POWER on the SIDE! OUPES 1200W Power Station and Solar Generator Review

Not only did we test the OUPES 1200 Watt Power Station in our shop, but we also put it on the road with our friends at Randy Glotfelty Pottery. You get 3 120V outlets, two USB-C, two USB-A, two 12V ports, and one 12V cigarette lighter port. You get up to 1,200 watts of sustained Pure Sine Wave output. We pushed it to the limits. We also attached the two foldable solar panels that deliver up to 200W of power back to the power station. You can charge and use the OUPES power station at the same time. #powerstationdangerousdark #solarpower #solarpanel

OUPES 1200 Solar Powered Generator:
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What can you power with a 1200 watt Portable power station let’s find out [Music] This is the Opus 1200 watt portable Power station so that means it will Output up to 1200 sustainable Watts so Continuously 1200 watts now they say It’s got a peak of 3600 Watts that’s Pretty stout that’s three times the Amount for Peak so a few seconds 30 Seconds a minute I don’t know we’ll find That out for sure now battery size on This or capacity of this think of fuel Tank size is 992 Watt hours so let’s Just call that a thousand watt hours now Let’s dive in and see the details of This we’re going to use it in a few Different scenario on where this might Work really well things like will it Charge batteries will it run your lights Will it run power tools will it power Your business This is the upas 1200 watt portable Power station has a lithium phosphate Battery in it uh 1200 watt continuous Output and 3600 Watt peak output which Is pretty impressive so that’s saying That basically the triple the output for A short period of time will for sure Test that here in a few moments right Now we have it charging off our standard Outlet and it’s charging at about 185 Watts input it’s Max 200 Watts charging So whether you’re charging with two

Solar panels like the solar panels you See here at the back because we got this With the kit with the two 100 watt solar Panels so you can double those up and Plug it in here and get about 200 Watts You’re never going to be 100 efficient On your solar panels but we can get up There around that 160 180 and be able to Charge this rather quickly now the Manual says it would take eight hours of Charging off of two panels but that math Doesn’t work it it would actually if you Were getting let’s say you know 200 Watts of input and it’s only a 992 watt Hour battery so that would be roughly About five hours of charging even if it Was totally depleted with good sunshine To recharge that off a solar panel so Looking at you know four or five hour Charge time off the solar panels once You run this pretty low to actually Charge it all the way up and the same Way with plugging it in if you run it And totally deplete it you’re going to Look at about a a four to five hour Window for charging so while this is 1200 watts of output 3600 Peak as far as The battery size it’s right at 1992 Watt Hours and you can find that listed on The bottom we’ve noticed that about Several of these portable power stations You’ll see a lot of those uh A lot of that information is posted Right there on the bottom of the unit or

You can find that in the manuals and the Paperwork as well very easy to read Screen here so pretty self-explanatory It’s telling us we’ve got 99 hours of Run time because we’re not pulling Anything out uh 55 charge on the battery This rig will also show Once I pull this Out it shows you basically the same when It’s saying 55 it’s giving us uh four Out of the six pieces of the rig so Whether you want to see a visual or just Read the numbers it’s telling us the Same thing we also see what’s going out As well as what’s coming in so if you Have a camp stove plugged into it or a Coffee pot or a uh a tool battery that You’re charging you will see the output As far as how many watts it’s pumping Out at the time or you plug a Refrigerator into it you know you you’re In the middle of a storm and the power Goes out or after a storm you want to Plug your refrigerator in so your Beats Don’t thaw out and draw brought you Could do that as well and then you kind Of know and it’ll you know you can see That okay if I’m drawing 200 if I’m Drawing 200 Watts out and I know I’ve Only got you know 992 or a thousand I Know I’ve only got about five hours of Run time on my fridge and of course that Will will vary as well but other things Like charging a you know a cell phone You may get 50 or 60 cell phone charges

Out of this in addition to the 120 volt Plugs that we have right here which Again is Max 1200 watts out we do get a Pure sine wave so we’re not talking About a modified sine wave so when we Are charging our you know more sensitive Electronics our computers our laptops Our folds our tablets things like that We don’t have to worry about them we’re Getting a pure sine wave here so nice Smooth curve that’s not going to hurt Any of those sensitive Electronics so in Addition to the 120 volt receptacles Right here we also have two USB type A Ports that are both 3 3.0 and we have Two USBC ports now the USBC on the left And it’s labeled right here is a 60 watt Max output so three amps at 20 watt or Three amps at 20 volts and the right Hand side is only 18 Watts so if you Want to charge that phone fast be over Here on the left hand USB type-c port And then we also have some 12 volts out Your typical round connectors here and Our old you know cigarette lighter style 12 volt out as well now in addition to The brick charger that we get it looks Like a laptop I’ll pull that over here To mold it we also get a 12 volt charger So this would plug into your cigarette Lighter in your car and or your Auxiliary port maybe we don’t call them Cigarette lighters anymore anyway so we Have a cord for that as well to plug in

