RYOBI 18V HP 8″ Pruning Saw Review [BRUSHLESS]

RYOBI sent us their new RYOBI 18V HP 8″ Pruning Chainsaw. #sponsored This should be hitting the shelves this month and available at the Home Depot for $149 for the bare tool, $179 with a 2Ah battery. #homedepot #review #ryobitools

RYOBI 18V HP 8″ Pruning Chainsaw:

RI has a brand new high performance 8 in Pruning [Music] Saw RI sent us out the 8 in pruning saw And it's part of their HP lineup of OnePlus tools so meaning it runs on Their 18vt battery platform HP meaning High performance and we definitely get a Brush motor and it's an 8 in bar and Chain now we're going to see does this Thing really have the guts to make the Cuts pun intended and be able to do some Of your trimming that you need to do With spring coming up this is the allnew Roobi OnePlus HP 8 in pruning saw Obviously runs on their 18vt battery Platform uh it's part of their HP lineup So we know we get a brushless motor and This pruning saw has an 8in in bar and Chain with a 6-in cutting capacity you Have this little uh safety bar up here Which basically uh keeps you from doing Any up cuts and really trying to limit Any Kickback that you may have now when You look at this this is not recommended To be a one-handed saw it's recommended To keep the second hand here even though There's no handle or strap or anything Uh again in their literature they Recommend not using it with one hand uh Just for the simple fact of of Kickback And getting your hand caught in Something and not good things when it Comes to a chainsaw now it comes with as

I mentioned an 8 in bar and chain or 203 Mm uh but 6in cut capacity and the chain Is actually a 33 length chain 3/8 in Pitch and uh 043 gauge they claim with a 2 a hour battery you'll get up to 28 Cuts in 4×4 Lumber which would be like Yellow pine I believe and then with a 4 Amp hour 78 cuts and a 6 a hour 113 Cuts We may uh do a few test to just kind of Validate we can get quite a few cuts out Of a battery I don't know if we'll take It to the Max and drain the battery uh But we'll definitely make some Cuts There let's go ahead and get this cover Off and see what's lurking back there Behind the Cover now I'm using a Wrench however and by the way I'm very Glad to see that we're still using a Simple retaining nut and stud to uh keep That bar on I do not like the thumb Screws the you know tool of stuff I just Don't think it it works that well um Anyway so we have a scrench on board Right here so I didn't have to go and Get my regular wrench I could have Grabbed that right there and by the way That's a great place to secure that and It seems to be secured very well where It's not just going to fall off so Adjusting the chain adjusting the bar Can be done with that scrinch right There on board I also like the fact we Have a metal shoulder right there in the

Middle of the cover so that's going to Last a while it's not just going to Crush and as I mentioned there's are 33 Tooth chain and also 38 and 043 gauge Now RI does tell us in the documentation Uh that the speed of the chain is 23.6 FPS which is feet per second and That's typically what I like to see on a Chainsaw but others like to see RPM Things like that um I don't like to see When they convert this to like minute And give you like a big number things Like that um so great job RI giving me 23.6 ft per second but they don't tell Me how many RPM it's turning so again Just something I like to know so if it's Something you like to know let's do some Quick Math and Science here and get to That number and by the way that's going Going to be 7.2 M/s for those in other places other than The US and even our friends that are in The US that like to see meters per Second there you go 7.2 meters per Second anyway so let's get back to 23.6 Ft per second obviously that is uh Distance over time and let's break that Down so that we can actually see Revolutions so we know that is feet so Let's break that 23.6 * 12 and that'll give us inches so 283.15 In per second well to get any further

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Now we need to know in one revolution How far does this chain travel and That's pretty easy to find out as well Now we know that it has a six to Sprocket on here and I'm just going to Go ahead and Mark here on the face of The sprocket where one of the teeth are And then I'll also there's no battery in This so it's not going to take off on me I'll also give a reference Mark here on The tool as well that kind of tells us When we go re one Revolution how far it's going to travel Now I don't want to wrap a tape measure Around that but we can do this by teeth Because we know in re one revolution six Of these teeth are going to engage the Teeth on this chain and we know we have A tooth every two rivets there so I'm Just going to go down on this Chain and I'm going to say there's a Tooth there and a tooth there tooth There there there and I'm going to mark Seven of those well you say well there's Only six teeth that's exactly right There is six teeth there's five there's Six and there's seven but basically you Got a start and a stop to that and if You're questioning me on that then I'll Prove it to you Again so I'm going to Mark our last Mark here I'm going to Mark a little Silver mark there on the actual Bar And Now when I revolve this one revolution

What should happen is that that Mark Should be lined up with that seventh dot Right there so let's see so we'll watch This and go one Revolution here it comes Around here it comes around and there we Go and look right there my silver mark On the bar is lined up with that black Dot on the seventh rivet okay so let me Back that back up and we'll get to what I was trying to find out and so we'll Take our digital calipers here and we Will Measure that Distance so we're going to call that 4.4 In so we know one revolution is 4.4 In One revolution so if we know we're Traveling 283.15 In so then we just take our 283.15 And that equals 64.3 6 so 6436 and that's going to be revolutions Per Second well if we want revolutions per Minute that same number time 60 Equals 38 61.8 we could probably call that 3862 and that is Rpm so we know our RPM on this saw is

