MORE POWER!! RYOBI Gen 2 18V One+ HP Multi Tool Review [PBLMT51B]

RYOBI kicked it up a notch with this new Generation 2 of the RYOBI 18V One+ HP Brushless Multi-Tool. With 6 speeds and up to 20,000 OPM, this oscillating multi-tool really gets the work done quickly. You also get tool-free blade changes with just the flip of a switch and pulling a pin. You can get the RYOBI PBLMT51B 18V Brushless Oscillating Multi-tool by itself or as a kit with the 18V 2Ah battery and a charger. #ryobitools #homedepot #review

RYOBI 18V HP Multi-Tool PBLMT51B $129:
RYOBI 18V HP Multi-Tool Kit PBLMT51K1 $189:

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This is not the first generation of reob Multitool in fact it's generation 2 of The ri HP 18vt multi-tool let's take a Closer look this is one oscillating Multi-tool that definitely won't break The bank and may have the horsepower or At least the performance to really get Some work done and we'll see this is the Generation 2 of the OnePlus HP Multi-tool so we get a brushless motor We know the HP designation stands for High performance so we're getting a Brushless motor and uh we typically want To pair that with a high performance Battery uh this is the 2 amp hour Version uh obviously you could put any OnePlus battery on there that's the Glory of the ri 18vt OnePlus batteries Uh but this is the 2 aamp power because You can buy this as a bare tool the bare Tool model number is the pbl Mt51 B and if you want the kit that's Going to be take the B off and you get The K1 so that'd be the kit with a 2 a Hour battery and a charger as well now Also what you get with the kit is a few Pieces of sandpaper look like some 120 Some 80 grit probably some 60 yeah so 60 80 grit and 120 as well as the sanding Pad and then you get your semicircle saw Blade and uh a regular saw blade as well We'll check those out see how well they Do I'm sure it's not meant for metal Probably just a typical wood blade now

On this on the trigger is typically just Like a an onoff trigger with multi-tools Because we really don't need the Variable Speed and that's correct so pretty much You just pull it and you'll fill it Click and it's on or off now we do get Some different speed so we have a speed Dial here from six down to zero now what I'm curious of is 0 0 like we don't get Anything yes so look at there so we can Basically have the battery and the tool Turn this to zero and the trigger does Nothing and then we can click that over And still at half we get Nothing and then at one we finally start To get something so we can basically set The speed with this dial so six Different speeds with the dial from 0 to 20,000 not RPM but OPM oscillations per Minute get these blades out of the way Here and let's take a look at the tool And first off as far as the length of The tool with the battery right about 13 In and the width of the Head looks like right at 2 in for the Head we also get an LED light right here On the front so when the trigger is Pulled that led light's going to come on Going to provide uh some decent light For you wherever you're cutting Especially if you're cutting in the dark Sometimes around baseboards things like That or sanding in tight areas that

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Works out really Well let's check out uh the weight of This 2 lb 142 o that's with that 2 Amp Hour battery don't know why we would Weigh it without a battery but uh under A pound so a pound 15 O So Right short Of 2 lb without a Battery So again adding right at a pound with The 2 Amp Hour so less than three L PBS Battery and Tool now we also get a Trigger lock right here which is not Locking out the trigger that's actually Locking the trigger on so I can pull the Trigger push the lock and that's going To leave that on I can go to cutting Whatever I need to do sanding without Having to hold that Trigger now changing blades or Accessories on this is very easy no Tools needed and this may look like a Thumb screw because you got some Knurling around here but it's really not So you can twist that all you want first If it's locked down you're not going to Twist it at all but even if we lift this Lever so we've got a lever right here no Tools needed again said that once say it Again so lift the lever all the way up And lock it out all the way up top where It won't go any further and then you can Spin this but you can spin that all day Long and you're not going to do anything So what you're going to want to do is

Just kind of pull that out and that will Actually come all the way out if you Want to you don't have to pull it all The way out and just kind of slide it Out if you want to and then you can put Your blade on depending on what type of Blade you're putting on and by the way There are magnets on here to help retain That blade while you're putting that uh That thumb screw or thumb pin back in Place uh but anyway love to see those Magnets because that just makes things a Lot easier the blade's not falling all Over the place while you're trying to Put it on and so I can put that back In that kind of looks like it index let Me take a look at this again yeah so There is a spot right there so obviously That index is at a certain location in There there we go so that goes in and Now we flip this down and that locks That into place so no twisting needed Here something else I noticed uh now There was another tool another Multi-tool that we reviewed that had the Same feature look at This that's not because there's a you Know broken piece in there it's not Because it's it's just a shaky tool but What I believe that's going to do is Really limit the vibration on the tool Or on the hands now the vibration still Going through the blade which is Actually the oscillation which is doing

