RYOBI 18V Hybrid Cooler Fridge Freezer [12V 18V 120V]

Coming soon to a Home Depot near you is the new RYOBI 18V Hybrid Cooler. This is much more than cooler since it goes as low as 4°F and runs on a single 18V battery, dual 18V batteries, 12V aux, or 120V plug-in power. You can set the temperature from -4°F to 68°F and this RYOBI cooler will accept any 18V One+ battery from 1.5AH up to 12Ah. #ryobitools #homedepot #cooler

RYOBI 18V Hybrid Cooler:

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Keep your food and drinks cold even Unplugged [Music] This is the brand new Ryobi hybrid 18 Volt cooler fridge freezer yes it will Do all those things it will freeze down To negative four degrees and it will Hold up to 68 degrees Fahrenheit now This runs on the 18 volt batteries you Actually have two different battery Ports it will also run on a 12 volt Auxiliary typical Car cigarette lighter Adapter and it will run on 120 volts as Well now let's take a deeper dive into These features and we'll talk about run Time and we'll talk about performance And then we'll come back and talk about Pricing and warranty leave it up to Ryobi to release something pretty cool Pun intended there with this 18 volt Cooler and really it's not just an 18 Volt cooler it will run on their 18 volt Batteries but it also run on 12 volts as Well as 120 volts so with the cooler you Get this 12 volt adapter as well it's Going to plug into your auxiliary or Cigarette lighter adapter that's what we Used to call them but very rarely do Find cigarette lighters anymore anyway So the 12 volt adapter for your vehicle As well as a 120 volt to 12 volt adapter As well so that comes with this and then Obviously you can run it on an 18 volt Battery as well now the model number on

This is the pi 1824 qbt 18 because 18 volt 24 because It's a 24 quart and BT who knows I don't Know Bluetooth I'm not sure it has Bluetooth but anyway let's take a look At the features on this cooler first Let's get an overall Dimension here Roundabout anyway about 26 inches long When you look to the front to the back Here and by the way pretty cool that Obviously we have a fold out handle That's right here where you can wheel This around pick it up wheel it around We also have handles here integrated Into the side where you can just pick it Up and then we have tie down straps here On the front and on the back as well so If you've got this thing in the back Your pickup truck on the back of the Boat wherever you can tie this down as Well you see the small wheels here on The back makes it easier for traversing Around not very big so you're not going To wheel that through the beach sand or Anything without just kind of dragging It but still it offers some Mobility now The size of those Wheels is four inches And as I mentioned overall length to This about 26 inches and overall height At just under 14 inches tall Looking at the width of the cooler about 15 inches from Back to Front And let's get an empty weight on this as Well

Looks like 28 pounds six and a half Ounces let's make sure that we're not Gonna Yeah 28 pounds six and a half ounces Most of that weight is here on the back Of the unit because back here in the Back is where you have your compressor As well as probably the evaporator coil Condensing coil and everything your fans And all that to keep everything you know Going and nice and cool and we'll see Once we look inside there this area is Kind of blocked off but again all your Weight is back here on this side the Front side here is pretty light We have an integrated bottle opener Right here on the front of the unit as Well flip around here to the back really Nothing here on the back other than the Grille here that where it can you know Breathe a little bit You know in the front we just have a Handle Here on the bottom pretty blank as well This is our drain hole so you can drain This without tipping it up And here on the front we have the cover To the cooler as well as the cover to The batteries Now this does have a locking latch right Here and so it won't just kind of fly up On you you have to lift up to unlock That so that's kind of nice if it's Banging around it's not just going to

Fly open opens up and you see we do have A Rubber seal around here it's more of a Foam rubber it's not a solid rubber but Still that should seal around this lip Right here now as far as the opening You're looking at 11 and a quarter Inches By about 11 and a quarter about 11 3 8 By 11 and 3 8 and height is just under 10 inches well right at 10 inches so Right at 10 inches to the top lip from The bottom now this holds 24 quarts or About 40 12 ounce cans of soda or your Favorite beverage and then obviously Various bottles and you know sandwiches And what have you but so it's not a huge Cooler by any means at the same time It's going to hold a decent amount more Than one work lunch that's for sure and Enough drinks for the beach for the day Anyway You see down here in the bottom again There's our drain and it just pulls out Has a couple of silicone O-rings right There so you don't have to screw this in You can just push down and twist a Little bit and it's going to seal up and Keeping everything nice and sealed but If you do have some water leakage or Something leaking there you can just Pull that out and drain it Now this is the battery door so again It's got a locking latch on it so it Doesn't just fly open so if we open it

