LESS IS MORE! FLEX Grinding and Cutting Wheels Make an Impression

NEW FLEX Grinding and Cutting Wheels make quick work of dressing up welds and cutting steel. You can get these discs for as little as $3 all the way up to $13 for the Sight MAX Flap Disc.
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Razor Sliceâ„¢ 4.5″ x 0.024″ x 7/8″ Ultra-thin Cut-Off Disc Type 27

Razor Sliceâ„¢ 5″ x 0.024″ x 7/8″ Ultra-thin Cut-Off Disc Type 27

4.5″ x 0.04″ x 7/8″ Cut -Off Disc Type 1

4.5″ x 0.075″ x 7/8″ Cutting & Grinding Multi-purpose Disc Type 27

5″ x 0.28″ x 7/8″ Grinding Disc Type 27

4.5″ x 0.28″ x 5/8″-11 Grinding Disc with Hub Type 27

SightMAXâ„¢ 4.5″ x 7/8″ x 40 Grit Flap Disc Type29

SightMAXâ„¢ 4.5″ x 7/8″ x 60 Grit Flap Disc Type29

SightMAXâ„¢ 4.5″ x 7/8″ x 80 Grit Flap Disc Type29

4.5″ x 7/8″ x 40 Grit Flap Disc Type 29

4.5″ x 7/8″ x 60 Grit Flap Disc Type 29

SightMAXâ„¢ 5″x 7/8″ x 40 Grit Flap Disc Type29

SightMAXâ„¢ 5″ x 7/8″ x 60 Grit Flap Disc Type29

SightMAXâ„¢ 5″ x 7/8″ x 80 Grit Flap Disc Type29

Is there something missing here or is There something More not too long ago Flex released Their 24volt brushless grinder with Multiple speeds and so now they've Decided they need the accessories to go Along with well we think that's a great Idea And they didn't just come out with one Actual accessory or one grinding wheel They actually came out with several one Including the new SX flap disc now they Have a regular flap disc as well in fact They have several new flap disc in both The SX which has the little gaps or Snaggle tooth design uh and we're about To use this by the way they also have Some cutting wheels also and then even Kind of a hybrid cutting wheel so let's Dive in take a closer look at each one Of these use a few of them then we'll Come back and talk about pricing and What we think of them well the obvious Uh stick out here is the new SX uh flap Disc that has the gaps missing here now The idea in this is that with the gaps In there and then it speeds of you know 8 10,000 RPM that you can actually read Through It and actually still know what you're Grinding when you're grinding on Something and uh we've got something Here to grind on we will do in just one Moment now my concern with that is with

Less abrasives there obviously is that Going to slow the grinding process down And are you going to be able to grind Less because you have less material There and we will kind of check that Here in a few moments now they also have A regular flap disc as well and they Have these in 40 60 and 80 grits now We'll talk about pricing here in a few Moment moment but you know again if you Want that tried intrude flap disc then They do have that as well so you have The site Max with the gaps missing here In 4060 and 80 and then you have the Regular in 4060 and 80 as well in both 4 And 1/2 in and 5 in versions now they Also have your standard aluminum oxide Disc as well both in a hub as well as Your type 27 in 4 and 1/2 and 5 in as Well um and then stepping into the cut Off wheels I was glad to see this Because I'm pretty particular when it Comes to a cut off wheel because I know Some cut much quicker than others and This is their new what they're calling Their razor slice so it comes in a type 27 as you see right here and it's a very Thin design in fact let me show you now Just for reference I typically love to Use a Metabo slicer wheel they cut Really really well um and this is a type 27 5 in Metabo slicer but let me show You here 6465 66,000 I think I was at

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64 that's 69 68 I guess depending on where we're Grabbing that so let's call that 67,000 Of an inch Thick now let's go to the razor Slice 30,000 29,000 of an inch thick on That wheel so a much thinner cut now Will it last as long arguably no it's Probably going to wear way quicker However it's going to cut less of a line And should cut much quicker and we will Find out and they have that both in a 4 And 1/2 in and 5 in in the type 27 as well as in a type one as well so If you want to run a type one you can do That uh and they have it in kind of a More of a standard size there it's Reading 54,000 but I think uh they Labeled this I don't know what they Label it as but sometimes that's a Little bit different and then they have A combo that this is uh can be a cutting Blade and if you want to do some light Grinding with it as well it's a little Bit thicker so it's got more of a body In it at 88,000 of an inch thick um so That's more of kind of a multi-purpose Wheel if you like to cut things and then Just kind of clean up the burs on it That'll work out well for that and That's an aype 27 that has a kind of a Safer profile when it comes to cutting And grinding so we've got a piece of Steel here we've got some weld on here

