SAFE SAW? SawStop 10″ Compact Table Saw with Active Injury Mitigation

We teamed up with @Acmetools to review this SawStop 10″ Compact Table Saw. #sponsored 10-inch carbide tooth saw blade turning at 4,000 RPM. Can you make this safe? Probably not. However, SawStop has done its best to lessen the severity of injuries on their SawStop Table Saws. Even this CTS 10″ Compact Table Saw includes its Active Injury Mitigation (AIM), which fires a chunk of aluminum into the spinning blade when it senses flesh. Flesh-sensing blade technology. You can get this saw from ACME Tools for $899.
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SawStop Compact Table Saw:

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The cell with finger saving technology No hot dog saving technology actually It's neither [Music] We teamed up with Acme Tools to bring You the saw stop compact 10 inch table Saw now in addition to the automated Technology that actually stops the blade When it senses some type of Flesh it Also is packed full of other features as Well as being very well organized now Let's dig into all these features and Yes we're going to test that additional Brake cartridge they sent us let's get Started this is the sawstop compact Table saw no long product number to know There just the uh even known as the CTS So 10 inch compact table saw probably Something like a job site saw that you Would carry to jobs or to keep in your You know shop garage what have you the Cool thing about this it has these saw Stop technology on the blade and really On the brake cartridge and we'll get Into that here in a moment but Specifically it has the aim technology Which is the active injury mitigation That's the key word there mitigation it Is not Hazard removal or safe table saw It's active injury mitigation those are The words chosen by saw stop and I think It's great because if you look at the Word mitigation it means the action of Reducing severity seriousness or

Painfulness of something so you have not Eliminated the threat sawstop has not Removed a spinning 10 inch saw blade That's still in there but what they've Done is they've mitigated or lessened The severity if something is to happen So treat a table saw like a table saw Whether it has the saw stop name on it The aim technology or not treat a table Saw like a table saw that's the number One thing I want to make sure that People understand Just because we've added something or They've added something to lessen the Severity of it doesn't mean that you've Removed the hazard at all anyway let's Move on saw stop we have the AIM Technology which if you haven't seen it Before basically this is kind of it in a Nutshell and basically one of these Cartridges is inside the saw and we'll Get to that and we'll probably even Change this out here shortly I'm not Going to explain how that works but I'll Show you how it works because they sent Us an extra one we might as well use it As I mentioned we have a 10 inch blade And typical Table saw fashion you basically crank This to raise the blade now on some of Their other saws it's like a one turn And raises the blade all the way up one Turn and lowers it down not on the Compact model you do have to crank it

Several times to crank the blade up not A big deal to me but the cool thing About this is if we're adjusting our Miter angle so if we're adjusting this Angle here all I have to do is number One I can micro adjust just by turning This And it'll move it slowly or I can just Pull it in and I can move this wherever I need to and set it at say 22 and a Half and then again fine tune that as I Need to pull it in again slam it back to Zero and we're good to go very large Push to stop and pull to start button There a couple of other things here we Have a master power switch and then we Have the AIM bypass so that is the Bypass here it's like a key and again We'll show that when we use it but Basically you power on turn this over And then you'll have some status lights Here that will show you that the bypass Has been disabled so it won't go into The aim technology where it stops the Blade and helps to mitigate any possible Injuries the maximum table size on this Is 23 inches wide And 22 and 5 8 inches deep so blade all The way up we get a three to eight inch Cutting capacity and at a 45 degree we Get a Max of Two and a eighth inch Cutting capacity looks like actually a Little bit more than two and eight maybe Even closer to two and a quarter but