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And charge off of your car’s auxiliary Port also This is the charger brick here I believe It’s like Max 180 200 Watts something Like that uh Yeah three Amp Max and we saw that there We’re getting 185 watts in it gets Pretty hot by the way so you don’t want To keep this on the unit or near it you Want to make sure this is getting some Air and that’s pretty typical all the Portable power stations we have we have Tested but anyway so this is what the Kind of charging brick looks like with Your typical cord that plugs in like a Like a computer cord Now if we flip this around on the back Number one we see here on the sides we Have some ports and we have some fans When you hear when we start running it Or or kind of pushing it you’ll hear the Fans kick on we also have a pretty cool LED light right here on the back just Push the button lights up hit it again You get a bright mode and hit it again And you go into a flashing mode so an Emergency or something you can turn on That more of a strobe effect or a Flashing effect try to get somebody’s Attention hit it again it’s going to Cycle off so One for low two for high three for the Bleaky and four is going to turn that Off integrated handle here very easy to

Carry this It does weigh a little bit so we’ll go Ahead and get a weight on this So 24 pounds 11 ounces so almost 25 Pounds Let’s make sure we’re measuring that yep 24 pounds 11 ounces And this size of this is 13 inches wide And about 12 inches tall And about nine inches thick Let’s take a look at these solar panels We’ll go ahead and we’ll set them up Outside here in a few moments uh just Kind of give you an idea These are pretty nice setup so you can See they fold out very nicely and these Orange pieces here are kickstand so you Can see it they’re velcroed and then you Have a strap here it limits the movement To so it will act as a kickstand and Then you fold it back down to the velcro Stays nice and tight So basically you get a four panel fold Out and that’s going to give you it Tells you right here a peak or DC output Of 18 volts at 100 Watts And then here on the end it has a little Pocket for storage and inside it is your Fourth kickstand as well as your cords And you get a splitter with this as well So you can tie two panels together and Then plug this directly into the charger Or into the uh in the portable power Station and be able to charge from those

Solar panels So I love the facts kind of got a little Integrated pouch here and that’s where That kickstand fourth kickstand is as Well So really compact nice setup nice sturdy Design Folded up and now we’re ready to go Let’s try one more thing here I’ve got a Milwaukee supercharger and this draws About six amps at 120 volts so you’re Looking at probably 720 Watts or so And I’ve got a 12 amp hour battery here Let me just throw this on the charger So we’ll start our stopwatch here Yeah passing 250 300 watt right at 290 so I guess not 720 Watts I don’t know if That’ll warm up or what but it said six Amps and that’s this is basically Milwaukee’s kind of beefiest uh charger The Supercharger so I don’t think you’re Going to see anything really beyond that So as far as charging like tool Batteries or other batteries things like That this unit’s going to do absolutely Fine doing that all right so it’s the Next morning we got a little bit of Sunlight here just wanted to show these Panels once again and what type of Charge they can put out Just going to hook one up real quick So it looks like we’re getting about 60 Watts off of that panel

Let’s go ahead and put both on So I’ve got our splitter connected Yes it looks like we’ve basically Doubled our output about 120 and again We’ve got really early morning sun right Now it’s about nine o’clock Uh so I would say once that sun gets up A little bit we get more direct sunlight We could also angle our panels correctly As well a little more efficiently and Probably draw some more but there we Have you know 120 watts coming in and to Get that other 200 Watts it’s going to Take us a little less than two hours to Fill up that battery and here’s one of The cool things about this power station Is that I can plug into this While it’s charging And now I’m not only putting in with the Solar panels looks like my Shadows on it So it dropped a little bit I’m also Pulling out so we can tap the system Both ways so now I’m charging a battery As well as I’m charging this battery With the solar panels now you you are You rolling now I am rolling okay that’s Fine because I didn’t want to no you’re Good like stop processor Um Kind of curious what is that you’re You’re uh 1900 Yeah your the high shoe wood is right at 99. I would think that