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Up we do have dual active ports in here So both of these ports are active it's Not just a dummy spot for a battery but I believe it does run on just a single Battery We'll stick a couple of uh four amp Hours in there and you see there's Plenty of room in there to hold those Batteries and if you're wondering if you Can run some of the high capacity Batteries that Ryobi offers Well let's check it out this is actually The brand new 12 amp hour 18 volt One Plus Battery that Ryobi will be Releasing very soon And there's the 8 Amp Hour battery they Will be releasing very soon these are Built on 21700 cells so high capacity High output as well so the 8 Amp Hour The 12 amp hour so yes the 9 amp hours Will fit no problem And it closes just fine so it looks like They were thinking ahead for the high Capacity batteries and I think you could Run quite a long time on that but just Wanted to show you that those larger Batteries will fit I'm going to put one Battery in here Let's close this up and power up the Cooler and before we get started just Want to show you so I'm going to open This up I'm going to get a shot in here uh 91 93 93 degrees so this cooler is not cool it

Is not you know I've not pre-cooled it Or anything I wanted to do this on Purpose so we've got a 93 degree cooler It's probably about 98 degrees out here But that's what we're going to start With so again we've got one four amp Hour battery in there and so let's hit The power button yeah so it shows 94 Degrees that is the temperature in the Cooler looks like we've got 20.2 volts On the battery and it's in eco mode by The way you can put it in Max mode and What that will do is the compressor will Run a little bit harder to get up to Temp and uh and so you'll get a little Faster cooling that way Eco is going to Save on that battery life a little more So if I went into settings you can see I Can change it to Max And hit the power button and now we're In the max mode so I'll leave it in Max Mode and let's go ahead and let's set Yeah let's set that temperature at 33 Degrees I'm going to say right I want Those drinks just just about freezing And let's go ahead and throw some drinks In here so one thing it will run on a Single battery but what I'm going to do I'm going to go ahead and throw two Batteries in there I think that's Probably pretty common and I think four Amp hour is one of the most common Ryobi Batteries that we see out there so I'm Going to run this on two four amp hour

Ryobi batteries and we're going to take It from 94 degrees to 32 degrees and see What type of battery life we get out of This Now I will say I really don't recommend This meaning if you can load things in There that are already cold or at least Cool that will definitely help you in Maximizing the um the run time of your Battery so and that's one of the really Great things about these coolers is the Fact that if things are cool the Batteries will last a long time in fact I believe Ryobi states that two nine amp Hour batteries will run this for like 23 Hours continuous I don't know they don't Mention the temperature on that I would Assume somewhere I don't know in the Cool range and not in the cold range I Like my drinks really cold I'm telling You if it's got a little slush on there When I open them that's perfect I Believe that's a 11 drinks in there so 11 Coca-colas that again I believe they may Be cool but they're not cold no yeah There you go 84 degrees some of them Most 90 yeah so 87. so these again are Not cool drinks whatsoever and we're Going to cool those down And see how long it takes as well as the Run time now you can see on here it's Only been a few minutes and one of the Batteries is already down a couple of

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Cells uh we're down to 18.4 volts and we Really haven't even lowered the Temperature yet now I did have the the Door open but again I think that's kind Of a common thing that you may have it Running in open the door obviously to Get drinks or add drinks to it so let's See how well it does we'll put a timer On it and by the way we can lower this As low as negative four and also have it Go up as high as 68 degrees Fahrenheit Where it'll just kind of maintain that Mid cool range if you will but again Take it down as low as negative four so If you wanted to freeze popsicles in Here you could definitely do that You also get a USB port so you can Charge your phone or personal device or Anything with a USB so it is a USB type A you do not have a USB type-c and there Is just one single port but it does make It nice if you're on the beach or Something to be able to charge your Phone and there's a nice place up here To actually set the phone you can also Go into settings and you can go into From Eco to Max mode also if I hold this Down I can go into the battery Protection mode and set it at high Medium and low and what that's for is You can actually set that So that if it's plugged into your Vehicle and the vehicle gets down to a Certain voltage it will actually stop

Powering the cooler so that you can Still start your car there's very little Noise coming from the unit and it's Powering on it's still running Um in high so we have it in Max mode so It's running right now and you can't Hardly hear it in fact Showing 49.50 decibels of course me Talking I'm at 75 90. And that's right next to the cooler So very quiet running now I'm sure this Question will probably come up and that Is will the plug-in adapter actually Charge the batteries and I don't believe That it does I've looked in the uh in The manual can't find that and when I Plug this in we'll see here I'm going to Plug it in you'll see this change from Batteries it'll give it a second Now it's saying 14.2 14.4 volts which is Coming off of the adapter here but it's Not showing any indication on the Battery and I would think it would show Some type of charging status but it does Not and then when I pull this out it Will go back to the battery mode Oh wow before it did now it looks like It shut it off I'm going to turn it back on 32 52 Degrees And you should see these batteries Balance out that they should both be at About 18 and a half volts so this is Really interesting uh this battery