Your cutting but it's not rever Reverberating down the tool or it's at Least eliminating a lot of that so Basically you get some isolators in There that is absorbing some of that Vibration that's typically in the tool Most of your oscillating multi-tools Pretty rigid right there and so all Those vibrations that 20,000 Oscillations per minute is going all the Way through that tool but not the case In this one I don't believe I believe That's why we're seeing that Flex right There in the head of the unit now as I Mentioned we get uh this Typical wood blade Here and uh then we get a sanding pad Which is going to go in the same way Okay put it on there and that magnet's Holding it slide it in lock it down and Now we're good to go now we can put our Sanding pad on there and go to Sanding but we do have to Remove remove that sanding disc or Triangle before we can remove the pad Because we have to get our pin out of There and then we also get the Semicircle blade as well but again that Magnet is going to help retain that I Can get in the right spot there and then We can put our pin in and it just falls Into place when you index it correctly Let's go try it out all right so I am Going to put on uh this RI blade I'll

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Probably be changing that here shortly Because it just doesn't have a very wide Profile but we'll try it out see how Well it does now obviously not very Tough material here with some PVC and let's uh let's go middle of the Road let's go like uh speed Three and by the way there is not an Auto feature on here so some of these Newer tools have an auto setting there Is not on this one so I'm put it on Three and that's where it's going to Start and I'm assuming that's probably Somewhere around 10,000 oscillations per Minute Be honest that feels kind of slow let's Go ahead and just bump that all the way Up so once we got our Vie locked down That cuts really really Quick but again some pretty easy Material to cut now I've got a piece of Aluminum pipe in here again not anything Crazy thick uh and I'm going to change Out this Blade change out the Ryobi blade going To go to a Milwaukee multi material Blade made in USA blade by the way And install that There all right here we Go yeah no problem there Let me give you a little tip uh number One aluminum a lot of times will like to Fill the teeth of a blade so running it Through some some wax or something like

That or keeping aluminum lubricated when You cut it uh is the best thing to do Regardless uh when you're cutting any Type of metal even including aluminum But especially when you're cutting steel Don't let the edge of the multi tool Blade contact the edge of the steel That's where it will start to eat the Teeth off a blade no matter what blade It is if you let it kind of grab the Edge or the start of the steel it's Going to really do some damage but if You'll keep it in the center of your Working area you won't have an Issue now let's run that again but I'm Just going to Lube this blade a little Bit I wish I had some wax it's I've got Some somewhere but this may Help see how much quicker it cut that Aluminum it doesn't let it kind of gum Up and and fill the blades it just cuts Right Through if I'm not mistaken this is just Regular Old Pine uh some 1 in thick or 3/4 in and I'm going to leave in that Multimaterial Blade and leave it on speed six as Well that's Impressive again I know it's not Hardwood Pretty quick and that's not even a true Wood Blade put on thewa wood Blade and this is not their hard wood

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Blade just their regular wood Blade not bad Obi not Bad all right this is some typical 2×4 So let's make this a little Tougher and we're not going to just use Drywall Screws going to change out that wood Blade again we're going to put on uh the Nitrous carbide extreme metal blade for Screws bolts things like that now you Need to watch it because I did just lose This pin on the ground it kind of came Out so make sure you don't lose That so again extreme Metal Blade took care of those four screws now Let's go ahead and get some wood Too A Still teeth left on the blade riob is Making it Through A So definitely not cutting like a wood Blade but still cutting even after Cutting all those screws still being Able to cut the wood Now I've just gone to an extra wide Multimaterial blade uh again from Milwaukee made in USA Blades and we're just going to see if we Can cut all the way through this 2×4 And then finally we've got some hard Hard wood in

Here so let's put on our hardwood Blade A not bad at all great job Ryobi and Confirming even when I'm cutting uh Hardwood didn't matter if I was cutting That full 2×4 with the screws this Flexing here in the tool is definitely Eliminating a lot of the vibration Coming through the tool cuz I'm not Feeling much at All And those interested in the sanding Which I'm sure it will do quite Well put our 60 grid on that's a little Bit of glue residue on there as well as There's some tape residue as Well W Now as we mentioned in the video earlier Is that this is one of those tools that Won't break the bank it's $129 for the Bare tool so that would get you the tool And these accessories here I accept this Blade here this does not come with it But anyway the tool and the accessories Is going to be $129 if you want to get It with the 2 Amp Hour battery and a Charger that's going to bump that up Another 60 bucks at $189 and it will be available sometime In November you get a 3year warranty on HP tool so three-year warranty on this Tool and I believe the battery as well Three-year warranty so not a bad deal

For a multi-tool that really performs Like it does did very well at actually Cutting through the power to be able to Do it as well as even limiting the Vibration that you're feeling uh you Know all the way through the tool did a Great job we ran most of it on high it Seemed to work the best uh you may want To slow that down if you're cutting Through some specific material maybe Some softer wood things like that uh but Again we saw the best results on leaving It on high and just powering through Everything and it did not have trouble Doing that whether it was hardwood uh You know Pine or uh even through cutting Through PVC or aluminum as well check it Out for yourself also keep track of us On Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tik Tok and if you don't mind would you Hit that like And subscribe button if You haven't done so already and by all Means if you hated our video well give Us a thumbs down but would you let us Know in the comments why have a great Day keep Smiling