I Bought a Crazy 15-in1 Tool on Alibaba

I bought the craziest tool on Alibaba, a 15-in-1 cordless drill that can replace your whole workshop?
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I Bought 10 Crazy Drill Attachments on Alibaba –

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0:00 How it works
1:06 Hair Drier
2:39 Drills
4:35 Impact Driver & Electric Hammer
5:39 Double Wrench
6:54 Curve Saw
9:07 Horse Blade Saw
9:55 Universal Treasure
11:23 Chain Saw
12:38 Angle Grinder
13:56 WoodworkingShirts.com
15:00 Grinding Machine
15:42 Lawnmowers
18:08 Air Pump
20:37 Washing Machine

I bought the weirdest tool on 
Alibaba It's a drill that has 15  different attachments And today I'm going to check them out and see if they're any Good all right so here is the drill let's see 
here I'm not even going to read the instruction   Manual yet so let's go to unlock oo that's 
pretty cool so this is basically what runs   The entire system and then these attachments 
you know they can do all kinds of crazy stuff   Believe me it's crazy you'll see it feels okay 
it's kind of like you know feels like a decent   Drill would feel and I forgot to mention this 
kit was 2 about $75 plus $60 in shipping I hope   This is okay because I did spend a lot of 
money on it but now I got to plug these in   And charge these because I am sure they're not 
charged I'll be right back now of course the   Charger did have the European plug on it so 
I had to snip it off here and uh have a nice   Little converter here um don't don't don't 
try this at home now let's see what we got   All right red means charging all right we're 
all charged up and ready to go and I'm going   To jump right into the one that I think is 
probably the weirdest and then we'll kind of   Go from there but this was labeled as a blower but 
actually on the description they called it haird Dryer and here it is this is uh a blower 
for your drill or or hair dryer now the   Description does say that it is 0 to 24,000 
RPM so all these have probably different gear   Boxes to make them run at different speeds 
it's going be very interested to see how it   Works and it says the air volume is 2.8 
m squar per minute it doesn't seem like   A lot but right in here oh yeah there 
you go and now I guess we just pull the Trigger this thing sounds like it's doing a 
lot of work but uh so does a pinto when it's   Running at top speed so I've got a little bit 
of dirt at the end of the shop right there at   The garage door I'm going to put the garage 
door open and uh we'll see if this can blow   It away I'll add a little bit more in here 
just to give it a workout all right here it Goes now I obviously can't speak to the longevity 
of any of these attachments and this thing just   Looking in there everything is plastic so I'm 
sure the life is going to be very low but we're   Going to be giving these a thumbs up or thumbs 
down and honestly this one's getting a thumbs   Up this worked nicely blew all the leaves out 
what more can you ask for a blower all right   We started off pretty good but there definitely 
some weirder attachments later on but right now   Why don't we knock out the basic ones so basically 
the drilling and driving which you would expect a   Drill to do so uh it came with this one which was 
the drill and also they're calling this a hammer   Drill so apparently this has I see it right there 
it's got hammer drill functionality on it uh then   We have an impact driver here and then there is 
an electric Hammer which I believe is an SDS I   I don't have an SDS hammer so I don't know if 
that's right or not and last but not least we  

