How Do You Jump Start? We Take a Look at Several Different Battery Powered Jump Starters

All Battery Powered Jump Starters are not the same. We have several different types and we take a closer look on the inside. Some are powered by SLA (Sealed Lead Acid) batteries, some by Lithium-ion (or polymer), and some using Litihium-ion and super capacitors. No need to carry jumper cables anymore when you have these self-contained Battery Powered Jump Starters onboard with you. #tools #jumpstarter #review

RYOBI 18V Jump Starter:
GooLoo Jump Starter:
DeWalt Jump Starter:

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How do you jump start a dead [Music] Battery do you still carry around the Tried and true jumper cables in your Vehicle to jumpstart vehicles or have You resulted in newer Technologies such As jump start boxes well they're not all The same and we're here to show you by Opening up each one of these and showing What's different inside and how they Work which of these is your go-to Solution for jump starting a dead Battery well prior to just a decade or So ago this was probably your solution For most everyone in fact most pickup Trucks always had a set of jumper cables Laying somewhere in the bed or maybe Even behind the seat and many cars as Well uh and these are still a viable Source by all means hooking up a set of Jumper cables to a good battery and Jumping off a bad battery not a bad Solution whatsoever and also letting That alternator on this the other Vehicle charge that dead battery as well Not a bad solution however when you Start dealing with late model Electronics and alternators and really Overstressing a lot of those components You can do some damage we're not going To talk bad about jumper cables but Let's take those out of the equation for Now because for one you have to have Another vehicle so unless you have

Another vehicle and you have a set of Jumper cables you're not going anywhere Now these three solutions these can be Used without another good vehicle or Without another good battery nearby and You can successfully jump those dead Batteries off or jump those dead cars Off and get on your way again as long as It's not your alternator that is the Issue and all of these are pretty much Compact enough to again go in some cubby Hole or in an area that's uh inpic ous And stay out of the way this would be The largest one and heaviest one right Here but the r is a little bit smaller And then of course these little small Jump starter packs they work great as Well and stay in pouches and little Cubby holes whatever what is the Difference between these three because There are some pretty vast differences Between these three here and we could Even ring more into the equation but I Think these three kind of sum up uh a Lot of the late model jump charging Solutions or jump starter Solutions so What we're going to do is dig into each One of these and explain what you get And then maybe in the end we'll actually Sum it up and give what our Recommendation would be so let's start With this little jump starter pack here And this really doesn't matter what the Name brand is on here cuz this is going

To be pretty much the same as all the Ones you may see on Amazon or maybe in Even some of the box stores maybe even Tik Tock shop uh you name it these jump Starter packs that are kind of this size Whether they say they're 3,000 Watts 6,000 Watts 1,000 Watts whatever they're Built a lot the same unless it says Capacitor on it then that's going to be A different issue but for the most part Kind of operate the same way we're going To remove the cables here and let's get This apart all right I'll probably kind Of speed up this Process because they're all going to be A bit different but in this case there's Just these rub plugs that are hiding Each one of these torqux screws and I Believe they're T8 Fasteners if I'm not Mistaken so here we have uh this jump Starter pack opened and I'm going to use Something to pry this up I do not Recommend you doing this by the way and If you do something like this then Definitely try to use something Non-conductive to do what I'm doing here And you're definitely going to avoid any Warranties for sure so what we have here Is nothing more than a lithium battery Pack a very potent lithium battery pack As you can see here it was just kind of Stuck down to this board here a little Sticky tape right there and then a pad Right there and then some large cables

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Going here probably a relay right there Uh and then some capacitors and then Here's your USB ports and your jump Start port and all that so there's Really not a lot of electronics going on Other than the battery pack that's Providing all of that charge so it's Dumping these lithium batteries into That charge and what they're claiming at 3,000 amps when you really look into it I think it's probably a 600 amp 500 amp Something like that let's see yeah six Uh starting current even though they Will uh advertise and this is any of Them this is not just one specific uh Even though they advertise it as a 3,000 Amp I believe this says starting current 600 amps for 3 seconds so it will Basically dump that 600 amps uh in 3 Seconds and then it's not going to be Able to do that anymore so it's not Going to sustain a 600 amp output for Eternity or even for 60 Seconds and there you have it So pretty simple Lot of electronics going on but other Than that a lithium battery pack that is Providing all the UMP now these do seem To be pouch cells so in other words kind Of like your cell phone batteries I Really don't feel any cylindrical cells Like cylindrical cells would be your Typical tool batteries some of the tool Batteries have gone to like a stack pack

Or a a pack type of battery but for the Most part their cells uh where you see a Lot of packs is like cell phones laptops Um RC cars things like that you'll see a Lot of the the pack or the you know the Flat pack technology if you will and I Believe that's what this is because as I Mentioned I really don't feel any of the Round cylindrical shapes I really don't Care to cut into that to to kind of Prove it to you but bottom line Is we've got a lithium battery pack this Providing all the power let's move this Aside now we've got a DeWalt uh jump Starter pack and this does a little more Than just jump starting you can actually Plug in your 120 volt plugs to power Some things uh you can it has an onboard Compressor as well as you can plug in USB as well so you have AC power um you Can check an alternator you have a light On the back side um and then as I Mentioned an air compressor as well Where you can [Applause] Program so various things you can do With this as well as jump start a Battery you can see from the cables Right here on the End I by the way we've reviewed this one So you can find the review on it and it Worked very well um in fact all of these Jump starter packs jump started our 454 Truck with a completely dead

