New BenchTop Tools from SKIL Grinder, Band Saw, Drill Press, and Scroll Saw

SKIL sent us their new line of BenchTop Tools to try. They include an 8-inch 3 Amp bench grinder, a 10-inch Drill press, 2-speed Band Saw, and a 16” Variable Speed Scroll Saw. They each come with a 3-year warranty.

SKIL 8” Bench Grinder:
SKIL 10” Drill Press:
SKIL 2-speed Band Saw:
SKIL 16” Scroll Saw:
SKIL Combination Disc Belt Sander:

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More brand new skill tools this time With cord [Music] So skill has released a complete new Line of shop tools now now they have an Eight inch bench grinder we have a Scroll saw we have a bandsaw and we have A drill press let’s dive in take a Closer look at each one of these talk About features and we’ll talk about Pricing and warranty with each one of Them as well and then we’ll come back And wrap this thing up first up we have The new Skill 3 amp 8 inch bench top Grinder or bench grinder so we have an Eight inch wheel obviously on each side It comes set up with a 36 grit wheel on The left hand side and a 60 grit wheel a Finer wheel on the right hand side I Would probably opt to probably pull the Fine wheel off and throw a wire brush on There I just seem to use a wire brush And a coarser wheel more often of course That depends on what type of work you’re Doing and then I’d probably throw that In the toolbox but regardless you get an Eight inch wheel on each side two Grinding wheels you also get two acrylic Guards here protect your eyes as well as Even one of these it has a magnifying Glass built into it which is kind of Nice if you’re doing fine work here That’s that’s nice to have and you can Obviously swap these out very quickly

Just with a thumb screw here and also Lock those down to tighten it up now Max RPM on this is 3450 as I mentioned eight inch wheel we Get a cooling tray here so you can put Your water in here and then as you’re Grinding things you can cool that off we Also have an integrated LED light right Here on the tool as well and then Obviously the Bendy straw thing that you Can place that light wherever you need It to do your work which is rather nice Also I like the fact we don’t have an Incandescent bulb there because they Like to break and and bust and uh Anytime you just kind of look at them Crazy anyway so I’ll spin this up very Quiet Takes a second to spin up So a few seconds there to spin out Pretty typical on a bench grinder again You can see on my light here you put That wherever I need it and then Obviously adjust this as well Slow that down I’ll go ahead and throw Something on here which by the way we Have a v-groove at an angle right here [Laughter] Foreign [Music] [Applause] Use the course wheel as well Foreign [Applause]

And to adjust these tool rests rather Easily I just had two thumb screws down Here or one thumb screw on either side And you can slide that in and out as you Need to And adjust it to your typical Less than an eighth inch off of that Wheel surface so that it doesn’t like to Grab things just flip it around real Quick show you the back side of the Machine nothing Special there rubber feet on this so it Grips the surface nicely and sits there And doesn’t vibrate much so not a lot of Vibration on this again takes a few Seconds to spin up and a few seconds to To slow down and stop which again is Pretty typical on any bench grinder so You do have to take some care when these Things are spinning up and spinning down And when you’re grinding obviously and This is available now and it’s 149 Dollars comes with a three year warranty And this is the skill model number Bw9501 it’s their 2.8 amp 9 inch Two-speed benchtop bandsaw you have a Table here that is adjustable at the Bevel as well as you have a sliding Miter here as well help keep things at a 90 or whatever degree you want to make Them whatever angle you want to make That you can do so with that thumb screw And be able to slide here and make your Cuts you can also adjust the foot right

Here just by loosening this back thumb Screw and then you can raise this up and Down Use the opinion gear to do so so you can Keep that blade nice and stable if you Want to keep it low or if you’re cutting Something thicker you can raise that up And then lock that down and that locks That into place to open the door here to Access the pulley just turn this about a Quarter turn and you can open this up And now you have access to your pulley And your blade tension is right here Flip this up a couple of screws to Tighten it or turn it counterclockwise To loosen it block it back down and that Sets the tension on the blade Flip this around here And you can set the left and right Trueness of the blade just by loosening This up and making turns here so left is Left right is right And then lock that back down So you can basically adjust that run out Of the blade and then as I mentioned Earlier this is what’s locking that foot Down right here kind of gives you a nice Picture description of what’s going on As well as your blade tension right here Shut the door lock that down that’s Locked into place we also have a window Right here where we can look in and see What’s going on inside there as well now Let’s take a look at this lower half