This is definitely like the hardest part On the motor this is that initial stage Isn’t it getting the shape ConEd and Compressed That number on the left is actually how Many hours it would run at that at the Current draw See that 12 over there it says basically 12 hours Correct yeah Yeah that fluctuating number is the Watts out correct Somebody wants us drawing So what are we right now uh we’re always Going to be delayed a little bit but Right now you’re at 40. Yeah it went up to about 52. So I just uh Just centered opened it up brought up The clay a little bit and now I’m just Going to use a rib and all this usually Is is the kind of the lowest power of The wheel But I’m going to start when you’re doing The ridge yeah using the rib I’m just Gonna Begin to shape this So that was that was about three and a Half pounds okay which is a fair amount Of clay for a project I mean you can see Now when when you’re when you’re at the Your outdoor shows or where or you’re Typically not having power What are you like what are you usually

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Doing Either not throwing or yeah exactly Right okay if they give if they allow me To have power which is you know they Always like to because It’s a little bit of a drawing card you Know they like there to be some Entertainment value to the weekend right And so that’s a little bit of what this Is But until this I just used that little Little red one yeah yeah and I would Just throw a very very small pieces so You were tripping out so you’re talking About like a tool uh tool battery power Exactly a little power station and it Would trip it out if you tried something Like you’re about to do right now Exactly and a lot of I mean you go to a Larger outdoor in Florida The the outdoor Art Festival season runs From about September to May and you’ll See artists all over the place with the Little Honda generators exactly yeah the Little tiny generator they’re very quiet You know but you know you have the small Space yeah these generators running you Just know it yeah you’re still dealing With exhaust Exactly so this is this is three pounds Okay so let’s just see what this thing Can do Because this is so it was no it was no Problem three that three pound that

Whole thing it never not a hiccup Nothing different than if you were Plugged into a generator or wall socket Yeah Now this is seven and a half pounds okay So let’s see what it And I’ll just I’ll bear down on it just Like I normally would so okay just put The clay on the Wheel And now I’ve got to get this thing Combed and compressed and centered So if I’m is it just purely using its Own weight and friction to stick on that Board that’s right yeah that’s why you Kind of cleaned it and kind of yeah wet It just Just a Touch I have no idea why these are called bats But this little piece here is called a Bat And it’s made of cardboard just fresh Cardboard Okay so So once you get it stuck down on there Then you gotta cone and compress the Clay up This is what uh let’s see here made Popular the movie Ghost Well I’m not going to help you I’m not Patrick Swayze you certainly aren’t Demi Moore A little bit here Yeah so still you went to about 85 yeah 88 88 Watts so you’re and with this much Clay this is as fast as anybody would Ever take it you know okay just I mean

You got to be in control of this piece Of clay And you don’t want it to go yeah you Know and even you know back to the Generator and not to knock a generator Listen one thing about a generator you Refill fuel it keep going that’s right Um but you’re dealing with fuel whether You have to take fuel or not there’s Fuel in it and you have to be cognizant Of in and out of your vehicle and Um so having Fuel and oil can be a Hindrance and some of these some of These outdoor artists I mean for me I’m Using clay but some of them are painters And they’re using airbrushes and things Like that so different different types Of equipment but for me You know in the course of a day I may Only make 10 pieces yeah at the most maybe eight Pieces so because I gotta I gotta be Able to take this stuff home and it’s It’s harder to handle and the an outdoor Art Festival never lasts more than two Days So To be able to And just you know you can I mean you’ll See because we’re doing this live I mean In real time rather How long it takes to make a pretty big Piece yeah and so You know the overall use of this at an

Outdoor event I mean you I can’t imagine that we’re Going to come close to 12 hours of yeah or even eight or ten Hours of use Yeah and we’re an 80 battery life and It’s saying you could run this for 12 Hours right now yeah you know and that’s Taking an I’m sure a good average of What it’s running at right now Uh now you’re down to 11 but still like You’re saying you’re when I’m yeah and This is a pretty big piece and you’re Not are you constantly on the wheel While you’re out there Bill no okay I Usually do about a piece every 40 Minutes 30 to 40 minutes something like That just to kind of keep things going And is that just to kind of attract People as they’re coming by I see what’s Okay yeah and they kind of draw a little Bit of a distinction too I mean you can Imagine really if anybody Could show a customer what went into Making the thing that they’re trying to Sell right it’s always good sure so for Me I’m lucky to be able to Sit there in a in a A Customer will go Wow okay I connected the Dots here yeah It was on there at one time yeah exactly Right you know And you invariably you always have like

