Framing a Sturdy Shed as a Beginner

Framing my 10×12 DIY Shed was a great outdoor storage project and our shed build is going great! You can build a shed on your own.
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Build a Sturdy Shed Foundation
Dream Property or Money Pit? –

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Today I'm framing up this sturdy shed almost 
all by myself So we've got our foundation  from the last video and it is 12 foot wide 
by 10 foot deep I'm going with a leant to   Style shed and I went with that because it's 
going to be less materials and it's going to   Be easier to construct which means less money 
and also I just really like the modern style   Look of it it's going to have two great big 
doors on the front wide enough to pull in a   Mower or maybe even a tractor and I'm going 
to add three windows up above to let in some   Natural light and plus give it a little more 
style the front wall is going to be the most   Licated so we're going to go ahead and start with 
the back wall so this is a lean to design my back   Wall is going to be a little bit under 8 ft so 
I went ahead and made my cut on this board and   I clamped it down so now what I'm going to 
do is I just made up this little scrap this   Is super official stop block this is basically 
just so I can make some repeated Cuts this is a   Cool little setup that I had using some Craig saw 
horses works out really [Music] nicely now I can   Just butt the rest of them up to this block 
make my cuts I'll have all the same size so   These are going to be my bottom and top plates 
for the wall and these run the full 12 ft so I   Am just going to butt these up together and then 
start marking out the locations for my studs and   They're going to be 16 in on Center that would 
be here now laying these out can be tricky we   Will have plans available to show you everywhere 
to lay out and we'll have those at the end of the   Entire Series so I frame the whole Foundation us 
screws but this is going to be a lot more Fastener   So I went out and grabbed a framing nailer and 
I'll be using 3in Nails I'm going to Crown all   My walls so that the crown is on the outside 
so I have a nice consistent surface for the Sheathing and we want to end the project 
with as many fingers as we started with   So make sure you keep your hands away 
from where the nail is going to go into   You do not want a framing nail in your 
finger you always want to do your long   Walls first because then you can use the 
whole Foundation as this nice flat building Surface I'm going to stand up the back wall now 
and since I'm by myself my lovely wife Susan is   Filming me but I'm show you how you can do 
this by yourself and basically you can use   A little sleeper I don't know what you call 
it a sleeper or Little Helper beam and what   I could do is Lay these out here and I'm 
going to screw this in right to the side   Here this little screw is going to act as a 
hinge so when I raise the wall up this little   Arm is going to come up and help support 
it and then I can attach the wall onto the   Foundation there goes that all right I'm 
just going to square this up on the back [Music] wall now a few framing 
nails in each little Bay will'll   Have this nicely secure and ready for the

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Sidewalls well we've got the shed version 
of mistakes were made and I got a little   Just air nailer happy and while I have the side 
squared up and it's nice and tight here between   The bottom plate and the outside Ledger 
skirtboard whatever you want to call it   I neglected to check as I went down so as I 
started getting down here I am you know about   An eighth of an inch off and that's not great 
because as I put the sheathing on then it's   Going to have a hump it's going to be all weird 
so I'm going to have to go in and I'm actually   Just going to pry it up and just saw all the 
nails off and then Square it up and go back   In with new nails so yeah don't do that attach 
the ends first and then come back in and make   Sure everything is square before you just start 
going crazy or if you use screws that' be even Better so the side walls are basically just going 
to be a shorter version of the back wall they're   Going to be at the same height because I'm going 
to add in some framing that's going to get that   Slope for the leano on it later and then the 
front wall is going to be quite a bit taller   And I still have the stop block set up so I 
can cut all the studs for the sidewalls at   The same time and then cut the top and bottom 
plates and go ahead and get them all [Music] Together [Music] now I know I told you to do the 
long walls first but I'm actually be doing the   Side ones and that's just because we're running 
out of daylight and I want to get these done so   That I can move them off to the side do the 
front wall tomorrow bring it up and then just   Insert the Sid so as far as moving stuff around 
it would definitely be easier to do the front   Wall next but I'm I'm doing the sides first 
because I like to do it the hard way I [Music] [Music] Guess losing light in these short winter days 
so I'm going to leave these up here come back   Tomorrow on the front wall then we can start 
standing everything up and part of the reason   That I'm even building this shed is to make more 
storage for a business that I have just started   So I started a little 3D printing channel that is 
ftbt 3D and I was just printing a bunch of stuff   And showing it online and then all of a sudden 
people are asking can I buy this can I buy that   And we decided yeah let's do it and so we used the 
sponsor of today's video Shopify to spool Up shop.   Fbt 3D now Shopify is a Commerce platform 
that lets you sell in person or online and   It actually integrates with a lot of the social 
media out there including Tik Tok which is where   We get most of our sales from we've only got a few 
products right now so it was easy to get them up   And running and start selling immediately online 
on Shopify and it's great because we're not on a   Crowded Marketplace we're actually selling right 
through our social media post so we don't have to   Compete with anybody else's products and we've got 
the whole family involved I get on Shopify and I   Can buy discounted shipping link tabls and then 
I print them out with the packing slips we just   Package them right around the kitchen table they 
also have some great in-person selling options  