Anyway at a 45 you're looking at two and Eight and at 90. Or at zero you're looking at three and Eight inches we get a 15 amp motor uh That's turning this blade at 4 000 RPM We get a Max rip capacity on the right Side of the blade of 24 and a half Inches and on the left side of the blade At nine and a half inches using the Standard fence and rack and pinion System that we have on the saw now this Saw is not exactly light it weighs about 68 pounds but it's not too bad to handle And it's not something you're carrying Around all the time anyway so that's Kind of expected seems to be built very Well nice and sturdy everything we've Used so far it's been very solid now I Mentioned a rack and pinion fence system So as you see here I can't crank this Knob it's actually locked all I have to Do is pull this out that unlocks the System and now I can just turn this and It's going to move Our whole table To the right to the left not really Moving the table it's going to move the Fence so the fence is riding on these Guide rails but it's operated by this Rack and pinion system here and bushings Built onto the saw as well So again full nine and a half inches to The left and 24 inches to the right and We have an easy sight line of the actual

Mark there where we can actually see our Measurements from the left or to the Left and to the right as well So two different measurements above and Below Now in addition to the active injury Mitigation on this saw the other great Thing about it is it really just has a Place for everything they've kind of Thought of everything you see the cord Wrap right here on the base of the Machine keeping that cord nice and Compact and out of the way when you're Not using it also the fence you can see Is tucked up under here under the table And on the fence is also our push stick So that Clips in there Holds in there tightly again easy to put That fence right back up here just Mounts underneath Close the clips and it's back in place Turn the saw to the back and you see This lock and unlock lever here just Flip that to the unlock lay this back Get out what you need or you can just Remove it you can pull out your blade Guard your riving knife your spreader The anti-kickback paws the miter gauge They even have a place that I can store Additional brake cartridges so I can Push that in there as well so this Little back compartment really houses All the tools that you'll need and then After after you're done with the day

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Put it back in there close it up and Everything's nice and compact you see Here's our dust extraction Port so Outside dimensions is two and a half and Inside dimensions looks right at two and A quarter so two and a half on the Outside two and a quarter on the inside Now even in the top of this insert on The back are your Arbor wrenches which is also used if you Grab this one here it's kind of got a Little like a more of a tapered flat Head and when you need to service the Brake cartridge you actually push this In here like this you don't have to take Out any of these screws just push this In here like this and just kind of pry Up on it a little bit And basically just pushes that clip and That swings out of the way and then if You need to service this you run the Blade up and you can pull out the brake Cartridge we will do that here in a few Moments I'm not going to do it right This second but we'll easily change that Out show you how to do it but that's Just access to it Close it back down and now you're good To go and again you don't have to remove Any of these screws to be able to access And service that sawstop also offers a Compact table saw small stand that Easily folds up and Tucks away and it Holds the saw very well also you see

These locking tabs on the front and the Back the front is here and I'll show you Why in a moment but just so you know the Front has the basically the the two Cradles and the lock and the back only Has the single cradle and the single Lock now the best way I've seen to do This is just kind of grab this thing and Muscle it in here and then make sure You're centered here because you have a Kind of a roll out here that kind of Cradles the saw and then you can flip This over lock it on the rear do the Same thing and now it's actually locked Into the stand now before we turn this Thing on and actually cut with it I Wanted to go over a couple of things and I don't care whether it's a saw stop or Whether it's the Joe Blow saw company I Would highly recommend when you take Your table saw out of the package it Goes with a miter saw as well Check all your critical angles and Squareness and and trueness and things Like that just a couple of quick Measurements will just make your life a Lot easier now if you're rough cutting Lumber and you don't care that's fine I Get it I absolutely get it but otherwise And you know this takes just a few Seconds crank this blade up And I would recommend cranking it all The way up and by the way don't have it Plugged in and then I've got this real

Quick square right here this is actually I think from fast cat but anyway it's Got magnets on the bottom which on an Aluminum top that's not going to help You however it will Stick to that blade right there And if we look here out of the package And by the way don't test your trueness Or your squareness to the actual insert Here the throat plate or whatever you Want to call this the guard don't test It here test it against the table that's Where you're going to have your product Riding or your wood riding so that's What you want to test for squareness now I've got this bottomed all the way out At zero and you see we're off now it Probably doesn't take me shining a light To see but you can see We are in contact right there and right Here significant amount of light coming Up under there so we're off quite a ways Here on being true now in all fairness I Created that I actually adjusted it out Um to where it would show this Gap here When I got the saw was actually pretty True it wasn't exact but it was it was Very close to being true but obviously That's not true there at all now we can Easily adjust this let me show you how Now you can see we have three Allen Screws right here right here right here And right here now this one shows you That it has a two degree negative two

