Is “High Mileage” Motor Oil Safe? Let’s find out! Mobil 1 vs Mobil 1 High Mileage; SuperTech vs STHM

Does high mileage oil stop oil leaks? Is it safe to use in your engine? Does it offer better or worse wear protection? Let’s find out by comparing Mobil 1’s full synthetic vs Mobil 1’s “high mileage” full synthetic and SuperTech’s full synthetic vs SuperTech’s “high mileage” full synthetic motor oil. I always purchase all of the products tested, and thank you for supporting the channel!

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➡ Products Tested In This Video (in no particular order):
Mobil 1 High Mileage (5 quart container):
Mobil 1 (6, 1-quart containers):
SuperTech Motor Oil: Available at Walmart

A link to the oil analysis results:

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Sony DSC-RX10 III Cyber-shot Digital Still Camera:
Canon 70D Camera:
Azden Microphone:
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This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Project Farm LLC

If your vehicle has 75 000 miles on it Should you switch to a high mileage Motor oil or are both oils basically the Same thing we have two different brands To test today mobile one and super tech So let's find out we'll see if high Mileage oil conditions rubber engine Components then we'll see which brand Flows the best when the oil is extremely Cold we'll see which oil offers the best Protection against engine wear I paid an Independent oil add to provide us with a Detailed report for all four motor oils This is the first time I've tested super Techs and mobile one's API SP motor oils In the past I tested their SN and SN Plus Motor Oil let's set up the oil to An oil Testing Lab the oil labor Provides a lot of great information on The oil's anti-wear additive package Detergent dispersant content as well as The oil's total Base number by the way I Always shake the oil containers before Sending off samples for testing since Some of the additive package may Actually fall out of suspension and Settle at the bottom of the container Synthetic oil is supposed to flow better Compared to conventional oil when it's Cold so that moving Parts begin getting Lubricated sooner so I'll go ahead and Place new oil in the freezer that set to Minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit and we'll Leave the oil in the freezer for 24

Hours while prices seem to be going up Faster than I could upload videos right Now five quarts of the super tech is Right at twenty dollars all the oil We'll be testing is SAE 5W30 for the Five quart container just like the full Synthetic the high mileage version costs Right at twenty dollars the front of Both oil containers look nearly Identical 10 000 miles of superior wear Protection and both are full synthetic However one is a high mileage full Synthetic version the high mileage Version is for engines over 75 000 miles It has all the same ratings including The API SP and ilsac gf6a both oils have The dexo certification supertech claims Their full synthetic high mileage oil Offers better wear protection compared To their regular full synthetic so let's Test that so let's see how the oils Stack up in the first test comparing to Super Tech against the super tech high Mileage oil I'll first measure out 200 Grams of oil into each of the oil Containers we definitely want to find Out if high mileage oil conditions Rubber engine components better than the Regular full synthetic I couldn't find Four identical hardened oil seals or O-rings however I did find a rubber tire That's about 40 years old and it's very Hard let's also adds some O-rings that Are in good shape to see if the oil

Prevents them from becoming hard hard Let's crank up the heat to around 350 Degrees Fahrenheit I'll rotate the oil Containers every 10 minutes just in case One burner is hotter than the other and This one looks very close with both oils Putting off about the same amount of Vapor the test for this is called the Noack volatility test this is an ASTM Test which exposes oil to a lot more Heat than this test to simulate engine Operating conditions around the upper Piston ring area of an engine so at the End of this test we'll find out how much Evaporation has occurred with each brand Then we'll be using the cooked oil for Additional testing to see which oil is The best it's been right at two hours so Once the oil is cooled off we'll weigh Each of the oil containers to see how Much evaporative loss occurred and a Super tech oil container started out Weighing 405.36 grams and now it weighs 399.64 which is a loss of 5.72 grams the Super Deck high mileage oil container Started off weighing 441.84 grams and Now it weighs right at 436.27 grams a loss of 5.57 grams so the Super tech high mileage performs just a Little bit better than the regular full Synthetic before we get to the cold oil Flow test let's first test the lubricity Or the film strength of the oil let's Begin by adding 40 milliliters of oil