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Just as on the top we can turn this knob About a quarter turn and have access to The lower pulley as well now it’s going To ride stationary not stationary Obviously it’s going to spin but there’s No adjustability here all the Adjustability is up on the top side we Do have a pulley and a belt that is Driving this wheel here which is then in Turn driving the blade Now under here you can see the pinion uh That the actual table runs on here so Basically we loosen these two thumb Screws and then we can adjust the bevel And we have an indicator right here that You can obviously set for trueness as Well that gives you kind of an Indication of how many degrees 20 Degrees 25 degrees whatever it is you Need to set that angle of your table and Then you can clamp these back down and Make that nice and stable But you don’t have to just move it by Hand Which you can absolutely absolutely do You can even pull this out And pull this out and move the table as Well on your own or as I mentioned use It as a pinion gear which makes it nice Let me clamp these down And I did say there was no adjustment on That lower pulley there actually is but It’s more of a manual adjustment once This is kind of dialed in I doubt you

Have to mess with it much but if you do Have to adjust the trueness of that Bottom pulley this is what it’s done With right here are these actual bolts And nuts to actually set the run out in And out and side to side of this bottom Pulley and then we have a dust Port here As well so you can hook up your dust Extraction or your shop vac and be able To pull out any dust from that lower Side I also wanted to point out that Right in there you can see there’s two Different pulleys there so you can Actually adjust that to run a higher or Lower speed and there’s also two places For that serpentine belt to ride on this Pulley as well on this wheel so you can Adjust that much like you would like a Drill press to either speed that up or Slow it down very simple to operate flip The switch up And I can adjust that foot down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Foreign So you can see there’s quite a bit of Dust in there that we could have Extracted had we had our extractor Hooked up to it or shop vac to pull out That dust rather than slinging it around In there and creating a lot of dust on Our worktop this should be available now

And it’s 239 dollars and comes with a Three year warranty and again the model Number is the bw9501 This is the skill Dp9505 and as you can see this is a Drill press this is a bench top drill Press meaning it’s meant to sit on top Of your workbench or your bench top Because it’s not tall enough to go from The ground you get a lot of the same Features as you would see on a a Full-size drill press a 6.2 amp motor Adjustable several different RPM and We’ll we’ll look at the pulleys in the Belt here in one moment and talk about Adjusting the speed we get a two inch Travel here on the head a full half inch Chuck so we can go as as high as a half Inch it is a tapered Chuck as well and Then we have some Cross Beam lasers here That should be able to kind of line up And tell us where our drill bit’s going To hit or whatever it is we’re doing on Our work piece it will kind of give us a Bullseye if you will you get five Different speed settings from 610 RPM to 2800 RPM and again we’ll take a look at That closer here in one moment and then Here on the the actual work worktop or Work table here you have a crank here That’s geared so you have a pinion gear Where you can drive this up and down and Then you have a Folding handle here where you can then

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Lock that piece down and give it some Additional stability for you to be able To drill on right up here we can set our Travel so if we don’t want a full two Inches of travel we can run this Thumb screw down to say an inch and now We only get an inch of travel so pretty Typical on drill presses so you can set That here on the front you have a simple On off [Music] As well as we have the laser so now you See the crossbeam red laser here and Then we also have an LED light that just Kind of lights up the area we’re working On pretty typical and simple Chuck here Open the Jaws Set your drill bit use your key Tighten that down which by the way never Just tighten it down from one Actually hit all three of them and it Ensures that you’re getting those jaws Nice and tight and that you’re getting Equal pressure on all three of those Jaws Put this on now we’re ready to drill And by the way if your laser is off Always test to make sure that wherever Your your X is that your drill bit is Meeting that dead center if not you can Take these little plates off here and Adjust that laser to wherever you need It to be pretty easy to do so Before I do that I think I’m going to

Turn my table Yeah now we’re hitting the hole To adjust the speed on this we loosen This thumb screw here and then we have Travel on this motor you see a spring There and that’s going to allow us to Now change the pulleys here and now that We have the thumb screw loose here on The motor and we get some travel you can See here the travel in this pulley now We have the ability to Put the belt On the different size pulleys and you Have your diagrams here showing you to Get 2050 RPM we wanted the second pulley Here and the second pulley here and now We’re good it also gives you uh some Different size Drilling into wood aluminum zinc brass Iron and Steel and tells you based off Of what twist drill bit as to what RPM You should be running kind of your Speeds and feeds if you will And I love the fact that right here you Can see that there is a holder for that Key that gets lost all the time so make Sure you put that back and then it will Always be there when you need it and we Also want to tighten down That motor so now it’s locked in and not Going to move the skill dp9505 10 inch Drill press should be available now and Runs 199 dollars and you get a three Year warranty as well