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3861 at the sprocket obviously that's a No load speed and if we wanted to back Back into that so we'd take 30 3861 Which is rpm * 4.4 in equal 16,99 to and we would divide that by 60 Cuz that's at minutes and that brings us Back to the 2832 and we'll divide that by 12 12 in In a foot 23.6 so right back to our numbers so We're pretty confident 3862 RPM and if you like that then we'll be Here all Week uh one thing I did notice on this When I had it off and really looking at It there is no Oiler here even though The bar has a a space for an Oiler it's Pretty probably a pretty standard bar uh There is no oiler on this system there's No Oiler tank uh so you will need to oil This chain and you probably don't want To use this like a you know a regular Gas powered saw where you may be you Know making 500 cuts at a time um Because you are going to have to keep Some oil on in this to keep it Lubricated now let's go ahead I'm going To throw the cover back on here and get You a weight on the bare Tool that's grams pound ounces so 4 PB 4 O without a battery on there so probably Going to be about a six PB tool Depending on which battery you're going

To use in that and then overall Measurement on this [Music] Tool again without the battery it's About 20 in Long width on it is pretty slender Probably about 3 and 1/2 in wide at the Widest point except right here at the Battery so yeah probably still 3 and 1 12 In so still a small and handy saw for Doing your pruning uh our safety switch Is right there so there's not a there's Not a secondary brake Uh so it's just going to depress that Each time you want to pull the trigger To activate the saw now normally in uh a Situation where we have an oil tank I Would recommend running any type of oil However in something like this where we Actually have to oil the chain and the Bar manually I would definitely Recommend going with a bar and chain oil That has some tackifier in it tackifier Basically means it's sticky and so it's Going to stick and so it's going to Stick to it Um this is probably just a mix of of Several Things going to manually run some around Here and we're going to make a mess Anyway but you definitely want to oil That up especially on that first use in Maiden voyage and keep oiling it up

Every now and Then and as you can see without having To grab that chain I can use some wood To uh actually do that work for me so I'm not risking my fingers and make sure You do that without the battery in so I'm going to put in a 4 amp hour battery I believe we've got a full charge on It okay so a slow Start and you see Where're slinging a bit of oil there so Be careful where you're slinging that And so let's make the maiden cut [Applause] Here okay not bad you see we have uh Some small whether you call those Bucking spikes or just kind of a place To grab if you're kind of burying this In although this is probably not the Type of saw where you're actually going To use that for leverage but at least They're There okay so I did just stall the motor I pushed kind of [Applause] Hard It cuts very well especially if you let The speed stay Up however if I try to really bury It I had to put quite a bit of pressure In there to do that so I'm saying it Cuts very well especially for a little Pruning Saw

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But you do have to get those revs up get Those RPM up before you enter the Material cuz as you can see here if I Just lay it here and pull the trigger It's not going to do [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Anything [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] So that's the situation where I can let It let it bite in a little Bit and then I can use those spikes to Bite against on this side of the Wood and use that for a little bit of Leverage again you're not going to be Able to apply a ton of Leverage or it's Going to stall the [Applause] All [Music] [Applause] Pretty impressive for Ryobi 18 volt so We made about 20 Cuts in that 4×4 or 3 And 1/2 by4 whatever it was I think it Was off of a pallet uh and uh we went Through it looks like one bar on the uh On the 4 amp hour battery I wasn't going To go through a Max runtime testing I'm Sure it probably does right about what

They say or claim it does but when you Get into your crepe myrtles and your Oaks and things you're trimming like That that's going to be totally Different from cutting through just a Pine 2×4 uh but I just wanted to show That it does have the guts to cut Through a 4×4 I wouldn't recommend that You're going to be typically pruning a a 6-in limb that's probably more apt for a An actual you know larger chainsaw but You shouldn't have any problem cutting Through those 6 in from time to time if You need to this will be great for Exactly what it's intended for pruning Uh bushes pruning trees I will recommend It does not have an oil tank on it so You will have to lube the bar and chain From time to time to keep that from Overheating and kind of ging up Everything uh in in the chain and in the Bar you'll be replacing bars and chains A lot and also I'll give you a Recommendation learn to sharpen your Chainsaw blades it's not really that Hard to do just make sure you take the Battery out of it whenever you're Messing with this end of a chainsaw uh We made again about 20 Cuts here it it Did very well uh Power is is very on par Um for a pruning saw we think it did Very well on on the power side of things Can you stall it absolutely is it a slow Startup yeah it takes about a second for

The for the chain to get up to speed uh But again for an 18vt battery platform Uh in the ri line we think it did very Very well so check it out for yourselves You can get this for $149 for the bear Tool or you can get it with a 2 Amp Hour Battery and a kit for $179 and you're going to get a Three-year warranty you can find this at Home Depot or on hom depot.com we'll Have a link in the description also keep Track of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tik Tok and if you Don't mind would you hit that like And Subscribe button if you haven't done so Already and by all means if you hated Our video give us a thumbs down but let Us know in the comments why have a great Day and keep Smiling