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That's been exposed to heat into the Test cups before beginning the test I'll Coat the test wheel as well as the test Pin with motor oil to avoid damage Caused by a dry start the lubricity test Will provide us with some great Information on how the Oil performs After the test we'll compare the size of The wear scars on each of the bearings To determine which oil provides the best Film strength while this test doesn't Simulate engine operating conditions Perfectly it'll definitely provide us With some great information before we Move on to the high mileage super tech I'll first use brake parts cleaner to Clean the test equipment and then use Sandpaper to resurface the test wheel And a white meter is about the same as a Regular Super Tech and there seems to be Very close to the same amount of Friction with the high mileage oil so They seem to be very close in Performance and a supertech full Synthetic is on the left and a super Tech high mileage is on the right it's Obviously very close so I use the Microscope with my calipers to get an Accurate measurement the size of the Wear scar on the regular super tech is Just a little bit smaller than the high Mileage oil before we test the film Strength of the mobile one oils let's First compare how all four oil brands

Perform at minus 40 degrees celsius Which is also minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit the super tech is in Lane one All the way to the left super tech high Mileage Lane 2 Mobile 1 Lane 3 and Mobil 1 high mileage Lane four and the mobile With high mileage is the first one out Of the gate and the super tech high Mileage is in a close second and the Regular full synthetic super tech is Just behind the super tech high mileage So the high mileage oils are actually Flowing faster when they're very cold Compared to the regular full synthetics And I'm really surprised to see the Mobile one in a distant fourth place and The number one high mileage oil seems to Be unfazed by the extreme cold and is Flowing very quickly and the super tech Oils are way out in front of the mobile One and it's the mobile one high mileage For the win and a super tech high Mileage just finished in second and the Regular full synthetic super tech just Finished in third and the mobile in full Synthetic finally finished the race in a Distant fourth prices are definitely Subject to change a 5 quart container of The mobile one as well as a high mileage Version costs right at twenty five Dollars both oils claim to protect for 10 000 miles guaranteed the full Synthetic claims to keep your engine Running like new while the high mileage

Says it's designed for engines with over 75 000 miles I find it very interesting That the mobile one full sent aesthetic Has a dexo certification but the high Mileage version does not most of the Claims on the back of both oil Containers look identical however the High mileage version that is formulated To prevent leaks and to protect engines With over 75 000 miles so the mobile one High mileage without the dexo Certification flows better than the Mobile one with the certification let's Compare the evaporate loss of the mobile One against the mobile one high mileage And both oils are doing very well in This test with about the same amount of Vapor just like I did with the supertech Oils the mobile one oils were rotated Every 10 minutes for two hours and the Two hours is over and the mobile one Started out at 416.91 grams and it's Down to 412.36 a loss of 4.55 grams While it was very close to high mileage Oil once again performed better only Down 4.5 grams before we test the film Strength of the mobile one against the Mobile one high mileageless first place The cooked oils in the freezer it's Going to be very interesting to see if The heat exposure hurts the performance Of any of the oils let's go and Test the Full synthetic mobile one first on the Lubricity tester and the number one

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Seems to be doing just a little bit Better than the supertech oils based Upon the energy usage so the mobile one High mileage oil without the dexo Certification flows better so when the Mobile one high mileage oil also provide Better evaporative loss as well as Anti-wear protection it's really hard to Say at this point but I think the mobile One high mileage is actually doing a Little bit better than the regular Mobile one however both mobile one oil Seem to be doing a little bit better Than the super tech oils regular mobile One is on the left and high mileage is On the right and the size of the wear Scars are very close to 7.34 millimeters For the mobile one full synthetic and 7.29 for the mobile one high mileage so The high mileage oil actually did better Than the regular regarding wear Resistance the mobile one high mileage Came out on top with the smallest wear Scar of 7.29 millimeters Mobile in full Synthetic finished in second at 7.34 Super tech 7.4 and super tech high Mileage 7.46 millimeters for evaporative Loss the mobile one high mileage came Out on top at only 4.5 grams the full Synthetic mobile one performed about the Same at 4.55 super tech high mileage 5.57 grams and super tech 5.72 for Evaporative loss the mobile and oils Definitely perform better let's go and

Kick off our next test to see if the Heat exposure impacted the flow speed of The oil when it's very cold and the Mobile at high mileage in Lane 4 is out Of the gate first and the super tech High mileage is second the same as last Time and regular full synthetic super Tech is third and pretty close behind The super tech high mileage Mobile One In Lane 3 is once again in fourth place But is definitely a little bit more Motivated this time and the mobile one High mileage is holding on to a pretty Strong lead and it's not slowing down And it's mobile one high mileage for the Win in a supertech high mileage is able To hold off the super tech in a second Across the finish line and the regular Full synthetic super tech is third and Regular full synthetic mobile one fourth Place so once again the high mileage Oils flowed better than the regular full Synthetics and it took very close to 500 Grams of force to fold over the new Rubber O-rings before exposure to the Hot oil and none of the oils were able To prevent the O-rings from hardening 350 degrees is just way too much heat so Let's go ahead and change up the Experiment during the evaporative loss Test the oil hit some pretty high Temperatures and some of the ingredients May have burned off so I'll go ahead and Add four ounces of new oil to each of