Degree positive swing so it has a four Degree swing basically there's a cam Bolt back there where we can adjust but First we need to loosen up this one and You can just back it off a quarter turn Or so maybe a half turn So I backed off those a half turn and Now with your Square on the blade And make sure by the way that you're at Your zero point Would just I don't know what was that a sixteenth Of a turn now I'm true I can tighten Those screws And now my blade is nice and square or Nice and perpendicular to the table so Now we'll show you again with it right There On our Square We should see that light start to Disappear There we go a little more And that looks like we're pretty good Right there and again we clamp down our Screws and now our blade is nice and True and that goes for the same thing Here on the fence as well so put your Fence on Clamp it down and then take your tape Measure and measure on this side of the Fence and the blade the opposite side of The fencing blade and if you need to Actually true that up to where it make Sure it's cut and square then you can

Actually loosen these Allen heads up and Adjust that a little bit to it to where You know that it's nice and parallel With the blade so take a few minutes out Of the box adjust all that to make sure That you're cutting nice and true nice And square then you know you're dialed In now if you want to run a blade guard And a riving knife well actually the Driving knife is on there right now if You want to remove that you can easily Just flip this red lever right here Again you make sure that your saw is Unplugged flip this lever here and then Push this over and pull that out So if you don't want to run that you can Pull that out or if you're going to run The blade guard and I know some will say You should always run a blade guard I'm Not going to get into that that argument Right now for running the blade guard we Have to run this splitter Or The extra large driving knife whatever You want to call it Push that down lock that into place once You have the splitter in then the blade Guard this back pin here is going to go In this big old funky looking Groove There and it's going to slide in that Back spot And then you can just push it down and It locks into place take it off you can Slide it forward and the reverse pull

That off now you may want to first put On your guard Self-explanatory there and then again You can install The guard and then your anti-kickback Pawls so these nice sharp things here Keep wood from kicking back at you And that you're going to take this Spring right here And it's going to lock onto that That spring is going to lock on right There Slide that in and this is going to fit In that Groove So now as wood comes in those teeth grab And enable it not to let it kick back Take it off just to reverse kind of pick Those pawls up slide this forward Relieve that spring and now you can put That away now a couple of things about The fence let's go over And it easily installs then I can pull Out the lock and Be able to adjust this with the rack and Pinion now you can see when I move this Out over here on the opposite side Of the fence I have this little thing That floats around here now there's a Couple of things I can do with this I can flip this over and what it enables Me to do is now have a fence here that's Not all the way against the the main Fence so I can do it that way however I Can also move this on out and now you

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Can see as I move out to say you know Match cut capacity Which is the 24 and a half inches so now I'm at the max of my rack and pinion Rail system and you can see we have no Table here well what I can do with this Now is you see these two slots right Here if I raise this out drop it down to The next one now what this is this is Now level with my table now as I come in You will see now my fence here is level At the table so in other words when that Product is hanging out there it's now Resting on top of this and using the Main fence as the fence Rather than this or again as I said I Can raise that up a level and now that's Above the table And again on the opposite side of my Fence is my push stick for keeping my Fingers Out of the way of the blade you'll see Here these status lights once we plug The saw in this these are indicators for The front two lights up here by the Power button kind of let you know what What status you're in whether we have an Error going on whether we're in bypass Mode so you see when bypass mode is on The right light is off the left light is Green you can see coasting down so again You can read all this but basically this Is letting us know when we're seeing These lights here on the front what they

