RYOBI PCL756 SWiFT Clean 18V Spot Cleaner Review

Can we lift out stains from carpet with this new @RYOBI TOOLS USA Swift Clean Spot Cleaner? Onboard the #RYOBI PCL756 spot cleaner is a tank that holds a cleaning agent, such as the OXY solution included with the kit. There’s also a catch-tank that contains the particulate and solution that is vacuumed from the carpet or surface. You have 3 buttons on the handle that power the sprayer, agitator brush, and vacuum. #ryobitools #ryobination #homedepot

RYOBI PCL756 Swift Clean:

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Can Ryobi Swift clean up your messes Let's find out He'll be swift clean and specifically It's the model number PCL 756 powered by their 18 volt battery and It's their Swift clean spot cleaner and It houses uh the chemical or the agent That you need to spray down as well as It's a vacuum on board as well as it's An agitator so it does all those things Let's take a closer look at this see Each one of the features then we'll use It come back talk about pricing warranty And what we think of it this is the Ryobi PCL 756 and it's their Swift clean Spot cleaner now the idea here is that You kind of get an all-in-one uh Basically uh where you put the solution In you can spray the solution it has a Vacuum on board that's going to provide Suction as well as an agitator brush That's going to agitate and then pull That solution with the vacuum and put it In this container here so pretty cool That it's kind of all in one you get Three buttons up here you can power them Vacuum on you can basically power the Beater bar and then you can also provide This spray there with all from the Battery so we can obviously put a Battery in here and make everything work And we'll do that here in one moment now Everything kind of detaches as well so The container on the bottom comes off

Very easily just flipping the switch Right there and then that comes loose And this is what's going to catch all Those contaminants or that contaminated Water or contaminated solution this Opens up you can dump it out Then obviously just slides back into Place the front comes off as well if you Need to clean that put in your Dishwasher or whatever to get that clean I don't know any other reason why you Would need to pull that off other than To clean it and then the solution tank Here just kind of lifts up out of place There's just a slide here I can't find a Button or anything so I'm assuming it's Kind of beveled on both sides so it just Kind of moves out of the way and locks It in when you put it back down and so Here's your little container that you Get this bottle of oxy cleaning formula So I'm sure it's an oxygen dioxide type Of derivative say like OxiClean or Something like that So it's probably going to foam very well Anyway you take the lid off right here Which you can see an o-ring on here the Seals you put your solution in there And then you put your lid back on and Put it on the extractor or on the Swift Clean and then go to town I'm going to snap that back into place So we'll go ahead and use this uh we'll Take

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A four amp hour battery And slam it all here and let's just go Through real quick Um Okay there's the sprayer and it looks Like the sprayer is right here on the Front Okay so there's your agitator brush and Then the power button Okay The power button activates the vacuum And so now it's pulling vacuum up up Here through the front Now I did want to point something else Out this agitator brush I'm sure it'll Get messy Probably get dirty get hair all in it And you can easily with a screwdriver or Quarter or whatever Give that a quarter turn and it'll pull Right out and you can clean all that up And Put it back in And now you're good to go Lock that back into place so nice that You can remove that beater bar or that Agitator brush whatever you want to call That now this thing is not heavy not That heavy anyway We'll go ahead and get a weight on it With that four amp hour battery Six pounds six ounces so not even uh six And a half pounds so a little over six Pounds so it's not exactly heavy but it

Is a bit bulky I don't know that you're Gonna be doing a lot inside of cars at Least like in the floorboards now maybe In the rear cargo section of an SUV but You can see here I mean you're 20 inches long with the Battery on there and about nine inches Tall And then the width of it as well You're five and a half inches wide at Least So it's not a tiny tool that you're Going to be able to get in a lot of Crevices or things like that but again Doing your big spot cleaning this might Be a great solution for this because It's kind of all in one so let's try This out and see now many times when We're testing tools like impact wrenches And drills and impact drivers and things Like that we use them quite a bit before We just go off and do a review on them This one is fresh out of the box we Literally have not used this and we've Got a pretty used Pretty used floor mat here you can see This is driver side floor mat here's the The heel where the accelerator pedal is Right here so you see where the hill Sits and you know Mats that down pretty Good so again this is not a brand new Floor mat by any means and it's not that Well taken care of either I know that Because it's it's one of mine anyway so