The containers and then heat the oil for Two hours we'll keep the oil around 200 Degrees Fahrenheit and I'll go ahead Rotate the oil containers it's been Right at two hours so I'll allow the oil To cool off overnight and then we'll Check back on this in about 12 hours Let's see if the oils kept the O-rings From hardening and a new o-ring that has Not been exposed to oil has a diameter Between 0.1225 and 0.1235 inches it Weighs 1.91 grams and takes 137 grams to Fold over let's first test a regular Full synthetic Super Tech and a Supertech o-ring weighs 1.86 grams or About 0.05 grams less than the new one And it took about 10 grams less pressure Than a new one to fold over and the oil Exposure did not cause the O-ring to Swell and the Super Deck high mileage Weighs the same as new at 1.91 grams However the diameter of the O-ring is Just a little bit larger than new Between 0.124 and 0.125 inches and 124 Grams of folded o-ring it's three grams Less or pretty much the same as the Regular Super Tech and the mobile window Ring weighs 1.87 grams or a small amount Less than new no change from the Original size of the O-ring 134.36 grams Is very close to the same Force to fold The O-ring as the new one and the number One high mileage ring weighs same as the Mobile one o-ring at 1.87 grams and the

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Size of the O-ring might be just a Little bit larger than new but not by Much 129 grams of folio ring if you'd Like to see the original oil analysis Results I'll leave a link in the video Description to all four reports three of The four Brands had one part per million Aluminum and the same for iron which is Pretty typical and nothing to be worried About fortunately there's no other Harmful Metals in the new oil barium Boron calcium and magnesium are Detergents dispersants I'm pretty Surprised to see that the supertech oils Have about 500 parts per million more Detergents dispersants compared to the Mobile one oils however mobile one does Seem to have a little bit better base Oil as demonstrated on the lubricity Tester and the evaporative loss test Also supertech uses a little bit higher Concentration of calcium while mobile One favors magnesium if you want your Engine to last a long time an anti-wear Additive package is very important and The mobile one high mileage oil came out On top at 1 629 parts per million with a Very nice looking anti-wear package Supertech high mileage has the second Highest amount at 1 546. so the high Mileage oil in this showdown offer Better wear protection than regular full Synthetics the total Base number is the Oil's ability to neutralize acids and

Once again the high mileage oils have The advantage at 6.8 compared to 6.7 for The regular full synthetics with that Being said 6.7 is a pretty good number Let's take a closer look at the tire Pieces that were exposed to the hot oil And then soaked for about 12 hours this Is a tire that's around a year old and It's around a 63. I removed the excess Oil and then allowed them to be exposed To air for three days to try to get as Accurate results as possible I applied a 2.5 pound weight on top of the durometer For a 15 second period and took several Samples each and a control was not Exposed to oil and has a hardness of 79 So it's very hard and a regular full Synthetic super tech is very close to a Hardness of 68. so 11 points softer than The control and the super tech high Mileage is a little bit better than the Regular full synthetic at 64.5 and Mobile one moves into second place Behind the super tech high mileage at 66.5 and a mobile one high mileage did Just a little bit better than the Regular mobile one at 65.5 so the high Mileage oils for each brand did help Just a little bit after every oil video Comes a lot of jokes about project Farms Coffee so I decided to come up with a Coffee brand called Ozzie's coffee Including three different options of Course there's octane booster and if you

Like me you need a jump starter in the Morning and finally some Full Throttle In the afternoon there's a link in the Video description I have a couple of Vehicles with well over 200 000 miles And I like using the high mileage oil to Help slow or to prevent the oil leaks However the high mileage oil doesn't Seem to do a good job for me at least at Stopping oil leaks regarding the oils Tested in this video I really like the Mobile one high mileage oil it performed Extremely well however it does not have The dexo certification so if your Vehicle is under warranty just be Careful with that so what I use the high Mileage Super Tech in my vehicles Absolutely it's a great price at twenty Dollars and it also performed very well A great value oil all the videos of this Channel including this one our viewers Suggested so if you have a video idea I Hope you'll take time to leave a comment Thanks so much for watching please take Care and look forward to next time