That's showing 20.3 volts I plugged it In for only I don't know probably 5-10 Seconds maybe 30 seconds and now this is Showing 20.3 volts I think that's a Misreading because I saw it kind of Flush wheat high before and then went Back down these should both be about 18.5 18.1 volts somewhere in that range I'm just curious if this will come back Down Well this is pretty interesting so we're At 105 p.m we started this at 12 25 p.m So what's that in 40 minutes we've gone From 95 degrees down to 51 degrees That's like 44 degrees Fahrenheit that We have dropped now we are down to 18.1 Volts on this battery this one shows 20.3 volts but I don't believe that's The case because it was down to like 18.5 I think there may be some sort of Misreading right here we'll see where This balance is out but I don't believe That battery is full at 20.3 volts that Would be an absolutely full battery so Nominal voltage should be somewhere Around 18 volts but anyway so we're down To Now 50 degrees at 106 p.m so in in 41 Minutes we've dropped a full 45 degrees Fahrenheit not bad at all so we are Exactly two hours in to our run time on This after adding the 12 pack of uh room Temperature are really hot coca-colas And our Target temperature I can't Remember if it was 33 or 34 degrees but

Anyway I know it was a degree of two Hotter or warmer than freezing so we Basically hit our Target temperature After two hours of running on the 18 Volt batteries you will see that Basically One battery is dead for the Most part down to 14 volts and the other One is down to 17.5 now we hit 40 Degrees rather quickly like one hour in We hit 40 degrees and then it took Another hour to get from 40 down to 34. So the closer you get to that freeze Window the more time and power it's Going to take so a 40 degree Coca-Cola At in a 100 degree summertime Pretty cold so you might would have been Fine at setting it at 40 degrees now That we're down to this temperature We'll probably get a lot longer run time On those batteries but we'll see okay We're going to call this our set Temperature because I think if I go in Here And I press this okay Um So maybe we were at 33 I'm going to just Call it at 34. we good with that okay We're going to call it 34 degrees so Let's check in here uh Yes these walls are very icy I don't Know if you can see that right there Feel very cold cooler feels very cold The drinks feel cool they do not feel Like they're at 34 degrees and I really

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Wondered that so I'm sure that the Cooler is probably at 34 and it will Probably maintain that and then that Radiant heat in there from the cool Walls will eventually cool those drinks But they are not down to 34 degrees yet They are nice and cool but they're just Not down to 34. Okay the cooler Cooler it off it's 245 so it started Running at 12 25 so 2 hours and 20 Minutes in and it shut off let's see if We can get this to power back on I guess not I was hoping to get a Voltage read on the end there Let's try to cheat the system here a Little bit Yep so that one's dead That one's dead Yeah so looks like we're completely dead On that Now we're going to put two more four amp Hour batteries in here Since we're up to temp Well it looks like it warmed up to 44 Degrees that doesn't make sense it's Just been a couple of minutes since the Unit shut off because I last checked it 10 minutes ago anyway so regardless now We're running again and look at that Immediately it went down to 18.6 volts And 20 volts here But now that we're close to temp Now we want to see how much run time

We'll get out of these two four amp hour Batteries after we already have a cool Cooler Now runtime you already saw that Basically bringing that cooler down to Temperature from 95 degrees down to you Know the 34 degree range really took the Majority of that battery life so in About two hours it took the majority of That and then in another 20 minutes it Killed the batteries and and shut off Now if you would have started with a Cooler or a cool cooler then and Especially if you already had your Drinks or your food already chilled then You would get hours and hours of run Time in fact we've got another set of Batteries in here and it's still running Even after hours now we will have in the Description the run time for The Fresh Two four amp hour batteries with the Cooler already chilled and with the Drinks already chilled and we'll let you Know how long it will run my guess is Going to be into that six to ten hour Range because the majority of that power Is needed to again bring that temp down Once it's there it's going to hold that With very little effort now my favorite Thing about these powered coolers is the Fact when you reach in and get your Drink it's just a cold drink there's not Water dripping off of it there's not ice Dripping off of it it's not wet it's not

Dripping all over you listen at the Beach it really doesn't matter but when You're you know you're somewhere maybe You're playing golf or maybe you know You've got it uh you know on the back Patio and you reach out and you take That drink especially if it's a Gatorade Or something just pours water all over The front of you not the case on this These are just cold drinks they don't Have ice and water so I love that part About this now price on this is going to Run you about 500 bucks for the cooler Alone no batteries you get a three year Warranty with that and you can run it on Any of the 18 volt batteries and you can Run it on a single battery or you can Run it on Dual batteries I would Definitely recommend dual batteries at Least four amp hour batteries preferably You know your six eight nine 12 amp hour Batteries that's going to give you Definitely a longer run on time and You're not worried about actually Running out of energy and I definitely Recommend plug it in and chill it before You use it because then it's already Down to Temp your drinks are down to Temp and again your batteries are just Kind of keeping it running and keeping It cool definitely love this thing this That should be hitting the shelves in The next month or two you can find it at Home Depot on homedepot.com keep track

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