This is the skill model number SS 9503 and it’s their 1.2 amp 16 inch Variable speed scroll saw Now in addition to the saw you also get Integrated dust removal or basically a Blower so you see this little tube Running up here and this metal tube Right down here that’s to clear any Sawdust or any dust it’s accumulating Near wherever the cutting surface is we Also have this foot here that’s Adjustable we can raise that up and down To where we need it and you can see that That little blower tube goes with it as Well Now we get a 16 inch throat here so Basically we can cut up to 16 inches Deep and we can also set a bevel on this Table as well so there’s a thumb screw Down here we can turn that and be able To put a bevelow here for wanting to cut A bevel in our work piece A few other features on here as well we Have a dust Port if we want to hook up Our dust extractor to pull any dust out As well as simple on off switch safety Switch there to turn that on and off and As you can see here when I turn that on We get a cool little LED light here with This little flexi snake so where we can Actually adjust that wherever we need it To be wherever we want that light we can Adjust it so love that love that ability To uh to move that light and let it stay

Where it needs to but also you notice we Have this on but it’s not running and That’s because of this little rocker Switch here and you’ll see when I flip This over it’s running now that’s not The on off switch this is the on off Switch but this is basically turning it To a manual on as you see here and by The way we can adjust the speed But what this is doing when I turn it to That place it’s activating the foot Pedal so yes you get a foot pedal that By the way has a nice holder right here On the saw so you can pull that off Put your foot right here and now you can Control the stall with your foot so if You got both hands on the work surface Push down with your foot and now you can Still move everything around as you need To so we have a thin piece of uh I think This is Luan and let’s adjust this foot Down There we go and I’m going to turn this On the manual [Applause] Let’s put this foot pedal back away And let’s turn this all this way And something I like about this is that It kind of captures all the tools and Extra bits that comes with everything Right here on this little holder Um so I’ve got a couple of Allen keys in here As well as an extra blade and these

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Blades are pretty fragile in other words They bend very easy because they’re very Small And There are two adapters in here because What’s in this tool right now or what’s In the saw is a pinned saw blade but This is for running saw blades that are Not pinned as you can see here so There’s no pins sticking through the Ends there and what you can do is put Them in here run the screw out Take the blade stick it in there but There’s a little more uh Precision that Needs to be done let me show you where That’s done so right here on top of the Saw you see these little indentions Right here and by the way this is also You can set your blade tension so you Can flip this up tighten this down clamp It back down and get additional blade Tension or relieve some blade tension Anyway let’s take a look here and I’ll Show you how this works so they can sit This way Or they can sit this way and there’s a Reason for that so I’ve got my blade Over here on this one already But I have not tightened it up and so What you can do Put the blade in That one oops You can run that one out too Loosen that one up

You put it in here and what this does This sets the distance For The correct distance of the saw blade so Now that we have it set here now I can Tighten down the set screws And now that’s ready to go in my saw So pretty cool little setup so the skill Ss9503 is available now and runs 199 Dollars as well as it comes with a three Year warranty These tools by the way in addition they Also have a combination built and Disc Sander as well we didn’t get our hands On that one so we’re in the skill level Skill level anyway we’re in the skill Level do these tools fall well I think They’re definitely a DIY level or entry Level Pro so definitely you know that Opening shop you need a drill press this Would be a great little drill press for You love a little bench top drill Presses because you could set them up You can take them down so if you need The work table or workspace you can move Them around very easy to do so wear a Floor model not so easy to do so and This may be big enough that this is all You’ll need and that’s fine the bench Grinder eight inch bench grinder again I Think for a typical shop this will be More than enough for you I mentioned to You that I’d love to put a wire wheel on One side I like to have the wire wheel

There for cleaning up nuts bolts and Anything else and then as far as the Scroll saw and the bandsaw where you’re Going to know where you need that and I Think again I think it’s that kind of DIY little level which most of your Scroll saws things like that are most Craft oriented anyway or you know a Small Woodworking Shop bandsaws Obviously they could go up to huge band Saws as well and this is kind of that Nice entry level grade for you pricing I Think is definitely uh low enough to It’s going to meet the needs of most of Your entry level stuff but I know a lot Of their cordless tools are definitely Starting to hit that Pro Mark and I just Don’t think all of these are at that Level yet but again great for that entry Level as well as great for that DIY Check them out for yourself we’ll have Links in the description for each of These and keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and If you don’t mind would you hit that Like And subscribe button if you haven’t Done so already and by all means if you Hated our video then give us a thumbs Down but would you let us know in the Comments why have a great day and keep Smiling