RIPPING 4x4s! NEW FLEX 24V Brushless Table Saws – FIRST LOOK [FX7211 & FX7221]

These new FLEX 24V Brushless Table Saws may extend the limits of the cordless table saw market. Who thought we’d be using a cordless table saw to rip 4×4 lumber? Obviously, FLEX did. We have the new FLEX FX7211 8-1/4″ Compact Table Saw and the FLEX FX7221 10″ Table Saw. Both run on the 24-volt FLEX battery, and they can also be powered by an AC/DC power adapter, allowing you to plug them into any typical outlet. The new FLEX Table Saws start at $449 with the bare 8-1/4″ and go up to $799 for the 10″ Kit with battery and charger. #flexpowertools #tools #shoplife

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No you're not seeing double it's flexx [Music] Evision Flex wasn't happy at releasing One table saw they're releasing two Cordless table saws running on their 24volt platform we've got an 8 and 1/4 In and a 10in table saw the 10-in table Saw is supposed to be the only cordless Saw that can rip a 4×4 in one pass and You know we're going to find that out First up we have the flex FX 7211 7211 and this is the 8 and 1/4 in Compact table saw runs on their 24volt Battery however they're also supposed to Have an AC adapter where you can Actually plug that into the port and Then run this off of an outlet if you Need to especially for those extended Run times if you're needing to cut a lot Of stuff uh otherwise you can run any of Their 24volt batteries battery ports Over here on the side we'll get to that In a moment we get a rack and pinion Fence system lock is right here on the Front release the lock it's easy to turn This one way or the other I can also Grab the fence and slide this back and Forth the fence stores away up under the Saw when not in use so making the top Nice and flush uh when you want to use It put it up here you can set it in this Format in this format here we have Numbers uh for both of these up here

That are pretty accurate as well Flip the fence over several different Variations bring it over here bring it Down and now it's supporting uh more of Your cut Material flip it over here on the back And the really cool thing here if you See this white stripe here on the fence Over here on the back side there's a Switch turn that on that's an LED strip Shining Light on the right side of the Blade so many times you may see a shadow Here or especially when you have it up Close to the blade well now you've got An LED light that you can turn on and by The way it's a rechargeable with a USB Type-c port so you don't have to keep Replacing batteries you can just take Your power supply and charge that up From time to time turn it off when not In use or when you don't need it very Easy to move this fence flip this up Have the same on the opposite side move It to this location move it to the Opposite location as well on the other Side if we want to cut with uh with the Fence on the left uh we can do that or We can remove it all together And then it stores Away under the Table when not in use here on the table Uh we get a width of 22 and 78 of an Inch and a depth Of almost 19 in like 18 and 7/8 but the

Cool thing about this is right here on The left hand side bring that up and now We have an even wider table so Now we have an almost 33 in wide table And basically 21 in left of blade is how Far the table extends now so so very Easy just to flip that up and now we've Got a wider table you can see right here On the ruler we have two different sets Of numbers so you can see the fence Attaches here on these Allen heads or on These Allen heads and that's why we have Two separate sets of numbers so at the Zero point right here that's if our Fence was right here but since we're Here we know we're almost at 5 in so Let's dial it at five and we can see Here that we're at 5 in from the fence To the Blade easily dial in the measurement we Need lock that down at 8 in and make our Cuts easily move that to the spot we Need dial it in at 15 Ines lock it down And now we can make our 15in Cuts if we Need To Set this down to 4 in on the Upper change our Fence location and now We're set at 4 in very easy to power the Unit on or off so the big red switch Here pull it up or pull it out and That's going to be on push it down and That's off to dial in the miter we can Flip this lever right here bring it to

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15° if we need to clamp it back down and Now we're good to go if you need to Bring the blade up crank to the right or Clockwise bring the blade down Counterclockwise very easy to do so Bring back to zero and clamp it down and You can see the mechanism here for our Table extension to bring that down we Have these little tabs right here Squeeze it on both of them bring this Down again you see it lock Out So very easy to raise and lower the Extension and here's our battery port And we can run everything from a 2 amp Hour or the smallest Flex 24volt battery Up to the largest as well that port's Going to fit any of those so you can run It a long time or if you have a smaller Battery just need to make a few Cuts you Can do that as well so there's the Battery port also the AC adapter will Fit in there as well an ACDC adapter and It's also ready for our accessories that Come with it you see it just slides Right there in that Port when not in Use and stays out of the way here's our Extraction Port inside Diameter 2 and A/4 outside diameter 2 and 1/2 so two And 1/2 on the outside 2 and a/4 on the Inside and you can see that's a cast Aluminum housing that's not plastic and If you see right here here's all our