And we're going to use the 5 in 40 grit S Max flap disc Get a battery in here and we've got a Full 5 battery and on the fleux by the Way you have different speeds you can Run we're going to run that on high Which I believe is 10,000 RPM and by the way these uh blades or Wheels actually are rated at 12,250 RPM so we're well inside that Safe range so again let's get the idea Here or let's take a look that we can Now See through our Wheel and actually see what we're Grinding okay that's literally my first Time ever using it I thought I would Really feel that missing spot I will say That I can feel a little bit of a Difference but it's by no means shaking The grind or anything I can just feel it In the wheel because I'm used to Grinding but it's eating away rather Quickly pretty Impressive Okay I'd say that's Gone doing very well let's go to the Next Letter You Okay that was the other thing I was Curious of is would it just kind of Glaze over or could I actually start Really digging into the flat disc which

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I did and can because I have used flap Disc before that once you kind of wear That top layer of the flaps it really Doesn't eat into the rest but you can See how it's eating away like it should Uh in that flap disc so I can literally Work this all the way down to the hub With still some cutting Power Oh A So I would say we've used up a lot of That will but it is still cutting and Grinding now if you're curious that this May grab something uh when you go over It whether it be a weld a piece of metal Sticking up um whatever I've been told That I can do this in other words I've Got a screw that's sticking up I don't Know inch and a half two inches I sell Tapping screw here and I'm going to try To grind this Down with the site Max now yes I did Just replace the wheel uh so we got a Fresh 40 grit SX 5in wheel on here so Let's Go there we go no issue at all Okay we're going to try to cut some Metal but the first one we're going to Use is their combo blade this uh for It's called their cut grind and so it's A little bit thicker so it's probably Going to be slower cutting uh but just Wanted to show you the versatility here

We going to be cutting a piece of this Quarter inch thick Steel this is a type 27 Blade and here we Go So that is cutting rather slow and Throwing lots of Sparks at our Camera I would say that's going to be For medium duty steel I could definitely See that cutting through some sheet Metal but here's the second part of what This is good For it's got enough body on it that I Could clean up a burr on something I've Cut now just to give you an idea here's A piece of angle iron here so much Thinner So I can see this blade or wheel being Used for cutting thinner Metals uh but Also with enough body on it that I could Dress up those burs on say cutting you Know one by one square tubing one by two Square tubing with some you know thinner Walls so now we've got the slicer on Here and let's see how much quicker this Is very quick work of cutting through That quarter inch Steel By the way they're supposed to have 50% Less Sparks with this as well since it Is a thinner wheel not sure we're not Measuring Sparks today but that is a Very fast cutting wheel we'll say that's A rather impressive outing for flex's

First run at grinding accessories or Grinding wheels and uh cutting Wheels as Well we love the razor slice again as Far as longevity I'm sure that's going To wear way quicker we haven't done any Um duration test or durability testing On these wheels but typically you're Wanting it to cut fast and we really Didn't wear much away when we were doing The cutting because you have to Understand that that because it's Thinner it's not only cutting faster but It's also removing less material with Arguably less friction yes there's less Material there to do it so I'm sure it's Going to wear away but again it does Have uh some performance gains from Having that thinner curve it's less wear On the tool as well or less drag on the Tool now pricing on these they will Range everywhere from $3 up to uh like $12 $13 so now when you're looking at The 4 and 1/2 in site Max flat disc Wheel uh you're looking at $12 now for The 5 in site Max uh that's going to run You $13 so a doll more for the/ in Larger wheel Now in the regular flat disc they're Going to run $10 a piece for the just The standard flat disc in the 4060 and The 80 grit the other cutting wheels and Regular braive wheels are going to run Somewhere between $3 and $5 we'll have a Complete breakdown of the pricing uh

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Both here on the video as well as in the Description as well uh go ahead and Check these out there's no lifetime Warranty on abrasive disc they're going To last as long as you push them by the Way I don't recommend you grinding down A screw like we did or a nail or Something like that as you can see we Kind of ground a Groove into the wheel So don't recommend doing that but I will Say it was rather impressive that it Didn't grab at all in the gaps there and Just ground that screw Away really Quickly uh performance-wise we think These flap discs are phenomenal we Haven't really compared the regular flap Disc to the SX flap disc or from a Cubitron or a dewal or anything like That but as far as kind of seat of the Pants feel we think it ranks up there With the best of the flap disc that We've used uh we do love the fact that It actually wore away all the flap so in Other words we still got cutting going On or grinding going going on and it's Wearing away the flap like a flap disc Is supposed to do as I mentioned we've Used plenty of flat disc that once you Kind of wear away that top it's not Designed appropriately to keep wearing Away but as far as we can see for the Site Max and for the flex Wheels uh this Thing is wearing rather properly and Continues to cut check it out for

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