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Because A huge percentage of kids We’ll do Ceramics in high school And so in variable you’ll have somebody That will say oh I did that in high School that’s harder than it looks yeah Which is great yeah sure You know they’re kind of part of your Sales team and they didn’t know it So now I’ve just opened the clay I’ll open this up Kind of hard to see from your Vantage Point but Trust me there’s a big hole in this clay Now yeah I think we’re seeing it down Got it up a little bit and if you’ve Ever been on the wheel most people would Say that the hard part’s over but So now you we’re going to slow I slow The pedal way down you can kind of Probably see that That Wattage usage probably dropped a bunch As you as you start doing your detailing You’re basically slowing everything down Like that makes sense And what are you making This is going to be a pitcher okay And just a your sponge is putting that Character on the outside or that profile Or whatever it also helps to to keep a Little moisture there TWY 23 Yeah you’re looking at 30 out 29 hours

At 80 at 78 battery life you know so Yeah and I I would just guess that we’ve Probably averaged you’ve averaged about 40 Watts 30 to 40 Watts wow so yeah I Mean Looks like you could probably do this For hours I’ll run out of clay before I run out of And I could you know soften that whole Edge up if I want I can leave the The Yeah oh I see the lines in there if I Want And then typically well Come down here to the foot So are you going down to that would you Call it a bat yep okay Get down there this is the clay that you It’s kind of the kind of the buttress to To hold this thing up while you Really push out on it Here Okay that was going to be my next Question so you’re just taking a wire And So you can see just how literally Soft that is wow I mean the firing process matures the Clay and then changes it into something That’s closer to Glass than Than a liquid or a It’s as close as you can get the glass Without being glass okay Um

But that’s why I like this is this Square And it’s ready to put glaze on it’s got This kind of still like that kind of Sound to it So that’s out of the kill then it’ll go Through a glaze and then back in the Kiln that’s right yep and then that’s Once you get a stoneware piece to this Level And you get all the glaze on it But that’s when you get the Oh wow so the glaze process actually Changes that yeah and that’s how you can Tell like if you go to Walmart and buy a Mug It’s gonna sound like that okay But if you want to know if you’ve got a High quality piece of clay That’s how you do it well It’s got this really cool acoustic to it Yeah we left the upas 1200 watt power Station with Randy and he actually took It to the outdoor Festival we went to And it powered uh his wheel all day long For hours with barely using any juice Out of the battery at all he was really Ecstatic with uh with how it worked and As he was mentioned he doesn’t have to Worry about a generator doesn’t have to Worry about extension cords things like That he just puts the power station There plugs directly into it he can even Shove that under his under his wheel and

It’s really out of the way and easy to Use so he was very happy with that now In addition to Randy using it we also Tested it on our light rig here where we Have you know a bunch of different 500 Watt halogen bulbs where we can call on The power and actually a pair of them They don’t pull a thousand they pull Right at 8.50 and uh where the upas 1200 Watt power station claims that it will Do a 3600 Watt peak we were not able to Do that we could pull like 1250 Watts For about a minute and then it would Trip out every time right around between You know 45 seconds and a minute it Would trip out at just 1250 Watts now a Thousand it would do it forever no Problem at all you’d hear the fan kick On after a while but also then we tested 2 000 and at 2000 Watts so in other Words calling on four of these 500 watt Halogen light bulbs at one time it would Sustain that for about three to five Seconds and trip out not even that long Just a couple of seconds and it would Trip out every time on just say you know 1700 Watts because really as I mentioned Two of them were pulling 850 so four of Them were really only pulling about 1700 And it would trip it out immediately so It I don’t believe it has that 3600 Watt Peak capacity but as far as being able To handle pushing out 1200 watts Definitely does that now price on this

Is going to run you about 8 8.99 for the Power station alone if you want the 200 Watt solar panels the fold out solar Panels with it it’s going to run you About 12.99 you can get this on Amazon We’ll have a link in the description so Check it out for yourself also keep Track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tick Tock and if you Don’t mind would you hit that like And Subscribe button if you haven’t done so Already and by all means if you hated Our video then give us a thumbs down but Would you let us know in the comments Why have a great day and keep smiling