Tools for removing the blade and also Making adjustments to the saw but Everything's contained right here and Put away with this thumb screw easily Accessible and keeps everything out of The way and nice and tidy there's also a Spot to keep our additional accessories For our Guards just going to go in Here And lock down and right here on the Front of the saw is where our push stick Actually goes in slides in and locks I Do have a concern here the push stick is Right here close to the guard and the Guard is really not locked down on this Side not that it's going to move around But I think that you could accidentally Come in with a stick and kind of push This thing if you come in level you Should be okay but again just something Probably could have been done a better Job of maybe mounting this somehow uh in A secondary place and keeping that nice And tight and secure uh but regardless It still works and like I said here's The hole for the push stick which again Is a great concealment for the stick uh Just getting in the way of the guard Down there also right here we can easily Check the battery I don't have to go to The side and uh and push the actual Button on the battery we just push the Button here it gives this the indicator

Of how much charge is left on the Battery and full extension uh with the Fence we get a full 25 In from blade to the Fence and also under the table on the Rear of the saw are the anti- kickback Paws so keep them nice and stored away Up there and out of the way and pull Them down as you need them this is the Flex FX 7221 and this is the 10in table saw and This runs off their 24v battery platform Just like the 8 and a/4 does as well as You can also run an AC adapter that Should be available soon so you can plug It into the wall if you need to now one Of the big deals about this it has their Cut Sense Technology now this is not a Safety feature this is really a runtime Feature when you power the cut sense Feature on and let's say you're cutting By yourself and you're taking a piece of Wood or material and you're sliding it Across the sensor once it passes the Sensor it should shut the saw off and That's going to extend the battery run Time for you and you're not having to Run back and forth and actually turning This unit off so if you're passing Something by and then you walk around And pull it on through again working by Yourself it's going to handle turning The saw off for you you can obviously Turn that feature off but again cut

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Sense is not a safety feature it's more Of a convenience or efficiency feature Turning the Saw's pretty Self-explanatory hit the green green [Applause] [Music] Button and to turn the saw off you can Just push the big red button or you can Lift that up and push that red button Regardless this kind of the big safety Switch you can hit that and shut it off Adjusting the miter of the blade easily Lift this up swing it to where you need To set it at 20 clamp it down and now You're locked into place bringing the Blade up clockwise blade down Counterclockwise and again you've got a 10in blade right here on the front of The saw pull this out that is your push Stick so you've got a nice little Port That you push that push stick in and it Holds that into place keeping it out of The way but easily accessible right here From The Cutting side of the saw also Right here on the bottom there's a Button I can actually check the battery Gauge or the battery level I don't have To go to the side and pull that out and Push a button I can do it right there And it tells me how much fuel is left in That battery we have a rack and pinion Style fence so you can see here we have A gear right here that actually rolls That track of Gears right there to move

That table or that fence where you need It you can also easily just grab this And roll this back and forth as well and We have three different spots we can Mount our Fence and that gives us a Max blade Right of a little over 30 In so about 30 and 1/2 in from the fence To the the blade when extended all the Way out locking out the fence is easy Lift it up and free it up set it to your Desired location push it down and you're Locked into place and just like on the Smaller saw we have a white strip right Here if we turn this button on on the Opposite side that's an LED light strip And so that's going to shine some light On the right side of the Blade easily turn this off and you can Also recharge this right here on the top Of the table this is that cut sense Sensor so that's actually what senses uh The material coming across and if you Look underneath this table you can see That sensor right there and just like on The smaller saw the guard mounts right Here when not in Use no tools needed to put that in place However when locked in it is a bit Flimsy down here uh as far as kind of Mounting that away and could get in the Way Of that push stick when pushing that Push stick in again small troubles but

