KOBALT KHD124 24V Brushless Hammer Drill Driver Review [from LOWES]

This KOBALT KHD124B-03 24-volt Brushless 1/2″ Hammer Drill Driver delivers up to 850 in-lbs of torque, up to 2,000 RPM, and 32,000 BPM. We perform tests in pressure-treated wood and concrete. Can this store-brand successfully cut 2-9/16″ holes with a self-driving auger bit? Let’s find out. This cordless hammer drill is backed by a 5-year manufacturer warranty as well. #hammderdrill #drill #kobalttools #lowes

KOBALT KHD 124B Hammer Drill:

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We've got Cobalt's Next Generation 24 Volt brushless hammer drill driver [Applause] [Music] This is the model number khd 124 now we Talked about this tool a couple of Months ago when we talked about several Of the new tools coming out part of Their 24 volt next generation of tools So we had a video that kind of went to a Preview of several new 24 volt tools but We never did a review on this hammer Drill driver so today we are going to do That today today we're going to do that Anyway Khd124b let's go over take a closer look At these features we'll get weights and Measurements and all that good stuff and Then we'll take it over and use it the Way you want us to use it I'm sure and I'm sure you'll let us know if we didn't This is the new cobalt brushless 24 volt Half inch hammer drill driver the model Number is the khd 124b 3-03 that is of course if you get it in A bare tool the kit which is not yet Released uh will not have the B Designation at the end we'll have some Other designation down there but anyway Uh it's the khd 124 is the hammer drill driver now it Comes without the battery of course but We got to throw a battery on there to Test this thing so we're using the 4.0

Amp hour battery that's a good kind of Mid-range you could also get a 2 amp Hour or even step up to the 8 Amp Hour As well right off the bat we spot an all Metal Chuck and on closer inspection we Recognize that logo there that is a Jacob's Chuck and wherever you see a Jacob's Chuck that is good quality stuff So that's going to hold up to a beating And again being all metal it's going to Not only offer you some you know good Grasp here with the knurling here around The Chuck but also it's going to last For many thousands of uses if not a Lifetime sometimes you'll see these Things just plumb War out from so much Use but still working absolutely Perfectly and if not you can also buy Replacements to these and pull them off And actually replace that if you haven't Replaced your drill by then anyway back To the drill so we get a hammer drill Driver and what that's going to do in The drilled the regular drill driver From Cobalt looks a little bit different Right here in the torque settings and The driver settings and the reason is on The hammer drill we actually get a Second ring here on the regular drill Driver it just has one ring and it has Your 24 different clutch settings for Driving screws and so we have all that Right here so we can you know run this All the way down to one or all the way

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Up to 24 for driving screws and we'll Show that here in a moment but everybody By now pretty much kind of understands How to use a clutch setting on a drill Driver but with a hammer drill driver What we also get is this second ring Right here And you see it's basically got three Detents in it so it kind of clicks into Place and right here we have an Indicator that gives us the hammer we Know in hammer drill mode Click here we're in screw mode or Driving mode and right here in drill Mode so that's going to be locked out That's not going to utilize the clutch Settings this the screw mode is going to Utilize the clutch settings and the Hammer mode is going to not only lock Out the the torque setting or lock out The driver setting so it's not actually Utilizing the clutch but it's also going To drive the impacts or the beats per Minute or blows per minute as well and On that Forefront we get up to 2 000 RPM And Speed 2 we have a two-speed gearbox Manual gearbox So we have one and we have two and in Two we're going to get up to 2000 RPM And up to 850 inch pounds of torque and When we're in hammer drill mode that's Also going to give us 32 000 blows per Minute when we're driving or when we're Drilling uh holes in concrete and when

We need that impacting or hammer drill Mechanism We have a LED light here down at the Base And we get a variable speed trigger so Even though I said we get up to 2000 RPM We can vary that based off the pull of The trigger With infinitely variable Power delivery right there With the pull of a finger now looking at The size of this you're looking at a Little over seven inches from the front Of the chuck to the rear of the tool so Just over seven inches and height with The four amp hour battery You're looking at right at ten and a Quarter inches tall so of course if You're running a smaller two amp hour Battery that's going to be a little Shorter and with the 8 Amp Hour a little Bit taller Now when we look at width of the tool Get a good reading here 2.6 inches wide And then with the four amp hour battery Almost five pounds with the four amp Hour so four pounds 14 ounces a little Over four and three quarters of a pound Again you can lighten that up by running A smaller battery if you need to And then of course we get an auxiliary Handle as well at 850 inch pounds that's Enough torque to definitely need the