Actually mean we've got our saw plugged In we've got our blade blow deck not That that matters but just letting you Know going to power on Green light Flashing red light And now it's a blank light so green Light on the left blank light on the Right Let's power on Very fast power up by the way if you Notice full speed I would say probably Within a second Okay and you see the blinking green Light telling us that the saw is Actually slowing down and now it stopped We get the solid green on the left and The blank light on the right so to go in The bypass mode we're going to turn the Power switch on the main power and then We're going to turn the bypass mode Switch until the red light flashes and Then we're going to pull out on the Start I'll try to keep my hands out of The way here when the red light flashes All right So while in bypass mode that green light Should flash slowly now if the red light Starts flashing very quickly and you're Cutting that's telling you that's a Conductive material so this is the way Not only can you turn bypass mode off But it's also the way to test Conductivity in the material you're

Cutting so you're not tripping that Brake cartridge so you can test that if You're concerned about maybe some wood That's set outside or something like That you can make a test cut in bypass Mode and if it's actually sensing that Conductivity it will flash that red Light and so now we should basically be Returned back once we push the stop Button power down we should be returned Back to where now the bypass mode is off So we get that regular activation of the Assist the brake system So make sure when you power the system Up that you wait for the indicator Lights to quit flashing And then power up Because it's actually going through a Testing sequence every time it starts up So you can't just flip it on and pull That out immediately okay we're going to Rip down a simple piece of pressure Treated 2 by Lumber I think this was a Two by eight and we made some cuts on it Anyway it's uh Kind of not so straight edge on it uh The other sides Manufactured it so we should be able to Rip from that okay so let's uh just turn It on and run it through okay we'll Power on [Music] [Music] [Music]

By the way we do have dust extraction on Had quite a bit of residual fund back at Us but I'm pretty sure that's because I Was ripping right at the edge of the Lumber so let's take a bigger bite at This and see if we can pull more of that Dust away from that blade [Applause] [Music] Foreign So we did catch a little bit more debris But you're going to have some dust still Flying in there even with the best Extraction on so I want to touch on Something else you saw when I ran my Fence in basically I've got to stop Right there and that's past my zero and That's as far as in as it'll go now I Can move my fence over to this screw Right here so let's do that And now watch what happens when I get Here Number one let's get our Get our paw and our blade guard off And we'll run this over to where we can Get really close to the blade but you Still see I'm still shopping stopping a Little short now you probably don't need To run in close to the blade but if you Did what you can do is right here and Regardless of which side of the blade I'm on if I come in here and this is Hitting I can just push this in bring it All the way in as close as I need and

That's going to let me run all the way Into the blade but as soon as I run back Out It clicks into place and keeps me from Doing so again now what I'm going to do Take another piece of pressure treated Lumber I'm going to lower that blade Down to where just coming through the Top I've removed my blade guard and my Divider I've just got my simple writhing Knife in there and we're going to watch This as we cut see if maybe we can do Some better on Dust collection So even though we're not perfect here We've still got some uh some dust in Particulate that's coming off of this Blade you can see when we lowered the Blade down to where it's just kind of Piercing the thickness of the wood that We're cutting and we're cutting Something you know a little past the Blade as well as far as left we're doing Better dust extraction and pulling away More of that into our dust extractor and Less going all over the shop but I don't Think you're ever going to totally Eliminate it on a table saw like this Unless you get one with a hood that's Actually extracting more but then that Limits you more of of how much or how Little you can actually cut off things Like that but anyway it does a decent Job at removing a lot of the particular And just to make sure we can cut

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Hardwoods we've got a piece of I believe This is eight quarter so two inches Thick of purple heart which has got a Very hard Jenga score it's way up there So anyway we're going to see can we cut This on the saw stop table saw [Music] [Applause] Foreign Well as I expected it did not like Cutting this hard Purple Heart Wood now I didn't expect it would we should be Using probably like a 60 tooth blade on Here this was the 24 tooth blade that Comes with this saw meant for cutting Again plywood Lumber things like that Not hardwood something that would be Furniture grade like this but we did Want to see hey would it do it it did You saw it kind of wanted to chatter a Little bit again that's because it was a 24 tooth blade cutting something so hard We should have had something a lot finer In there but again it had the power to Cut this you just had to feed it slow And let it do the work So we're now going to test out the aim Technology and we're going to see if we Can get this thing to fire By cutting something so what we're going To cut I'm going to cut some plywood but I'm also going to be running my hand in There and uh bring my hand all the way In and touch that blade yes my god-given

