NO Power NO Problem – 2,000 Watts – Bluetti AC200P Portable Power Station [2,000 Wh]

The Bluetti AC200P Portable Power Supply delivers 2,000 Watts and has a capacity of 2,000 Watt-hours. #bluetti #powersupply #generator

Bluettic AC200P Power Supply:

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Plenty of power when you need it whether It's after a storm or on the job site This is the blue Eddy AC 200p portable Power station it's 2 000 watts of output And 2 000 Watt hours of capacity and is Powered by lithium iron phosphate Batteries not lithium ion batteries so You're going to get more charge cycles Up to 3 500 and it should also have more Capacity than your typical lithium ion As well now at the sake of being a Little heavier this unit weighs about 61 Pounds but let's get a closer look at Each one of the features then we'll Actually use this here in the shop as Well as out in the field then we'll come Back and talk about pricing warranty and What we thought of it this is the blue Eddie AC 200p power station we get 2 000 Watt hours of capacity and a 2 000 watt Output and that's sustained out output And up to 2500 watts of instantaneous or Endrush and really not instantaneous Because I believe they're claiming like Up to two minutes of run time at 2500 Watts before it goes into its override And kind of shuts everything down for Protection so 2 000 watts of sustained Output and we have various ways that we Can tap into that power we have six AC Ports here so 620 volt AC ports two USB Type A ports here two USB type A ports Here and then a personal device or a USB Type-c at 60 watts so that's going to be

Able to charge your not only your Smartphones but also laptops things like That as well and also your your tablets And it's going to fast charge those and Then a 12 volt at 3 amps out Right here so we get two ports there and Then your Your typical cigarette lighter style 12 Volts at 10 amps and then 12 volts at 25 Amps output here so several different Ways of output of course this side is Going to be DC this side is AC and that Means something here in a moment and Let's go ahead and power this up Pretty easy to see that push the button In we get the green ring light there and Then we see the LCD screen come on now Right away you can see the easy to read Screen says 95 percent there that's our Capacity that's what's left there on our Battery is 95 percent of the capacity And our DC is off as well as our AC is Off that on pretty simple touch the Screen AC output turn on Now let me explain something here when We turn that on what we're doing is Turning on an internal inverter because I believe this is like 48 volts DC the Batteries in here which is lithium iron Phosphate which is different than your Typical lithium ion that may be you know Powering a power tool this is lithium Iron phosphate which has more recharge Cycles up to like 3 500 so it's going to

Give you a longer life span as well as More capacity than your typical lithium Ion it is a bit heavy this thing weighs In at like 61 pounds so it's not exactly Light to carry around but again you're You're powering a lot of things with This unit so we turn our AC on now our Inverter is running and it's powering Now these ports here where we can plug Things in and power them so what I'm Meaning there is when you turn this AC On like if I left this overnight it Would actually discharge this battery Just having that on because it is Running an inverter versus the DC I like I turned DC on actually a couple of Nights ago Um and left it on by accident for a few Days really didn't notice anything but a Couple of percent down so in DC to DC You really don't have to worry about That it may be powering the screen here But that's about it it's when you turn The AC on as is when it's actually going To draw some power running that inverter It's also where you're going to lose Some efficiency so while we are saying 2 000 Watt hours out you're actually Losing some of that capacity in that Whole conversion of electricity from DC To AC and running that inverter and Everything here so I believe they're Saying like a 88 efficiency so really And truly rather than 2 000 Watt hours

Out you may be getting you know 1700 1750 Watt hours out versus the the 2000 So you are going to lose a little bit of Efficiency there when you are converting To AC but as you can see here I can Individually power either AC on here or DC on there or both as we see it on here We see DC on AC on now from the screen Here we can see a lot of things we can See what's charging we can see even over Here which would be your solar panel Charging or DC charging something from a A car or car battery would be showing Over here and our plug-in charging over Here now if I turn this a bit Right Hill on this side is our inputs Now this is where your charger cable Would go and here and then this would be Where your leads would go for your solar Panels if you're charging with a solar Panel so this is where any input is Going to happen as far as charging Everything it's going to happen in one Of these two ports here so this adapter Is going to be 58.8 volts at 500 watts Max so you can charge it at 500 watts Our solar panels need to be between 35 And 150 volts at 12 amps Max and the Cool thing is you can charge with a Plug-in here as well as the solar panels As well at so dual charging this you can Do that and you can also use this while You're charging the unit as well And on the opposite end here is our fan

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Our cooling fan which actually just Kicked on so that is going to use some Power as well and again that's cool Keeping everything cool in there to make Sure that our battery management system Is taking control of everything keeping Things cool keeping things at Bay so we Get a long life out of this This has got a very sturdy Body by the Way uh big handles here on the top easy To grasp and then even here on the Underside Even here on the underside big rubber Feet to make it very nice to sit on hard Surfaces or you're not just scratching Up the bottom or feeling it kind of grit And grime Very sturdy machine now size on this Is right at 17 inches wide and about 15 And a quarter inches tall And the width Is about 11 and a quarter inches deep so 11 and a quarter inches deep 17 inches wide And about 15 and a quarter tall Now I mentioned a weight on this So you have 60 and a half pounds so 60 Pounds eight ounces On this blue Eddy AC 200p And up here on top of the unit is two Wireless hot spots here so I can put Something on here See that's charging And that's charging so part of the DC