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Assistance When you're trying to drill those larger Holes now let's take this over and Actually use it and see how powerful it Really is and then we'll talk about Pricing and warranty We got the Cobalt brushless 24 volt Max And it's the khd 124 again hammer drill Driver I'm going to go ahead and put in A drill bit here this is a self-feeding Auger bit I believe this is a flex Version of it and I think this is a 5 8 Drill but something pretty easy Especially through this softer uh Pine And so we'll go ahead and leave this in Speed two and just drill a couple holes Oops I think you heard that you heard The blows per minute we're still in Hammer drill mode so I'm going to take That out I'm going to go into drill mode Now we shouldn't hear that kind of Burping noise or that grinding noise Okay no problem at all even in speed two I'm gonna Step Up And we'll go to a three-quarter inch Again don't expect any problem here Not a problem And let's roll on up to A full one inch self-driving auger bit Not an issue Drive those all day long So if you say well that was kind of too Easy because those were brand new

Self-driving auger bits I get it so Here's a self feeding uh spade bit but It's been around the block several times So let's see how that does Oh And that is a one and three eighths by The way [Applause] So not a problem at all Driving your typical Auger bit Now the real question everyone's asking Is will it drive a 2 and 9 16 inch Self-feeding auger bit well let's find Out And by the way I'm going to leave it in Speed two I do not expect by any means For it to be able to drive that into but I am glad that I have a auxiliary handle On here okay so we're in speed two again I don't expect a win here Then we'll shift to speed one Yep Totally expected that that's a hard to Drive bit right there so we're going to Go into one And then see what we get Likes to catch when it's trying to blow Out the other side but you can easily do That by coming back from the other side Yeah so in speed one no problem driving That 2 and 9 16 inch bit so when you're Doing Plumbing rough ends and needing to Make those large Cuts you don't have to

Have that huge hole auger the Cobalt 24 Volt khd 124 will do the job And if you're concerned will it drive Screws we put in a Torx bit here and we Changed it to screw mode and let's go We'll back it down to 10 and see how far We get with this three and a half inch Exterior deck screw It's about right there Increase that to say 16 . So that sinks it right about flush in This pressure treated 4×4 with a three And a half inch deck screw And that's in speed one if I go to two And let's run this up to to 20 We'll probably countersink this Yeah so countersinks it just a bit so if We really wanted to lock that out in 24. We could really drive that screw as deep As we wanted to And then finally we'll take a masonry Bit I think this is a quarter inch or Three it must be 3 8. 3 8 masonry bit We'll turn it to our Hammer mode And in C2 All right So I hope those results kind of spoke For themselves now pricing on this tool Is a hundred and twenty nine dollars That's with no battery no charger so as You see it in the Box here uh so just

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The tool and the auxiliary handle it's 129 and you get a five year warranty on That now we totally expect to see a kit Form of this pretty soon but as of now At Lowe's this is what you're going to Get the Cobalt khd 124b as in bare tool so be sure to check It out we'll have a link in the Description performance wise we were Impressed it's 850 inch pounds now is it To the XTR level so if you're you know Aware of cobalt tools then you're Probably aware of the XTR line which Really you know pushes the boundaries up There at the pro level as far as power Goes that's a 1200 inch pound drill so We're not quite to that level yet at the Same time we're driving 2 and 9 16 inch Holes with this handheld drill so do you Need it any more powerful maybe you do At the same time this is probably a Drill that can get most if not all the Jobs done that should be done with a Pistol grip drill so if you're wanting Something that's a little more compact Than the XTR a little bit cheaper than The XTR but still delivers a ton of Power then you may want to check out the Khd 124 and not only did it drive the Nut to a 9 16 inch holes but obviously The other self-feed auger bits had no Problem at all the hammer drill mode had No trouble you know driving 3 8 inch Holes in in the cinder block here sure

You may need bigger holes drilled in Masonry or in concrete and going into Half inch three quarter inch that sort Of thing if you're doing a lot of that Then you probably need to step up to a Rotary hammer anyway but the point is This will get the job done when you're Needing to run tap content and things Like that hey be sure to keep track of Us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and Even Tick Tock and if you don't mind me Hit that like And subscribe button if You haven't done so already and by all Means if you hated their video well then Give us a thumbs down but would you let Us know in the comments why have a great Day and keep smiling