Hand [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] And there you have it I can see a tiny Nick On that hot dog right there now I know I Wasn't feeding really fast but I was Feeding at a decent place and barely a Neck on that hot dog So quite extraordinary how this works Now this quite possibly damages your Blade where you need to replace your Blade and then obviously you're going to Have to replace the cartridge however it Probably saved an appendage or at least A lot of problems with an appendage Anyway let's get this out it's really Easy to remove this cartridge however With it the blade buried into it it Might be a little tougher first thing we Want to do is remove the blade To make sure power's off unplugged all That good stuff And once you get it all broke free It'll come out all in one piece like That so just make sure everything's kind Of clean you may want to blow it out Wipe it down whatever you have a Serial Port connection right there that Connects with the cartridge right there And basically they just slide on these Pins it's pretty easy

Once you get the pins lined up slide it Straight on should make a connection no Problem at all Once it's all the way on then we take This key right here the lock slide it in Turn it down that locks everything into Place and then make sure you lock down Your riving knife And with it locked down that little red Tab should fold over the top of the Cartridge just a bit Then fold down your cover Lock that into place yes I still have All my appendages including my hot dog Finger Um listen even with that on the end of My finger it was quite a bit of pucker Power if you will Um as that happened and it happens very Fast and I don't recommend you try this At all and don't overtake the cover off And all the stupid stuff that we did we Did it all in the realm of safety Obviously anyway tested it out and I'm Telling you if I didn't tell you where It was you'd be hard-pressed to find the Mark that it put on that hot dog very Amazing technology and how it works now There's a very good chance that when This happens or if this happens to you That it's going to ruin the blade as Well as obviously the cartridge is going To be done now the cartridge is going to Run you about 95 and depending on what

Type of Blade you run you know you might Be out 40 60 100 150 bucks whatever type Of Blade you're running now in this case There are two carbide teeth that are Missing off of this blade that are Probably somewhere buried in the midst Of this cartridge here and obviously the Cartridge is damaged you see all the Aluminum in addition to right here in The holes where the blade embedded it Also distorted all this so tons of force To actually stop that blade and if You'll notice it not only stops the Blade but it also drops the blade below The deck and that's partly the reason Why it saves your flesh so well because It's not only stopping the rotation it's Dropping that Hazard down below the deck So now you can't touch it any longer so A couple of things are happening with The inertia so this cartridge in here Fires the aluminum in to the rotating Blade and that rotating blade and Inertia helps to pull that blade down Below deck and really remove that Dangerous best they can really and truly The best the best term is the mitigating The mitigating the severity of what's Happening so as we mentioned in the Beginning don't take this to be your Safety device that you can just treat This however you want to so let's talk About performance of the saw it cuts Pretty well power's there it's a 15 amp

Saw it you can cut through you know two By material you can cut through plywood You can cut through hardwood when you Get into the denser stuff like that Hardwood we were cutting you're going to Have to slow up a little bit probably Use a better blade so it's not the most Powerful saw in the world but Organization wide it's probably the best I mean it has a place for everything Everything's nice and compact you don't Have loose items as you as you leave the Job site unless you have extra blades But an extra cartridge is going to fit In there and everything's going to fit Nice and compact in the tool even cord Wrap things like that and we even like The locks there built on to the to the Stand as well so some pretty cool Features on this price on this saw is Going to be 899 dollars so you're paying 900 for this table saw is it the most Powerful and most features saw we've Ever used no at the same time this is Down in that job site table saw range And you're not going to find this Technology on any other saw or any type Of Technology like it as of yet so if You're wanting to lessen the severity of Possible injuries then saw stop is Probably the way you want to go be sure To check it out from Acme Tools we'll Have a link in the description also keep Track of us on Instagram Facebook

Twitter and even Tick Tock hey and if You don't mind would you hit that like And subscribe button if you haven't done So already and by all means if you hated Our video well give us a thumbs down but Would you let us know in the comments Why have a great day keep smiling