Like Shopify POS with tap to pay on iPhone and all 
of those are available even on the most affordable   Starter plan there's a link in the description for 
a free trial at slf fix this Bild that   Is a perfect way to get a new product idea off 
the ground or to start that side hustle you've   Been thinking about a big thank you to Shopify 
for sponsoring today's video the front wall is   Definitely going to be complicated cuz we've got 
the double doors in the front plus the three three   Windows up top so I've got my full layout here 
but the way I'm going to construct it instead   Of having a top plate and a bottom plate the very 
top is going to actually have a 2×6 header on it   So I'm actually going to build it from the base up 
and I'll show you as I go how that looks since the   Front wall is going to have openings we're going 
to have different stud lengths on it unlike what I   Did on the side and the back where they were just 
all one size I just marked an X where the studs   Would go on here we want to make some designation 
so my outside studs I'm going to actually have   Four different studs here on the outside because 
we're going to have two different headers one for   The windows and one for the doors and the way 
I'm going to mark that is a k for a king stud   That goes all the way to the top and then a j for 
a jack stud and actually guys I'm going to have   Two different lengths I'm going to go J1 and J2 
so that'll Define my corner studs here now I can   Just go out and lay out the rest of the studs that 
will go into the front wall as well as the door [Music] opening [Music] all right so I've 
got my king stud attached which is going to   Be the longest one that goes all the way up 
to the header and then now I've got my first   Jack stud in so I'm just going to put this 
right up next to it I will also attach it   From the bottom but then we're going to nail 
it into to the king stud every 12 in is what   I looked up and it looks like that's the 
nailing pattern then I'm going to put one   More Jack stud here and so we'll have a double 
Jack that's going to be supporting a 2×6 header   That goes across the entire entrance and then 
on this fourth spot here this one is going to   Be my smaller I call it Jack 2 I don't know 
if you technically call it a crippler but   This is going to be our stack up and then we 
can start building some of the header pieces Inside [Music] Now you can get a feel for what I'm doing here 
up here on the top will be the header and this   Is a 2×6 which will be what our header will be 
made out of so that can fit right in here on   The top I'm going to be putting a top plate 
on later that's going to attach everything   Together then I'm also going to have double 2x4s 
running across that way to support another header   That's underneath the door so that's why I 
did these shelves first then we can stack it   In and then everything should line up great so 
I'll be using two 2x sixes for the header but   If you have two 2x sixes together then it's 
actually going to be an inch and a half less  

