RYOBI 40V HP 20″ Hybrid Fan Review – 6,300 CFM [RY40HF01]

This RYOBI 40V HP 20-inch Hybrid Fan is the first battery-powered fan that we’ve seen of this size. Delivering 6,300 CFM of air is also a number not seen in the cordless fan world. Not only can you use the RYOBI 40V batteries to power this RYOBI RY40HF01 fan, but pull the battery out, and you can plug in a standard extension cord. Run this fan on 40V or 120V power. These should be hitting the #homedepot shelves in February 2024 for $229 (bare tool). #tools #review

RYOBI RY40HF01 40V HP Hybrid Fan:

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We've got a new tool arrival from ri Right in the dead of winter bet you Can't guess what it [Music] Is we've got the Ryobi R y40 HF this is Part of the 40 volt HP lineup and it's a Hybrid fan not just a hybrid fan but a 20in hybrid shop fan this thing's Supposed to move 6300 CFM let's take a Closer look yet another tool coming out From rii uh maybe a tool could be shop Equipment whatever you wanted to label This as but a 20in cordless or battery powered fan Actually it's a hybrid powered fan so it Runs on their 40 volt platform also runs Off of a cord as Well now we actually got to see this at The equip Expo last year I believe some Time in October of 2023 uh we saw it at the equip Expo However we didn't really have any Details on when it would be coming out So glad to see this because it was Moving quite a bit of air at the event Not sure what's in this box oh I do know What's in this Box this is going to Be the 6-in all Trin Wheels they have a Like a rubber coating here on the side Plastic in the middle rubber on the Outside got some grip to It in fact this is supposed to move 6300 CFM on high of

Course get these wheels On okay wheels are are on we have a Steel cage looks like we've got some Plastic here on the sides at kind of the Junction points but for the main part we Have a metal structure here metal Grill Here as well as a metal tube frame uh Some rubber feet here looks like some Plastic with a little rubber on it uh so More of A yeah this is more of a plastic foot But rubber Wheels 180° Fan Rotation point it straight up all the Way to straight down not sure why you'd Want it down but still and anywhere in Between obviously you could flip this Around if you wanted to turn it the Other way uh a pivoting handle as Well yeah 20 and 1/2 in opening probably A 20in Blade here you can lock down the pivot Backside you see we kind of got the uh The blade tucked inside of the barrel There and if you'll notice I'm calling It The Barrel if you're noticing the Structure here it's not just a straight Through design there's actually a kind Of a big mouth opening on the intake Side and on the exit side or the exhaust Side then it tapers down I think that's Where they're actually utilizing that Whisper technology this is part of their

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Whisper series of tools or whisper Series of fans uh they also have them on Their blowers their mowers and even String trimmers and they're really Cutting down on the noise even though They're delivering a ton of air as well In Fact throw a battery in Here and throw it on High and that is moving a lot of air as I mentioned uh 6300 CFM on high and I Believe low is like 2850 and then medium is going to be 4450 So we do have three speeds and off of Course uh up to 6,300 CFM it will run on The 40 volt as well as on 120 volt power As well I I'll show you that that spot In a moment where you can plug it in but I wanted to point out that even on high At 6300 CFM that they're claiming only 58 dbel Now let me turn this on so I'm turning On high and then I'll shut up and quit Talking so at about 3 ft away I'm down To about 72 D now I'm about 6 ft away And I'm down to about 63 D I'm not going to be super critical About that they did not release how they Got their decimal rating of course I'm Using a smartphone to get that uh Usually it's pretty much much accurate To get you in the ballpark obviously It's not a Sound Studio where I can do a Lot of that recording but it gives me an

Idea and at 6 feet away which would be Pretty typical I'm a fan typically You're not right up on a big fan like This you're you're working around it uh It's still going to be very quiet you'll Be able to have a conversation either on A phone or with someone with this Running even on high even more So on one or two you're not you're going To have no problem at all having that Conversation And that settles way down and then even On one so now this is on low we're still Getting you know 2200 plus CFM so we're Getting a lot of air movement but it's a Very quiet fan you can almost not hardly Hear it run if you're 6 8 10 ft away so Here we have our three speeds and then Here we have our 40 volt Battery and then tucked up down here if You pull the battery out now you can Actually plug in an extension cord and Now run this indefinitely as long as you Have that outlet power of 120 volts so Understand that since we have to have The battery removed in order to plug in The cord then it's not acting as a Charger so don't think that you have a Hybrid technology fan or a hybrid fan And it's going to charge the battery for You that's not the case pull the battery Out you can use electric power or put The battery back in and use battery Power now let's talk about runtime on

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Batteries obviously if we have this Plugged in we can run it as long as we Want to uh but if we're on battery power Obviously you're going to be limited to How much battery you're you're providing A Ryobi 40 volt 4 amp hour battery will Provide an hour and 40 minutes of Runtime on high and 12 hours of runtime On low now if we jump up to an 8 Amp Hour 40 volt battery we're looking at a Run time of 3 hours and 10 minutes on High and 23 hours on low and then if We've got the 12 amp hour 40 volt reob Lithium battery uh 34 hours of runtime On low and 4 and 1/2 hours on high so Even on high that's more than a half a Day of runtime on the 12 amp hour Battery I know that seems like a lot but When you get into these larger 18in and 20-in fans in fact I don't know that I've seen a 20-in in a cordless or Battery powered fan but when you get That large and you're moving 6300 CFM of Air that's taking a lot of power to do So so doing that on an 18vt battery is Very tough but when you step up to a 40 Volt you're just getting more Watt hours Out so when you take 12 amp hours and Multiply that times the 40 volts that's Going to give you your Watt hours this Is your amp hours and that times your Voltage is going to give you Watt hours Or Typically if you flip a battery over you

Can find somewhere on here there's 432 wat hour so that really tells you uh How much capacity you've got in that Battery and that's providing that longer Run time for this fan this is a really Great addition to the Ryobi lineup and I Really like it on the 40 volt series of Batteries now I understand if you're Loaded with the 18vt this is not going To work for you uh but for those of us That do have a lot of the 40 volt like Lawn Equipment stuff stepping up to a Fan like this is truly going to move a Lot of air in the shop and I like the Fact that it's easily transportable as Well just lift it up with the handle Roll it around where you need it or lift It up put it in a vehicle it is quite Heavy I don't know it's probably 30 40 Lbs anyway uh but you can move this Around without an issue I love the fact That it is very quiet especially for the Amount of air that it's running or Moving and you can get this for $229 as a bare tool I haven't seen it Kitted with the battery yet uh but $229 And a 3-year warranty look for this to Arrive on the Home Depot shelves in February of this year February 2024 hey Be sure to follow us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and even Tik Tok and if You don't mind would you hit that like And subscribe button if you haven't done So already and by all means if you hated

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