Hercules HCB92B 20V Hammer Drill Driver Review [Harbor Freight]

Can the HERCULES 20V Brushless Hammer Drill Driver from Harbor Freight really compete in the Pro category? The specifications definitely put this drill near the top. The 20V Brushless motor churns the 1/2″ Jacobs chuck up to 2,000 RPM and delivers up to 1,200 in/lbs of torque. Switch over to the Hammer Drill mode and you get 32,000 BPM. Harbor Freight is stepping to the plate with a 5-year warranty, and this HCB92B only sells for $79.
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Can you really buy a legit cordless Hammer drill from Harbor Freight [Music] Specialist model number HCB 92b and it's Their half inch hammer drill driver now This thing's set to have 1200 inch Pounds of force as well as 2000 RPM and Up to 32 000 blows per minute now Obviously that's in Hammer mode so we Get three different modes we get driving Mode which you have a 14 position clutch We get the drilling mode and then we get The hammer drill mode as well now let's Dive in and take a closer look at this And then of course we're going to use it As well and then we'll come back and Talk about pricing warranty and what we Think of it this is the brand new Hercules brushless HCB 92b and it's Their half inch hammer drill driver you Get an all metal Jacob's Chuck I was Very surprised to see that when I saw The all metal Chuck very happy to see That and then when I saw the Jacobs logo On there we always know that means Quality when we see a Jacob's Chuck on a Drill and that's something that number One is going to last a long time you get Great knurling here on the outside of The chuck to be able to hold and use That keyless Chuck as well as these Things can be replaced as well probably Going to replace the drill before you Replace the Chuck but you can whenever

You see a Jacob's Chuck that can be Serviced taken off and replaced if you Need to get a 13 position clutch and we Have the arrow here right here on the Top of the tool that's going to give us Our designation as to what mode we're in So there's drilling mode where it's Going to lock out the clutch and there's A position looks like what 14. so looks like we get half setting so Really it looks like we have more than You know 13 different positions because We're getting half settings as well so There's no I'm sorry that's 12 and 13 And 14. maybe I can count just maybe Anyway so 14 position clutch plus the Drill mode and then we get the hammer Drill mode as well and that's going to Engage that blows per minute so up to 32 000 blows per minute and up to 2 000 RPM So you'll see here in speed one I'm going to get up to 800 RPM and I can Vary that based off of how much pulling The trigger so you can see I can pretty Much make that crawl very slowly And then a completely variable trigger Where I can adjust the amount of RPM I Want and then I can switch the manual Gearbox to speed two and then engage That full 2000 RPM And again I can vary that based off of How much trigger pull And it's not a step it's it's actually a Variable speed trigger

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And by the way in speed one I think I Just said 800 RPM the actual RPM and Speed one is only 550. so 550 in one and Two thousand RPM in speed two I Mentioned it being all metal Chuck it's Also a half inch Chuck as well so we can Have up to a half inch shank on the Drill bit to be able to install in here And let's get a size on this as well and Now I've got the two and a half amp hour Battery in here which is an 18650 cell If you're curious about the battery Cells and this is just over nine inches Tall like nine and a quarter inches tall With that two and a half amp hour Battery and length uh just over seven Inches so right at seven and a quarter Inches from the tip of the chuck to the Back of the tool And then across the back Looks like a little less than two and a Half inches even with the rubber Overmoning there 2.4 2.45 inches across The width of this tool now weight with The two and a half hour battery we'll Get a couple of weights on here Four pounds uh four ounces with the two And a half amp hour and then by the way On this four amp hour Extreme Performance this is a 21 700 cell Battery it's a lot better sales so we're At four and three quarter pounds when we Step up to the four amp hour battery so More weight a little more size as well

On the four amp hour versus the two and A half amp hour but again you're getting Those 21 700 cells rather than the 18650 So getting more power as well as more Capacity Now even the ergonomics and the rubber Over molding on this Hercules drill is Very nice so very comfortable in the Hand easy to hold no complaints Whatsoever no sharp edges digging in or Kind of no over aggressiveness in the Overmolding just a very comfortable grip And got a few lines in it to make it Look you know spaceship like like all The other ones do but we have a Cobb LED Light here on the bottom so very bright LED to shine up to your work area and That's going to come on with the trigger And then stay on a few seconds after the Trigger pull And then we have our auxiliary handle That is just going to clamp right here On the top of the tool It's a very easy to install this get it There Clamp it down and now you can put it on The left side or the right side Depending on what's more comfortable for You now let's go put this to use see What we think okay let's start out by Driving a couple of screws here I'm Going to put in this T25 Torx bit by the way this is a ratcheting Chuck as well so you hear that when I'm