Output so you do have to have the DC Portion on it's going to wirelessly Charge in these two areas and we can see Here on the DC load that's our wireless Units that are charging up there that Phone and that airpods case and Our DC output looks like 13 and a half Volts and six Watts out charging or Eight watch nine Watts so you see it There charging and giving you real time As to how much power is going to that Wireless pad Up to 10 watts now So let me go back We can go into Data we can go into BMS Maintenance and look at the battery Management system Go into product info So if we were charging with solar panels We would see what's coming in here DC output or that's that's just where we Were AC output at zero And also you can see it's at uh AC output we've got it set at 60 hertz So you can also run this at 50 hertz if You want to this where you can set that Up So in settings you can go into eco mode If you want to and this is where you can See AC output at 120 volts or 100 volts I believe Japan is 100 volts and this is Where you can set either at 50 hertz or At 60 hertz we can also read faults if We've got any faults going on

Will tell us there So everything right here from the touch Screen now this is everything that Actually comes with The power station And this is the charging block so a Large power supply I like to see that And it looks like uh 7.5 Amp Max input and output 58.8 volts At 8 amps This will be our plug for the power Supply And then looks like we've got our DC Input for charging So that'd be for like our solar panels Solar panel hookups as well as the 12 Volt cigarette lighter adapter Okay I've plugged in the charger so you Hear the fan running on the charger And this is the port here Plug that in And so now we see we're still at 95 Percent but we give that 460 watts of Power coming in from our power supply And if we had power coming in from a Solar panel or from a vehicle it would Be coming in on this side and we would See the wattage here as well so again we Can charge from both sides and this is Right at that 500 watt limit or at 455 Watts which I believe will charge this In like two hours two and a half hours From zero to full so Definitely if you do have a power source

It will charge very quickly and I did Want to state that this is pure sine Wave AC output so charging things like Your cell phones like computers tablets It's going to be very safe even some of Your Appliance with uh with up-to-date Electronics in them this pure sine wave Is going to be very safe for them not Going to have any issues with voltage Irregularities and charging those types Of devices or running them okay here's What we have we've got the blue Eddie AC 200p power station that's capable of 2000 watts output We have here several 500 watt halogen Bulbs they're pretty raw at drawing Power and we have a thousand Watts Hooked up to each one of these switches So I can flip this switch it's going to Call on two of them which is a thousand Flip this switch call on the next two Which is another thousand now it may not Be exactly a thousand each but we should See on the screen how much power it's Drawing so I'm going to throw one let it Sit for a second and then I'll throw the Second on and see how much power we're Drawing at the same time we're still Charging and then I may call on some Others to hit that 2500 watt Max to see If this actually stays powering at above That 2000 watt range and that's where we Found some idiosyncrasies and some of These power stations is when they claim

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That they can do that end Rush at you Know 20 percent more or whatever they Claim they really can't and it may last Two or three seconds for verses 30 Seconds or two minutes as blue Eddie's Claiming so again we're not going to try To do something crazy here but we will Try to bring it close to that say 2300 2400 2500 watt Max and see if it does Power on at least for you know 30 Seconds a minute two minutes as they Claim also the other big thing here is When it comes to the tool company power Stations great ideas running tool Batteries and that's really cool but the Majority if not all of them what they Lack is the ability to do two-way power In other words be able to charge at the Same time as actually drawing power from It in this case the blue Eddie it will It will actually charge while we're Actually drawing power and we'll prove That here in a moment as we have 500 Watts coming in we're going to see if we Can pull out 2 000 Watts while that is Happening Okay so let's go ahead and I'm going to Go ahead and turn DC off not that that's Really going to matter so now my DC is Off my AC power is on Plug this in And it does not like that plug Okay I don't know that I see any faults Does it look like there's any faults so

We'll go back home We'll plug in a different plug Okay for some reason it did not like That plug maybe I have something walking In the wiring I'm not sure anyway so now I've got number two switch powered these Two switches here And let's go ahead and Power on one of Those First I need to turn on my AC power There we go AC on Call on switch number two You probably can't see it here but it Says 963 Watts out I'll zoom in on that here in one moment Let me go ahead and call on let me run Let that run and settle for a second So right now we've got 963 Watts out 434 Watts coming in now let's call on this Second set Okay now we're at 1830 Watts out So again not exactly 2000 but definitely Touching the top there tapping the top At uh at 1818 1830 Watts out Let me see what happens I plug this one In Okay no fault now And now I'm going to try to power Another one on which should take it over The limit Yeah 2600 So we're at 2600 Watts out