Have a double wrench is what they're calling this 
and to me this looks like uh an impact driver or a   Uh what do you call it like a you take your wheels 
off with this thing impact wrench I think we'll   Just start off with the basic drill lock this bad 
boy in there put this on two we're going to put   This on drill and I'm going to Chuck it with a 1 
in spade bit and this Chuck is very small just 10 Mm H the Chuck does not lock on its own 
I guess you have to grab and do one of   These numbers you have to hold the little 
the little piece of the Chuck right here   Still and then close that one uh this is 
headed for a thumbs down all right this   Is just a pine 2×4 so this should 
be able to go through this really Easily oh No all right this thing is starting to slip it is 
in drill mode so it shouldn't have been hitting   The Chuck and that was just with a 1in spade 
bit in Pine um we're giving this attachment the   Big thumbs down if that can't uh handle that I'm 
not sure how it's going to handle a lot of things   Coming up and I hope this drill actually makes it 
all the way through the video and doesn't break   Before we get to the last attachments let's try 
out the impact driver for the impact driver I've   Just got some 2 and 1/2 in screws and I put on 
a little star bit on here so I wanted to test   The horie versus a 12volt DeWalt and I did both 
of them and tested them by time and then I also   Put them head-to-head left-handed and right-handed 
and it did seem that the DeWalt was a bit faster   Even though this guy was pretty close but it's 
also 20 volts so I'm going to give this guy a   Tentative thumbs up and I think it could do the 
job uh again longevity not so sure right next   Up is the SDS unfortunately I don't own an SDS 
drill and so I don't have any bits for it let's   Just hook it up make sure it actually spins I 
think we're going to have to give this one a pass Unfortunately I'm going to give it like 
a tiny thumbs up I mean I can definitely   Hear the impact action and it sounds cool 
just just a tiny like neutral but just a   Just a little maybe like a the tip of the 
fingernail all right so here's the impact   Wrench and if it makes that cool little then I 
mean it's already going to have the thumbs up   Starting out of the gate oh no that's horrible 
all right so it's G to have to earn it uh I'm   Going to put a little 78 I know this is not an 
impact socket uh I went into my impact sockets   And the only one that was missing was the 
7 because uh that's what you use for wheels   And lug nuts and uh I'm going to run out there 
and see if this will work on Old Blue I have my Doubts I gotta tell you I was totally surprised 
by this it didn't work right away it didn't just   Whip off that lug nut but after just a little 
bit of stalling and impacting pull right off I   You're probably not going to be changing 18 
wheeler tires and wheels but uh yeah I mean   Got to give it a thumbs up Chang the tires did 
the job I wanted it to do who knew the table's   Getting a little cluttered so I made up a little 
section over here and I'm going to put the tools  

See also  12V Milwaukee More Powerful Than 18V? Head 2 Head Torture Test!

In either the studs or the Duds category and we'll 
just have a little running tally over there now   We expect a drill to drill and drive and impact 
things but what you would expect adril to do is   To cut things and the next set of attachments are 
going to be about cutting and from here it just   Starts getting weirder and weirder and we have 
a multi-tool I believe this is the multi-purpose   Treasure tool and the crazy drill attachment 
video I did test out a jigsaw and I don't think   I had a reciprocating saw and definitely not a 
multi-purpose so I know they can work but how   Well will they work on a dedicated machine let's 
find out all right we're going to start off with   The jigsaw and honestly I kind of like the form 
factor of this it's been a little back heavy but   Uh I'm going to put a nice blade in it just 
like we did last time just so it's not unfair   Advantage of having a crappy blade that they 
sent with it oh no what kind of blades does this Use the opening for the blade is narrow and 
actually this blade that I was going to use   Is this Diablo one and it's got a thicker 
uh Tang but I looked at my other ones and   My Bosch blades do have a thi thinner 
Tang on the end and these will go right   In there drew a nice little circle with my 3D 
filament and I'm just going to try to cut it Out it definitely did the job but I also 
definitely do not like it uh the stroke is   Pretty narrow and it's almost all concentrated 
up at the top of the blade you can see there and   So it's kind of hard to to handle a little 
bit um and it also felt like it felt like   That Pinto just shaking at 120 M hour after 
just that little cut my arm was like already   Losing sensation so not a fun experience but on 
the good side tremendous cut it did a fantastic   Job of cutting exactly on the line so if you 
needed it in a pinch sure I would want to   Use this for more than about 32 seconds a day 
though so even though this did the job uh I'm   Going to put this with thumbs down this goes 
in the dud pile because it was an absolutely   Horrible experience now moving over to the 
reciprocating saw let's hope this one is a   Little less shaky again I kind of like this 
form factor that actually feels pretty nice   I have the blade on backwards let's not 
cut that way all right let's see how it Does reciprocating saw I I liked it better than 
the jigsaw now the one huge issue though is this   Front plate whatever you call it the guard 
uh it is static so it does not swivel back   And forth like every other reciprocating saw 
I've ever seen I don't know if that's a deal   Breaker um it wasn't bad and it didn't Shake 
we're going to give it the thumbs up if it   Had a swivel on it then I would definitely be a 
solid thumbs up this one's a me but it makes it   This one's going in the stud category all right 
next up we have the multi-tool and I I got to   Be honest I really like the form factor of this 
again because uh you're not holding it down low   Parallel with the blade it's kind of got this nice 
little offset hopefully this thing fits all right   It's in there now one thing I noticed on a few of 
these attachments is there's this little yellow  