Just wanted to mention that and mounted Underneath is the wrench for removing The saw blade as well as the Allen Wrench for making adjustments nice and Out of the way but convenient to get to And on the extraction Port looks to be a 2 and 1/4 in internal we'll check yeah 2 And 1/4 in internal should be 2 and 1/2 External yeah 2 and 1/2 external and Cast aluminum housing so no plastic okay So let's make a couple of cuts Here bring this In lock that down go ahead and turn our Light On get a decent saw Brake or motor brake that actually stops The blade it doesn't free [Music] [Music] Will very good power on that I'll push That pretty good push this one a little [Music] [Applause] [Music] Harder and we'll do that one more Time [Music] And we'll go ahead and cut some [Music] PT [Music] No power issues at [Music] All

[Music] Okay for this one we're going to pull The throat plate off of the 10 In run that blade up we've got the Battery out battery is not in here so no Power going to it battery is Here to take out our ring knife lift This up push this Over We put our guard in lock that Down and to put on our anti- Kickback Paws push that button push it in make Sure it's locked into place and there You go so Now as we Lower the Paw's automatically rotate up The guards actually come Up and I can lock those in if I want Too so I can leave the anti- kick back Engaged or on but I can raise this the Guard up out of the way if I need to or I can bring those down and they'll stay On the Surface but Obviously I can't get as close with that Guard On even if I had my fence up here than I Could if I just had the be blade And I cannot run just the ring knife With the anti- kickback the anti- Kickback has to go with the guard okay We'll go ahead and run a piece of PT Through [Applause]

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[Music] Here Okay we're going to go ahead and crank This up supposedly this is the only 10-in cordless table saw that will rip a 4×4 in one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Shot And there you have It okay we're going to turn on the cut Sense Technology and let's see how this Works okay you can see our sensor is Right here so supposedly after it passes Over that I'm wondering if it waits a Certain amount of time it should shut The unit off let's try it power On There you go and it doesn't just turn Back on just cuz you cover it back up Again so to turn the unit back on again All you have to do is hit the green Button to take it off of the cut scent You have to hit the a again that takes It off and now you're back to normal We're going to go ahead and set the Angle at 40° and give this 2×4 a rip and See how well it does at [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]

[Music] That well this wasn't supposed to be a Full comprehensive review but we did Want to go over all the features and Then actually use it to give you an idea Of our first thoughts on this we will Come back at some time and do a full Review on each one of these we'll talk About runtime and things like that Because this is one of those tools that Probably the first thing out of your Mouth is well what's the runtime and we Don't know yet we haven't done that Extensive of testing yet but we did want To kind of get these things through the Ringer a little bit see what type of Power they had to share that with you as Well as share the pricing now the power Is very impressive on these you can see We ripped through a full 4×4 did it slow The saw down well absolutely if you were Pushing on it with the 4×4 but still it Ripped through that 4×4 rather easily And at a 40° miter ripping 3 a 2×4 Really had no problem at all so both of These have great power and have great Potential in being a great job site Table saw as for pricing for the 8 and 1/4 in table saw you're looking at $449 So 450 bucks for the bare tool now if You step up to the kit which we have no Idea what the battery is in the kit or The charger is in the kit uh but that is Going to run you $599 so another $150

For the battery and the charger now if You step up to the 10 in you're looking At $549 for the bar tool and $749 for the kit and again we don't know Which battery and charger but since it's A $200 jump on this one and $150 jump on This one from bare tool to Kit we're Assuming we're getting a higher capacity Battery with the 10-in table saw we will Share those details when we have them Look for these to release sometime in January so sometime in the coming days We should see these available and you Get a 5-year warranty with these or if You step up and purchase these within The next year you can actually step up To the founders warranty as long as you Register them within 90 days of purchase So be sure to do that once you purchase These just go ahead right away and Register the these tools and that will Bump you up to the founders warranty Which is a lifetime warranty we'll Follow up with more details on these SS But be sure to follow us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tik Tok and if You don't mind would you hit that like And subscribe button if you haven't done So already and by all means if you hated Our video well give us a thumbs down but Would you let us know in the comments Why have a great day keep Smiling