I've got 118 gauge 5/8 Inch Nails Right now so you can easily see even With the magazine closed how many nails We have left anyway so let's just say we Had a jam we need to clear it and I've Got my nails in there and if I flip this Up bad things are going to Happen So they just launched over my head and Come falling down so that's what's going

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To happen if you have these in there and Then try to flip that open so make sure You clear this take out your nails Before you flip this Open so taking a close look here at the Tip of this brad nailer uh number one we Have the Nar tip right here and we have Two more extra that are right here so as These wear out you can pull those off And replace them with these here and Again that's to keep the marring down on Any uh fine wood that you're actually Shooting in right here is your depth Adjustment and rather than it being a Wheel that you kind of turn and and Adjust just willy-nilly there's actually Detents in here so you can see all the Way down is going to be maximum depth And then as you flip this Up you can see our tip here coming out So all the way up is going to be our Shallowest setting so this is Your depth adjustment very easy to do I'm curious how well that's actually Going to work so again move it all the Way up that's going to be for your Shallowest measurement and then all the Way down is going to be counter syncing It as deep as possible now I've got this Paired with the 2 and 1/2 amp hour Battery which I think is a perfect Combination because you've still got That uh lightweight but still provides a Big enough pad to sit on uh no problem

And stand up uh but you're going to get Hundreds of nails shot with that 2 and 1 12 amp hour battery love the fuel gauge On the flex batteries you can easily see From either side how much charge is left In that battery obviously large belt Hook as well to hang this on your belt Hang it on a ladder whatever you're Needing to hang it on and we also get a Brushless motor to keep things nice and Efficient as well as deliver the power And obviously power powered by the 24v Battery just to give you a better size Of the Tool uh from the tip to the top Is right at 12 in so right at a foot and Then height of the tool when standing up Is right at 11 In width on this is probably going to be 3 in or so yeah three 3 and 1/2 in Depending on whether you're want to add Into belt clip or not but really not a a Huge tool at all and I believe the Weight on this tool is like 5 lbs Without the battery but let's go ahead And weigh this with this 2 and 1/2 amp Battery 6 lb 5 oz with that 2.5 a hour Battery so let's take uh some yellow Pine some Southern yellow pine and some 1/ in plywood we've got some 5/8 in 18 Gauge brad nails loaded up and we're in Our sequential fire mode as well we've Got it in our shallow setting so it's All the way up So it's leaving those sticking up uh

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Quite a bit the first one a little more Than the second One we'll adjust this one click Down so now it's coming just above flush So almost sinking that beneath the deck But still sticking up just a touch T so again we'll go one more click Down so it looks like nope there we Go so now we're sinking those well below The deck There I'm going to go back up one Click and just see Okay so maybe we got a little Breakin Period because now all of a sudden uh With just one click in now we're sinking That right below the deck on this Plywood And Pines it's really not making much of a Mark at all other than just uh driving The actual Brad nail and so you see that But really no other markings maybe right To each side of the nail but doing a Good job of keeping things really tidy And Clean now let's jump up here and see if We can uh shoot through some hardwood Into some plywood so this is some purple Heart which is really hard um I'm really Not thinking it's going to but let's Just See oh Wow doing a very good job just a bit uh Just a touch high so I'll again adjust It

Yeah no problem at all driving those I Know that's a a thin piece of hardwood But that's really hardwood high jenus Score on that and it's sinking those Very Well now let's go ahead and change those 5/8 inch out and we'll jump up to 1 and 1/4 In so again you can see the window here With how many nails we have in there It's a full stick at 100 now again power up and we're ready To go in sequential fire mode all right With the inch and E brad nails in there We'll uh shoot some more 1/2 in here Into some 2×4 and we'll go back all the way to the Bottom if you Will So again leaving them sticking up a bit Go one click Down still a bit up one more Click yeah so now we're sinking them as Deep as we want to just at two clicks in Let's go to bump fire mode So I'm going to hold my Trigger so we had the first one stick up Just a touch and the rest of these are Sunk pretty Well now let's get a little bit thicker Piece of wood so shooting through now 3/4 in into a 2×4 Pretty impressive really no misfires

There other than me blowing out the side Right there but otherwise even uh bump Firing these uh none of them left proud Uh sticking up uh all of them kind of Sunk below deck And again no bent brad nails at All looks like got a couple right there I don't know if I have a knot beneath There or what uh but out of all those Bump fires got a couple sticking up Otherwise all of them firing nicely And really and truly when you're running A brad nailer I doubt you're going to be Rapid firing like that anyway and now Let's Max this out we'll take out Our take out our inch and a quarter put In Our maximum length to an e In so I'm going to power back On and go back to sequential mode and I've still got the depth adjustment at The same place I believe that's two Clicks in one two yeah so two clicks in For depth Adjustment and now we're shooting 2 and Eigh inch brad nails I would expect it's Going to leave these quite High Wow Well that's impressive so at the same Depth setting even shooting two and eigh Inch Nails uh I'm still not leaving any Of those proud and they're sinking nice Below the

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Deck And finally we still have our 2 and8 in Brad nails in but we've got some 1in Oak Here so some Hardwood and uh we're going to shoot it Into this uh 2×4 here not sure how well This is going to go shooting through That much hardwood but let's See Oh Wow so that one little proud let's go a Little deeper with This wow I'm Impressed with how cleanly that's firing Those into that Hardwood without any Misfires and by the way it looks like The dry fire Lockout So I can't get it to shoot and looks Like if I open this Up looks like the dry fire lock out Kicks in at uh with looks like five brad Nails Left so if I load this back Up I'm Back Off to the Races we were definitely impressed with The performance of the FX 4331 one it Had no trouble actually driving the Fulllength 2 and8 in brad nails into Hardwood and even sinking it as low as You really wanted to go uh and we were Impressed with the depth adjustment as Well we weren't sure of whether or not

We would get that uh ability to really Fine-tune the depth adjustment but we Didn't really run into a place where we Ran out of room if you will so we could Back it all the way up and and actually Have it to where it's sticking above the The surface and we could also always Drive it below the deck we didn't get to A point where we couldn't drive it now Could we have tried to drive maybe some Hard wood into some harder wood and Maybe get it to do it maybe but we Didn't push it that far uh typically With a an 18 gauge brad nailer you're Typically running some trim in and you Might have some hardwood but you're not Like trying to drive framing nails the Three LEDs definitely help of making Sure that you've got that full Surrounding light you did have a little Bit of Shadow from time to time around The tip but it was a very dim Shadow it Wasn't something that was uh really dark Uh you could still see around it and be Able to see where you were driving those Nails pricing on this is $279 and that's for the bare tool so Look for this in January of 2024 they Say a January 1 release date we'll have A link in the description as soon as we Have one uh and also you'll get a 5-year Warranty with this tool as well so make Sure you register the tool and you'll Have a 5year warranty not sure if the

Founders warranty is going to carry into 2024 I know if you purchased it this Year but this tool is not available this Year then you get a lifetime so not sure On that Founders warranty of the full Lifetime warranty that Flex was offering But definitely you'll have a 5-year Warranty on the tool and the battery so Be sure to check it out also keep track Of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and Even Tik Tok and if you don't mind would You hit that like And subscribe button If you haven't done so already and by All means if you hated our video well Give us a thumbs down but would you let Us know in the comments why have a great Day keep Smiling