See also  Upgrading My Sturdy Workbench

Than the thickness of 2×4 so we'll solve that 
by putting in a little piece of this 7/16 OSB   This was a left over from holding the Rocks 
it's really nasty but we just need it as a   Spacer [Music] with the 2x sixes cut to size I 
cut these little pieces and now I can just put   This on here and we will make a little 2×6 an 
OSB sandwich it be right at 3 and 1/2 [Music] In [Music] Now I can fill in this next pieces which 
can be the top of the door the header   For the door will go right underneath 
here and then the top of this actually   Will be a double top plate and that will 
Define the window opening up at the top Now before I put on that second plate on 
top mid plate top plate whatever you want   To call it I need to transfer the locations 
CU I want to put in my studs in between here   Because I can nail through one top plate 
really easily if I have a double top plate   I'm going to have to toenail and that's just a 
pain in the butt so I'm going to use a little   Story stick and actually transfer all these 
lines over to this other top plate to make   Sure that everything is nice and parallel I 
could measure but things tend to get a little   Off as you start stacking all the studs 
so a story stick makes it a lot [Music] Easier All right I made up a header for the doorway 
and this should fit right in between here if   I'm lucky ooh that's nice and then I have 
these other little Jack studs that will go   In place to hold it up I'm just going to nail 
everything off then we'll just have to do the Windows all right we've got everything framed out 
here except for the windows and I decided not to   Put a double top plate on top of this part here 
because it's not really carrying much load and   Actually what I'm going to do when you see it in 
the plans is I'm going to add a top plate on top   Of this whole thing I think it'll make assembly 
a little bit easier and it'll probably give it a   Little bit more structural integrity and now 
I just have the little window blocking that   I'm going to put in and I also cut a spacer 
so that I will be able to make sure that all   The windows are the same size so that when we 
put those in it's going to go smooth [Music] L now for the center window instead 
of measuring in from the left and the   Right I'm going to find my center point 
so I already marked that down here at   The bottom and at the top I know I'm at 
77 but I'm going to mark this that's my   Center now I can use my spacer and put 
that right there I'll clamp it in place   And that'll make sure the window is perfectly 
centered instead of being off going from the Sides I'm trying to nail these from the outside 
because the inside is going to be where the window   Is and I don't want to have any instructions 
it's kind of hard to get down in between these  

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Two little tight ones so I am going to use 
some screws just to make sure that everything   Is nice and [Music] secure all right I brought 
in reinforcements because that wall I think is   Going to be pretty heavy so I would advise you 
to get some help when you lift it by yourself or   Don't lift it by yourself and get some help okay 
here's what I'm thinking I'm thinking well we're   Going to have to pull it forward a bit to go 
up with it co you get right there one two three Yeah there we go go up go up oh yeah Wooho all [Music] Right all right all right yall can let go we 
walk oh no don't I'm just kidding we've got   That front wall up now we can start bringing 
in the sides and I just temporarily attached   The front wall to the sides as well as to the 
front with some screws and then we're going to   Bring the sides in attach them to the back wall 
then loosen up the front wall and tie everything   Together so it'll all be nice and tight so I'm 
going to flush up this side wall now to the   Back wall and to this outside edge here I'll 
just use this block to tell me when I'm good [Music] And this time I'm remembering to 
check the edge before nailing it Down I'm just going to clamp these together 
and make them flush you really don't have to   Worry about it being Plum right now because 
the whole thing is going to move a bit until   We put the sheathing on so once we put 
the sheathing on that's going to square   Everything up right now we'll just rely on 
our measurements and get everything lined [Music] Up l in pass that little tab use your fingers 
in there now rack it rack it with that rack it Oh [Music] Doesn't fire until that's fully depressed so push   It all the way in then just one click 
of the trigger I there you go oh my Gosh there you go good work 
son you might be a builder just Yet Minecraft builder [Music] the last piece 
is putting on the top plate so we're going to   Nail this in and it overlaps the side wall 
and the back wall and that really helps to   Again lock that together and it just gives the 
extra durability of that second top [Music] [Music] Plate now I'm going to nail in the front wall 
and this is actually going to be removed once   We put the door in so I'm just going to put 
One Nail here and then nail off the rest so   Next time we're going to put on the wall 
sheathing and the Roof System to get it   All dried in if you want to see that video 
it'll be live right there I want to give a   Big thank you to ftbt Builder club I'm Brad 
get out there and build something awesome