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What I'm going to do I'm going to do a Fair test here so I'm going to take say Half of this side and half of this side I'm going to go ahead and pre-vacum Because let's face it before we spot Clean typically we're probably vacuuming But I am going to leave half of each Side because I think this is a little Bit more matted down this side so I'll Go ahead and split halves on both of These vacuum half of them and leave both Of them kind of raw as is and then we'll Spot clean all of it and see if it makes A difference and see how well it does Foreign So you can see there I didn't do a ton Of work in fact I don't think I made Much of a difference at all but I did Give it a few sweeps with the vacuum so This side's vacuumed that side's Vacuumed and then the middle part is not Touched at all so we'll go ahead and hit This whole area with the spot cleaner so We're going to take our tank off Take this lid off Oops I guess it won't hold the whole Thing I'm going to make a mess I'm sure That's kind of a pain that That really won't sit up but anyway I Guess there's no need for it to sit up I think that's on there Okay so That should be our sprayer

Should spray right out of here Okay so you hold it down You gotta hold down the spray Okay I think I got a good amount on There now we're going to use the brush To agitate now I will tell you typically Using an extractor especially like Detailers would use typically the jet is Spraying kind of in front of the Agitator and or definitely the vacuum Because then the vacuum picks up the the Last of you kind of spray as you go this It looks like you're gonna have to treat With the spray and then come back and Vacuum it and or agitate and vacuum so Now I'm just going to hit the agitator And agitate a little bit The agitator doesn't seem too happy for Me to really be working it hard and it Really doesn't stick down too far below The bottom there so I can't really get Deep like right here it's almost missing The carpet Right here you see where it's where it's Not even hitting And even here as well Okay now we're going to go ahead and try To pull that out Okay I don't think I'm pulling out much Solution at all so I'm going to come Back and try to soak this down a little More Maybe I don't have enough solution in Here

I've used about that entire bottle So I would think that's plenty Let me turn the vacuum on with the Extractor Foreign Foreign So you can see it's definitely Getting some junk out of here But it's working pretty hard to do it Not so sure if not just taking a spot Cleaner And taking a hand brush or a brush on Your drill Still tons of dirt in there that's for Sure Well to be Honest one It cluster as far as performance goes Did it lift some junk out of the carpet Yes and I know that floor mat was pretty Nasty and really a vacuum did a lot of Work on it but you know it again it did Pull it's been sitting a while now but It did pull some junk out of there but What really blew me away is how much Product it used up all you used up Almost that a complete bottle on that Real small section however it is meant To be a spot cleaner it's not meant to Clean your whole vehicle or to clean Your whole rug or house or whatever so You know if you had a dog accident or if You spilled a small Coke or something Like that and needed to lift that stain

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Out it'll probably work pretty good and It's pretty cool that kind of Everything's contained however the Vacuum's not that well of a vacuum the Agitator is not that well of an agitator Um and the sprayer puts down a lot of Product and the fact that you know the Sprayer is pretty atypical in the fact That typically the sprayer is behind the Agitator and or the vacuum so that You're spraying it down and then lifting It up behind it but again I get it you You've got to do something here and you Got to contain everything in one unit so To be a handheld unit again it's not That small either it's 120 bucks for the Bare tool so without the battery you're Looking at 120 then you need to add your 18 volt one plus battery now you can buy It with a 2 Amp Hour battery and a Charge and I think it's about 50 150 Dollars and it comes with a three year Warranty now I don't want to just scoff At this I think it could be a good Product for those small areas that You're needing to lift that stain out Pretty quickly I don't think it's going To be a Workhorse like a detailer would Want or somebody that's just an avid car Guy that's wanting to clean all the Carpets things like that I think you're Going to waste a lot of product and the Vacuum is going to be a bit lackluster But for a unit that you want to just put

Away and store way and have it kind of All inclusive as you need to get to it It might work out well for you so check It out it's the PCL 756 also keep track Of us on Instagram Facebook Twitter and Even Tick Tock and if you haven't done So already would you hit that subscribe Button and by the way if you hated our Video then hit the thumbs down but would You let us know in the comments why have A great day keep smiling