Warning sticker and it says warning switch to 
low gear for use now the low gear is this little   Selector down here I push this button to change 
it it does nothing so apparently we are stuck   In high gear um I don't know I mean they've been 
working so we'll keep going I use the multitool   Mostly for undercutting door jams so let's just 
imagine this is a nice uh furing strip door jam   Also multitools are Extremely Loud this one 
I'm sure is no difference so I am going to   Put some hearing protection on let's just say 
this is my flooring so I'll butt this up and Make all right well just like a multi super loud 
and uh it takes a while to cut through things um   I like it I'm going to say this is a thumbs up 
and I really just kind of like that ergonomics   There get a nice little grip on it versus 
just the cylinder thing so we're going to put   This with the studs if I can get it off maybe 
this is why you're supposed to have it in low Gear there we go you thought we were done with the 
cutting tools but we are not because we also have   A chainsaw that's right another drill attachment 
chainsaw and this one looks so much better   Actually have the one from uh the last drill 
attachment video this little guy so it looks like   It's probably the exact same bar but you know this 
one has a top cover this one definitely looks a   Little more safe and it says BL motor I'm assuming 
that means brushless motor but there is definitely   No motor inside here so I'm not sure uh what 
they're saying by that but I'm excited I'm going   To see if this one is any better than the old 
one I thing I can kind of dig it in here let it Rip oh my gosh that thing just 
ripped through that 2×4 holy Cow this thing is amazing this is like three 
thumbs up this is oh man I legitimately might   Use this out trimming super small branches 
definitely in the stud category now cutting   Wood is great but sometimes we have to cut other 
things like metal that's right we have an actual   Grinder attachment I have no earthly idea how 
this is going to even come close to working   But there's only one way to find out all right 
the grinder attachment has definitely been a   Journey I tried to put a regular disc on there 
but it would not fit because the guard here is   Actually only for 4in discs not 4 and 1/2 in discs 
and also the arbor is only 10 mm actually found a   Safety Shield that would fit on there but I 
think I have something that's going to work   But before I do anything I'm definitely going 
to put this mask on because I'm scared let's   See what this is like just spinning is that 
the correct way let me do it the other way ah I guess it does matter that yeah you don't want 
it loosening now I would tighten this back on but   Uh when I was tightening it the last time the 
key actually broke uh so this little pot metal   Chuck just uh broke right off so we're giving 
this a thumbs down I think we've uh given this   Enough effort let's move on this Tool's trying 
to do a lot of things and it's not really doing   Any of them very well that's the exact opposite of 
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See also  Best Wall Storage for Makers?

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next attachment is what my nightmares are   Made of and that is an electric sanding pad with 
absolutely zero dust collection if you guys know   Me I absolutely hate dust and did come with some 
sandpaper we'll go 60 all right so I'm going to   Put this on here and let's just see see how it 
feels it is oscillating I'm going to give it a   Very short test against my better judgment let's 
let's just see how it works technically anything   That moves back and forth and has a brace of 
material should be able to sand so let's just   Try this out yep I hate it we're giving that a big 
thumbs down because no dust collection dud these   Last four attachments we are starting to enter 
a realm of weirdness that you would just never   Expect a drill to do and actually I think all of 
them are going to take us Outdoors at some point   But uh we'll just jump right in we have the lawn 
mower attachments that's what it says but here is   The head just got a little gearbox on it but then 
you can attach this guy which is a grass Clipper   This is so awesome I cannot wait to try to cut my 
grass with this all right so I assume we can just   Uh put these together all right let's hook it 
up oh my gosh keep your fingers away from this   You lose a finger in about a half a second with 
this bad boy and you can switch off the Grass   Trimmer and get a hedge trimmer it is basically 
just the same thing except bigger put this on There this is so amazing I love this and 
these attachments are definitely not made   For large American Lots we're going to try it 
out though cuz I never did the final trim on   The grass for the winter and uh we'll see if 
we can edge around my playet with the little Shears y'all I'm not going to lie These are 
nice now this is clearly not the application   For it but I do have some bushes around front 
let's try the hedge trimmer these shrubs are   A little overgrown on top need a little cut 
back on the side this is the perfect job for It Once again I am surprised and impressed with 
the HED Trier though the big issue is just how  

