Milwaukee Flare Nut Wrenches in SAE and Metric – LIFETIME WARRANTY

New Milwaukee Flare Nut Wrenches come in a 5-piece SAE kit for $59.99 or a 6-pc metric kit for $69.99. Both sets come with a lifetime warranty. These are a great fit for loosening and tightening fluid lines such as brakes and transmissions.
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Milwaukee SAE Flare Nut Wrenches (48-22-9470):
Milwaukee Metric Flare Nut Wrenches (48-22-9471):

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Milwaukee Flair not riches are they Worth your hard-earned money let's find Out These are the Milwaukee double end flare Nut wrenches it's the model number 48-22-9470 for the Saen-9471 uh for the metric in the Metric sizes you'll get a six piece kit In the SAE you'll get a five piece kit We'll tell you why in just a moment so Let's take a look at all the tremendous Features the brushless motors and all That stuff and then we'll actually use This no actually we'll dive in and give Some decent details and some information That you may or may not know and then We'll come back and talk about pricing Although we'll probably already talk About that and warranty and wrap things Up these are the new flare nut wrenches From Milwaukee specifically the Double-ended flare nut wrenches so you Get a six piece kit in the metric and we Get a five piece kit in the SAE but Really you get 10 sizes on the five Piece and uh 12 sizes on the metric now On the metric side basically everything Between 9 9 and 21 millimeter with the Exception of we're skipping 20. Everything else is covered I believe Even 18 yeah 18's covered so the only Skip size in the metric from 1921 is the Is the 20 millimeter and on the SAE side Everything from quarter inch to 7 8 and

I think we're skipping the 13 16. so Yeah we have 11 16 and three quarter no 13 16s but we do have the 7 8 maybe 9 30 Seconds or something but I don't even Know if that's needed in a flare nut Wrench every other size is covered for Sure these are Lifetime warrantied and As far as pricing on this I think the Five piece goes for 59.99 and the six Piece goes for 69.99 and as I mentioned They get a five uh not a five a five Lifetime warranty no a lifetime Guarantee on these and let's go ahead And get rid of this I do think it's pretty nice like Milwaukee does own their regular Wrenches as well where they put the Offsets where you can butt these against One another put them in a drawer and you Still get a nice rectangle that's not Taking up odd spaces so great idea and Then also easily labeled red SAE black Is metric in both the actual plastic Case they sit in as well as the ink Filled sizes make it very easy to see These sizes with those numbers and the Likelihood of those actually scratching Off when they have the indentation like That is pretty slim now you may be Asking well Tim what in the world can You tell us about a flare nut wrench That's going to take you know minutes Other than saying here's a flare nut Wrench well maybe I can Enlighten you

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Here for a minute so give me your lend Me your ear here for a moment and and Let's go down the path of maybe learning Something here Can you see my sizes are off What have I done here There we go We all the same way my OCD was kicking In there for a second yeah so we're good Now That side too yeah all my sides the Right side up okay good out up my OCD Just kicked in I do notice something it Looks like okay I guess we could do that Either way You'll see on these wrenches just like Their regular wrenches on one side you Get the laser etching of the Milwaukee Logo and on the other side is more of a Block lettering in a embossed debossed Embossed debossed emboss or deboster With the raised lettering if you will on One side and the laser etching on the Other now we'll tell you out of the gate The thing that sets apart flare knot Wrenches is the fact of do they work or Not I know that's a you know a dumb Comment but not really if you've picked Up a flare nut wrench before and gone to Remove a brake line and it fell on you And you round the nut over man does that Cause for a long day because now not Only are you grabbing the vice grips to Get the brake line off or the whatever