Battery So the same dead batteries in it right Now uh the motor is just fine but it's Literally got a completely dead battery So all three of these jump starters had No problem cranking and starting that Truck uh with a absolutely dead battery And it did they did them over and over So it's not a question of can these do It they've all done it there may be some Diesels they can't start but just Letting you know uh all three of these Had successfully started completely dead Vehicles so we have the jumper cables on One side or the cables on one side and Then on the other side we have a Compressor or an Airline but let's go ahead and get this Apart and see what's different about the DeWalt now DeWalt also makes several Different jump starter packs this just Happens to be one of them that we Have so the dewald is interesting it's Using some pretty old technology uh it's Using a 12vt 21 amp hour sealed lead Acid battery uh this would be something That's uh kind of like in a what would Be in a power wheels or in an Uninterruptible power source or UPS Something that backs up your computers As far as the power going to your Computers this is the type of battery That would be in there a lot of your uh Um your kind of scooters that uh some

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People ride in in some of the stores Same type of thing you can turn this all Around it's not going to leak any fluid Or shouldn't leak any fluid but it's a Sealed lead acid battery and it's not Outputting a ton of amps so it can't be Handling all of the jump starting power It's having to rely on something else Also since we know we can plug 120 volt Plugs into this obviously there's an Inverter going On this right here is your compressor You see the small piston right There going up and down little motor Right there just a little canned uh Brushed Motor and yeah so basically just Electronics happening here there's no uh No capacitors in here um there's no Additional lithium ion or Lithium Polymer batteries that are providing any More voltage uh just as I was mentioning I'm assuming we're definitely going from DC to AC for the inverter and and Plugging in things and maybe we're Stepping back down to DC again to Provide uh that dump of the uh of the Charge to actually jump start something Somebody else it's better in the Electronic side could probably explained In detail but I'm sure that's what's Happening here have some small Capacitors here but nothing in any large Like super capacity territory where

We're really dumping a a hard charge out This must be the air compressor sensor Right here it just kind of sits Loosely In there that's interesting just tied Around that post and sits Loosely in There anyway so pretty simplified setup Here but again using a 12volt steeled Lead acid battery and by the way this Thing takes a long time to charge so if You are low on charge you're going to Plug this thing into a wall and you're Going to leave it for hours while it Slowly charges this back Up now let's take a look at the Ri now this is the latest from RI in the World of jump starters anyway and it Utilizes an 18volt battery in fact you Can get it kitted with this 2 aamp hour 18vt battery now how does a small Capacity like a a 2 Amp Hour 18vt Battery actually jump start a vehicle And do it successfully and not just any Vehicle but Big Blocks um small Diesels Or pickup truck diesels V8 diesels and Be able to do that over and over in fact They claim like up to 20 starts on this Small battery well that's interesting Cuz we're about to find out now we Reviewed this one as well and it did Very well and if you want to know all The details of of this one then Definitely check out that review also But let's take a quick look inside and Find out

Why so now you can probably see what is Different about the ri it's not the Battery that's actually jump starting The Vehicle it's these five capacitors that Are handling the Load so if you look in here there's Three across here and then down in there There are two more so that's five 3v capacitors so 5 * 3 is 15 volts and If you know anything about capacitors They're able to really dump their charge Or discharge really really quickly They can also recharge really quickly as Well so the 18vt battery is not actually Jump starting the vehicle the 18volt Battery is only charging the capacitors And the capacitors are then dumping the Charge to the car battery and to the Starting system and allowing that to Jump start the vehicle it actually works Really really well and there are other High dollar jump starters that do the Same thing from well-known battery Charger companies I love the fact that Riob is doing this because it's kind of A compact unit utilizing some later Technology and utilizing something that You can benefit from their tool battery And basically a larger tool battery or a Larger Ryobi battery so a 4 amp hour 6 Amp hour 8 Amp Hour um you can Definitely use those you're not getting A boost in performance you're just going

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To add to the number of jump starts that You can do if it's going to jump start It this is going to last you a at least 10 jump starts so really you can get by With a smaller battery and then recharge It and use it again so pretty cool System and I really like the fact that They're utilizing this type of Technology now let's get these back Together and wrap this Up And there they're all back together That one Works that one Works and that one Works the bottom line is as we mentioned Earlier in the video all three of these Units did absolutely fine at jump Starting a vehicle with a completely Dead battery however we do think there's Some newer technology in some of these Than the other uh the DeWalt is just Really uh older technology using a Sealed lead acid battery we've been Doing that with jump start boxes for a Long time uh jumping up to lithium ion Or Lithium Polymer batteries uh that's Definitely some newer technology those Charges are going to last a long time Typically you can charge them faster and Also utilizing capacitors such as we've Done in electricity for years and and Starting large Motors and starting air Conditioning compressors things like

That uh you always have have a capacitor That gives a kind of a super boost when It calls on to get that motor turning And then the just the electricity coming In can handle the rest so capacitors Have been used for a long time in fact You'll see a lot of small capacitors on Most circuit boards again for the Ability to dump that discharge really Really quick or to dump that charge very Very quickly and such as it's doing here In this jump box so pricing wise you're Anywhere from you know 79 bucks all the Way up up to uh $20 and something doll Close to $300 and in the mid-range if You already have like tool batteries you Can get these for1 something bucks so You know there's pricing kind of all Over the board you could really choose What you want you may even choose the Old tried andrue method of jumper cables And nothing wrong with that it's just Sometimes these are a pain to keep Around and you're dealing with battery Acid things like that most of these Smaller boxes e either come Self-contained have clamp areas where You can actually clamp on the the actual Clamps themselves so I like that I like When everything's kind of contained in One area hey let us know what you think About this also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tik Tok and if you don't mind would you hit

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