Clamping it down It ratchets down and it's going to stay It's not going to back off so my T25 Torx three and a half inch deck screw Pressure treated wood I think I will take it out of hammer Mode and let's dial it down to uh we'll Go to seven Wow seven drove that three and a half Inch screw pretty deep Let's try that once more insane And let's go to speed two which is Probably what we would be using for Drilling for driving screws Hmm Well let's back down to three see if That clutch engages then Okay so it's an electronic clutch so It's actually the electronics are Actually sensing it and kind of shutting Down the tool So you hear that my finger's still on The trigger and it's not going we're Usually a mechanical clutch would Actually slip It's actually an Electronic clutch and it's shutting the Tool down let's do that one more time And speed three And here we go So again you see my finger is still in The trigger here and it's shutting the Tool down we'll go again Here let me go with my left hand just so You see what's happening here

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So again I'm not releasing my fingers Still on the trigger but it shut the Tool down Although I think in three I don't think We should be sinking a three and a half Inch deck screw that deep in uh in three Let's go back to seven Okay so now it's syncing it right below Deck and then shutting the tool down so The clutch is working I just think that probably to drive that Three and a half inch deck screw we Should probably I don't know but there Is only a 14 position clutch so you know What it is what it is uh if you're doing Some real finesse stuff you'd probably Have a smaller driver anyway so I I Guess I will give it that So they're in nine we're driving it Pretty deep I don't know that's probably 3 16 of an inch below the surface and Then shutting the tool down so it is Working but much different than a Mechanical clutch where you hear it just Slipping and clicking it's actually Using an electronic clutch and shutting The tool down Okay let's get this one out of here We'll throw in a 2×4 here And let's drill some holes Okay we have a three-quarter inch Self-driving auger bit here our Self-drilling auger bit and let's see How easy this works I'm in speed two I'm

Going to lock this out for drill mode There we go And here we go Kind of what I expected No problem there whatsoever Let's step up to some three inch Material [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Foreign So now we're going to step up to a one Inch auger bit It's a pretty aggressive one So it looks like in speed two it's not Quite liking that [Applause] [Applause] Foreign [Applause] It just does not like to dry that Foreign Go to a one inch one and a quarter inch Spade bit this is actually a Hercules Model Back in speed two [Applause] [Applause] And now we'll step up To the big dog the two and nine Sixteenths the rough end King when You're needing to drill those holes In that framing Be able to run your

Different lines and plumbing this is the One to go to and let's see will it do it Now I've got it in speed two I know it's Not going to handle it but I'm going to Try it Yep Okay going to one [Applause] No problem in one [Applause] Everybody always loves this one [Applause] I did want to try one more thing I'm going to swap out the battery for a Four amp hour Go back to the one inch auger Go back to speed two And here we go [Applause] Foreign [Music] [Applause] With the four amp hour it's able to Drive this auger harder obviously all my Wood is splitting because that's a Pretty aggressive auger but definitely The 4 amp hour is making a difference And finally we're going to take a 3 8 Masonry bit And drill some holes [Music] Foreign [Music] Well the Hercules ACB 92b hammer drill

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Driver is quite impressive especially When you look at the fact that this is a 79 dollar tool so you can buy the bare Tool for just 80 bucks and you get a Five year warranty on that so no longer Is it a 90-day you know Harbor Freight Warranty you're getting a five year full Warranty on this tool when you purchase It and again it's 80 bucks now you're Going to have to come out of pocket for A battery and charger as well the great Thing is you can go for a two and a half Amp hour or step up to a longer but Higher performance four amp hour battery With 21 700 cells and then they even Have an 8 Amp Hour battery five amp hour Battery so several different choices to Choose from with some decent prices as Well now let's talk about performance of This tool now out of the gate they're Claiming 1200 inch pounds of torque from This now that's really at the top of the Game when you look at hammer drills in The cordless world does it have that I Don't know we weren't really testing the Value but I will say that it kind of Lacked the punch when we were driving With the one-inch auger it could not do That in speed two and some other drills Would do that is that the end of the World no it still drove the to a 9 16 Inch bit in speed one and of course in Speed one it didn't have any problems Splitting all our other wood as as well

With the one inch auger bit a hammer Drill mode did absolutely fine driving a 3 8 inch uh concrete or masonry bit Through the cinder block even down Through its full length here in the Sidewall of this block so as far as Drilling capabilities I think it again Packs a good punch doesn't live up to The 1200 inch pound or the top of the Game not sure about that yet but I think It's still a good buy at 80 bucks and We'd love to see the Harbor Freight is Extending those warranties a lot further For that more Pro category that's Looking for a long longer life of a tool As well as more performance I'd also Like to see some Auto Stop capability Again we're getting into that Pro range Into that you know over a thousand inch Pounds so the ability we're seeing a lot Of those higher end hammer drills they Have the Auto Stop built into it when it Tilts a certain way or when you get that You know wrist jerk that it shuts the Tool down because you're packing a lot Of power in these tools even with the Auxiliary handle it can really hurt that Wrist especially when you're not using That handle so check it out again it's The Hercules 20 volt brushless HCB 92b Half inch hammer drill driver also keep Track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and if you Don't mind would you hit that like And

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