Okay now it shut it off so I went over That 2500 watt Max I get it absolutely Get it Throw these switches off So now I'm just back to 430 watts in 439 Watts in so I took that over 2600 it Random for a few seconds and then the Battery management system shut it down Like it should so now let's go I'm going To pull one of these bulbs out so that I Can call on 500 more and pull somewhere Around 2 400. Okay let's do this again It's like a number one By the way I figured out why it was Faulting because I had both switches on When I plugged it in so it was calling For you know 2000 Watts right out of the Gate so I think it sensed that anyway so I'm gonna plug in number one number two Here so I've got switches number one Switch is number two here powered up This first one is only 500 watts Let's go ahead and call that one on Again first I need to turn on my AC Power there we go We turn that off after the fault Okay so it looks like I had to go into AC and turn it off even though it didn't Show on and then turn it back on and so Now we're ready to go And we'll call the first one on So yeah that's right at 504 Watts Second one on

So now we're at 1400 Watts 1387 1388 I'm going to turn the 500 back off so We're at 9 25 9 14 and call on this one Here So now we're at 1840 watts and let's Call on the 500. 2275 Watts And we'll see how long it's going to Take before it trips off We're still at 2250 Watts I'm going to go ahead and unplug our Power supply since we know it will do Both And we're going to see how much power We're drawing from here So we're at about a minute now that We've been at 2200 Watts plus so over the threshold of The normal output We're at about two minutes now at 2200 Watts Plus Okay it just tripped off And I know I had waited probably 20 Seconds before I started my stopwatch so We were at over two minutes before this Thing tripped off and let's see if we Have any fault codes Oh there we go Inverter overload So you can see it went into our inverter Overload when we powered that for for Too long by the way I melted the side of This with with those lights so you saw

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Me move that after a while that was my Stupidity So pretty cool so and we also used about I don't know four percent of power in Powering those lights so at the max of 2 000 Watts for a few minutes that's Totally understood so we went from like 94 95 percent to 91 and powering those 20 300 watts of Lights uh for several Minutes So this is probably a pretty likely Scenario on a job site now many of your Tools today on on job sites have gone Cordless but when it comes to your Larger tools like big table saws as well As even framing saws or rear handle saws You still see a lot of plug-in power or People using extension cords and using Using Outlets to power that so this Would be a good situation on a job site When you might need something like the Blue Eddie so I'm going to go in here I'm going to turn my AC power on There we go We'll rip some easy one by material First Power It Up [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Foreign [Music]

We ripped one by no problem at all now I've got a piece of two by and we'll see If we can't rip a couple of these [Music] First off performance is great on this It definitely hits the mark of 2 000 Watts output now 2000 watt hour capacity We just got to trust we didn't run it All the way dead and show that on on Camera but again the efficiency rate of 88 using the AC side so you're going to Get you know roughly somewhere around That 1700 Watt hours output but as far As the power output which is where we've Seen other power stations kind of fail And what they claimed this definitely Does what they're claiming now again we Didn't hit the we did hit the 2500 we Went over 2500 at like 2616 or something and it powered for I Don't know 20 30 seconds and then power The unit off to you know actually Protect this thing but then when we kept It under that 2500 threshold but over The 2000 threshold so right at that 22300 mark it powered for a little over Two minutes and then powered itself off And then gave us a fault code of the Inverter overload and by the way I Actually kept this a little too close to Those lights and we got a little warpage Here from the heat of that so we could Also argue that we had tons of heat Right here on the inverter as well and

It still powered through all that and Did exactly what they say it would a Couple of drawbacks to this is the fact That if you are running solar power it Has to be at least 35 volts so your Typical fold out you know 24 volt or Even a 12 volt is not going to be okay You're going to have to daisy chain a Couple of those to get over that 35 volt Threshold so that it will accept the Input now there is a 200 Max of the Power station and I believe it will Accept that lower voltage but for this One it needs to be at least 35 volts Before it will actually charge on the Solar side and also I would love to see A Bluetooth interface which again on Their later models they do have that Where you have an app where you can Actually see every all the data and Everything that's going on live be able To turn uh you know switches on and off Electronically or through the app as Well but we don't get it on this one but As far as capacity output very impressed With this love the wireless charging up Here pricing on this is going to run you About 1600 bucks we'll have a link in The description where you can actually See this and if you want the solar side Of it if you want the solar panels that Could you could buy with this it's going To run you another six or seven hundred Dollars as well so all in you're going

To be in that you know 22 2300 range to Get this unit and solar panels but again You're getting a lot of capacity here And a lot of charge cycles as well ease Of use is great it's a little heavy but That's going to be with any power Station the more capacity you have the Heavier it's going to be hey check out The blue Eddie ac200p portable power Station also keep track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and if you don't mind would you hit That like And subscribe button if you Haven't done so already and by all means Did you hate our video well let us know In the comments why have a great day and Keep smiling