Nut you're trying to get off but then You're having to repair that you're Having to cut that out to reduce some Flares put in a coupler just tons of Stuff you don't want to be doing so First thing is are the wrenches going to Hold up and we'll test that in a moment Second thing is are are they within spec Now let's look at something here here is A hardened grade eight USA made nut And this is a half inch nut and so Across the flats the specs call for Anywhere from 489 thousandths to 500 Thousands And so we'll take a look here So 492 We'll measure a couple of these 493 493 492. so it looks like this nut is dead In the middle well I shouldn't say dead In the middle looks like we're four Thousandths off from the the bottom of The spec and seven thousandths off from The top of the spec but we're still in The middle of the spec we're not at any Way uh outside of spec for a hardened Bolt now so now that we know that well We know that anything over 500 thousands Is where we need to be with the half Inch And let me measure here so it looks like 506 thousandths And let me measure that again Yeah it looks like 506 is the widest

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Point Of that wrench so it looks like we have About six thousandths clearance on the Top of the spec which is not much that Should be pretty well but let me talk About something while we're here Okay many times you see a half inch nut And you think oh I can grab my 13 Millimeter or I can grab my half inch And that works out absolutely fine when You're grabbing a socket when you're Grabbing uh you know a regular wrench And just taking off a nut typically That's going to be absolutely fine when You're going to a flare nut and again Your life's depending on this you know Wrench holding up even with that opening Right there let me show you the Difference so we're no we're nowhere at 506 on the half inch let's say we just Grabbed the 13 and say this will be good Enough So 506 On the half inch 515 thousandths on the 13 millimeter so we're looking at ten Thousandths different nine thousands ten Thousands difference That's a huge amount when you're looking At again it being able to save your tail Or not of getting off that Fastener so Make sure you know when you're dealing With brake lines and any type of flare Nut situation that you're grabbing Either the SAE or the metric that is fit

For that size and not trying to use a Crossover for that now let's go over and Use these on a vehicle and break a Couple of brake lines loose and then We'll come over here and test Some torquing okay we know uh these Lines have been on here for decades If not longer and 9 16 actually that Looks like that's been replaced not too Long but it's still probably several Years 9 16 yep 9 16 on both of these Yep 9 16 on both Yeah no problem breaking that one free And let's see if we can get this one There we go yep No problem there and a 69 C10 truck Should be the same size yep 9 16 yep no Problem there 9 16 there too yep Looks like these are probably 7 16. yep Yeah break another problem there Yep got that one too I think that one's been on there a while All right so we've got our uh torque Calculator or our torque reader set up Here in our Vise and we have A hex key adapter for a half inch that Is one half inch hex and that's going to Fit excellent for our half inch flare Nut wrench now just to give you an idea Max tort on a hardened grade 8 nut or Bolt is like 25 foot-pounds I think 27 If it's non-plated but anyway just 25 Foot-pounds so I would say that would

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Probably be about the max that you would Want to apply to a wrench as well Because obviously you're going to break Or stripper Fastener before that gives Now when you're breaking Something Free I know sometimes you have to apply more Torque but my point is let's take this To at least 25 foot-pounds and I think That's a fair test so we should be able To read that right there So easily going To 41 and a half foot pounds with no Slippage whatsoever So almost 50 foot pounds On that half inch now let's bump this up A bit And we'll take this to a 19. now we've Got our 19 millimeter Looks like our vice is slipping Hammer And here we go So 65 foot-pounds let's get a A helper Use a little helper right here And see if we can't get it past 65. So 82 foot pounds If our vice was holding I'm sure we Could get it past that Without any slippage There we go 100 foot pounds On that flare nut wrench with no Slippage So do they do all the things that a

Double-ended flare nut wrench should do Yeah I think so and I think they do it Very well very little Flex that we Noticed at all so I held up to all our Testing also love the sizes on these Wrenches really and truly you can see These very easily and it's not going to Get scratched off like a laser etching Or like just paint on the top is going To do with that embossing and the ink Filled down in there again the chances Of that happening is going to be years And years of abuse so check them out Again 59.99 for the five piece kit and 69.99 for the six piece kit lifetime Warranty on these check them out for Yourselves also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and if you don't mind would you hit That like And subscribe button if you Haven't done so already and by all means If you hated our video well give us that Thumbs down but would you let us know in The comments why have a great day keep Smiling