See also  Upgrading My Sturdy Workbench

Wide these openings are here and you have to 
have like really tiny bushes plus the bar is   Really small so I am going to give this one a 
thumbs down although it could work in certain   Scenarios and the only reason I'm giving this one 
a thumbs down is because I am giving this one the   Thumbs up again because I think this opening is 
a lot bigger and this actually worked really nice   Trimming that bush up there so if you had just 
like little ornamental bushes that you needed   To trim up I think this would be perfect you 
can just do your Landscaping with your drill   And this next one I have high hopes for 
because I actually have a handheld tool   That kind of does the same thing and that is an 
inflator it even has a gauge on it it even comes   With a little bag of attachments which uh this 
little one right here I think would be perfect   For inflating a PO toy let's try it now I know 
this tool is going to be an absolute screamer   So I will be wearing hearing protection again 
and these ones I've been wearing today are the   Isot tunes Pro aware been wearing ISO tunes for 
like five or six years they are great hearing   Protection with bluetooth enabled so you can 
take calls listen to music and these are cool   Because they have the aware little situation on 
them which drowns out like Sudden Impact noises   So nail guns things like that hammering is great 
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10 or the link in the description all right let's   Plug this little bad boy in here oh yeah very 
very loud unfortunately this does not fit the   Opening on my little float here so I 3D printed 
this little connector that uh matches in between   The two it took me like literally 10 minutes so uh 
if you'd like to see more 3D Printing and Design   Let me know below because I love that stuff oh 
and that fizz just right should should do this First feel like this is the wrong tool for the Job okay I think the biggest issue with this 
one is going to be the volume and also uh   You have to hold the trigger down uh if if 
you let go the trigger it turns off most of   The other ones you can kind of lock them on 
but I am going to try one other thing which   Is to blow up a football and uh I'm going 
to see how quickly this can pump it up oh Yeah oh wow yeah that works great so I would 
never use this to fill up something large or   Like fill up a tire because you have to hold 
it down but for little small things yeah it   Works we we'll give it just a slight Edge 
on the positive cuz a lot of people have   Kids that have a ton of sports balls and you 
need to pump them up this would do it really   Quickly I've been waiting for this next 
one the whole time because I have no idea   How this is going to work and that is washing 
machine that's right they call it the washing   Machine they also call it the cleaning machine 
I call it a pressure washer cuz I'm imagining  

We're probably not going to get too much pressure 
with this and we've even got two different style   Tips I am genuinely excited about this I'm not 
going to lie to you that's it's kind of like a Blaster uh but I can already tell this is going 
to be a nightmare cuz this has threads on it   And then this is like a uh compression fit kind 
of snap thing and there is no possible way this   Is going to be watertight aha I dug deep down 
in and found this guy this was definitely the   Missing linoln so I can screw this on here which 
is threaded it's got a little compression ring   Here this is perfect now I can slide that 
on oh yeah there we go see what this thing Does it blew the end right Off that's coming out with some 
Force let's put this one in I'm   Going to spray it on this playet and 
see if it is just like a nice wash Keeps coming out of the water 
definitely need a longer Tube I'm going to give the pressure washer an 
a for effort but it is going to go thumbs down   In the Duds pile CU it is just not practical 
and would never be used but all in all this   Kit definitely exceeded my expectations 
eight studs six Duds and a tweener that   I couldn't test out I actually think just on 
the eight good tools it could almost justify   The price what do you think if you want 
to see some other weird and crazy things   I've bought on Alibaba there's a video 
right there I think that you'll love   A big thank you to the ftbt builders club I'm 
Brad get out there and build something awesome